Chapter 5: Into a New Universe

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Warning: Censored swearings, improper words, racism, and violences (such as decapiated head, beheading, and some blood)

Here is Chapter 5 you are been waiting for. The trio (C. Miller, Yananha Aki, and Slavparvez21's OC, George Walker) are teleported somewhere in a different Mulitverse (not theirs'). Can you guess what it is in the Chapter? Comment your answers down below.

Now let's get back to the story.

Play Music- Optional

(For C. Miller ans Yananha Aki)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(For George Walker)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Our Three Trios (C. Miller, Yananha Aki, and George Walker)

After entering the unstable Potral they entered, the trio are sent flying around a void around them. The path wirled around and around as the three men were not sure where they will end up.

C. Miller: "Any Ideas Where We're Going?!?"

Yananha Aki: "No Idea! Just Hold Each Other's Hand So We Don't Get Lost In The Stream Energy Path!!!"

George Walker: "That Was Not How This Happened To Me And My Team! We Went Into The Portal And We're Here In A Matter Of Seconds Without Going Thought This!"

C. Miller then remembered early how one of the German Rifleman fired a shot at him but it missed and hit the controllers. Maybe that could explain the sitution they were in.

But before he could tell his fellow Americans, they were pulled from their path into a small vortex. Before C. Miller knew, everything around him went dark.

Meanwhile In Neo-Axis Base

Alarms were heard around the base as personal headed to where the explosion was. They helped out their comrades tripped in the rumbles.

The two Neo-Axis leaders, Hans Von Heinkels and Mikito Izumato rushed to the scene and discover what had happened.

Hans Von Heinkels: "Was ist passiert? (What happened?)."

German Officer: *Salutes* "Mein Führer, es scheint, dass die Amerikaner entkommen und sogar unsere Teleportationsmaschine zerstört haben. (My Führer, it appears the American ecsape and even destroyed our teleportation machine)."

Mikito Izumato: "How was the American able to escape? We had guards torturing him."

German Officer: "There appears to be an OSS Agent disguised as one of your men, Izumato. Also they appeared to call some backup of US Army Paratroopers."

The German Officer and others explained more details how they able to killed 5 of the paratroopers before one of them, the OSS Agent, and the US Marine named Miller escaped into the potral as it exploded.
Just as he finished, a Wehrmacht soldier about 18 years old's hand bust out of the rumble as he struggle to get out of the rumble.

Both Hans and Mikito saw the soldier's struggle and immediately rushed to the soldier's help.

Hans Von Heinkels: "Es wird dir wieder gut gehen. (You're going to be okay)."

After getting the young Wehrmacht soldier to a med aid station, they repeated the same thing. They helped any wounded soldiers in the rubbles. This sounds werid as they were the leaders and high-ranking officers but they both cared about their men and didn't dare leave them to die unless if it is for the greater good.

They made one last trip and helped an Imperial Japanese soldier as a Medic came to aid them.

/Pretend they're in the Underground base and these two Japanese are having a conversation about something. Pretend the German medic is around here. Also this photo is from AFGuidesHD video on the Japanese mod that is created by someone else./

Mikito Izumato: '山本さん、お住まいになります。ただそこにいてください。(You're going to live, Yamamoto. Just stay in there)."

They manage to reached the medic station just in time as another medic took over and got the wounded Yamamoto to a medic bed to fix his wounds. Everyone in the base were shock as they never seen any leaders do that. Usually they have the nomral guys and sometimes low-ranking officers and civilians do the work but any high-ranking officers sounded unlikely. This was also evidenced of the two Neo-Axis officer's dirty uniforms but they didn't care as they were focus on saving others than on themselves.

As they came out of the medical room, General Karl Batz of the Heer (Army of the Wehrmacht) came up to them along with a couple of scientists. They saluted to the leaders with the Nazis salute.

Karl Batz and scientists: "Heil Heinkels!"

Hans Von Heinkels and Mikito Izumato saluted back as a sign of respect to their men. Both cared deeply about their men than themselves.

Hans Von Heinkels: "Also, was sind die Neuigkeiten, die Sie gebracht haben? (So what's the news you brought?)"

Karl Batz: "Mein Führer. Wir stellen fest, dass Ihre Teleportationsmaschine oder die Überreste davon noch betriebsbereit sind. (Mein Fuhrer. We discover that your teleportation machine or what's left of it is still operational)."

Hans Von Heinkels: "Und die schlechten Nachrichten? (And the bad news?)."

Nazi Scientist: "Die Reparatur unserer Teleportationsmaschine wird eine Weile dauern, vielleicht sogar Jahre, bis sie betriebsbereit ist. (Repairing our teleportation machine will take a while, maybe even years to get it opertional)."

