Battles and the queen arrives

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We see you and the others as Fitoria was holding a crown for Filo.

(Y/N): Filo, I was able to talk Fitoria into this and she has agreed to make you her successor as the next Filolial queen.

Sarge: Congratulations kid.

We then see Fitoria placing the crown on Filo as the others watch as the crown then vanishes and we see a cow lick appear in Filo's hair.

Tucker: A cow lick?

Washington: Guess it's a symbol for filolial royalty.

Simmons: I have heard that when Filo grows she'll get more of those.

Filo: (tries to pull the cow lick off but sees it grow back.)

Tucker: I think you should start getting used to it.

(Y/N): Looks like the cow has boosted Filo's stats.

Asuka: That's amazing.

Carolina: And I think that's it's time for us to go and reconcile with the heroes.

Chuch: If we're gonna do this, we have to do it with at least Itsuki or Ren A.

(Y/N): Just point us to the nearest cardinal hero

We then see Fitoria as she transported you all to a road as a cart was there.

Fitoria: This road will lead to the castle and that is where the nearest hero will be.

(Y/N): Alright, thanks. Let's go guys.

We then see you and the others in the cart as Filo was pulling it as you all were seen going down the road. You all then head to a structure and you all see Motoyasu.

Tucker: I am not gonna attend that guy's funeral.

(Y/N): We have no choice, we need to talk some sense to him.

We then see you and Naofumi walk over to Motoyasu as you see Omni-Man floating above him.

(Y/N): Motoyasu, hear me and Naofumi out, we want to tell you something that's very important.

Naofumi: He's right you need to hear this, we need you to-

Motoyasu: Shut up! Why would I listen to murderers!?

(Y/N): Murderers? What are you talking about?

Motoyasu then charges at you and Naofumi as we see Omni-Man come in front of you and catch his spear.

Omni-Man: Let them explain

(Y/N): Yeah, we have no idea what you're talking about, we didn't kill anyone.

Motoyasu: Liar! You both killed Ren and Itsuki!

(Y/N): What!?

Omni-Man: (to you) I tried to tell him that we don't know that. But apparently he's too much an idiot to think that someone else did it. (to Motoyasu) If you want to get to them, you have to go through me.

(Y/N): And let me ask you something, did you at least find Ren and Itsuki's bodies? (sees Motoyasu giving you a look) I'll take that as a no. And besides what other proof do you even have.

Malty: I believe the representative of the three heroes church is a reliable source, they said that the devils of the shield and watch unleashed a monster in the middle of a town and used that destruction as a distraction to kill Ren and Itsuki.

We then see Motoyasu pull his spear away from Omni-Man and he tries to fight Omni-Man as he then does the attack and then knocks him to the ground. We then see Omni-Man brutally beating Motoyasu as you see blood and teeth coming out of him until he can't move.

(Y/N): Omni-Man let me do something of this. Beast Form Garuda!

We then see you were engulfed in a tornado as you came out from the top as a eagle like beast. 

you began to create a powerful tornado as it began to pull Motoyasu and his party into it bringing them up to the top and then fell down as you landed to the ground and changed back as you healed Motoyasu a bit as Omni-Man placed a foot on his chest to hold him down.

Motoyasu: How are they so strong? Does those brainwashing shields and watches make them powerful?

(Y/N): While you and your party were so busy playing superheroes we had to do the grunt work.


After hearing what Omni-Man said, Motoyasu was horrified at the things he did as we see Carolina as she looked around and saw no guards were around.

Carolina: Guys, something's off. The guards aren't at they're posts. (Realizes) Everyone, make as many barriers as possible, now!

Omni-Man: (sighs) What now?

Carolina: This whole thing's a trap!

We then see you become Diamondhead as Naofumi made his shield prison with you all inside as Jessica C, Hal and Carol created constructs of domes covering you all as you made a diamond dome as Naofumi made his ari strike shield and was above the dome along with a second one. Meanwhile, Mark Grayson aka Invincible was flying by and he sees an explosion where Omni-Man is.

