Chatper 7: A Misunderstanding

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Warning: Violences, Racial words from the time period, and cenored cursing.

Unknown Universe

Captain Juan Deleon woke up. "Wait where am I?" he said. He got up to his feet and secured his UMSC Partol hat onto his head. As he was making sure he wasn't wounded, he heard other nosie that were near him.

In fact there were 11 more men in military uniforms surronding him and were all unconscious. Juan Deleon went to check if they were all okay. As he was checking the unconscious bodies, he happened to stumble upon a familiar face.

"Jake? Is that really him or are my eyes playing tricks on me?" thought Juan Deleon. "This can't be real."

"Wait what?"

That startled Juan Deleon for a sec but only to realize that it was none other than his friend waking up from his sleep.

"What are tal....... Wait Juan? Is that you?" Jake The Gunner said in a shocked tone.

"Yes it's me. Juan Deleon. "The guy back at high school where we all shared the same class together?" said Juan Deleon.

"No way that sh$*." said Jake the Gunner as he got up to his feet. "Where were you? The last time I heard from you was that you were on a secret mission from the Office of.....hmmm...."

"The office of Strategic Services. And while this is a secret mission, since you're my close friend I'll tell you it anyway. I was sent to Stalingard."

"Okay. Hope you killed some Nazis." said Jake the Gunner.

"Did I just heard the word Nazis?" shouted Tim Polak as he readied up his BAR.

"There isn't any and why are you in WW2 uniforms?" shouted another as he looked for his glasses.

"Hey, I'm serve in Korea in 1950 and the World War 2 is over but then." said another voice.

Soon the other Marines from different eras woke up around Juan Deleon and Jake O'Brian.

"Hmm....Why are we in a forest when we were just back in Hue City ago sir?" said a Marine with the radio on his back.

"I don't know. All I remember was covering that strange looking grenade with my helmet and it didn't explode. Thank god we're alive at least." said the Marine Officer as he put on his helmet.

"Okay everyone. Just calm down first before we better understand each other and how we got into this sh#$hole." said Jake The Gunner.

All the others Marines calmed down for a moment before they made their introduction.

"I'm 1st Lieutenant David Statz. Just called me Lieutenant Dave as this is my perfer nickname." said the Marine Lieutenant. "These are my three guys."

"You barely even know me." shouted the Helicopter pliot. "And I'm Peter Lee!"

"Sorry about that." said Lieutenant Dave. "Anyway this is Steve Francis Drake. Our support gunner and a nerd."

"Wearing glasses doesn't mean I'm smart. I wear them because my eye visions aren't great. Jesus guys." said Drake.

"The other guy here is Jim Brown, our radioman."

"Wait. I go by the name Jimmy." said one of the Korean War Marines.

"And who might you be?" said Juan Deleon.

"You don't know who your cousin is? It's me Jimmy." said Jimmy Deleon.

"Wait Jimmy? No way, you followed my footsteps? Give your older cousin a big hug." Juan Deleon said as they hugged each other.

"Hmmmm..... we still need to introduce ourselves." said Tommy Higa.

Juan Deleon let go of his cousin upon hearding from Tommy. "Oh right, so who's next?"

Every Marine introduce themselves and explained what they were doing before they all got teleported.

" of the Charlies threw some werid grenade at me and my men's position. I mistook it for a frag grenade and covered it, ready for my life to be taken but that didn't happened." said Lieutenant David Statz.

"I can't believe we're all in the same Marine Division, The Old Breed type." said Jerry Jones.

"Except for me because I'm from a different unit." said Peter Lee.

"I can't believe that different Marines from different wars are now here in a strange place." said PJ James. "Who knows where we are. We could be in France, Germany, or any place around the world."

"Then we'll all have to team up then." said Juan Deleon. "We're Marines and we have to work together if we want to find our way back home."

"And time." said Dave Statz. "Me, Darke, Jim, and Peter Lee were from 1968."

"Whoa that's crazy." said Jerry Jones.

"Then we're the Brothers In Arms. Ready for anything." said Juan Deleon.

"You #$&%ing serious?!?" shouted Tim Polak. "You want me to work together with a negro! Pa! These guys shouldn't be in combat duty anyway!"

