Wave of Catastrophe

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A week has passed since that big fight in the mines with the two-headed dog and since then, you, Raphtalia, Lloyd and Raine have all been busy leveling up and training nonstop.

And that's not all, with all the leveling up you've been doing with your party, you've also been able to unlock a very handy new shield... perfect for offensive combat.

This Shield is known as... the Sawblade Shield. It can spin and cut down enemies like an actual buzzsaw cuts through wood. Of course, that's not the only thing that's changed. Raphtalia, Lloyd and Raine have all underwent a serious change themselves. In the beginning they were but mere children demi-humans, but now...

They all look like they're around the same age as you. Just wait until Erhard hears about this.

[Timeskip because REASONS!!!]

Erhard: "Wow, I hardly recognize you guys! You've all turned into fine young adventurers, no doubt about it. I haven't seen you in a while, what've you been up to?"

Lloyd: "Just the usual training and leveling up."

Raine: "Yes and we've even picked up on some new spells and techniques during our travels to and from Lute."

Raphtalia: "And I finally learned correct table manners from the innkeeper, if you can believe it. I want to eat my food properly like Y/N."

Erhard: "Hmm, is that so, huh? You've all really grown up. Nothing like the pipsqueaks you all used to be."

Raphtalia grumbles and pouts at the mention of being called a "pipsqueak" which you found to be so adorable.

Y/N: "Awww, so cute." *pokes her cheek* "Still, I can hardly believe how fast these three have grown in the short timespan."

Erhard: "Well, the thing is, kid, demi-humans tend to age up the more their levels get high. That's the reason why your party's grown so much in the short time you had them."

Raphtalia: "That's true. But right now, it's time for us to get some armor for Y/N, that's why we've come back."

Y/N: "Yes, but we're also here to get you guys some stronger weapons while we're here."

Raphtalia: "That can wait. Right now, you can barely protect yourself with that shield of yours and your psychic powers. What if you get hurt and your powers are unavailable?"

Y/N: "Heh, look at you taking charge. Alright, alright, we'll do it your way this time, then."

Raphtalia: "Good. And I know I'm sounding a bit harsh, but I just wanna make sure you're taken care of... *draws a sword* ...or you'll die."

The others pause at how serious and scary Raphtalia has become, but then the sweet thing then takes a look at the sword she drew.

Raphtalia: "Wow, boss, this sword seems really sharp!"

Erhard: "Yup, that's magic iron. D'ya feel like trying it out?"

Raphtalia: "What kind of discount can you give us?"

Erhard: "Oh, don't worry 'bout that, miss. Anything for you."

Raphtalia: "Thank you so much. While we're at it, could you show us some armor, too?"

Erhard: "Of course."

Raine: "Well, Y/N, you have to admit. She certainly has grown quite a bit and has certainly matured enough to stand up for herself and it's all thanks to you."

Lloyd: "I'm not sure if she's genuinely defending herself or if she's just being plain rude."

Raphtalia: "The most we can pay is around 180 silvers."

Erhard: "Well, in that case... *turns to giant armor* ...how about something like this?"

Y/N: "Hmm... it's durable, but it's far too big for my stature and even if I could fit in it, I won't be able to move fast enough."

Erhard: "No problem. I can whip up something special that's made to order just for you."

Y/N: "You'd do that?"

Erhard: "If you don't mind me using whatever materials I've got on hand, I can have it finished by tomorrow."

Y/N: "That would be nice. Thank you. And on another note, I'd also like to purchase some new weapons for Lloyd and Raine. Think you can give them an upgrade as well? Here, I even saved some of the materials we got from the Lute mines."

As you put down some of the materials on the desk, Erhard checked them all out and gave a nod of approval.

Erhard: "Consider it done. Nice find, kid."

[The next day because REASONS!!!]

Y/N: "Hey, this could actually work."

Raphtalia: *starry-eyed* "Oh wow! So cool!"

Erhard: *proudly "I call it "Barbarian Armor!" You rock, kid. You look like a real bandit."

