Chapter 6: The Neo-Axis Takeover

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I'm back with Chatper 6. It has been a while since Chapter 5.5 but hope you're all happy with my return.

Now let's get this started.
Man In The High Castle Universe

World War 3 broke out between the Greater German Reich and Great Japanese Empires in 1950. Both powers clashed with each other for 10 years. As their war continue, their economies started to get worse and protest broke out around the two once-superpowers. They wanted the war to end as they had suffered too much but both their governments suppressed them and used some of the protest as communist uprising intending discourage any protest. This didn't work and the protest continues.

Some resistance groups such as the Black Communist Rebellion and the American resistance took this advantage to make a plan to kick the Axis off their countries. The American Resistance planned to unite their country and free the world from the Axis-controlled world.

However, little they did knew that in the darkness, two factions will reveal themselves to the entire world.

Hans Von Heinkels and Mikito Izumato and their supporters watched on a screen of everything unfolding. They both knew how much pain they brought to the regular people and the ones caught in the crossfire. But they knew that sacrifice need to be made for the greater good.

"Hans, I feel bad for civilians caught in the crossfire and how we cause destruction everywhere." said Mikito Izumato.

"Me too. I seen many horrible things on the Eastern and the Western Fronts." said Hans Von Heinkels. "But it appears now that with both Axis powers weaken and protest around the countries, we should use this advantage."

Mikito Izumato was a bit surprise upon hearing Heinkels' words as they were hiding for about 10 years from the entire universe. Despite this, he agree with his friend as hiding was done. It was time to show the weak Axis powers, the true Neo-Axis powers. "Shall we get get men ready?" Mikito Izumato said.

"Of course. It is time to change this world to our vision." said Hans Von Heinkels as he grined.

This was their time to rise.

In Germania, the captial of the Greater German Reich, was in total chaos. Riots were everywhere as protesters and the Gestapo clashed. Some protester attempted to use peaceful movements but they were targeted regardless either if they were peaceful or brutal.

Law and order has collapse. Chaos was everywhere.

Meanwhile in the Reichstag, the new Fürher had commited sucide as he knew that everything was his fault and he lead the Third Reich into its downfall. His remaining staff and military commanders were arguring what to do and who should lead the Third Reich.

It seem like the Third Reich would collaspe would some tank sound could be heard.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone paused to see what the heck that nosie was coming from. As they found the source, they were shock to see what was in front of them.

A tank was coming towards Germania. This was the Manus tank. This wasn't the old slow type but the Manus Mk II Panzer. It was much bit faster than the protype one of about 29km/h on average and 22 km/h on road. It even had some improved sights and cannon. The weakness was that it required a lot of fuel and it could break down if not taken care. Overall it was a good tank.

Behind the Manus Mk 2 Panzer was the Waffen SS soldiers in brand new gear and weapons. Ground vehicles trailed behind as helicopters flew up high to provide cover.

Upon seeing the myterious army that came up of nowhere, everyone stopped what they were doing. It was mostly from the scary looks and the vehicles that was marching up Germania.

A figure was peaking out of the Manus Mk 2. It was none other than Hans Von Heinkels. Hans Von Heinkels had been a tank commander before switching to the infantry. Still he find his previous experience usually as he and his army marched through the ruins of Germania.

Everyone didn't show nor any resistance or hostility to his army as they continue to the captial.

Meanwhile in Japan, people were demending in a peaceful protest that they wished for their emperor to make peace as they had enough of this war with Germany. They already lost their love ones and friends. However the Kenpeitai supress them with beatings and even showed no mercy when firing onto a crowd of peaceful protesters.

Also by that time, Emperor Akihito had commited seppuku along with his wife, Michiko as he dishonored the Japanese empire into chaos and wasn't a great leader as his father.

With a weaken economy and chaos everywhere, it seemed like the Japanese nation would fall apart and turned into Civil war.

