Rescuing Raphtalia

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After having awakened your newfound psychic powers and being branded a rapist, you set out into the world, leveling up as you go, pulling an all-nighter on yourself. Luckily, you didn't have to use your shield all that much since your psychic powers were over the top OP.

At first, you start off with more of those pesky balloon monsters, crushing them in groups and grinding some serious exp. The next thing that's on your mind is finding more items to sell.

As you're collecting herbs and storing them in your shield, you unlock a new type of shield. You check to see this new "Leaf Shield" and boom, there it is on your arm.

Y/N: "Hmmm... interesting. Looks like this shield is able to improve the quality of herbs. This'll definitely come in handy."

Later on, you returned to the village and sold the high quality herbs without disclosing where you found them. Afterwards, you roamed the village, looking to get outta there so you could grind some more, but wanted a bigger challenge since you're now at Level 10.

Suddenly, there's a loud crash that can be heard from somewhere close by and you ran towards the noise.

???: "Help me! HELP ME!!!"

You reach your destination and find yourself getting bumped into by this poor little girl.

She had these cute animal ears and long, light brown hair and light magenta eyes that make you just wanna scoop her up and snuggle her in your arms and protect her. However, she also looks very sickly and dirty, like she's been through hell and back.

Y/N: "You poor little girl, are you alright?"

Girl: "Save me... please! I *cough, cough* don't wanna go back there to that awful man! Please, help me!"

Y/N: "Shh, it's okay. You're safe with me."

Man: "Hey, where are you, you little runt?!"

Y/N: "Sounds like he's coming. Kid... get behind me."

The poor, sickly demi-human girl wasted no time and hid behind you under your cape just in time for this tiny man in a stupid top hat to show up, looking crossed.

Man: "Alright, you little brat, come out here quietly and I won't punish you too much!"

The man keeps searching until his eyes lock onto your cold, hard gaze... a gaze that piques the man's interest.

Man: "Well, well, what do we have here? Uh, young man, have you seen a little demi-human roaming around here?"

Y/N: "That depends. What do you plan on doing with this "demi-human" if I help you find it?"

Man: "Obviously, I'm putting her back in her cage for my next available customer, I am a slave trader after all."

Y/N: *thinks* "Hmm... so this country practices slavery on demi-humans, is that right? Well... something tells me that I've got some filth to clean up in this kingdom. If there's one thing I hate a whole lot more than corrupt politics, it's slavery."

Y/N: *aloud* "Show me where you do business... and I will help you find the girl you're looking for... sir."

Slave Trader: "Hmm... you drive a hard bargain, kid. But alright, anything for a paying customer. She's probably dead weight anyway."

Hook line and sinker. You follow the slave trader back to his place of business, while also making sure the little girl is safely hidden behind you underneath your cape. You soon come across a giant tent in a huge part of the town you didn't see before.

Y/N: "So... this is where you buy and sell slaves?"

Slave Trader: "It is my bread and butter after all. So, you said that you have information where the little girl might be, didn't you?"

Y/N: "Very well. If you want to know..."

There's a pregnant pause in the atmosphere, everyone's holding their breath and the poor little girl hiding under your cape is shaking like a leaf, her poor little heart is beating faster. When she thinks her life is over, she suddenly hears... someone choking?

Suddenly, she's brought out from beneath your cape and shown to the slave trader, who's floating in the air. But he looks like he's being choked to death. She turns to you and finds it's you who's choking the life out of this insidious man. It's quite evident with the blue aura coming from both of you and your hand is out.

Y/N: "She's been with me the whole time. And I'm going to make this violently clear to you. Slavery is a plague that is frowned upon where I live and for a country to practice such a foul, rotten business has no right to be called human... or live anymore."

Slave Trader: *choking* "P-Please! We... can... work this. . . out. . . just name your. . . price. . . on. . . the girl!"

Y/N: "The price? How about... YOUR HEAD!!!"