Invincible: Dad!

Invincible then flies at full speed as the Guardians of the Globe follow him. As they arrived they looked to see a crater but noticed that you and the others were all unharmed.

Invincible: Dad, are you alright?

Omni-Man: I am, thanks to the Watch and Shield heroes and their parties.

Immortal: But I thought you can take something like that Omni-Man?

Omni-Man: I can, if I want to be in a coma for a month and that would be hell on the medical bill.

(Y/N): But what was that? Malty did you come up with this.

You and the others looked to see Malty as she was having a shocked look.

Immortal: Wait, it looks like Malty's as surprised as everyone else is.

Omni-Man: So it meant someone else must have planned this from the very beginning. (sighs) I knew it was them.

Invincible: Who?

Omni-Man: The 3 heroes church, who else? The 5 current cardinal heroes became the faces of evil 3 of them are incompetent and the other 2 were framed for crimes that they didn't commit. Not only are they trying to kill them but also the other heroes and the royal bloodline too.

???: Guys!

You and the others looked and were surprised to see that both Ren A and Itsuki were alive.

Asuka: They're alive? But how?

Omni-Man: Let me guess, the queen saved you and your parties?

Itsuki: Yeah, and we now understand that (Y/N) and Naofumi were both framed for taking our jobs.

Omni-Man: Well it means now we need to make a plan.

(Y/N): I'm in but I'm not gonna help the guy who tried to kill me and Naofumi when we only wanted to talk and was fooled by Malty.

Motoyasu: Hey, there's nothing wrong with me trusting a member of my party, you can't blame me for-

Naofumi: Trusting others doesn't mean you accept everything they say blindly without thinking things through for yourself. If you just used a tiny bit of brain power none of this would happen.

Ren A: Naofumi's got a point.

Itsuki: Take it easy, Motoyasu is sorry for what he did, so let's put this behind us and get to work.

(Y/N): You two are no better than he is. In case you forgot Ren, after you killed that dragon it's corpse poisoned the air and nearly wiped out a nearby village.

Ren A: That was an accident.

Naofumi: In video games when you kill a monster it just disappears, they're corpses don't stick around to rot. But this isn't a game, you should have been smart enough to figure it out. And Itsuki, your vigilante adventure left a town in economic ruin forcing the people into abject poverty.

Itsuki: But if I hadn't taught that lord a lesson those people would have suffered under his rule forever.

(Y/N): A hero doesn't solve every problem with brute force, you could have just used your standing to pressure the leadership, instead of replacing it with more the same.

Itsuki: But-

Naosumi: You should have taken a minute to think about what your actions will mean at the end.

(Y/N): Your thoughtless actions are why we're here. You paved the way for the church to do what they want.

Itsuki: Well if you both are so smart what you two have been doing all this time/?

Jessica C: Cleaning up your messes.

Ryona: Master complains about you guys cause he had to straighten up after you.

Ren A: So this is our fault.

Motoyasu: Yeah, your both the reason we're all in this mess.

Itsuki: You think you got room to talk?! You're so thick headed you still don't understand how much of this is your fault!

Ren A: You wrapped yourself around your girlfriend's little finger you didn't even realize it.

Motoyasu: I was... You leave the girls out of this alright?! Let's just focus on what's really important right now, specifically all the trouble you two have been causing (Y/N) and Naofumi.

Naofumi: You caused plenty yourself.

(Y/N): Yeah, what about the time you passed out a seed that was sealed up for years? That village was overrun by those vines. How's that for trouble?

Motoyasu: Well... I-I only did that because the villagers asked for my help!

Naofumi: Yeah, they should have known better to take it cause a hero gave it to them.

Church: They had a legend that told them it was too dangerous.

(Y/N): Which should have given you some idea about how much trust people put in the heroes, when it should have been obvious to you.

