The Manly Knight

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The crew was on their way to recruit Red Riot, a.k.a Kirishima. Last Midoriya heard of him, he lived in the deep woods outside Hosu. Bakugou was the most excited about this, as Kirishima was someone he loved to bro with, other than Deku and Uravity.

"Why are we going to get him now? Why didn't you get him first before Bakugou and I?" Todoroki asks. Midoriya turned to him. "Because I needed you two first. You're the strongest ones of the team, besides me, and I could've needed your help." Midoriya explains to the prince. "Fine." Todoroki sighs.

"What is he like? I heard that he's very boisterous." Uraraka asks. "That's putting it lightly, Round Face. Kirishima was, in his words, 'very manly'. It was his code. To be manly is to be able to stand your ground, and keep your morals. He was also one of the friendliest of the group. He was annoying, but less annoying than the rest of the group." Bakugou answers her. She has her mouth dropped hearing him actually describe someone rather than insulting them.

"Don't get used to it. He'll just describe everyone else how he sees them like Todoroki." Midoriya tells her noticing her dumbfoundedness. "Tch. Whatever." He brushes it off. "I want to ask again. Why are we going to go get him now?" Todoroki asks him again.

"Because we need transportation. You didn't think we were going to go on this entire journey on foot, did you?" Midoriya answers. Bakugou and Todoroki go wide-eyed. Uraraka is surprised by their shock. "What about his transportation is so shocking?" He giggled.

"Something else we should've mentioned about Kirishima is that he's a dragon tamer." Midoriya scratches his neck.

She stops in her tracks. "....A what?" "Yep. A dragon tamer. Best one in the country."

"But I thought dragons were extinct. Weren't they supposed to have been wiped out during that fight?" She asks. "Well they were. Except for a small few. Knowing him, he kept a few hidden, and one for himself."

Her confusion is then immediately replaced by excitement. "I'm so excited! I didn't think dragons were real, but I always dreamed of meeting and riding one."

"If you don't tame one, it'll either eat you or burn you." Todoroki says. "Todoroki! Come on!" Midoriya complains.

He turns to see Uraraka shaking in her spot having her dreams crushed, and is now fearful of the mythic beast she'll have to meet. "S-Sorry. I did it again, didn't I?" He bows in apology.

Bakugou laughs and Midoriya and Uraraka just lower their heads and sigh.


They finally got to the deep woods outside Hosu. "Why does he live all the way out here? There's no one from miles of here." She asks. "I don't know. At first I thought because he wanted to keep his dragon hidden here, but I crossed that out since there are a bunch of different ways he could've done that." Midoriya answers her.

"Maybe he just wanted isolation." Todoroki suggested to his question. "No. He's too much of an extrovert for that." Midoriya turns down that idea. "Well I know I could use some time to myself and get away from all the extras of the world."

"Didn't you get yourself thrown into prison on purpose?" Todoroki asks. Bakugou clenches his teeth. "Shut. The fuck. Up!" He says through his teeth. "Guys, let's focus." Uraraka interjects. "Fine." The two say looking ahead. Midoriya just smiles at how easily she settled their argument.

They hear a crash. Ahead is smoke and roaring. "Come on! Let's go fight!" Bakugou says propelling himself towards the noise. "Kacchan! Wai-Oh forget it. Uraraka hold on." He grabs her bridal style and her face turns immensely red. Todoroki travels there with his ice.

When they finally reach the noise, they see a giant ogre with a stone club swinging around. "That's a big boy! Come at me!" Bakugou yells getting its attention. It turns at the group and swings its club at them They dodge. They each take a fighting stance. "Uraraka. Are you sure you want to fight him?" Midoriya asks her. She nods. "I can fight using the rubble." She gives a determined smile. He smiles and nods back. "Alright. Let's do it." He runs at the beast with Bakugou and Todoroki following him. Uraraka removes the gravity from a bunch of rubble and tosses it and the beast.