As you clench your hand into a fist and gave it a turn, the slave trader's head was bent sideways and pulled a 360, making lots of crackling noises and the scum was silenced forever. You kept your other hand over the girl's eyes so she didn't have to witness such gore.

You drop the slave trader and enter his tent. The interior of the establishment ran a chill down your spine. There were more demihumans and beasts that you've never seen before. All of them were caged up and doomed to spend their days with bad masters.

Well, not anymore.

Y/N: "This is disgusting. To think such a foul man would enslave all these living creatures with no sense of remorse. I swear on my life as a human being, I'll get you all out of here... somehow."

Your moment of valor is interrupted when you notice your status blinking, so you bring it up. Apparently, you've unlocked two new abilities in your psychic abilities. Here's what it reads.

[New skill unlocked: Teleportation - You can instantly transport yourself and anything you like to any place, as long as it's someplace you've already been to.

Revitalize - You replenish those who have suffered from any injury, illness and curse they might've gotten and remove them permenantly from their bodies and souls.]

Y/N: "Hmm... these might come in handy." *to everyone* "Alright, everyone listen up if you can hear me!"

Everyone trapped in their cages looked at you and some of the beastial creatures growled at your presence.

Y/N: "I understand you don't know me and you probably think I'm here to harm you, but you can rest assure, I mean no harm. My name is Y/N L/N, and I am the Shield Cardinal Hero. Whether you trust me or not, is entirely up to you, but I pledge to free you all."

Girl: "M-Mister?"

Y/N: "Hmm" *looks down at sickly girl*

Girl: "H-How are... How are you gonna free them?"

Y/N: "I'll show you." *activates psychic powers, hovers* "Listen, let your minds focus on mine."

For a long pause, the demi-humans and beasts all kept themselves fixated on you and soon everyone in the tent is enveloped by your psychic aura and once you open your eyes...

Y/N: "Teleportation."


The tent is now empty and where have you taken them? Easy, you're now outside the castle atop a small hill where you set up camp the first day and all of the demi-humans and beasts are now freed from their imprisonment, no longer bound to their shackles.

Girl: "You... you did it! You... actually did it!"

Y/N: "I'm not done yet."

The little girl was curious of why you said you're not done. You approach the group of demi-humans who are now worried about what you plan on doing to them now.

Y/N: "Alright. I assume all of you were forced into slavery, does that mean a spell was involved or a curse or anything?"

As if right on cue, they all showed their slave crests embedded into their chest, which made you feel sorry for them.

Y/N: "Very well... I will see if I can remove them. Once you're all free... you can finally head home, but I suggest leaving in parties. Some of you have the fighting capabilities as well as have an extremely high level, so anyways, here goes nothing."

With everyone's eyes locked on you, you put your hands out on front of you, closing your eyes and channel your psychic powers through them and over towards the group.

Y/N: *whispering* "Revitalize"

Opening up your eyes, you see everyone glowing brightly and whether you can see it or not, their injuries, illnesses, curses and whatever else they suffered from are all withering away. Every single slave crest they have... gone, like the wind.

The demi-humans and beasts were all officially free from their enslavement and are now able to return to their rightful homes.

demi-human 1: "S-Shield Hero. We... We don't know how to thank you for what you've done."

demi-human 2: "It seems the legends were true. The Shield Hero does have love and respect for all demi-humans!"

demi human 3: "We'll never forget this! Thank you!"

Y/N: "You're welcome. Now go... your homes await. And remember, stick together, let the experienced fighters protect the weaker members and finally... don't die."

The whole group give their thanks to you and scatter out into the world, returning back to their original homes and disappearing over the horizon, all except for one little girl. The very same girl you rescued earlier from that foul, rotten slave trader.

Girl: "Shield Hero?"

Y/N: "Hmm?"

Girl: "If it's okay with you, can I stay with you?"

Y/N: "Me? Are you sure you wanna travel with me?"

Girl: "You saved my life, the least I can do is travel with you."

Y/N: "It'll be dangerous out there and with the Waves of Catastrophe coming, who knows how long you've got to train. Are you sure you want to tag along with me on the journey?"