But then everything changed when a myterious army appeared out of nowhere in Toyko. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watch as the myterious army marched by. In front of the army was Mikito Izumato.
He looked around his surrondings and sees the horrors of what had happened during the riots. Dead bodies, bullents, and blood fulled the streets. The Rising Dragon leader couldn't help but feel sorry to those he brought pain to but there was nothing he could do. Hopefully everyone doesn't show any resistance to his army.

After securing the city with his army, the Rising Dragon leader went into the imperal palace to discover the dead body of the previous emperor and his wife dead. There some servants who took their own lives. One of them was alive and was horrified when Mikito Izumato and his bodyguards marched in.

Curious on what happened to the royal family, Mikito Izumato asked what happened. "王室はどうなりましたか?(What happened to the royal family?)"

Although the servant was shock that an army officer came out of nowhere, he told the story what had happened.

After listening to the tragic story, Mikito Izumato decided to give the dead Emperor and his wife an honorable funneral. He felt bad after all since he had been a soldier in the Second Sino-Japanese war and World War 2.

Hopefully order will be restore to the Japanese nation.

Wolfenstein universe

The Kreisau Circle arrived at the broadcast station. They knew it was their only chance to rise American morale to fight the nazis off their land. A Second American Revolution but this time the Nazis instead of the British Empire.

William J. Blazkowicz knew this was the day to get his revenge on Irene Engel for what she had done.

"Feeling it Irene Engel. Doom is coming to you." said William J. Blazkowicz as he readied his ax. With his new supersoldier body, he'll show her that he won't die and wills come back from the dead.

The team captured the audio room where the operators were suprise to see BJ. He then made his way to the recording room where Irene Engel was having an interview with Jimmy Carver from the Jimmy Carver Show.

"So you really killed Terror Billy with an axe didn't you?" said Jimmy Carver to Irene Engel.

"Of course. It was a pleasure to get rid of ze terrorist of the German Reich." Irene Engel responded back. "Let this be a lesson to all resistance groups that threaten the German Reich."

William J. Blazkowicz got to an elevator and pressed the down button. He then readied himself to take out Irene Engel and start the 2nd American Revolution once and for all.

"Yeah! Forever grateful! General Engel!" said Jimmy Carver shouted out to all the audiences watching the program. "May I...."

Suddenly William J. Blazkowicz's elevator lowered down. This took Irene Engel off guard as she shouted. "You're Dead! I killed you!" as she reached for her weapon.

BJ charged at Irene Engel with his ax in his hand. He expected to teach that Nazi lady some lesson. However before he could get near to cut off her hand that had the gun pointing at him, two grenades landed in front of him.

Before he could react, an emp blast was activated following by a blinding flash of light.

His supersoldier body was deactivated as he was knocked to the ground by strange Nazi soldiers in different gears than the ones he usually fought.

These were the Todestruppen or the Death Troopers of the Fourth Reich.

(Have veil power that allows them to go faster and take enemies off guard.)

"Let Go Off Me!!!" shouted William J. Blazkowicz as he tried to fight back but to no avail due to his new body disabled from the emp blast.

The Todestruppen leader notice BJ continuing to resist so he gave him a warning. Wenn Sie sich weiterhin widersetzen, werden wir Ihre Freunde hinrichten. (If you continue to resist, we will execute your friends)."


"We have your friends! Any move and they die!" said the Todestruppen leader cold-hearted as a couple of Todestruppen are seen marching their prisoners in front of William J. Blazkowicz.
He could see that his friends were scared. He wanted to save everyone but he knew that if he made one move, everyone he knew dies including his love, Anya.

If it hadn't got more worse, an officer came into the recording room. Unlike other Nazi officials, this one didn't have any earphone or anything on him. It was almost as if he was wearing an old WW2 era uniform.

"Gut gemacht. (Good job.)" said the Nazi officer as he came in front of William J. Blazkowicz. "Well, well. Terror Billy back from the dead. You throught you and your friends could start a 2nd American Revolution."

