The Creation Knight

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"So what is Yaoyorozu like? Is she as smart as the stories say?" Uraraka asks excitedly.

"Smarter." Midoriya answers. "Her quick thinking in tense situations honestly challenges mine." He scratches the back if his neck.  "She's so very capable of handling herself in a fight. Her beauty also helps as a distraction towards perverts that want to use her. As well, she's one of the kindest people in the kingdom only second to Urar-ravity." He says sipping on his tea. He looks at the rest and they have wide eyes. Mina comes up to him with a wide grin. "Oh my gosh! Looks like someone's in love!" She teased. His face turns lightly red but keeps his composure.

"Sorry man. She gets like this sometimes. She's a romantic." Kirishima apologizes for her. "It's okay. Me and Mo-Yaoyorozu's relationship us completely professional. She's a great friend." He says. "Whad a load 'a crab!" Bakugou yells fromthe ground. "Isn't it too early to get drunk." Midoriya shoots up at this. "It's neber too early." He says still face planted on the ground.

'Getting drunk? How?' Midoriya thinks to himself. Just then, Riot lets out a roar to notify them. "He says we made it." They go to a window of the house to see hundreds of acres of land and a giant house below. "Man. I knew she was rich, but this is crazy." Kirishima says with a nervous expression. He snaps out of it and whistles for Riot to land. Riot digs his way into the ground so they can get out.

"Alright. Niw to find Yaoyorozu and-" He gets cut off with an arrow to the chest. "Oh. There's guards. Uraraka stay back until we deal with them." She nods and goes back with Mina intti the house. "Stand down or we'll fire again!" One of the guards yell. Todoroki goes up and feezes them. "There's no need for unnecessary violence. We are just here to see Momo Yaoyorozu." He says walking past the frozen guards. The others make their way into the giant home. Everyone, besides Todoroki and Midoriya, are wideyed seeing how big just the entrance if the home is. Midoriya spots a boy with black hair running by. "Excuse me, kid." He gets the boy's attention. "Have you seen Momo Yaoyorozu by any chance?" He asks the kid. The boy then reels his arm back and punches Midoriya in the balls.

Everyone went wideyed again seeing what just happened. Midoriya fell to the ground in pain. "Why?" He squeaks out. "Because all you perverts are the same." He says. Uraraka kneels down to him. "They aren't perverts. They're her friends. We need to see her for something important." She says calming him down some. "Fine. Follow me." He lead them to a door where they hear grunting, metal clanging, and something heavy falling onto the ground.

When they open the door, they see Yaoyorozu, in training armor, with a thin bladed sword training against two others on the ground groaning. "Come on. I know you can do better than that." She taunts them. They get up and one runs at her and uses a forward thrust with his blade, but she evades and blocks every strike and knocks the sword out of his hand and strikes him. "You're out." He walks away in defeat. "What about you?" She asks. He admits defeat and leaves the training room. "Mama!" The boy yells. 'Mama?!' "Kota. How are-" She stops ad she sees her friends. Tears form in her eyes and she puts her hands over her mouth. "Guys? Is it really you?" She walks up to them. "Yep. In the flesh." Midoriya says. She hugs them all, except Bakugou, and stops at Uraraka. She just stares in shock. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "I'm here to help defeat the demons and reunite the knights." She answers with determination. "That's not what I meant. How are you-" She gets cut off by Midoriya. " So Yaoyorozu! What have you been up to for the past 200 years?!" He yells nervously.

"I came back to my family estate to take over my father's business." She answers. She waves at them to follow her. "Come join me for lunch." She heads to a door holding Kota in her arms. The others follow, leaving Todoroki standing there. 'She has a child?' He thinks to himself feeling a pain in his chest. He follows them after his little sulking. They make it into a banquet hall. "This whole room is bigger than my village." Uraraka says falling backwards. "Uraraka!" Midoriya yells worried and checks on her. "This place is fancy." Bakugou says looking at a small statuette. He goes to grab for it until Todoroki grabs his hand. "Don't Bakugou." "Ugghh!" "This place is amazing. Mina would love to live in a place like this." Kirishima says. "Who's Mina?" Yaoyorozu asks. "His wife." Bakugou says looking through all the wines she had. "You got married?!" She asks with stars in her eyes. "Yeah. And she's a demon." He says. ".......................................Okay." She says with a deadpanned smile. "Where's the food?" Bakugou asks.

"Right." She claps her hands and servants bring out trays of food they take their seats and prepare to eat. They gaze at the food as if the found a buried treasure, except Todoroki. "This tastes so good." Uraraka says with drool coming down her mouth. 'So cute.' Midoriya blushes and looks away. "So do you mind telling me why you're here? Not that I don't mind it, but a sudden visit like this is surprising. Even for you Midoriya?" She asks. Midoriya puts down his utensils. "Yaoyorozu. We came here to recruit you back. All For One is returning." Her head shoots up and her eyes widen. "I....I....No way. I thought we got rid of him for good." She says shakily. "I thought so too. Until..." He looks at Uraraka and she's clenching onto her fork tightly. "The bastards killed everyone in my village. Including my parents." She says with tears of anger in her eyes. "And another by the name of Dabi attacked my kingdom. He was definitely a high ranked demon." Todoroki explains. Yaoyorozu turns to Kirishima. "And you said Mina is a demon?" He nods. "Yeah. I know what you're thinking, but we meet a day after the war ended." He explains.

