Recruiting IcyHot

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In a realm of complete darkness, their was a man with black hair, burnt scars on his arms and face. He approaches a man in a high throne, with long vein-like cords connecting to his him. The scarred man kneels down. "Master. I have news on those knights. They're making their way to the combined kingdom of fire and ice."

"Hhmmm. I know why you inform me of this. If you want to go there and say hello to your little brother, then you have my permission. As long as you kill enough humans. Don't fail me." The dark presence tells him. He smiles and gets up. "Thank you, master." 'Time for a family reunion.'

Meanwhile with Midoriya and the gang:

"How much longer 'til we get there? I don't remember it taking this long to get there." Bakugou complained. "Calm down, Kacchan. It's been 200 years. Last I heard, he took the residents from both the fire and ice clans and moved them to a middle ground between. He established a new kingdom, the Yagi kingdom." Midoriya explained.

"Yagi? What's that?" Uraraka asked at the odd name. Midoriya stopped. "We'll explain that later. We're here." Bakugou and Uraraka look over the cliff they stopped at and their faces grew with surprise. It was a land with one side filled with fire and ash, and the other side with glaciers and lakes. In the middle between the two was a castle. The kingdom truly lived up to its reputation.

"Wow! That looks so cool!" Uraraka exclaimed. "Let's not gawk at it too much. We still have to find Todoroki." Midoriya tells them. "So what do we do. Do we just go in and ask him?" Uraraka asks. "Screw that! I'm gonna break in, beat the crap out of him, and the-" Bakugou says, but suddenly falls unconscious. "Kaccha-" Midoriya falls too. "De-" Then Uraraka.


Midoriya wakes up with a bad headache. He looked around his surroundings and sees he's in a cell. A dungeon cell. "*sigh* It's going to be one of those days, huh?" He looks around again to look for Bakugou and Uraraka. He sees Bakugou in another cell leaning up against the wall. "'Bout time you woke up."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get out of here and look for Todoroki and get out of here." Midoriya says. "But we're locked here. How are we gonna get out?" Bakugou said worriedly.

There's silence between the two until they started laughing hysterically. "Good one. Let's go." Midoriya pushes the cell door and it flies to the other side of the room. Bakugou does the same, but blows it up.

"Alright. Where do you think Round Face is?" Bakugou ponders. "You really have to call her that? Let's go to the throne room. She could already be looking for him." Midoriya orders the blonde. He nods and they make their way to the king.

Uraraka wakes up in a bed, and she sees she's not in a dungeon. The door to the room opens to show guards. "Come with us. You will speak with the king." One of them says. 'The king. That must be Sho-Todoroki.' She complies and is lead down many corridors to a room with giant doors. When he door opens, it shows a man with half red-half white hair, a grey right eye, and a aqua colored left eye with a scar. He was dressed in royal blue garbs.

"Sire. We have another offer for you." The knights says standing aside. "How many times have I told you, I'm not taking any wome-" He stops and looks at Uraraka with a look of horror. "Everyone leave now." He orders the guards. The do as he says and now it's just the two of them. He steps off his throne to get a better look at her. "Is it really you?" He asks as if he's meet her before.

This confuses her. "I don't know what you're talking about. We've never meet before." She explains feeling uneasy. "But you look just like her." He says quietly. "Nevermind. What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I'm here with-" She says but then they hear yelling and explosions behind the door. "They had to make this kind of entrance?" She says with a nervous smile. "What are you talking about?"


The door is kicked open to show Bakugou with his hands clenched, and Midoriya in a fighting stance. "Oh god please no." He says with his right eye twitching. "Uraraka!" He says running to the brunette. He hugs her. Her face grows red. She didn't hate this, the exact opposite, but was confused. "W-What's this for? We've only been separated for five minutes?" He realizes this and separates quickly with red going across his face too. "R-Right. I was just worried something happened to you. We can't have a friend getting hurt, right?" Todoroki just looks at them and gives a small smile. He then looks over at Bakugou and his smile disappears. He returns it with a scowl. "Bakugou." "Go fuck yourself." "It's good to see you too." He says rolling his eyes and going back to his throne.

"So how's royalty treating you? You look like you've made a great kingdom for both of your people." Midoriya says trying to make conversation with his old friend. "Let's not avoid the main subject. Why are you here? Of all times, why did you come now?" He asks getting straight to the point. "Okay. The demons are back. All For One is alive and his revival is nearing. We need to reunite so we can defeat him and his armies once and for all." Midoriya tells him. Todoroki thinks for a minute before responding. "No."

"What? Why?"

"Because I gave up fighting a long time ago. I haven't used my powers since uniting the clans. I can't do it again. Not after what happened to Touya." Todoroki says with sorrow in his voice. "You know what happened to him wasn't your fault." Todoroki remains silent. "I'll let you stay here for the night. But I want you gone by morning." He says to them. Bakugou starts to get frustrated, but Midoriya stops him from doing anything. He agrees to these terms, and they're taken to chambers for them to stay in.

Midoriya is trying to make himself comfortable. He's concerned about his fire-ice friend. He hears a knock on his door, and a voice. "Hey, Deku. Can I talk to you?" She asks him. He nods and she comes into the room. He makes room for her to sit down. "I was wondering something since our talk with the king. Who's Touya?" She asks. He's taken back a bit by this question. "I-If it's too personal, you don't have to-"

"No it's fine. I'll tell you. Touya is the eldest son of the Todoroki family. He was strong, but a failure in his father's, Enji's, eyes. Shoto was, in his father's words, his 'masterpiece.' There were 4 kids on total in the family, and all were ignored by Enji. And during the battle against the demons, Touya was killed. Todoroki blamed himself thinking his powers is what killed him. Looks like the guilt got him badly." He tells the story about Todoroki and his brother.