Naofumi: You three let your heroes welcome go to your heads, you've been doing whatever the hell you wanted and now look where we are.

(Y/N): Cause of your egos you three just been embarrassing yourselves, when we all could have worked together to fight the waves. And before Glass made you three look stupid, you almost lost an easy fight against the soul eater cause you only thought of yourselves.

Omni-Man: That's what I've been trying to tell you all.

Filo: I didn't get most of that but I do know this is the spear guy's fault.

Ryona: I agree.

Motoyasu: Filo, Ryona! Don't say that, I promise you two I was trying my hardest...

Ryona: Ok, but master has been trying a lot harder than you, especially on the one place that counts in a man.

Ryobi: (sighs) I told you not to do measurements.

(Y/N): Look you three need to realize this, the waves aren't just happening here but all around the world or did the king and Malty ever mentioned that to you three?

Itsuki: No he didn't.

Motoyasu: Uh...what was that part about the one place that counts in a man part?

Asuka: Don't overthink it.

Yang: Ryona measured how big a guy is down there just by looking at a guy

(Y/N): She what?

Ryona: And out of all the guys I've met, master (Y/N) is the biggest.

Tucker: Wait for real!?

Ryona: Yep.

The men in the area then took a step away from Ryona.

Yang: And she told all the girls in our group, all of us.

(Y/N): Ok, we need to focus on what is important right now. And for you three, you decided to think me and Naofumi were what rumors said about us cause you three never got a chance to know us better.

Ruby: Yeah, shame on every one of you, you three would be great friends.

Millie: But instead you treated them like they were enemies of this country, don't you have any shame?

You and the others then see Ren A, Itsuki and Motoyasu look down in shame for the way they treated you and Naofumi as you walked to him.

(Y/N): But I am still willing to help you guys out and give you a chance to get to know me and Naofumi better.

Itsuki: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Don't get the wrong idea, Naofumi and I still haven't forgiven you three. It's just, we both made a promise to a friend. So at this moment are you three with us or against us?

Ren A, Itsuki and Motoyasu looked at each other as Ren A walked to you.

Ren A: I'm in.

Itsuki: Me too.

Ren A and Itsuki looked at Motoyasu as he saw them looking at him.

Motoyasu: Alright, fine, I'm in.

Caboose: (Points at the top of the crater) Hey who's that man with all the people wearing pajamas?

You and the others see the pope and his congregation as a follower hands him a golden sword which seemed to be like Ren A's

Melty: I know that weapon, that's a replica weapon.

Washington: Replica weapon?

Simmons: A long time ago, someone created a powerful weapon that would mimic all 5 of the Cardinal weapons power and it would take a lot of mana to power it.

(Y/N): With a weapon like that...

Naofumi: Then there wouldn't be any reason to summon the cardinal heroes; they could have used that.

Asuka: But how come nobody else heard of it.

(Y/N): My guess is that the three heroes' church kept it all to themselves.

Invincible: Let's take it out!

Omni-Man: Mark no!

We then see Invincible charge at the Pope as the Pope then unleashes a blast of energy so hard that it nearly killed Invincible as he was burnt to a crisp.

Omni-Man: Mark!

Delta: Reading suggests that Mark Grayson is still alive but in critical condition.

(Y/N): Caboose, use some healing magic!

Tucker: And try not to kill him.

Omni-Man then floats up to the Pope and gives him an angered look.

Omni-Man: Let me tell you something pal, those weapons are not yours to use.

Omni-Man then charged at the Pope as he tried to block his punch only for his shield to be shattered to pieces as the Pope knocked him back and severely injured him in the process.

(Y/N): Omni-Man, let us both take care of him. Naofumi.

Naofumi: Got it.

(Y/N): Beast Form UWH!

We then see your flesh and bones start to disappear as there was a spectral energy taking their place and your teeth begin to pop out and the shape of your head then changes as we see you were now a black being with glowing veins as Naofumi brought out his Wrath Shield.