Girl: "Of course I'm sure! Because... the truth is... I... *sad* I don't have a home or parents to go back to. They... They were killed during one of the Waves before I was sold into slavery."

Y/N: "O-Oh... I see." *thinking* "Well, now that I think about it, I can't tackle on the Waves all by myself and I might need some backup in case things get a little sticky."

Girl: "So... can I join?" *looks up with big, sparkling eyes*

Y/N: *chuckles* "I'd be glad to have you, welcome aboard."

With your approval, the little girl's eyes lit up like Christmas morning and leaped at you, hugging you tightly, giggling. You return her affections with a hug of your own and pick her up, spinning her around, making her even happier than before.

And of course, agreeing to her joining your party affected your status as you saw her stats appear right under yours on the screen. Looks like you've officially gotten your first party member.

You set her down afterwards, dusting off some of the dirt that still lingered on her clothes and then stood up.

Y/N: "By the way, what's your name?"

Girl: "My name's Raphtalia. And you're... Y/N?"

Y/N: "That's right. I guess you heard me speak my name. Anyways, follow me, we've got some work to do."

With Raphtalia now at your side, you take her with you back to the kingdom for a quick trip to a certain shop to get her fully prepared for the dangers that lie ahead.

[A/N: Just so you guys know... I am 100% against slavery. Even in a story, I refuse to allow something like that to happen, which is why I had the slave trader killed off and the enslaved demi-humans and beasts freed from him. As for Filo... well, I'll tell you, her egg wound up being stored in Y/N's shield when he teleported everyone out of their shackles and brought them freedom]

Moments later, you arrive at the armory shop and head inside, seeing Erhard still up.

Erhard: "Hmm, oh, it's you." *sees Raphtalia* "Well, well. What's with the little girl, kid?"

Y/N: "She's my new party member. But before I go on with the details, do you think you can give her some equiptment? Oh, and she'll need a weapon she can wield with ease."

Erhard: "Hmm... sure, I think I can got what you're looking for."

Sure enough, minutes later, she comes out with some light armor and a dagger on her side.

Y/N: "Look at you, you clean yourself up nicely."

Raphtalia: "Thank you."

Y/N: "Alrigh then. Now, let's see if you can use it properly."

Raphtalia: "Huh?"

Y/N: *lifts cape, reveals orange balloon*

Raphtalia: *slightly scared* "Wh-What is that?!"

Y/N: "There's no need to worry, it's one of the weakest monsters in this world and you can kill it fairly easily. Now, go ahead and draw your dagger and pierce this thing through."

You took the monster off your rib cage and presented it to Raphtalia, who was still scared.

Raphtalia: "A-Are you sure?"

Y/N: "100%. Now show me what you can do."

Seeing no other way out, she sighs and draws her dagger and charges in full force, stabbing the balloon monster. One good stab was all it took to pop the monster. Then, in doing so, she received some exp, as did you, much more than you did solo.

Y/N: "Well, would you look at that. I gained some, too?"

Erhard: "Probably because when you accepted her into your party, you set her as a companion. Oh, now wait a minute, don't tell me you bought this little girl as a slave."

Y/N: "Nope, I didn't spend a copper on her. I freed her from a slave trader, along with all sorts of demi-humans and other creatures that were being held in captivity as slaves. As you can already tell, I despise slavery more than anything in this world."

Erhard: "Keep that up and you'll be making friends and enemies alike wherever you go, kid."

Y/N: "I know. Anyways, thanks again for your business. Raphtalia, it's time to go, we've got lots of stuff to do."

Raphtalia: "Coming!"

The cute little tanuki demi-human quickly follows you out of the store and head out to begin your preparations.

Erhard: "That kid's something. Something tells me his new companion's in good hands as long as she's with him."

Y/N: "Now let's see..." *checks coins* "It looks like I've got like 157 silver coins left to spend."

Bastard: *forceful* "Hey! Get a move on!"

You look over and see this rude fucker ordering these two poor demi-humans around like they don't matter. Having them load whatever shit he has onto his cart.