Y/N: "Heh! A bandit for a hero, huh? Well, since you made it for me, I'll go ahead and wear it with pride throughout my journey."

Raphtalia: "So dashing!"

Erhard: "I'm not done yet. Here, for your friends. I've whipped up two new blades and a stronger staff, too." *hands them both to Lloyd and Raine and they accept them.* "I call those swords "Xiaolong Slayers," and the staff is known as "Prisma Dream."

Lloyd: "Sweet! These babies'll definitely come in handy!"

Raine: "We cannot thank you enough for all you've done. You've been such a big help to us."

Erhard: "And it was my pleasure."

Just as they were enjoying their new equiptment, they hear what sounds like a horse coming from the street next to them.

The group peeked through a small opening between two buildings and noticed a big crowd gathered together, watching the soldiers gallop along the streets, ready for war.

Raphtalia: "It's clear that everyone in town is on edge now.

Y/N: "And for a good reason. The Wave is almost here. I still remember during my first meeting with the King and how he mentioned a giant dragon hourglass that would tell us when the next upcoming Wave would be coming, but I haven't seen it yet."

Erhard: "If you wanna know where it is, there's a huge church in the middle of town with a huge hourglass inside. When the last grain of sand inside it falls, the heroes and their parties will be sent to wherever the Wave begins, least that's what I hear."

Heeding his advice, you brought your comrades to the church, in search for the dragon hourglass to prepare for the 2nd Wave that's about to strike soon. While searching for it, you bump into one of the sisters of the church out of the blue.

Sister: "Come this way."

You follow the sister up this flight of stairs and stop at the center and gaze upon the majesty that is the Dragon Hourglass.

Y/N: "So this is what the hourglass looks like. It's different than every other hourglass I've ever come across."

And it's not just for show. Your shield then begins to react to the hourglass, shooting a green energy beam at it. The hourglass emits a powerful glow, then from within your eyes, you notice a countdown above you, which you can guess what it is.

Y/N: "Now I get it. This thing is counting down the Wave.

Motoyasu: "Is that Y/N I see?"

Y/N: *looks over shoulder* "Oh, it's you."

Motoyasu: "Hey! What's this? You're not still fighting with that flimsy equiptment, are you?"

Lloyd: *mild glare* "I dunno who this guy is, but I can already tell I don't like him one bit."

Raine: *disapprovingly* "I have to agree. Never in my life have I ever met such an obnoxious boy with a superiority complex."

Raphtalia: "Do you know who these people are, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Unfortunately, I do. The obnoxious one with the spear is the Spear Hero, Motoyasu, but whatever you do, stay clear of him, for you never know when he might turn on you."

And so, you and your party are about to leave when...

Myne: "Hey! Sir Motoyasu is talking to you, Y/N!"

Y/N: *turns to all of Motoyasu's party* "I'm sorry... do I know any of you, by any chance, I can't really recall."

Raine: "Y/N, who are those two over there?" *points*

Y/N: "Sadly, those are the rest of the 4 Cardinal Heroes. The Sword Hero: Ren Amaki and the Bow Hero: Itsuki Kawasumi. I wish I could say they're my allies, but they're not."

Motoyasu: "Hey there. I'm Motoyasu Kitamura, the Spear Hero, nice to meet ya, little lady."

Raphtalia: "You're... a hero?"

Motoyasu: "Wow, you're cute."

Raphtalia: "Huh?"

Myne: "Why are you praising a demi-human. Sir Motoyasu?"

Motoyasu: "A girl as adorable as you shouldn't have to wield a sword, allow me to protect you from now on."

Aaand that's enough out of him. With one swift push from your psychic abilities, you slammed Motoyasu into the wall.

Y/N: "You'll have to forgive me for not stepping in sooner. I forgot to mention, Motoyasu is a big, fat womanizer.

Raphtalia: "Right... thanks for the warning." *to Motoyasu* "Look, I'm sorry, but I already chose to tag alongside Y/N after he saved my life not so long ago and my new friends."