Bakugou flies up to its face and blinded it. Todoroki sends a torrent of fire at the beast. Midoriya jumps up and uppercuts it. Its knocked back against a small mountain. "You think that did it?" Todoroki asks. "Nah. He's tough. But I'm glad you guys are here." A voice behind the dust says.

'That voice.' The power trio thinks. The person from the dust makes himself present.

"Kirishima!" They yell. Kirishima's smile gets bigger. "Todoroki? Midoriya? Bakugou? It's been 200 years! What are you guys doing here?!" He rushes over and wraps his arms around their necks and gives them a tight bear hug.

'He really is very excitable.' Uraraka thinks to herself. He releases them. "Actually could we finish this later? I have an ogre to kill. He says getting out his blades. They turn back to see the ogre getting up and ready to fight.

Kirishima looks over to Uraraka, and is shocked. Then he gets an idea. "Midoriya. I need your help first. Everyone else, get back." He tells them. They comply, though Bakugou is reluctant, and Midoriya steps up to the red head. "So what do you need?" He asks. "I need help destroying that club. I couldn't do it since I lacked the right amount of strength, but with you I can." Midoriya is confused, but agrees. The ogre swings down its club, and the two cock their arms back. Kirishima hardens his arm for strength. "RED GAUNTLET/SMASH!" They scream destroying the stone club into many pieces.

"Now what?" Midoriya asks. "Hey, gravity girl. Come here." He asks Uraraka over. "I need you to go around and pick up all the rubble from that club, and the rubble from when he was slammed into the mountain-" "And hover it over him so we can crush him!" She interrupts him. "Exactly!" He gives a toothy grin. She nods and goes on her mission. "Now the rest of us have to distract it." They all nod. Bakugou jumps up and fires explosion after explosion at the monster's face. Todoroki froze the beast's legs, and Midoriya punched it after the other two were done. The ogre swats them away after taking a lot of hits. Blood is coming from its wounds. Kirishima sees Uraraka coming back. "Did you get the rubble?" She bends down to catch her breath. "Yep." She points up and Kirishima is surprised at the amount of rubble she collected. "That'a more than I expected you to get. Good job." She smiles. "Thanks."

"Alright, come back!" He yells at the three, and they agree. "Do it." He tells Uraraka. She nods and releases her power. The rubble above the ogre fell onto the beast, and killed it. "Yes!" Kirishima yells running over to it. "Midoriya! Come help me flip him over!" He asks for the green knight's help. They flip the monster onto its back. Kirishima pulls out his dagger and turns to Uraraka to see her puking. "Is she okay?" He asks. "Yeah. It's what happens when she overuses her power." Midoriya answers. "Then don't let her see this." He stabs into the ogre's side and slices it open. He takes a few things from its insides.

"What are you doing?" Todoroki asks a little disgusted. "Getting food. I can't keep feeding deer and cow to my family." They look at him in shock as he said that.

"FAMILY?!" They yell.

"Yep. I have a wife and kids now." He smiles. "Congratulations you bastard!" Bakugou grabs Kirishima into a headlock. "Hahahaha, thanks man." Kirishima laughs.

"Enough. We need to tell you what we're doing here." Todoroki says making the excitement stop. Bakugou lets his friend go. "Right. I almost forgot. What are you guys doing here?" He asks. Midoriya steps in front of him. "All For One is returning." Kirishima's face grew in horror. "Some of his minions have already been sneaking their way into our world...." He then looks at Uraraka. "Some of them killed her entire village. She's here to help avenge her people. Will you help us?" He asks his friend. Kirishima takes a moment to think. "Alright. I'll come with you. If he's coming back, we're going to have to do everything we can to put them back into their hole." He pumps his fist up.

"Awesome." Midoriya smiles. "Why don't you stay at my place for the night? We can have my wife make something to eat." He asks them. "Sure. We could use something other than mediocre town food." Midoriya says rubbing the back of his neck. "Great. Let's get going. I don't live too far away."