Bastard: "Move your butts, you stinkin' demis!"

One of them loads up one of the boxes while the other trips and falls, but the bastard shows no sympathy whatsoever.

Bastard: "I don't have all day, you little moron!"

Y/N: "I've had enough."

Facing the bastard directly, you activate your psychic powers and capture the ugly bastard in a psychic stranglehold.

[Skip to 0:15, Mewtwo = Y/N. Rhyhorn = Bastard]

As you released the bastard, you also managed to send him flying away by about 10 to 15 miles. (Yes, you're that powerful.)

Y/N: "Raphtalia, follow me."

Raphtalia: "Coming."

You approach the two demi human children. However, they're just as scared of you as they were with their master.

Y/N: "Hey, don't be afraid, kids. You're safe now."

Little girl: "W-W-What do you mean?"

Little boy: "Please don't hurt us."

Y/N: "Now, now, I'm not gonna hurt you. Listen, I'm gonna do you kids a favor and help guide you back home to your parents. Or, if you want, you can tag along with us for the time being on our journey until you're strong enough to find your own home."

Raphtalia: "Best part is, Y/N's one of the 4 Cardinal Heroes. Trust me, he actually saved my life from a slave trader and so many other demi-humans who were enslaved. Look!"

Your adorable little partner then revealed the spot where her slave crest used to be, showing that you removed it.

Little girl: "You mean... w-w-we can finally go home? Back to my parents and my little brother?"

Little boy: "That means... I can see my dad again!"

Y/N: "Glad to see you're liking the idea. Now, first thing's first..." *you hear growling stomachs all around* "We need to fill up your bellies and also... get rid of those things." *points to the slave crests embedded on the two demi-human kids*

Raphtalia: "And don't worry, it's actually a soothing process, you won't feel any pain at all."

Of course, the kids nodded in understanding. Now, you put your hands on each of their shouldersand activate your psychic powers, once again using your special technique.


Using this technique, all their wounds, dirty spots and curses rapidly vanished from their bodies without a trace. Now, with no slave crests, the two demi-human children were free at last.

Y/N: "There... now you're free. Come on, let's go and fix up something for you all to eat."

Both demi-human children cheer with glee and follow you down the street towards one of the nearby restaurants.

Y/N: "By the way, I never really got your names."

Little girl: "Oh, how silly of me. My name's Raine. This is my good friend, Lloyd, we're good friends back in our hometown."

Y/N: " Those are nice names. My name's Y/N L/N and this little lady next to me is my partner and friend, Raphtalia."

Raine: "Nice to meet you and thanks for saving us from that awful man, but are you sure you wanna look after us for now?"

Y/N: "Well, I can't let you be all by yourselves in a country as corrupt as this, so stick with me for a while until we eventually find your parents and the town they live in."

Lloyd: "Ah, thank you, Y/N!"

You chuckle at their gratitude and soon take them to a nearby restaurant in town where you pay for their meals. Despite everyone's disgust about the demi-human kids, you made sure they enjoyed themselves while also making sure that none of the other people step out of line with their choice of words by glaring into their very souls.

Later on, after dinner, you brought the kids with you to get them some new clothes to replace their old rags. Later on, the 4 of you went back to Erhard's shop to get them fitted for some armor and weapons suited for their specific abilities.

Raine was given a basic magic rod and Lloyd, surprisingly, took a liking to duel wielding swords. Altogether, the costs for their armor, clothes and weapons left you with only 50 silver.

It may have costed you most of your money, but it was well worth the price and effort to have them well-prepared.

With both children now fully equipped and armed, they now had the means to help fight alongside you. And so, as you venture out into the fields, you moreso help the kids level up by holding a bunch of monsters in place using your psychic powers. This allows for Raine, Lloyd and Raphtalia to get easy wins. And with 3 other party members, the exp they gain is double the normal amount they'd gain.