Motoyasu: "Are you kidding? That's insane! If you stay with Y/N any longer, you'll be in danger." *you step in, he grins* "Tell me I'm not right, or don't you have the guts?"

Y/N: "Your brain's even slower than your feet. There will always be danger lurking around every corner, but she's not gonna be in danger because of me, moreso because of you if you don't back the fuck away from her or I'll show you what true pain is like. Raphtalia, Raine, Lloyd, we're leaving now, so lets head out."

But just as you're about to leave..

Motoyasu: "Don't tell me you're not aware of any of those ru--"

[Ignore the explosions. Motoyasu is, instead, thrown against the wall again... and is knocked out]

Y/N: "You've reached your limit on talking. Shut the fuck up."

Myne: "Sir Motoyasu!" *she runs to him*

Itsuki: "See you when the Wave hits."

Ren: "Just try and stay out of my way, got it?"

Y/N: "Get bent, Kirito wannabe."

Later that night, you and your party settled into a hotel. With the Impending Waves coming tomorrow, you had to make sure everyone was thoroughly prepared. That included blending some herbs to make some healing potions just in case. However... that's not what your party was thinking about right now.

Well... mostly, Raphtalia. Lloyd and Raine were both in a separate room right next door to your hotel room with Raphtalia.

Raphtalia: "Umm... Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hmm?"

Raphtalia: "Did something happen between you and the other heroes that made you mad?"

Y/N: "It's a long story. I can't talk about it just yet. Maybe someday in the future, I'll let you all know the truth."

Raphtalia: "I understand. Well... goodnight."

She then lays down on her bed and covers herself in the blankets, but you're still sitting there... contemplating your actions.

Y/N: *thinks* "How can I tell them? And how will they respond when they learn about my supposed "crime?" Will they take my side... or just up and leave me like all the others?"

[Timeskip to next morning because REASONS!!!]

And so, the morning of the Waves has come. Many brave adventurers were gathered out in the middle of the town, all ready to fight, well-armed and equipped with their armor, blades, magic staffs, javelins, axes, anything they can use for battle.

Raphtalia: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yes, what is it?"

Raphtalia: "Well, I... I just wanna say... that I'm truly grateful and... and honored to have met you that day. You rescued me from that slave merchant and even cured my illness. You allowed me to have warm meals and most importantly... you taught me how to live. And... you gave me a reason to survive and fight... to fight the Waves."

Raine: "As am I. I cannot thank you enough for what you've done for me and Lloyd, rescuing us from a horrible master."

Lloyd: "And we're gonna show it today by kicking some Wave of Catastrophe butt, just you wait!"

Raphtalia: *courageously* "I swear to be your sword forever! *hand over heart* Wherever you go, I'll be there with you."

Y/N: *nods* "I know you'll do a splendid job. And it's that kind of devotion that makes me want to be your shield... all of you."

After that heartfelt speech you all gave, you all waited patiently for the countdown to reach zero. Everyone stood tall and ready. And finally... the countdown finally ended and right away, the blue sky above turned hellish red, making Raphtalia gasp.

Next thing you know, you and your party are wrapped in a golden light and are then teleported somewhere else.

Y/N: "Where are we?!" *looks around, then up* "So... looks like this is it, no turning back now."

Y/N: "So this is the Wave of Catastrophe."

You stare up at this abomination against nature, then watch as hords of monsters swarm out of the vortex. Next you see is the other 3 heroes heading towards the Waves.

Y/N: "Looks like it's showtime. Let's go!"

Raine: "Wait, hold on!"

Raphtalia: "Look over there! The village of Lute!"

Y/N: "WHAT?!"

Both girls were right. It seems the Waves were too close to Lute, so you had no choice but to change your strategy.

Y/N: "Good eye, girls. Everyone head for Lute! We gotta secure the town and get everyone to safety and fast!"

Lloyd: "Right! Let's go!"

Everyone follows your lead as you leap down and head for the village as fast as you could. You had some help with reaching the town as one of the villagers fired a flare. 