"That's awful. I wish there was something we could do." She says feeling sympathy. "There isn't anything we can do. We just have to respect his wishes." He tells her. She complies and goes back to her room.

A man in a dark blue trench coat walks towards the entrance of the kingdom. "Alright. Time to get some attention."

Midoriya was awakened by the sounds of screaming people. He went to the window and was shocked to see many homes and shops being covered by blue flames. He grabs his sword and jumps out the window to find this arsonist. "Everyone get to the castle! Who did this?! Where are you?! Show yourself!" He yells at this villain.

"Alright, stop the screaming. I'll come out." A voice behind the fire says. A man walks out of the flames and Midoriya sees...

(AN: Like this, but with a dark blue trenchcoat. Similar to his LoV outfit.)

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?!" He yells at the scarred man. "You don't recognize me? Figures. You can call me Dabi. And as to why, I'm making sacrifices so All For One can be resurrected." The man named Dabi explains.

"So you're a demon. I won't let you kill anyone else! All For One is never coming back!" He declares and rushes at Dabi, but Dabi just a wave of blue flames at him. It was too fast an too close for Midoriya to react quickly and gets hit The flames feel worse than any flame that's hit him. He falls to the ground in pain. "Hurts, doesn't it. Those are flames from the Underworld. Not even the most blessed springs can get rid of that burning feeling." Dabi explains.

Midoriya tries to stand up, but struggles to to the fire. "T-Trust me, I've felt the pain a hell of a lot worse than this." He raises his sword with a look of anger. "I like that look on your face. The hatred, the pain, the anger. To bad I have to kill you."

"You can't kill me. I'm immortal thanks to your master." He informs the fire demon. "Then that makes this more fun." He was about to blast him again, but was hit by an explosion. "Dammit, Deku! Who the hell is this guy?!" Midoriya finally gets to his feet. "A demon. He came to make more sacrifices to bring All For One into this world." Bakugou growls. "Like hell that's gonna happen!" They charge at Dabi.

"*sigh* Alright. Let's get this done with." He says raising his hand.


Uraraka runs down the corridors to speak with Todoroki. "Todoroki! We need your help!"

He stays quiet. "If you don't help us, Deku and Bakugou will die! Please!" She says with tears in her eyes. "I can't. Not ever again." He says softly. "Is this what Touya would want?" He looks up at her with his eyes widened. "Would he want you sulking in self pity? I may not have knew him, but he would want you to go out there, protect everything you've worked for, and kick some butt!" She says with a determined smile. 'She talks just like her.' He gets up and removes his robe. "I have friends and a kingdom to save."

Bakugou is flown back. Midoriya slashes away at the flames trying to keep them away. "Slash away all you want. When you get tired, it's all over." He says continuously sending the blue flames at the green haired knight. Midoriya makes one bad move and is sent back by the flames. The pain gets worse and worse, to the point he can barely lift his head to look at Dabi.

"All right. I'm done. Time to end it." Dabi raises his hand, but suddenly a huge ice wall hits him. Midoriya looks to his right. to see the ice is coming from Todoroki. "Todoroki!" He struggles to say. The wave of ice stops. "I don't know who the hell you are. But you attacked my kingdom and my friends. And I can't forgive you for that." He says approaching the wall the man is trapped behind.

The ice melts and Dabi walks out a hole me made. "So the cowardly king finally comes out. What? You trying to kill another sibling?" This angers the king and he sends his fire to counter his. "Idiot." He sends his hellflames at the fire-ice user. He didn't expect his flames to have equal power to his, and is dumbfounded. "What? How are your flames as strong as mine?" Dabi asks. "My power was given blessings. My flames can easily count your flames of the Underworld." The fire disappears. Dabi sends a fire slash at him, but Todoroki use ice to guard, and shoots him with flames. Dabi sent back. He smiled. "That's all I need for now. Thank you." He says and blue flames surround him. When the fire disappears, he's gone.

Todoroki goes over to Midoriya and Bakugou to check on them. He looks at their wounds. "This would've killed you if it wasn't for that curse." He places his right hand in front of them and uses a cool mist to heal their burns. "Thanks." Midoriya struggles getting up. "What made you change your mind?" Midoriya asks him. He looks to his left to the castle and sees Uraraka running to them. "I got a pep talk from the Angel of Musutafu." Todoroki says. Midoriya looks at him recognizing that nickname. "You know." Todoroki nods. "When will you tell her?"

Midoriya looks back at her, and she smiles when she sees that they're okay. "When the time is right." She finally gets to them and hugs Midoriya. "I was so worried about you!" He hug her back. "It's okay. I'm fine." He says to calm her down. "I'm okay too, ya know." Bakugou says on the ground. She realizes what she's doing and separates red-faced. "S-Sorry Bakugou." he gets up and dusts himself off. "It's whatever. So you done being depressed." Bakugou asks the IcyHot king.

He just nods without giving him any expression. "Motherfuckin'..." Bakugou mumbles. "So are you coming with us?" Midoriya asks him. "Yes. The demons are a threat to my kingdom, and everything else in the world. Besides, you'll need all the help you can get." He smiles softly.

After making all the preparations, and getting everything settles, Todoroki was ready to leave with the group. He brought horses with him for the rest to use. "Todoroki, we won't be needing those." Midoriya says. "Why not?" He asks.

"Because next, we're getting Kirishima." They're quiet until Bakugou speaks up.


End of chapter. I'm sorry for not updating too frequently. School is a bitch.

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