The training laster throughout the entire day until the sun was setting and the sky was now a bright orange color. By that time, you grew to level 12, Raphtalia was level 9 and Lloyd and Raine were both at level 8, quickly rising in the ranks with their teamwork.

As a reward, you treated them to a little camping trip and cooked them some tasty fish over by a nice little lake. And due to them leveling up, they each picked up some new abilities, as did you, starting with Lloyd's two new techniques: Demon Fang and Sonic Thrust. Raine learned two new spells of her own, which were First Aid and Stone Blast.

Raphtalia had earned herself a new attack called the Lunar Ring, which was basically a spinning sword attack. As for you, you picked up a blending ability to go with your shield.

Y/N: "Hmm... I've never actually tried blending before. Maybe this'll come in handy in the future."

Raphtalia: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hmm?"

Raphtalia: "If you don't mind me asking, how come you're not fighting alongside the other Four Cardinal Heroes?"

Y/N: *thinks* "Best if I don't tell her the whole story." *aloud* "Unfortunately, the Four Cardinal Heroes can't fight together to train. Our weapons are all equally powerful, but they repel each other when trying to fight off enemies, so we gotta go our separate ways in order to progress and prepare for the impending Waves of Catastrophe. That's why we have party members."

Lloyd: "But why was Raphtalia the only one in your party when you rescued me and Raine from that mad man?"

Y/N: "It's a long story, Lloyd. I'll tell you another time when you're old enough to understand. But for now, let's focus on getting resting up our tired bones and eating our fill."

Raphtalia: "Well... okay then."

So, later that night, the demi-human kids all covered up under your cape, sleeping the night away while you continued to make potions, unable to sleep for the most part.

However, for one of the children, they whimpered in their sleep, having an awful nightmare. Minutes later...

Raphtalia: *jolts up, screaming* "NOOOOOOO!!!!"

Her screaming even wakes up Raine and Lloyd and alerts you, making you stop what you were doing just now.

Raphtalia: *crying* "They're dead! They're dead!

Y/N: "Raphtalia!" *goes to her, hugging her* "Shh... easy, easy, you were just having a bad dream, you're safe now."

Raphtalia: "Father! No! My mother, father, they're both gone!"

The poor little one kept on crying her eyes out, clinging to you while you kept her safe in your warm, caring embrace.

[The next day, because REASONS!!!]

You made another trip back into town and sold off some of your medicine to the town's local herbalist for 4 silvers and in turn, you also were given some blending tools he doesn't use... as per your request, of course and he didn't seem to mind.

As you came out, you noticed Raphtalia, Lloyd and Raine watching two kids playing ball outside and could tell your 3 party members wanted to play with the ball, too.

Y/N: "Oh, I see now. You kids want a ball, too?"

Raphtalia: "N-No, I don't!"

Raine: "I'd never want a ball!"

Lloyd: "Not at all!"

Of course, their demi-human features (their tails) told a different story, which made you chuckle.

Y/N: "Yeah right. Come on, kiddos."

And so one purchase later...

Y/N: *hands ball to Raphtalia* "After we've finished with our training, you're free to play with this all you like."

Raphtalia: *happy* "Of course!"

Raine: "Thank you, Y/N!"

Lloyd: "Yeah, you're the best!"

Later on, you took the kids with you to a motel and rang up the bell for the front desk to come.

Front Desk: "I'm coming!" *sees you* "Oh! The Shield Hero's here."

Y/N: "I'd like to rent a room for me and my party here. One of my companions tends to scream at night, I'm afraid. I would greatly appreciate it if you could service us, please."

Front Desk: "Uh...s-s-sure, I'll have your room set up right away!"

And so, the rest of the day pretty much went on like usual. With a room rented out, you spent most of the day having the demi-human kids well-fed, even gave them decent haircuts... by professional barbors, since you couldn't cut hair all that well.

You also sold off some more medicines and then took the kids out into the forest to do some more training, having them coordinate their attacks since most of the monsters were weak and all you had to do was lure them in and the kids would finish them.

Now with the current enemies obsolete, you wandered further into the woods and encountered what appeared to be...