Although Hans Von Heinkels wasn't quite happy that things don't go his way or going to be a bit long, but his calmed himself. Who knows how long this alternate Third World War would last, so it's better to be patient and also observed his and Mikito's alternate nation tactics and stategy.

Hans Von Heinkels: "Sehr gut, dann. (Very well then)."

The Scientists and General Karl Batz left leaving Hans Von Heinkels and Mikito Izumato alone.

Hans Von Heinkels: "Miki, I'm starting to think that maybe revealing our plans to him wasn't a great idea. Woth thhe knowledge we gave him, the American could rised an army to destroy our plan."

Mikito Izumato: "I agree but at least we didn't told him how we got our technology. He'll believe that we created it when we actually got it from powerful beings. However we must not underestimate our enemy like most villians do."

Hans Von Heinkels: "Agree. Those silly villians in stories think they could force the hero into defeat by foolish revealing their plans or doing something bad to their loved ones that would only make them more determine. If we don't kidnapped C. Miller's loved ones or do anything that would make him determined, this could have C. Miller give up and maybe joined us."

Mikito Izumato: "Possibly but we must be one step ahead of the American. Even a single Private could changed the tide of warfare."

Hans Von Heinkels: "Luckily there's so many universes that this would take a while for him to build up a resistance movement. However like you said, never underestimate our enemy. Plus I have some scientists from the other universe where the Nazis won."

Mikito Izumato: "May I see them."

Hans Von Heinkels: "Sure thing. Follow me to the lab."

Meanwhile in Wolfenstein universe

In another alternate universe where Germany won World War 2, everyone in Nazi-occupied America were cheering or excited. The news was everywhere in Nazi America that the terrorist, William "BJ" J. Blazkowicz was to be executed at Washington D.C.

However the resistance group, the Kreisau Circle had a plan.

(Warning: This video will have a beheading and a decapitated head part so don't watch it if you find it too violence)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kreisau Circle were able to save William J. Blazkowicz's head from being burned and ensuring his head starts alive, they were jow rebuilding him into a supersoldier body. He blinked for all super soldier parts. All he lasr remembered was his love, Anya Oliwa, kissing him despite being in a jar with no body before he blacken out.

It was a moment before he woke up. He find himself in an empty field deprived of any life. Strangely he could feel his old body despite being seperated from it early by that Nazi ba#%*d, Irene Engel. He couldn't wait to get that Nazi woman for what she done to him.

Suddenly he could hear march of metal boots behind him.

He turned around to be face with none other than the faction he hated and caused terror to.....


Except these Nazis appeared to have more advanced technology than the one he was fighting.

He punched his fists together. Even if they were more advanced, Nazis were still Nazis and he hated them for their actions such as elmination of the so-called Jewish race they viewd as Sub-human.

When the Nazi soldiers saw him, they opened fire. William J. Blazkowicz dragged behind cover behind a concrete wall. When the commander ordered a squad to go check out if they got him, he ambushed the squad took their weapons.
Then he dual-wield his new weapons onto the Nazi soldiers.

He took on the entire Nazi army until every single Nazi soldier was dead. The last one was pleading for his life but William showed no mercy to him.

William J. Blazkowicz: "After everything you done to Anerica and her people for your violet actions. I'm afraid not Nazi #$&*er." *Kills the last Nazi soldier*

However just as he finished killing the last one he heard a voice behind him.

???: "Well, well, well. If it isn't the mighty William J. Blazkowicz."

BJ turned around to discover a figure cover in darkness. He couldn't get a clear shot at the man but he knew that he was a Nazi due to his uniform.
Not sparing a moment, he pointed the gun to the man's face.

William J. Blazkowicz: "Listen you Mo$#&*$&%#$er. You may try to stop me but I'll always be back along with my friends and soon we're going kick the Fu$&ing Reich off American soil! Back to your soil."

However the SS officer only laughed at him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Apparently the SS officer wasn't scared with a gun pointed to his face that only made William J. Blazkowicz more confused.
Before he could do something, he was tasered in the leg but two soldiers in the leg, dropping his weapon. He tried to fight back but he was soon restained with one of the Nazi soldiers having a gun pointed at his face.

William J. Blazkowicz: "Just wait till my friends come then we'll kick your Nazi a#%es!!!"

Myterious Nazi Officer: "Oh really Terror Billy. I'm afraid not. Show him what we did to his friends."

William J. Blazkowicz was confused but to his horror, his frineds were brought to him. Some of them were brainwashed into loyal Nazi subjects with the exeception of his crush, Anya.

Anya Oliwa (Vision): "William, I hate you. You told me we would get rid of the Nazis of America bit they showed usnthat they were creating a better world and you're only trying to destroy it."