William J. Blazkowicz was angry at that Nazi officer that he splited on the officer's face. One of the Deathtroopers hit him in the face as the officer wiped off the split.

"Who Are You? How Did You Know Our Plan!?!" shouted William J. Blazkowicz to the officer.

"I am Hans Von Heinkels." the officer responded back in a calm manner as he touched BJ's chin. "I hope you and your friends enjoy our new prison."

"Wait a minute." thought William J. Blazkowicz. "I remembered in my dream about the new Nazi leader called Heinkels. Could this be him?" "Then me and my friends will escape from that prison. I did it once, I can do that again."

The Nazi officer lauched lightly. "I'm afraid that our prison will be different this time. If you're wondering, well you and your terrorist friends will have to see it themselves." Hans Von Heinkels turned to the Todestruppens.

"Nimm ihn und seine Freunde aus meinen Augen. Und stellen Sie sicher, dass sie bewusstlos sind. (Take him and his friends from my sight. And make sure that they are unconscious)." Hans Von Heinkels shouted in German.

The Todestruppen obeyed their commander's order and knocked out the Kreisau Circle members and William J. Blazkowicz. They then took them out of the recording room as Irene Engel stood shocked and curious about that man.

"Sie heißen Hans Von Heinkels, nicht wahr? (Your name is Hans Von Heinkels isn't it)." said Irene Engel in curiosity.

"Ja. (Yes)." Hans Von Heinkels responded back.

"Ich bin ein bisschen neugierig, warum du eine alte SS-Uniform aus dem 2. Weltkrieg trägst. (I'm kinda curious why are you in a old WW2 SS uniform?)."

Hans Von Heinkels was struck by that question but he knew the answer. "Das liegt daran, dass ich aus dem 2. Weltkrieg stamme. Ein anderes Universum, in dem Nazi-Deutschland den 2. Weltkrieg verloren hat. (Well that is because I am from World War 2. A different universe where Nazi Germany lost World War 2.)."

Irene Engel and everyone in the room was shock but the myterious man. How was this possible for him to come into their universe and if all, how did he know about William J. Blazkowicz.

"Wenn Sie sich fragen, dann lassen Sie uns ein Gespräch führen. (If you're wondering, then let's have a talk shall we.)" said Hans Von Heinkels with a smile on his face.

The recordings were on by this incident and everyone around this universe Earth watched as Hans Von Heinkels introduce himself.
Play Video- Optional

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Ich bin Hans von Heinkels. Meine Fraktion und ich stammen aus einem Universum, in dem das Deutsche Reich den Zweiten Weltkrieg verloren hat. Ich und mein japanischer Freund entdecken jedoch eine mysteriöse Technologie aus einer Gruppe, die als Dej Navt bekannt ist. (I am Hans Von Heinkels. My faction and I are from a universe where the German Reich lost WW2. However me and my Japanese friend discover a myerious technology from a group known as the Dej Navt."

Während Sie alle in einer perfekten Welt mit Terroristen leben, die versuchen, das Machtreich zu stürzen, kann ich davon ausgehen, dass ich das Deutsche Reich vergrößern kann, wenn ich der verantwortliche Furher bin. (While you all live in a perfect world with terrorist attempting to bring down the mighty reich, I can assume you that I can make the German Reich greater if I'm the Furher in charge.)"

Hans Von Heinkels said in a deep, dark, and miraculous voice.

Upon listening to the myterious man's voice, everyone cheered and even saluted to him in the Nazi style (not a Nazi supporter).

"Heil Heinkels! Heil Heinkels! Heil Heinkels! Es lebe unser neuer Führer (Long live our new Furher)."

Everyone in the recording room smiled and cheered for their new Furher. Hans Von Heinkels smiled, his dream Fourth Reich has now come into reality.

This is the first chapter I publish after Side Chapter 5.5. Really hope you all enjoy and are happy for my return to the story.

See you all for Chapter 7.

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