Moments later, you and your party arrived just in the knick of time as one of the zombie soldiers was about to slay one of the villagers, but you rushed in and blocked the attack, using your Cardinal Weapon, then watched as Raphtalia and Lloyd sliced it to ribbons.

Raphtalia: "Sir, are you alright?"

The man you defended was still alive, but seemed injured.

Y/N: "Raphtalia, evacuate the villagers! I'll distract the enemies by luring them out somehow!"

With the plan set in motion, you went your separate ways. In other part of the village, some of the people had armed themselves with pitchforks, but were heavily outnumbered. But then, out of the corner of one eye, one of them had spotted you.

Man 1: "One of the heroes!"

Man 2: "The Shield Hero is here! He'll save us!"

Y/N: "Take this! SAWBLADE SHIELD!"

Your shield then changes its form and as you kept charging in, your shield spins in a circle, cutting through your enemies, then jam it into one of the zombie soldiers' faces. The headless foe then falls to the ground, bones scattered everywhere.

Y/N: "Everyone, get to safety and make it quick! I'll distract these zombies as long as possible!"

You then lead the zombie army towards you as you keep running, then use an Air Strike Shield to save one of the villagers from death, then used Shield Prison to protect a mother and child.

Using your Sawblade Shield, you cut one of the bug monsters down to size, then got the attention of the rest of the swarm and had them chase you down instead. It seemed like the hord was endless, but you couldn't stop now, not when so many lives were at stake everyone's giving their all to survive.

Meanwhile, Raphtalia was leading the citizens into the mines where it was safe and Raine was tagging alongside her.

Back at the village, you're doing your best to keep the villagers out of harm's way, but there's just too many to keep track of. But... then you realized something you missed...

Y/N: *thinks* "Wait a sec... I have my other ability!"


[Start at 2:42]

As you gather the monsters' attentions and stop in place, they all rush at you while you head on. You, on the other hand, activate your psychic powers and hold the entire hord in place. Half of them, you crush them with a clench of your fist, crumbling them into mush while you gain major exp points all on your own.

Y/N: "Lloyd! HAVE AT SOME!"

Lloyd: "Thought you'd never ask!"

The the dual swordsman then rushed in and sliced the remaining monsters you held in place to ribbons, using a series of special combos and his signature Demon Fang and Sonic Thrust.

Demon Fang is like a shockwave slash attack, while the Sonic Thrust has Lloyd rush at his foe at high speeds for a split second and jams his sword right through them.

Raine: "Have at this! Stone Blast!"

Your other teammate also intervened as she shot multiple medium-sized rocks at the bugs and zombie soldiers.

Villager: "Sir hero!" *runs up to you*

Y/N: "What are you still doing here? It's too dangerous here!"

Villager: "We've changed our minds and came back after seeing how courageously you're fighting these monsters. Lute is our home and it's all we have. We can't just run away and abandon it, so we've decided we'll fight with you."

Y/N: "Very well... if you're gonna help, then you can start by pinning the enemy down until we've finished the evacuation."

Just as you finish saying that, a juggernaut knight came at you two and swung at you, which you blocked with your shield. But the force was so strong, you and the villager hit a tree.

It goes for another swing, but one of the other villagers stabbed its arm with their pitchfork. The juggernaut swings at the villager, but you hold it in place using your psychic powers.

Y/N: "Everyone fall back! This one's too powerful!"

Villager 2: "Sir hero!"

Y/N: "You have to live to fight another day! Think of your families, there's no need to die here!"

Raphtalia: "Hold on, Y/N!" *rushes in and slashes juggernaut*

Y/N: "Nice work, Raphtalia! Finish it off!"

She quickly swings her blade and pierces right through the juggernaut's armor and body, causing the giant to bleed to death and collapse lifeless to the ground.

Raphtalia: *sheaths sword, to the villagers* "Hurry up and evacuate, we'll handle things here."

Villager: "Alright. But both of you be careful."

The villagers then quickly make their way to the evacuation spot while you and your party stand your ground, all eyeing the remaining monsters in the village.