Naofumi:Foolish sinner, I sentence you to cast your screams unto the heavens!

Within the dragon's jaws born from my flesh, become an offering to the gods as you howl in pain! BLOOD SACRIFICE!

We then see blood come out of Naofumi's body as he collapses to the floor as you then raise your hand up making the pope float up as we then see the ground break apart as we then see a large snake like bear trap appear as it opens his jaws ready to crush the pope.

Pope: Why?! How can this be happening to me?! I am an apostle of God himself! I am the Pope! This can't be!

We then see the bear trap reached to him as its jaws then close crushing the pope as his blood sprayed all over the ground then the bear trap returned to the ground as you then changed back.

(Y/N): And that as they say is that.

You then looked to see Naofumi was on the ground as you came to him.

(Y/N): Caboose, we need healing.

Tucker: And don't kill him.

???: The shield hero will not die on my watch.

You and the others then turned to see a woman in royal armor.

(Y/N): Is that the queen?

Melty: That's my mother.

(Y/N): Mother? She looks amazing.

Washington: Come on, let's get Naofumi inside.

We later see Naofumi in a bed as he wakes up to see you and the others.

(Y/N): Hey Naofumi, there's someone that you should meet who helped you out.

You and the others then see nurses who turn out to be the Queen's Shadows. We then see the queen arrived to the room

Mirellia: I arrived as soon as I was told the shield hero had awakened.

(Y/N): Thank you for helping him.

Mirellia: He is the shield hero, one of the five cardinal heroes.

Naofumi: funny, your country doesn't seem to appreciate either the shield or watch, ever since (Y/N) and I got here they've been blaming us for everything.

Mirellia: There is much to explain. I was absent from a meeting with others when learning the threat the waves brought, so we advised the plan that five countries would each summon a cardinal hero so all five of us can work together to fight the waves. By the time we made that decision Melromarc's temporary leadership had already summoned all five of the cardinal heroes, that made the other nations furious so I traveled around the world to put out the fires my country had caused.

(Y/N): So you're saying that the king and 1st princess summoned us here on their own?

Mirlellia: They weren't supposed to have the power to make that decision. I tried my best to keep them on a leash by leaving a lord I trust to watch the kingdom but...

Melty: He was tragically killed during the first wave and her majesty hadn't returned home, he was the kind lord of Sayette when the Wave came.

(Y/N): You mean he was buddy buddy with the demi humans, awesome

Naofumi: But why was it that both the shield and watch were the only ones to go through that crap?

Mirllia: Autcray had his own reasons for despising both the shield hero and watch hero. The Three Heroes Church took advantage of that to manipulate him.

Washington: You're saying the king hated a different shield hero and watch hero? Why does that have to do with them?

Mirellia: And Malty made things worse by trying to ensnare you both the way she did.

(Y/N): So guess things would have been better if we both were summoned by those other countries then.

Mirellia: Yes, and allow me to make things right to you both by clearing both your names and ending the humiliation you both had suffered. You both have been pariahs to my kingdom for far too long. And for your efforts in fighting the waves and defeating the villainous Three Heroes Church I would like to give you both the greatest reward along with 300 gold pieces to you both.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Mirlellia: And Watch hero, there is something I would like to discuss with you and the shield hero.

(Y/N): Ok.

The others then left as later on you and Naofumi were shocked at what Mirellia told you both.

(Y/N): You sure you want to do this? This is your husband and daughter we're talking about.

Mirellia: They're sins are so great that not even the queen can't allow them to live.

(Y/N): I got an even better punishment than execution, we changed their names into something demeaning. For the King it would be Trash, and the 1st princess it would be Bitch for her normal name and Whore for her adventurer name. But seeing this is a family thing I'll give you time to think about it.

We then see you walk out of the room as you begin to smile knowing tomorrow that you and Naofumi's names will finally be cleared.


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