William J. Blazkowicz: "NO!!! That's not true Anya. The Nazis were commiting atrocities around the world. You're brainwashed!!!"

Anya Oliwa (Vision): "I never longer love you. Goodbye William." *Leaves*

William J. Blazkowicz: "Anya don't leave!!!"

There was nothing William J. Blazkowicz could do as Anya left in front of his eyes. Although he was aware that he was in a dream and this wasn't the real Anya, he couldn't imagine if the real Anya did that to him.
Then the myterious Nazi officer spoke to William with his terrorizing voice.

Myterious Nazi Officer: "Soon my new Nazi German Reich will replace the reich and every resistance in this universe shall fall under my reign!!!"

William J. Blazkowicz: "Universe? What do you mean by that?"

Myterious Nazi Officer: "I'm not going to tell you Jew scum."

Then William J. Blazkowicz watched in horror as his friends salute to the Myterious Nazi officer. As cheers and praises could be heard, the officer got bigger. Then laughs started to target BJ along with propaganda showing him doing terrbile things.
He felt fear building up inside as his nightmare got worse.

"Heil Heinkels!!!"

"Smash Terror Billy!!!"

Myterious Nazi officer: "I hope you enjoy your new life Jew Scum." *Laughs*

He lifted his giant foot on top of William J. Blazkowicz as the two Nazi soldiers secure him to ensure he does not escape. Then the officer brought his foot down his William brace for impact before waking up from his nightmare.

He turned around to see Anya, the real one, in his arms. Shoshana, a hybird animal came up to William to which he pets to have him calm himself from the nightmare he just had. How long had he been out? Maybe hours.

Anya woke up to discover that the head transplant worked, William J. Blazkowicz was now back except from the looks of his face that he seen a ghost or something. First she needed to let the others know that BJ was back so she called Set Roth.

Set Roth: "I wasn't sleeping. I was awake. I'm...Neu gotte. You're back William."

Anya: "Well the head transplant worked but when he woke up, he was spooked from something. It wasn't from his new body, but from something as if he saw a ghost."

Set Roth: "Billy is something wrong? You're face appears to be spook but something."

William J. Blazkowicz: "I had a nightmare. I'll explain more when we get the others together."

Random universe

The potral opened up and shot down the three Americans who were unconscious. As they fell from the sky, Yananha Aki was the first to wake up.

Yananha Aki: "I wonder wh..... Oh God!!! We're falling from the sky!!! I need to wake the others up!"

He leaned forward to first wake up 1st Lt. George Walker.

Yananha Aki: "Walker, Wake Up!!!"

George Walker: *Starts to wake up* "Hmmm..... What Aki?"

Yananha Aki: "I know I don't want you to panic but we're falling out of the sky."

George Walker: "What?!?"

Yananha Aki: "We're talk later. Do you got any spare parachute?"

George Walker: "Yes, I do have one."

Yananha Aki: "Good because we're going have to use it to slow our fall. Get your parachute ready while I get Miller." *Leans forward to get C. Miller*

Yananha Aki did his best to get close to C. Miller as close as possible. Once he was close enough to the body, he grabbed it with his hands. Then he used his remaining strength to reach Walker who now find the lever for his spare parachute to release.
The parachute slowed down their fall although three men made their fall a bit hard to slow. As they slowly headed toward the ground, C. Miller woke up.

C. Miller: "Hmm..... What happened while I was asleep?"

Yananha Aki: "Well it's a long story but I'll explain when we land."

C. Miller: "Wait, are we floating in the air?"

George Walker: "Well floating down, correct there Marine."

Unfortunately, the parachute got caught on a branch causing C. Miller and Yananha Aki to fall to the ground but they were fine.
Walker wasn't having a good time as he struggle to get himself out of his parachute.

Yananha Aki: "Hang in there Walker, we're coming."

George Walker: "I got this Aki. Just check on Miller okay."

Although he didn't like leaving someone up on a tree, Yananha Aki knew he had to check on his friend because who knows if he's wounded.
He ran up to C. Miller who was groaning a bit from a stomachache. Although the stomach pain was going away, C. Miller could feel the pain from the rock hitting his stomach early. The good news was that his friend came up to him and check to make sure he was alright.

Yananha Aki took of C. Miller's belt before unbuttoning his uniform jacket and pulling up his shirt. Then he searched to look for any wounds. After checking for any wounds, he find one but it wasn't major with just a little bleeding.

Yananha Aki: "You got some bleeding wounds, Miller. Just stay calm, it's just a minor wound."