Y/N: "There's still a whole lot more to deal with. Luckily, I've got just the thing to put a sto--" *cut off by loud noise*

Suddenly, from outside the village walls, fire projectiles are launched into the air and begin to plummet down onto the village in one massive fireball, startling everyone.

Y/N: "Not on THIS village, you don't!"

Putting your powers to the test, you activate your psychic powers once more and hold the massive fireball in place and slowly extinguish until it has completely shrunken to the size of a small fireball, which you then shot at the band monsters, piercing two or three of them and scorching them into ashes.

Captain: "How the hell are they still standing?!" *marching in with other knights behind him*

Y/N: "Why else? I had to reduce that reckless attack of yours to a minimal-sized one to reduce property damage, you nut."

Captain: *growls* "The Shield Hero! You've ruined our one-hit shot, who's side are you on?"

Y/N: "The villagers' side, that's who! But obviously, you're not since you'd rather risk their homes to kill a bunch of monsters."

Raine: "If you ask me, this is not how a knight should behave, especially when the lives of people are at stake here."

Lloyd: "And burning down their homes? We'd have a better chance if you were on the side of the enemy, you assholes!"

Raphtalia: "That's right and you didn't even know Y/N was here! You should be ashamed of yourselves, very ashamed!"

Captain: *to his troops* "Draw your swords. What's this? Are you with the Shield Hero?"

Raphtalia: "I am Y/N's sword. Respect him or die!"

Lloyd: "And my name's Lloyd, Y/N's trusted 2nd swordsman!

Raine: "And I am Raine! Y/N's most trusted mage. If you know what's good for you, you'll apologize for endangering us along with our fellow leader for almost killing us."

Captain: "Damn Demi-humans. How dare you point your weapons at the royal knights!"

Y/N: "Knights don't neglect the people they're sworn to defend, which you've done blatantly and without remorse or concern. It's that mindset that will get you killed. Speaking of which..."

You look behind the knights and see another juggernaut zombie knight and another band of monsters blocking their exit. The captain looks behind him, startled.

Captain: "Hold your ground and get into formation!"

But it's too late, the juggernaut hacked the sleasy captain right in front of his troops and you and your party with one mighty swing of its axe, ending the pompous asshole's life.

Y/N: "Oh well, he won't be missed." *holds juggernaut in place with psychic powers* "Raphtalia, Lloyd, aim for the head!"

Both: "Right!"

Both demi-humans rush upwards and deliver a double finisher, slicing the juggernaut's head to ribbons, ending its reign.

Raine activates her staff, about to perform a spell. But as she was about to use her Stone Blast... a new spell was launched. Thanks to being in your party, the exp she gained from leveling up helped her learn this new spell and now... time for a test run.


Just as she says, she aims her staff up high and dark clouds form in the air and sure enough, a massive bolt of lightning strikes down on multiple monsters, reducing them to ashes.

Y/N: "Nice going, Raine! Now... *to the knights* "It's up to you, whether you help us here or not, but know this; a true knight always fights to protect the people of their country. Unless you wanna follow in your dead captain's footsteps, you'll do the right thing!"

With the captain neautralized and the monsters still going strong... it fell onto one soldier who made that one split-second decision that would change the tide of the battle.

Deputy Captain: "Phalax Formation to support the Shield Hero!"

Knights: "Phalax Formation!"

Deputy Captain: "TO BATTLE!"

Under the deputy's command, the knights swarmed the monsters, much to your surprise and to those in your party.

Y/N: "At least we'll have some backup. Good work! Fend off these monsters and whatever you do, do NOT let them kill you!"

Deputy Captain: "We'll be alright! Go assist the other 3 Cardinal Heroes, they might need it!"

Y/N: "If that's what you want, then good luck. Come on, guys, there's still work to be done!"

And so, your allies follow you into battle. And while you make your way out of the village, the other 3 Cardinal Heroes were locked in battle with a Chimera monster.

Itsuki: "WIND ARROW!"


Both their attacks land, doing some damage to the enemy.

