The Journey Begins

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It was late at night in Aldera. Everyone is having fun and drinking after their victory in the festival of heroes.

"Hey bartender, can I have another drink?" A man with green hair asked.

"Another? Man, aren't you the least bit drunk?" The bartender asked.

"Nope. I still feel completely sober." The green haired man says with a smile. "I see. As long as you keep giving me business, you can drink all you want." The bartender says wallking away.

'If only drinking could truly take the pain away.'

There was a loud bang from the front of the bar. Everyone turned to see a girl with bobbed brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and permanent blush. She had a look of fear mixed with worry and desperation. "Please, I need help. Monsters are attacking my home. I need help, please."

"What are you talking about girl?"

"There are terrible monsters attacking my village. They came out of nowhere and started attacking. I need help. Please."

"Why don't you just go to the Musutafu castle and ask them for help?" One of the people there asks drunk.

"Please, they're not like most monsters. There like something worse. More powerful than most monsters I've seen. They're more like...demons."

The green haired man froze when she said this.

"Demons? Those are just myths. Like the UA Knights. Just stories parents tell there kids so they'll behave."

"But it's true. These things are completely resistant to whatever weapons we use against them. I've come to Aldera because I've heard that you had really strong warriors. Please!"

No one spoke up. The green haired man was about to speak.

"I'll help you." A man with blonde hair and grey eyes came up. "I'm Neito Monoma. If you came here for a powerful warrior to help you, then look no further for I'm the strongest one in town."

"Thank you. Come on. We have to go now." The brown haired girl left.

'They're going to die if I don't go.' The green haired man left 3 bags of gold on the counter. "Here's payment for the beer I've had for the past 3 months."

"T-Thank you. Will you finally tell us your name? Since you're leaving, will you just give in and tell us?"

The greenette stop walking and turned to the bartender. "I'll give you my name when I come back for a victory drink." He turned around and left the bar.

Timeskip to the village:

There were black creatures everywhere, searching for any people they missed so they can eat them.

The brown haired girl and Monoma make it to the village to find almost everything was destroyed.

She covers her mouth from the horrors she's seeing.

"This is your village? It looks like crap."

"That's rude! Can you just get rid of them?"

Monoma walks up to the monsters getting their attention. They walk up to him and just stare at the man.

"So this is where you guys went? You left me in Aldera without telling me where you were going."

'Wait...what?' She looks in horror and fear.

"Sorry, we thought you would have fun just hanging out at the bar until we got back." One of the monsters says. "Well I never said I didn't. But you could've st least gave me a warning. For all I knew, you were dead." "HAHAHAHAHA! Like anyone in this pathetic realm could hurt us." "Good point."

"Monoma? What's going on? What are you doing?" The girl says.

Monoma turns to her. "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I should show you the real Monoma." His eyes turn red and his pupils were slits. He grew in size and his skin turned into a charcoal black. "This is the real Monoma. A warrior of the demon race."

"So you are demons?"

"Yep. And now it's time for this village and everyone in it to die. But not before I have a little fun with you." He licks his lips.

She freaks out and goes up to some rubble and taps her fingers on it. The rubble starts floating and she throws it at Monoma. 'Got him.'

"That tickled. Now for the fun."

"No! Stay away!"

"You should probably listen to her. I'm really not in the mood right now to kill you guys. I'm tired." A voice says.

They all turn to see a green haired man with a sword on his back, and green clothes. (AN:Like the one in the official fantasy look)

"Who are you, human?" Monoma asks.

"Just someone who doesn't like jackasses causing trouble for no reason. Now I have to kill you guys."

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha!" The demons laugh. "You really think you can beat us? You're just a human. Are you going to use that sword? Good luck. No weapon in this real can harm us."

"I'd still like to give it a try."

"Hahaha. Very well. I'll give you the first shot. Go ahead. Cut my arm off" He extends his right arm to him.

"All right. Just don't get mad if I actually do it." He says pulling his sword from it's scabbard. He smiles at the demon, and he smiles back.

'I feel bad for him. I should escape while I still can.' The girl thinks walking away slowly.

He raises the sword and brings it down cutting the demon's arm off.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!!" Monoma screams clinging onto his stub.

"I told you not to get mad." I says giving a smug smile.

"YOU BASTARD!" He screams pulling throwing a punch, but the green haired man blocks it with one hand, and doesn't even budge from where he's standing.Green electricity surrounds the man.