Y/N: "An enemy rabbit?"

Yup... and it's raring to sink its teeth into you. You block the little devil with your shield and hold it in place with your psychic powers. Afterwards, you show it to the kids.

Y/N: "Everyone, listen carefully. You've got to kill this thing right now if you wanna get stronger!"

Raphtalia: "What? But... if we do, it'll bleed!"

Y/N: "I know that, but there's no other choice! There's an upcoming Wave that'll be here soon and if we don't level up fast enough, we won't be able to survive that long!"

Lloyd: "You're... going against the Waves?"

Y/N: "I have to. It's my job as the Cardinal Hero. But I'm only able to defend my party members! So please, I ask you as your friend, take down this rabbit once and for all!"

Raine: "Very well." *activates magic rod*

Lloyd: "Ready for this, Raphtalia?"

Raphtalia: "R-Right!"

Raine: "Stone Blast"

Lloyd: "Sonic Thrust!"

Raphtalia: "Lunar Ring!"

Right then and there, all 3 party members came at the rabbit in their own way and took it down in one shot. Their exp shot up, as did yours, but there was still much more to do.

Y/N: "Good work." *thinks* "I know it's harsh to kill something like this, but this is the reality we live in. It's no game. And in order to live, we must fight and keep fighting... until the Waves have finally ceased enough for us to live in peace for a few centuries."

[Timeskip to later on]

After taking down enough enemies, you visited Erhard, whom traded Raphtalia's dagger for a pre-owned small iron sword. It's able to cut much deeper than her dagger. Afterwards, you asked him about whether there were any villages nearby.

Erharded pointed out there was one close by called Lute. So, of course, you headed out to see what the place had to offer.

It took a while to get there, but it was good exercise. Once there, you decided to talk to a merchant and sell some items.

Y/N: "How much for this?"

Merchant: "I'd say... about 2 silvers, give or take a copper."

Y/N: "Hmm... I see. By the way, is there any place nearby where you can earn a decent amount of money in a short timespan?"

Merchant: "Hmm... well, now that you mention it, the ore coming out of the mines outside the walls oughta fetch a decent amount, but... ever since the first Wave came, it's become home to a bunch of dangerous monsters, so these days, nobody wants to go anywhere near the place and who could blame 'em?"

Y/N: "Monsters, huh? Then, that's where we need to be right now, thanks for the information."

Merchant: "Wait... you serious?"

Y/N: "Serious as anyone can get. Come on, you three, we've got a big monster mess to clean up."

Following your lead, the four of you head off to where the mines are and stop by an old shack. There, you pick up some rope and add it to your shield, unlocking the Rope Shield. You decide to see it for yourself and equip the new weapon right off the bat.

Y/N: "Hmm... not sure how this'll benefit me. But, I might as well give it a shot while I'm at it."

Air Strike Shield

Upon shouting this technique, a green shield appears in front of you, which can be useful in a number of different ways.

Y/N: "Perfect!"

Raine: "Wow, that's amazing!"

Lloyd: "Looks pretty cool!"

Raphtalia: "Is that your new move?"

Y/N: "It is. Now come on, time's a-wasting."

So, the four of you head down the mineshaft and arrive at the mines where you begin mining for some ore. But while you're working, the kids notice a set of footprints in the mines.

And all too quickly...

kids: "Y/N!!!"

You turn to the kids and see them pointing at a cave. You turn and notice a giant two-headed dog coming your way. Raphtalia was getting a serious case of PTSD. Even though it wasn't the same monster dog that killed her parents, it still spooked her.

The foul canine ran up to the kids, but you grabbed them in a haste and leaped to safety into a nearby lake. You then climbed out with the kids clinging to you.

Y/N: "Are you kids alright?!"

Raphtalia: "Dog monster... It killed all the villagers-- even killed my own mother and father."

Y/N: "I see... it was from the first Wave, then. Guess that explains why you cry at night. But tell me, is that the same monster that killed your parents in the first Wave?"