Motoyasu: "I'll end this! Lightning... SPEAR!!!"

He launched his attack, doing some damage, but it wasn't enough to kill the vicious chimera.

Itsuki: "This thing is tough, did we even damage it at all?"

Ren: "Just keep attacking, it's bound to hit its limit!"

The 3 Cardinal Heroes kept up their attacks, but the Chimera persisted and kept on attacking, trying to drive them off.

Motoyasu: "Okay, this time, I'll finish it!"

But midway through his next attack, the chimera bit onto the spear and swung Motoyasu around like a rag doll, slamming him to the ground and into other hard objects before the chimera let go, throwing the cocky Spear Hero at Ren and Itsuki. All 3 Cardinal Heroes were knocked down hard and the monster wasn't finished.


The red-headed bitch ran in front of Motoyasu to check his condition, which proved to be a big mistake on her part. Now the Chimera had her in its sights and charged at her.

Motoyasu: *strained* "Myne... watch out!"

She turns around and as the monster got closer, she screamed in terror, thinking this was the end for her. But... when all hope seemed lost, an unexpected turn of events changes the outcome of the fight that surprised Myne and the 3 Cardinal Heroes.

There, standing between the heroes and their demise... is you, holding the chimera in place in mid-air, using your psychic powers.

Y/N: "You won't claim any lives today! Not so long as the 4 Cardinal Heroes stand in your way!"

And as you make a fist, the chimera is crushed in your psychic hold and then dropped dead. In doing so, the red skies above disappear and all becomes well for the village of Lute.

In your moment of glory, Myne blinked in shock at how you handled the chimera on your own. You turn around and look at the fallen/humiliated three heroes and Myne.

Y/N: "You okay? That was a close call earlier."

Myne: *thinks* "I don't understand, I practically put a target on his back, yet even with all the enemies I forced onto him, he chose to save us and is worried about our safety? Maybe I... N-NO! Don't let yourself think otherwise, stick to your plan!"

Y/N: "I'll leave you to lick your wounds. My friends and I have a village to check up on right now."

Raphtalia: "Wait for us, Y/N."

Moments later, after making it back to the village and the Wave successfully repelled, it was now time to check on the villagers. Luckily for you, you had a warm welcome waiting for you.

Village lord: "Sir Hero!"

Y/N: "Yes?"

Village Lord: *bows* "Thank you very much. Please accept our gratitude, there's no way we could've survived the Wave without your all your help and courage."

Y/N: "I can't take all the credit. After all, some of your villagers helped aid me, along with my party members. But what's really important is that no one died. Well... except that sleazy captain, but he didn't give a damn about the town."

Villager: "Still, if you hadn't been here, we would never have been able to push those monsters back all on our own."

Villager 2: "We'll never forget what you've done for us."

Y/N: "I'm just glad you're all okay. Well... let's go now, guys."

After recieving their praise, you left the villagers and they went to fix up whatever damage they could find.

Raphtalia: "They looked truly grateful."

Y/N: "I know."

Raphtalia: "Well one thing's for sure at least. We did same some kids from going through what I did in my time."

Y/N: "And you did a wonderful job. All of you. Today, you've all proven to be fantastic heroes. Keep this up and maybe someday you'll become this world's finest warriors."

Raphtalia: "I know, but still... *shaky* "I killed... so many monsters, so many of them, today."

Lloyd: "We all did, Raph. But it's part of our job as members of the Shield Hero's party."

Raine: "I know it's hard, Raphtalia, even scary, but if we don't fight them off, then who will?"

Y/N: "Even though you were scared... you showed great courage and fought to the bitter end. And the fight's over for now... we've won and you still have me to look aftet you."

You place a hand on her head and pet her tenderly. Raphtalia cries a little, but keeps a smile on her face as she hugs you. You hug her back, comforting your companion.

Of course, with one Wave fended off, another one is lying in wait and the Dragon Hourglass at the Church begins yet another excrutiatingly long countdown for the next Wave. Will you and your party be prepared for the next one until then?

Stay tuned.

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