A knight and a demon

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Midoriya wakes up peacefully. It was the best sleep he's had in 200 years since he slept in an actual bed. He gets on a shirt and pants and joined the other awoken knights for breakfast. "Hey guys." He yawned. "Hey, man. Grab a plate." Kirishima tells him. Midoriya gets breakfast and is astonished by the taste. "Oh my gosh, this is the best food I've had in 200 years!" He said scarfing down the food. "Prison food was shit. Deku's cooking was a slight improvement, but this is awesome!" Bakugou declares. "It's not as good as the food from the palace, but I still enjoy it none the less." Todoroki says.

"Mina is a great cook. Though  not as good as me." He points his thumb at himself. "You almost burned the kitchen down after the second week of living here." Ashido says from the kitchen. Midoriya and Bakugou try stifling their laughter. "One time. I almost burned it down one time." Kirishima shoots back. She bops him on the head playfully. "One time too many." She giggles. "Are the kids up?" Kirishima asks. "No, not yet. I'll get them when Uraraka gets up." She says going back to cooking.

Uraraka walks into the dining area wearing a light brown night dress. "Morning." She says groggily. "I wish I was like you guys so I wouldn't feel like this in the mornings." She complained. "Please, immortality doesn't have as much perks as you think. After the first hundred years it just gets boring." Bakugou says taking a drink of "milk". "Kacchan is that-" "Don't judge me." He drinks again.

After breakfast

Midoriya is working out while Kirishima is out hunting to get food for their quest. Bakugou is sharpening his sword, though how much sharper can it get? And Todoroki is meditating.

"I'm back!" Kirishima yells holding 2 tons worth of meat in his arms. He sets it in the giant pantry of the kitchen. "Hey, Kirishima. Before we leave, can you tell us how you and Mina meet?" Midoriya asks getting the attention of the others. They get seated in the living room and Mina sits in his lap. "Alright. It happened only one day after the end of the war."


Kirishima is walking through a forest and sulking in his 'victory.' "Immortality. Damn him. Now we'll live longer than our loved ones. There goes my hopes of settling down." He says to himself. He hears rustling and turns to see a womanly figure but nothing else. "Hello? Who's there?" He asks grabbing the handle of his blades just in case it's a threat. "P-Please don't attack." She says shyly. "Come out." He demands. She comes out og her hiding spot and shows herself.

(AN: Imagine she's wearing this and has the tail.)

He pulls out his swords. "Demon!" He rushes at her and she ducks him. She runs away to safety. "What's wrong?! You wanna cause more trouble?!" He yells chasing her. "Was taking my friends from me not enough?!" He yells again. She keeps running until she runs into a mountain. She turns around to see him preparing or the last strike. "P-Please. No more violence." She begs him. "Funny coming from a demon." He says getting closer. As he comes in close, a roar is heard. A troll comes down and knocks him away.

She takes a fighting stance and prepares for a fight. Kirishima comes back up and stabs it. "Immortality. No joke. I don't even feel the pain from that attack anymore, it should've at least given me a concussion. Maybe this won't be entirely bad." He said stabbing the monster in the eye. The troll tried reaching back for Kirishima, but is unable to. He then starts running backwards. "What are you doing, idiot?" He asks smugly and he stabs it again. "Look out!" She yells. He looks back and doesn't activate his hardening in time as his face is slammed into the side of the mountain. He slumps back. He may be immortal, but blows to the face still hurt like hell. The troll kicks him and picks him up by his hands.

As he's about to be thrown away, Ashido sprays a corrosive substance at the beast and drops Kirishima. He turns back and backhands her into a tree. Kirishima sees this and goes in for the kill. He slides underneath the troll and stabs its heart. The monster falls down dead with blood flowing out of the hole in its chest like a river. Kirishima checks on her to see if she's okay. "Why did you help me?" He asks unsure if she can be trusted or not. She opens her eyes weakly. "Because the conflict between humans and demons should have never occurred in the first place." She says smiling. She then passes out from the pain. He picks her up and takes her to a house he saw while chasing her.

When he gets to the house, he notices the condition it's in. 'Looks like no one has been here in years.' He opens the door and the inside matched the condition outside. "If I fixed this place up, it wouldn't be a bad place to live." He sets her on the table in the middle of the house and treats her wounds.