Raphtalia: "No."

Y/N: "Okay. Listen up, all of you...I'm going to provide a distraction and lure the monster's attention away from you. Once its eyes are set on me, I'll hold it in place and you'll charge in and take that thing down as a team, do you understand that?"

Lloyd: "Roger that! Let's put this bad dog to sleep!"

Raine: "I'll do what I can!"

Raphtalia: "Uh... I..."

Y/N: "And remember, the stronger we become, the better our chances of surviving the Waves of Catastrophe and the better chances we have of preventing the same tragedy. Your parents died saving your life, that's a fact, but you have a chance to prevent other children from experiencing what you went through long ago. Now then, everybody wait here, the time has come for action!"

You leap from your position and land on the spot where the monster dog is and the beast goes in to bite you. You block one of its heads with your rope shield, but its 2nd head goes to bit you... which it fails as you use your psychic powers yet again.

The aura radiating from your hand hold the monster dog's 2nd head in place while slowly enrapturing its whole body. Once you have it in your full grasp, you throw it back at full force with your psychic attack, doing a certain amount of damage.

You keep your guard up, circling around while the monster dog shakes off the damage and circles parallel to you. Now, the beast charges at you again and this time you kick your psychic powers into overdrive, levitating the beast a few feet up.

Y/N: "Lloyd! Raine! Raphtalia! Now's the time to strike!"

Lloyd didn't hesitate to jump into action and ran towards the towering two-headed canine. He brings out his two swords and slashes away at the monster, lowering its health. Raine casted her Stone Blast and aimed her attack at the dog's soft underbelly. The monster was now at 25% health and that just leaves Raphtalia.

Y/N: "What are you waiting for? Kill it!" you called out.

Raphtalia: "I... I can't! I'm too scared!"

Y/N: "You have to overcome your fears one way or another! If you don't, you'll just be holding yourself back! Now hurry!"

Raphtalia: "I... I can't!"

You look over and see her backing away. It's clear she's way too overcome with fear to do anything right now. You sigh and decide to slam the dog to the ground and hold it there with your psychic abilities and look over at Raphtalia.

Y/N: "Raphtalia... listen... I understand there are things in life that scare you, even I'm scared of this monster as well. I'm sure even Lloyd and Raine are feeling a bit afraid, too. But the difference is that we have the power to face our fears and fight for others. You knew we'd be facing some fierce monsters eventually. Well, here's one now, but if you're too scared to even finish it off... well... maybe teaming up with a Cardinal Hero wasn't meant to be for you."

Hearing those words cut deep into Raphtalia. At that moment, all her memories of the good times she had with you, Lloyd, Raine and even her parents all came flooding back. She didn't want to lose what she had all because she was too scared.

Raphtalia: "No! NO!!! Please, don't leave me!"

She grabs her sword at last and screams at the top of her lungs, going in for the kill as she jams her sword into the monster's body. It roars in pain as the last of its HP reaches zero. The beast grows silent and collapses to the ground, lifeless.

Y/N: "Now there's the Raphtalia I like to see."

She panted lightly as her exp rose and leveled her up to Level 10 and Lloyd and Raine gained a double level up boost to now become at level 10 like Raphtalia has done. You also leveled up, reaching level 13.

Raphtalia then ran over to you, crying her eyes out and hugging you and you hugged her back.

Y/N: "There, there, no need to cry."

Raphtalia: *sobbing* "I'm sorry, Y/N! Just please don't leave me! And I promise, I'll never hold you back because I was too scared!"

Y/N: *comforting* "There, there, Raphtalia. I promise, you won't be left alone for as long as I have breath in my lungs. After all, we're a team now and a team always sticks together. You all did wonderfully, so as soon as I absorb that monster into my shield, we'll leave this place and find a spot to rest up at."

Raphtalia: "Hold me a little longer, please?"

Y/N: *chuckles* "Sure thing, Raphtalia." *holds her warmly.*

Little Raphtalia then wagged her cute little tail, feeling safe in your arms even after the battle had ended.

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