They walk through the forest and make it to a decently sized home. "Wow. How did you make a place like this?" Uraraka asks admiring the place. ' A lot of work. Though I had my wife to help me." He said with a dreamy smile on his face. "Stop daydreaming about your girl and let us in." Bakugou snaps him out of his beloved. "Sorry." He said opening the door to his home.

"Mina! I brought guests!" He yells to his wife names Mina. There wasn't a response. "She must be out getting some fruit. She'll be back soon. I can show you the guest rooms." He leads them each to a different room. The rooms could fit 1 to 2 people.

"Midoriya?" He asks getting his friend's attention. "Yeah?" "When you see Mina, don't freak out." He says to his friend. "O-Okay?" He says confused. He gets settled into his room. 'What did he mean by don't freak out? Is she a fairy? That would be odd, but it wouldn't freak me out.' He thinks to himself. He decides to go to their kitchen to see what they have in stock for food. When he leaves his room he notices something odd. A tail moving through a corner.

He follows where the tail was coming from and found his way into the kitchen. What he sees is a woman with pink skin, pink hair, golden eyes, a tail, and pitch black sclera. But one thing he knew for sure was that she was a....

"Demon!" He yells getting her attention. He draws out his sword and slashes at her. She dodges the first one, and when he went in for the second swing, he's blocked by Kirishima. "Kirishima! What are you doing?! There's a demon in your home!" He yells. Bakugou, Todoroki and Uraraka see what's happening and just stand their in shock.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt my wife!" Kirishima yells. Midoriya is shocked and backs off. "Your....wife?" He sheaths his sword into his scabbard and takes a few steps back. "I told you not to freak out when you saw her." "Why didn't you tell me she was a demon?!" He yells.

"I needed you to see for yourself. I'm sorry." Kirishima apologizes to him.

Midoriya has trouble processing what's happening. Kirishima is married to a demon. A demon! The race that took everything away from him. He then saw two small children, twins, run to the demon. "Mommy. Are you okay?" A the little girl with horns, pink hair and yellow eyes asked. "We heard screaming." A little boy with black hair, red eyes, black sclera, and pink skin asks. "I'm fine. Just some problems with our guests." She kneels down to hug the scared children.

"Midoriya, listen. She isn't like all the other demons. She's kind, beautiful, and even hates the heritage she has. She's more human than she is demon." Kirishima says to him. Midoriya then runs out of the house and into the woods to think.

He's sitting on a rock looking at his sword thinking about how he can even go back. He hears twigs breaking behind him, and he sees Uraraka. "Hi?" She greets him nervously. He turns back around. "Hey." He says softly with little emotion. She sits next to him on the rock. "What's wrong? I get why you attacked her. Hell, I would've done the same thing after what happened last week, but she really doesn't seem like all the other demons we've seen. Her eyes were calm and warming. but ones like Monoma gave off a feeling of destruction and murder. So what's wrong?"

He doesn't lift his head. "The demons cost me everything. My home, my mother, and....." He couldn't finish his sentence. "And what?" She asks worried for her friend. Tears roll down his face, but he keeps the same expression. "I can't. I can't talk about it." She hugs him. "You don't have to talk about it. But just know that you don't have to forgive all demons, but one that hates their heritage." He nods in her shoulder and gets up wiping his face of tears.

They head back to the house and see Kirishima and Mina sitting at a table with Bakugou and Todoroki. Midoriya stands in front of Ashido. "I can never forgive the demons for what they took from me. But I can learn to forgive a demon that left their kind for humans." He puts his hand out for her. She takes it and smiles. "I'm Mina Ashido. Or, Mina Kirishima." She giggles.

They have a good dinner with the ogre meat, and a pleasant night.

Midoriya is laying in his bed thinking of the things that have happened. 'This is going to get more interesting, isn't it?' Then goes to sleep.

Chapter finished. I hope you enjoyed it.

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