A few hours later she starts waking up. "Why did you help me?" She asks. "I wanted to hear more on what you meant before you passed out." The red-head explained. Shits sits herself up. "The war was pointless and unjust, All For One just wanted control over two domains and craved power. We had no right to invade this world. I had to leave, I couldn't watch anymore." She explains. "You were there? When he was defeated?" She nods. "I saw your friend and her. I'm sorry for him." She says. "Me too. Wait. Why did you follow me?" He asks. Her cheeks turn a dark pink. "I...I thought you were really interesting." She tells him.

He blushes lightly and looks away. "Well if you're gonna live in this world, you should live somewhere. this place isn't so bad if we fix it up. I can live her too, if you want." He proposed. She agreed and after that, they spent weeks upon weeks fixing the house. They even expanded upon it and turned it into a two story house. They bought everything for the inside like a couch, a clean table, beds and other things.

"What do you think?" He asked. "It looks amazing Kirishima!" She exclaims right next to him making him go nearly deaf. "Yeah. Let's go truly settle in." They go inside and see a kitchen and living room with white walls, a long wooden dining table, a comfortable couch, and very nice furniture.

Over the months of living togehter, Ashido learned a trick to disguise herself as a human so she can go into towns. But it takes a lot of magic, and it won't last an entire day. Kirishima got a job by hunting monsters for money. His biggest prize was a black scale dragon, which gave him enough money for 10 lifetimes. He also hunted monsters to eat.

Over that time, they have grown very close to each other, even developing feelings for each other. Ashido is sitting on the couch looking into the overseeing glass to stay up to date on the workings of the world. Kirishima is upstairs asleep. She wants the courage to tell him her feelings, but can never find her words. But tonight, she promised herself she would. She marched upstairs to talk to him. She knocks on his door and doesn't hear anything. She opens the door and sees him sound asleep. She gathers all the courage she can and sits on his bed. "Kiri. Kiri!" She whisper yells. He stirs awake and sits up revealing his naked torso. She blushes seeing his six pack and pecs. "Hey Ashido. What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I wanted to talk to you about something. in recent months, I've been feeling weird about you. When around or even think of you, my chest beats quickly and my face feels warm. What I think I mean to say is....I love you." She closes her eyes so she wouldn't have see him. He grabs the back of her head and pulls her towards him and her eyes shot open as she feels his lips on hers. He splits from her after 10 seconds of heaven. "All you had to do was say so. I feel the exact same way, Ashido." He says smiling. She smiles and hugs him. "Can I stay here tonight?" She asks him. "You can stay here every night if you'd like." He says petting her hair. "I'd like that." They get into the bed and fall asleep in each others' arms.


"And you know the rest." Kirishima says. "Wow, that was so cute!" Uraraka squeals. "It was." Midoriya says. "Too much mushy crap." Bakugou says. Todoroki shrugs.

Kirishima gets up. "Alright. You need a ride, right?" He asked them. "Yeah We were wondering if you had any dragons left from after the war." Midoriya explained. Kirishima pumped his chest. "Don't worry. I've still got one." He says proudly. "That's awesome!" Midoriya exclaims. "Alright everyone! Out of the house!" Kirishima orders everyone. "Yay! Riot!" The kids yell.

They go outside and prepare to go far, but Kirishima stops the group. "Hold on. The dragon's here." He tells them. The knights just give him a confused look. "Um, what do you mean?" Todoroki asks. Kirishima inhales deeply and whistles with his fingers. "RIOT!" He yells. The ground shakes and the house starts rising up. A giant hand comes out of the ground and settles om the ground. A tail rises up followed by a pair of wings. "HOLY CRAP!" The trio knights say and Uraraka just looks in awe. The kids are cheering holding Ashido's hands. The head finally comes out of the ground. It's a giant dragon. "This is riot. The largest dragon I've ever seen or tamed. It's also bigger than any dragon ever recorded." Kirishima explained. "THIS THING WAS UNDER YOUR HOUSE THE WHOLE TIME?!" The four travelers exclaim. "Not the whole time. I put him there 150 years ago. And only brought him out one more time to show the kids." He says. The dragon lowers its head to let them up. "So Midoriya, where are we headed?" He asks the green haired man. "We're going to find Yaoyorozu." Todoroki's eyes shoot open hearing this. "That sounds reasonable." Todoroki says calmly despite his face going red. "Alright. Let's get going." He says and they make it back to the house. Kirishima whistles and Riot takes off making the home shake some.

Midoriya looks into the sky and gets lost in thought. 'I hope your plan works All Might.'

End of chapter. I am sooooooooooooo sorry I keep neglecting my writing. I want to update more frequently, but I keep losing my motivation when I try writing and my ideas go bad.

Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote and to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!

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