Yananha Aki searched for a bandage in Miller's bag and found one. First he washed the wound and then appiled the bandage. (This is not how it would work but I'm doing my best to make it realistic as possible.)
Just as he finished, George Walker panded down with thud.


George Walker: "I'm good. Just broke a few of my toes."

C. Miller: "So any ideas where we are?"

Yananha Aki: "I don't know but we're in a forest of some sort."

C. Miller: "And it's nightime. We should get some rest first and then figure out where we landed."

Yananha Aki: "Great idea. Hopefully some locals or an Allied army nearby might spotted us and coming soon."

C. Miller unrolled his sleeping bag while Yananha Aki used his haversack as a pillow. As they were setting up their beds, Yananha Aki notice that George Walker was out alone in the dark. Worried about the 19yr old Paratrooper, he walked towards him.

George Walker was crying and devastated over the loss of his five friends. They weren't just friends, but his brothers (not the related relative type) and he knew them since D-Day. He was responsible for them and he could have decline the offer to go on a secret OSS operation. All his friends, their bodies left behind just to be forgotten.
The good thing was that he had all their dog tags so they will always be with him. Still he couldn"5 get pver their deaths.

George Walker: *Crying* "This is all my fault."

Yananha Aki: "It wasn't your fault Walker."

Walker kinda overreacted as he nearly killed Yananha with his combat ax. Luckily he saw his face and calmed down.

George Walker: "Oh it's you Aki. Sorry, I thought you were something coming to get me or something."

Yananha Aki: "That's alright there Walker. Why are you out here in the dark all alone?"

George Walker: "I...." *Crys*

George Walker was so sad that he buried his face into Yananha Aki's creast. Although he was 19, he kept crying as tears formed stream on his face.

George Walker: "All my friends, Astor......Waston....Massey.....Roycewicz....and Kierzek. All gone when it should have been me. They could have been going home instead of dying in an unknown place."

Yananha Aki did his best to calm George understanding why he was sad.

Yananha Aki: "That's why it's call war. In war, no one makes it out."

Although half-asleep, C.Miller could heard Yananha Aki and George Walker's conversation. The mention of the loss of his squad struck Miller hard as he remembered losing a friend of his back in White Beach, Peleui, Stg. Tom Sullivan.
He remembered how he was stabbed before the officer was put down from both his M1 Garand and John Roebuck's Thompson.

(Flashback Optional)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


As Yananha Aki returned with George Walker, C. Miller knew that Walker was in the same stitution as he was when he lost Sullivan. He knew he had to try to calm him down. But he had to give uo something.

C. Miller: "Walker, you can sleep in my sleeping bag."

George Walker: "But I thought you were sleeping in that?"

C. Miller: "I was going to but since you're stressed right now, I gave up mine so you could have a comfortable sleep."

Although shock by what was happening, George Walker accepted the offer. But when he got in the sleeping bag and got ready to sleep, he thought he saw a figure in the dark.

George Walker: "Hmm... Guys? Did you see a figure in the dark?"

C. Miller: "I think I did."

Yananha Aki: "Same here."

C. Miller: "Probably just our imagination playing tricks on us. Let's get some sleep to refresh our brains."

George Walker settle down on his borrowed sleeping bag while C. Miller and Yananha Aki slept together on a tree. C. Miller slept with his helmet on as a pillow while Yananha Aki slept on C. Miller's haversack.

Little did the three Americans knew that they were being watched by a hooded figure in the wood.
This was the longest chapter I wrote.

I know that some are you might be in rage for using Hans Von Heinkels and Mikito Izumato caring about their men when they should be the bad guys. Well I don't support Nazism and the Japanese war crimes were terrbile but you got to remember that the Allies (the so-called "Good Guys. No offend to any WW2 veteran or their relatives) also commited their own war crimes. So I decided show some humanly act Hans and Mikito did.
I'm not a Neo-Axis supporter, just want to things realistic. I wanted to show the other side as humanley as possibly unlike how xjames2001 does with his Neo-Axis leaders (No offend though).

I did the Hilda part and this time I nailed it doing it slowly as possbile. I used Hilda: Falling Star fanfiction as a reference while trying to change parts to make it my own. Hope everyone likes this version better.

Now here are some questions:

1.Who is this myterious hooded figure?

2. What vision did both Iroh and William J. Blazkowciz saw of an sic fi fiction?

3.What army did the old lady say will conquer Trolberg?

4.What multiverse did C. Miller, Yananha Aki, and George Walker landed in?

5.What does the myterious hooded figure want with our characters (C. Miller, Aki, and Walker)?

Answer the five questions in the comments below.

I'm going to do a side chapter for JuanDeleon198's characters. This is me signning out.

Edit: I detled the Hilda and Avatar The Last Airbender part.

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