"I agree." said PJ James. "Negros aren't combat effective and lazy!"

Hearding the word, negro, was enough for Jeff Greene to get pissed. "Shut your mouth you f#$&ing Racsits!!!" As he punched Tim Polak in the face. Tim Polak falls to the ground as Jeff Greene shouted. "You white people always act like babies think we blacks are inferitor! To me, it should be our skill not our ace that makes us who we are!"

PJ James was about to intervene when Jake the Gunner stopped him. "That's enough! Okay? We're in unknown territory and first thing you make is fighting each other. We need to work together regardless of our background. You understand."

"Not to mention I'm Chinese descent here but you're making complains on an African-American." said Peter Lee. "What if someone of a different were racist to Europeans because everyone can be a racist."

Although both Tim Polak and PJ James were not happy about, they decided to cut off their racist roots and they get over it.

"Fine." said Tim Polak. "I'm sorry for calling you a Nergo."

PJ James at first hesitated to apology to Jeff Greene but decided to say it. "I'm sorry too you as well
Jeff." he said in a rough voice.

"I forgive this guy but not you." Jeff Greene said in a rough manner.

"Alright there. No more fighting between each other now." said Juan Deleon. "Break time's over. We're beginning our adventure."

"Oh boy. I hope to find some more interesting things for my collection." said Tommy Higa as the group marched off.

Meanwhile with C. Miller's group

It had been a good start for the trio after their escape from the Neo-Axis. They had some good breaksfast.
George Walker was still recovering for his stress after losing his brothers-in-arms to the Neo-Axis. They had a short funneral for each of his teammates before setting off into the unknown.

It had been an hour as they walked through the forest.

"So you're 19? How did you even get pass the age requirement?" said C. Miller in a curious manner.

"Well I was inspired by my parternal grandfather since he lied about his age so he could join the American Expeditionary Forces." said George Walker as he secured his shotgun.

"How old were you when you enlist?" said C. Miller.

"I was 14 when I enlisted in 1940. I was a bit taller than the average 14 year old and my voice was a bit deep enough. No one got suspicious of my age. Ran away from home and no one bother to stopped me. I graduated in 1944." said George Walker. "I can't believe I was chosen to attend officer school. This makes me the youngest officer of my class."

C. Miller knew he had to tell the young Paratrooper of what he had been through. "Well war isn't exactly the adventure stuff you believed. Trust me. Me and Yananha had been through the worse of war."

"What was it?" said George Walker who turn was to be curious.

"In the Pacific I withness crimes commited on both sides. Some guys were turned into monsters when affected by these effects. I withness some of my guys calling the Japanese racsit words, killing the ones who truely surrendered, and even mutilated their bodies."

George Walker was stunned from what he was hearding. He couldn't believe what the verteran was saying. "I didn't know that."

"Well you were in the European Theater so it make sense. The Japanese also don't treat their prisoners well. I went through that two times. Makin Atoll and Yesterday." said C. Miller.

"Wait you took part in the Makin Atoll raid? I always wanted to meet a veteran. Plus I saw the movie based on that raid. I think it was called Gung-Ho." said George Walker. "Although I have heard about the totures of POWs of the Japanese."

"That's the correct title there. Listen Walker, people you know like friends or family members, war can take their lives. No one makes it out of war. War is hell." said C. Miller as he adjust his helmet."

"I know. I lost an older brother. He was an RAF pliot during the Battle of Britan." said George Walker as he shed a tear. C. Miller wiped it off. George contunie to speak more. "My mother wasn't happy when I enlisted after my brother. I don't know why but she was angry for some reason."

"And what was it?" said Yananha Aki.

"She was an English nurse during World War 1. She told me why I shouldn't enlist...."

"Is is because you were too young?" said C. Miller.

"Appartly. She also didn't want to lose another relative as she lost one during the 1st World War." said George Walker. "Before she married my father, I think her maiden name was Blake."

"Do you know your uncle's name. The one you didn't get to see." said Yananha Aki. "I didn't get to see my younger brother since he's in the 442nd Infantry Regiment."

