Prison Break

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It's been a week since Midoriya and Uraraka set out on their journey. They were on their way to find the second strongest of the UA Knights, Kacchan. They're going to the prison that he's been put in for the past 100 years, Tartarus. What he was put in there for, they'll find out when they find him.

There was something bothering Uraraka for a majority of this trip, but has been too afraid to say anything. "Is something wrong? You look like you're thinking hard about something." Midoriya asks. "I-It's nothing."

He stops walking. "I know you're lying. Come on. What's going on?" She gives in and decides to tell him what's been on her mind. "Where were you for the past 200 years?"

"Hm?" He asks.

"If you and the other knights are immortal, then how come you disappeared for 200 years. You could've defended the kingdom from the Shiketsu kingdom. You could've been there to end any conflict when they started. You really would've been the best knights ever."

He gives her a haunted look. "Look. It wasn't that we didn't want to defend Musutafu, but we lost so much in the fight against All For One. We all experienced too much pain and loss. By the time All For One was defeated, we had nothing to go back to, or anything to keep us there. He said while his hand was shaking some.

"O-Okay. I'm sorry for making you remember that." She looks away with her head down.

"It's okay. I never forget what happened in that battle." He turns back to walk.


'Uravity! Uravity! Wake up!'

'Don't cry. Please don't cry, Izuku.'


"Come on let's go." They start walking again to get Kacchan.

At Tartarus prison:

We hear whistling echoing throughout a prison block coming from a single room. (He's whistling 'The Day.')

"Hey! Quiet down in there! You've been doing that whistling for a week! It's getting on my nerves" A guard slams on the cell door.

"No can do, jackass." The prisoner says and goes back to whistling.

"If you don't stop that whistling I'll put you on the death row!" He loses his temper.

"Go ahead. They've already tried that many times, but it's not gonna work." He says and goes back to whistling.

"We'll see about that." The guard says and opens up the cell door. He pulls his sword and stabs the prisoner in the chest.

"BLECK!" The prisoner pits out blood.

"Now rot in hell." The guard says with smug.

"I'll go there when this damn curse is lifted. Until then, I'm gonna see how long until this plays out." The seemingly dead prisoner says as if he wasn't stabbed.

"W-What is this?"

"Told you, jackass, I can't die. Now that you stabbed me, when I get out of here, I'm going to kill you."

"Nice try. You're never leaving. The crime you committed gave you the life sentence."

"It was the death sentence, but that didn't work so this had to do."

The guard just leaves. "I hope your body rots over a millennia."

"You better get here quick, nerd. I'm getting bored." The prisoner says and goes back to whistling.

Back with Midoriya and Uraraka:

"We're here." They stop at a cliff and saw...

(Didn't feel like describing a prison, so used Baste Prison from Seven Deadly Sins.)

"It's huge!" Uraraka exclaimed. "Yep. It's a prison for the most dangerous criminals in the kingdom." Midoriya explained. "So why is he in there?"

"I don't know. All I know is that he was on their death row and now has a life sentence." He says a little too happy.

"I don't know how I feel about this." Uraraka says with unease. "We'll you better feel better about it, hold on."

"Hold on to wha-AAAAAAHHHH!!" He holds her bridal style and jumps over to the prison. "Now there are going to be people attacking us. Do you know how to use a sword? Or any kind of weapon?"

"I know how to use a knife from when I hunted with my dad." She answers. "Good enough." They land in front of the prison and Midoriya sets her down. He hands her a knife from a puch on his belt. "Use this. Try not to kill anyone. Stay close to me." She nods.

"How are we going to get in?" He raises his hand to the door. "I'm just gonna knock." He knocks once on the door and the door is sent flying back off its hinges. "Subtle." She says with a deadpanned expression. "Thanks. Now let's find Kacchan." They run through the prison looking for Bakugou.


"Sir. There are intruders trying to break someone out."

"We will deal with them. Send the guards." The prison warden orders.

"Yes sir."

With the prisoner:

He hears commotion with the guards outside. "Come quick! There are intruders attempting to break someone out!" A guard calls out to the guards of this block.

"Should I come?!" The guard of this cell asks. "No. Make sure he doesn't get out." The other guard says.

'Finally. I was wondering if you were going to take your sweet ass time getting here.' The prisoner gets up and puts his hands on the door and destroys it with an explosion. "W-What the hell?!" "I told you when I get out of here I was gonna kill you, jackass." He used another explosion to kill the guard.

Back with Midoriya and Uraraka:

"Do where is he?" Uraraka asks fighting as many guards as she can. "I don't know. He'll just follow all the guards and he'll find us." Midoriya says fighting off most of the guards.

He makes his way through the barrage of guards blocking him and makes his way to where he thinks Bakugou will be. "Stop! I am Death Arms, the warden of this prison. Whoever you're looking for here, I'll keep you from getting to him." Death Arms charges at Midoriya.