"What? What is this?" Monoma questions. The mysterious man jumps and lands a punch on Monoma, sending him flying back. He lands back on the ground, and looks at the girl.

"You! Get anyone you can find out of the village!" He demands.

"O-Okay." She runs into the village to save her people.

One of the demons starts to go after her. "Forget her. Let's kill this little bastard first."

The demons charge at him.

"I wanted a challenge. But I guess I can't always get what I want." He charges at the demons and starts slicing them apart. One comes at him from the air, but he cuts him down the middle. He flip kicks a demon that came at him from behind, and crushes his head. One by one he kills every demon that came at him.

The girl watches him kill every demon with ease, when everyone in the village couldn't even scratch them.

He slays the last demon, and walks over to Monoma. "W-Who are you? W-What are you?"

"You've heard of the legend of the UA Knights, right? Deku?"

"That's just a myth! Who the hell are you?!"

The girl looks at him, and remembers the stories she was told as a child. And he looks like the same man from the story books.

"I am Izuku Midoriya! The knight of strength, Deku! Leader of the UA Knights!"

Everyone looks at him in shock. "The names of the UA Knights have been lost ever since All For One was defeated. You are him. Deku!"

"That's right. Now why are you here. All For One perished." 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Monoma laughs hysterically, which confuses Midoriya. "Why are you laughing? I don't see how you can find this situation funny."

"It's funny that you think master All For One has been killed. He nearly did, yes, but he is nearing full recovery. He has torn open the spell that keeps him and his army from entering this world. You will die. Your fellow knights will die. This world will die and belong to-blegh" He gets stabbed in the chest by Midoriya.

"It's over." He sheaths his sword and walks over to the brown haired girl who is sitting on her knees. "Are you okay? Did you find anyone?"

She turns around and her face is stained with tears. "N-No! Everyone is gone! My parents! My friends! They're all-" He pulls her into a hug so she can sob as much as she wants. After what felt like forever, she pulls away sniffling.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything. If I had acted faster when you told everyone about the demons, then your people would still be alive."

"N-No. I don't blame you. I blame Myself for being too slow."

"Either way, this was fate. Nothing could've changed this. Come on, let's try and get some rest. It's been a long night." She nods hesitantly. He takes her to her home, her parents weren't there, so he doesn't have to worry about her crying again. He lays her on her bed and stares at the sleeping brunette.

'I wonder...'

Timeskip next morning:

The brunette wakes up and looks for Midoriya. When she gets outside, she finds Midoriya standing in front of what looked like graves.

"It took me all night to do this, but they deserve proper burials. Your parents are over there. I wanted there graves to be separate from the rest. So you can always find them." He points over to a small hill.

She walks over to her parents grave and cries. He leaves her alone to mourn for as long as she needs.

After a few minutes, she walks over to Midoriya. "Um, Mr. Deku?"

"You can just call me Deku." "O-Okay. Thank you for everything. Even if you could only save my life, I still thank you for making sure my people were avenged."

"You're welcome. What's your n,e, by the way?"

"Ochako Uraraka."

'That name. It's the same.'

"Can you tell me what your power is. I saw you use it, but can you tell me you it works."

"O-Ok. Well I can take away the gravity from any object if I touch it with with all 5 pads I have on my fingers." She says showing him her fingertips.

"Uraraka, do you want to come with me? We have to reunite the UA Knights, and revive All Might before All For One can come into our world."

"What? Why do you want me to come with you? I can't rally fight to well, and my power is limited by a weight limit."

"Because I know you want to help defeat the demons after what happened to your people. I'll help you train in sword fighting, and training your power. remind me of an old friend."

She thinks it over. She did want revenge on the demons for what they did to her village.

"Okay. I'll help you reunite the UA Knights."

He gives her a warm smile. "Alright. We need to find Kacchan first. He's the second strongest among the knights."

"I remember. He has the power of explosions, and a bit of a mean guy. Do you know where he is?"

"I've been able to keep tabs on most of the knights,  even Kacchan."

"So where is he?"

"In prison."

She just keeps her smile mixed with shock. "Huh?"

End of chapter. I know I said I would do this when i finished The Fire That Made Me. But I'll write a chapter for this every now and then until I finish the other story. When it's finished, this book will have my full attention.

Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote and remember to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!

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