"Oh. I didn't know that." said George Walker before answering Yananha Aki's question. "His name was I think was Thomas. Lance Corporal Thomas "Tom" Blake."

"Well this is war. Some men never make it out with their bodies left to rot to the ground while those who do make it, well they're suffering from what they experienced." said C. Miller as he gave it a sigh.

"So where do you think we ar....." Yananha Aki said. Before he could finished what he was saying, something or some tackled him to the ground.

"What the?" said George Walker as he rised his MP-40 submachine gun (C. Miller gave that gun to him). "What's going on?"

Before C. Miller could make out what was going on as well, he was also tackled to the ground. A gun was pointed at his face. Before the person could fired a round into his head., C. Miller was able to knock out the gun out of his hand. He didn't have time to identify the weapon as he got up fist ready.

To his shock the person that tackled him was in a USMC uniform due to the USMC printed on one of the pocket jacket. C. Miller didn't want to kill a fellow Marine, he had to find a solution to the misunderstanding.

"I'm an American. Just look at my uniform. I'm on your side." shouted C. Miller to the US Marine. However the Marine didn't respond and attack him instead. This resulted to hand to hand combat.

Juan Deleon didn't care if he was an American because he saw the guy carrying what appears to be a Nazi weapon and thought that this must be a Nazi agent. He punched the man in the face but that only stunned him and he was able to get back up.

C. Miller was able to avoid a kick to the face but not to his stomach. He fell to the ground and watched as the Marine took out his knife to stab him in the heart. As he lunged the knife towards his chest, C. Miller was able to prevent by holding the knife back.

He shouted to the man. "I'm not your enemy!" Before knocking him off. As he got up, he made a choice using a peaceful solution. "You need to calm down. Your anger must be in control of you."

"He's right! Your letting your emotion get the best of you!"

C. Miller wondered who said that. It was then he saw that was the same guy who tackled his friend, Yananha Aki. What caused him to changed? At least he wasn't fighting them.

"Juan, just calm down." The man said to the Marine named Juan.

If that couldn't get more werid, other men in military uniforms also came out as well. Some tried to hold him while others try to get him to calm down.

It took 10 minutes before Juan calmed down.

"You calm now?" said C. Miller.

"I'm good now. My friend Jake and I are really sorry for attacking you. We thought you were Axis agents due to you holding strange Nazi weapons." said the Marine named Juan.

"Well they are Nazi weapons but they're from a different universe or to be specific, an alternate universe." said C. Miller.

"Wait an alternate universe, what do you mean by that?" said Jake.

"Well it's a long story to tell." said Yananha Aki. "I'll explain about that. As......."

Before Yananha Aki could finished, one of the werid looking Marines wearing glass interrupted. "Hmmmm.....Guys. Is it just me or is that a tank coming near the forest?" as he pointed to a white tank.

"Holy S&#*! Everyone get to cover!" shouted George Walker.

"But where?" One of the younger Marines said.

"We can hide here! There's a perfect spot for us to hide." said another Marine.

"Let's move. Hide into cover!" said C. Miller as the group ran to cover.

"Careful there. Just not to slip or expose yourself."

"Don't let the tank see you."

As the group gathered up, they could were have fear if they were discover. They weren't sure if they were in an Axis country, Allied country, or any country from history. They all have to stay quiet and pray for the tank to leave soon.

"You know. I'm wondering where's the infantries? There should be some infantries accompanying them. Not to mention more tanks?" whistered one of the Marines.

"I'm not sure but just stay quiet." whistered C. Miller.

The tank stopped for some reason before the hatch opened up. The group weren't sure what to expect to happned next.

That's all for Chapter 7.

Sorry if the fight between C. Miller, Yananha Aki, Juan Deleon, and Jake the Gunner was rushed up but I did my best as I could.

Sorry for those who got offended by that scene where PJ James and Tim Polak said rascit stuff but I had to keep in consistant with the time period they came from.

Now for a question:

Who will come out of the tank hatch? Answer in the comments below.

Finally, I'm going to work on rewriting the Prologue, Chapter 1, and possibly the first part of Chapter 2 while working on Chapter 8.

See you all real soon.

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