"Mama? What's happening?" Kota asks worried. He ruffles his hair. "Don't worry Kota. There's nothing to worry about." 'For now at least.' Todoroki sees this and feels the pain again.  He gets up and leaves. "Excuse me. I must get some air." He exits the room without looking back at them. "Todoroki." She says worried. "Yaoyorozu, can I talk to you?" Midoriya asks. She nods and tells Kota she'll be right back, though he's hesitant. They go into another room so they can discuss important matters. "We need our help Yaoyorozu. If we don't have you, then we can't defeat All For One. We need all 10 knights. Not 8. Not 9. 10."

"Midoriya. I don't know. I have so many responsibilities here. My business, Kota, I can't just leave them." She says looking at the ground. "If you don't, then everyone will die. Including Kota. Will you really just stand by and let everyone die. What happened to the battle ready girl from 200 years ago that hated the pampered life?" She looks at him in shock. So much has changed in the 200 years everyone had split. She hated the life of being rich, but she was the owner and runner of her family's business. "I'm sorry. Give me the rest of the day to think about it. I'll give you my answer in the morning." She tells him he nods. "Now onto my second point of business for bringing you here. Kota. What's that about?" Why does he call you 'Mama'?" He asks.

"Actually it's a funny story. I found him on the streets when I had to go into town. He seemed like an exceptionally smart child for his age, so I took him in. I treat him like my son, and he sees me  as his mother. Well I guess we technically are." She tells him. "Oh.. So you never......?" He holds a finger towards his other hand where he makes a circle shape with his thumb and index finger. She blushes madly. "NO! Of course not!" She yells. 'Well that's good news for Todoroki. Now for some teasing.' "So you save yourself for icy prince in case you ever saw him again?" She gets redder from embarrassment and anger. "Sh-Shut up!" "Okay, but-" He gets cut off when she makes a sword from her hand and hold it at his neck. "Keep talking and immortal or not, that voice of yours will never heal." He sweatdrops. "Okay, okay. Speaking of which, I need to talk to you, Kacchan, and Todoroki about our immortality." She lowers the sword and exits the room.

Once they enter the room, they see something very nostalgic. "That's my roast you bastard!" "It was on my plate, so it's mine." Todoroki says eating the meat from his plate. They see Bakugou trying to attack Todoroki with a flipped over table, Uraraka hugging a scared Kota, and Bakugou frozen, except for his head, as Todoroki finishes his meal. "You got that off my plate you dick!" He yells again. "It was on my plate and you just declared it was yours." He says calmly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" He yells moving his head around struggling to get out. "I, for some reason, miss this." Yaoyorozu smiles. Midoriya goes up to Todoroki. "She adopted the kid. She was never with anyone." He whispers in his ears. Todoroki gives a small smile.

After the whole dispute was settled, they headed back to the house and Yaoyorozu was in her bed looking out the window at the moon. 'The moon has always let me think when it's full. It's so beautiful and calming.


"Mother, father. Come look at the moon. It's so beautiful." The little girl called to her parents. They look  out the window at the sky. "It is. Now go to sleep. You have to prepare for your studies." Her father tells her. Her smile fades into disappointment. "Okay."


'He's right. How did I come to become the thing I hated for most of my life. I guess that's just growing up. But now more is at stake than a little rich girl wanting an exciting life.' She lets her thoughts run until she falls asleep.

Next day

The knights go up to the mansion to see if she has changed her mind about things. The doors to the mansion open, the see her in her armor from 200 years ago.

Todoroki blushes and Mina covers her kid's eyes. "Let's make those demons regret coming back." She brings luggage for her and Kota to last a week.

"What a nice little home. It's so simple I love it." She stares around the house in awe. "Th-Thanks. I'm Mina Kirishima." She holds out her hand and she shakes it. She directs her and Kota to a room across from Uraraka.

Todoroki comes in to greet her. "Hello, Momo. It's good to see you again." He greets her properly. "Hello Shoto." She walks over to him. "I'm glad to see you too." He blushes slightly. "I'll leave you two to unpack now. I hope you join us for lunch soon." He tells her leaving her and Kota to unpack. "He seems nice Mama." "Yeah. He really is." She smiles. 'The greatest person I have ever known.'

Chapter end. I know I keep saying this, but I'm sorry this took so long to get posted. I really wanted to post this sooner, but I keep losing the motivation to. I'll get over it. I hope.

Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote, and to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!

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