'I can at least play around with this guy until Kacchan gets here.' He uses 1% of his power to get on an equal field with Death Arms. He throws a punch and Death Arms blocks it, he then goes for a sweep kick and knocks the warden off his feet. "So you want to give up now, or do you want to keep dancing?"

Death Arms gets up and gets into a fighting stance. "Yeah, right. I've faced tougher. You're going to be locked up for a long time for breaking in here." "Whatever." They go at each other again. Death Arms send punch after punch, but can't get a hit on him. "Congrats. You made me have to use 2% of my power." He throws a punch at Death Arms and knocks him off his feet.

"Now that that's over, I have to go find my friend." He was leaving, but was suplexed by Death Arms. "Alright, we're still doing this then." He says and gets up like he wasn't even hurt. "I'm really not in the mood right now, so let's get this done quickly." As he was going in for another punch, there was an explosion. "I know those explosions."

Uraraka finds Midoriya, and sees a blonde with red eyes coming out from a corner. "That must be him."

"Deku." Kacchan says with a glare.

"Kacchan." Deku gives a similar glare.

'They must've had a falling out last time they saw each other.'

"Kacchan!" Midoriya says with glee.

"Deku!" Kacchan says happily.

They run at towards each other and do a weird high five.

(AN: Like this)

Kacchan hits Midoriya with an explosion and sends him flying into a wall.

"What was that for?! You could've killed him!" Uraraka yells at the ashy blonde.

"That was a good one. But you've lost your touch." Midoriya says getting of the wall. "What are you waiting for, come at me." Midoriya runs at him and gives him a right hook, and sends him into the floor below them. "And you say I lost my touch. The hell happened to you?" Kacchan yells the the greenette.

"Well I spent the last 3 months drinking at the best bar I could find."

Kacchan sends himself back up onto the same floor as Midoriya and Uraraka. "I spent the past 100 years in a cell."

"Um, Mr. Kacchan. What did you get sent in here for anyway?" Uraraka asks.

"It's, Bakugou, to you, Round Face. And I was put in here because..."


Screams of fear and fire is everywhere.



"Well you must've been really bored to want to be in prison this bad."

"Yep. I got the death sentence. They tried 10 decapitations, 7 burnings, and 13 hangings."

"Well it's good to see you." Midoriya and Bakugou clasp hands.

"So who's the girl?" Bakugou asks.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka. I'm coming with Deku because the demons destroyed my village and killed everyone there." Uraraka says.

"So they are back." Bakugou says with seriousness. "Yeah. Not only that, but they're preparing for All For One to return." Bakugou flinches at the mention of that name. "That bastard. I thought he was dead. He already took so much, now he's coming back. I'll kill the son of a bitch myself." He says sending off sparks from his hands.

"That's why we need your help. We're reassembling the UA Knights. We're gonna need Lord Explosion Murder if we wanna beat his army."

Bakugou chuckles. "I was hoping you'd forget that."

"Alright. Let's go, Deku!" Uraraka says pumping her fist in the air.

"Alright." He pumps his fist into the air. Bakugou looks carefully at Uraraka. 'She looks just like her. And Deku knows it.'

They escape the prison and head to the nearest town. They needed to get Bakugou new clothes since he's had the same pair for 100 years.

"So do you want any new clothes, Deku." Uraraka asks. "No. I just wash these every other day so they'll be clean all the time."

"Alright, let's get out of here. These extras are starting to piss me off." Bakugou says with anger.

They look to see what Bakugou picked out and see...

"You just can't dress like a normal person, can't you, Kacchan?" Midoriya asks deadpanned. "Shut up, Deku! I look awesome!"

"How about we go to an inn before we get kicked out." Uraraka says with a sweat drop.

"Tch. Whatever." Bakugou remarks. They check into an inn with Midoriya and Uraraka sharing a room, and Bakugou getting his own room. That's for the best. Bakugou goes to Midoriya's room to talk to him about something important.

He knocks on his door and waits for the knight to answer. "Kacchan? What do you want?" Bakugou checks in the room and sees Uraraka asleep. "I'm here to talk to you about Round Face." Midoriya wakes up a little more. "So you noticed, too?"

"It's hard not to. Are you going to tell her." Midoriya thinks about it. "I can't. At least not now. I'll tell her eventually. But for now, I just need her to enjoy herself before I tell her what she is."

"Does she at least ease the pain at all?" He asks with concern. "She actually does. But only some. We'll see what happens in the future." Bakugou takes his leave. "Just don't screw up. This could be a second chance for you, ya know?"

"I know. Goodnight."


Timeskip next morning:

"Alright. Everything's packed. Let's hit the road." Midoriya announces.

They start walking out of town to find the next knight.

"So who are we going to get next, Deku?" Uraraka asks.

"Yeah, who are we gonna find next? Four eyes? Bird Head? Frog Face?"

"We're going to go get Shoto."

Bakugou stopped walking. "Fuuuuuuuuuck." He groans.

End of chapter. Now I'm going to stop writing for this story until I end TFTMM.

Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote and remember to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!

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