Rescue and the Queen of Filolials

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We see the warthogs going through the roads at a fast speed but see that there were knights at the road blocking their patches as we see Malty was with them as the warthogs stopped as she smiled and then walked to the vehicles only to discover that only the drivers were present but not you or your group as we later see you and your group to be revealed walking through the woods.

Caboose: Why didn't we take the warthogs?

(Y/N): That's the point, I knew Malty would try to stop us, so I decided to have the warthogs lead Malty to the wrong trail to buy us time to escape.

Meta: (grunts)

Blitzo: So how long do ya think it will take Bitch to find out where we're going?

You then looked back to see at a distance at the forest where there was smoke seen.

Carolina: That's not a normal forest fire, is it?

(Y/N): Malty thinks that she can smoke us all out. Come on, we need to keep moving.

In the morning we see you and the others at a village as you and the others were seen taking up residence.

(Y/N): Thanks for the help guys.

Wyoming: No worries mate, we are on your side as always.

North: Right, we're staying by ya and won't quit until this country knows the truth about ya.

C.T: We brought everyone along, and I mean everyone.

We then see one of the Triplets driving a mongoose and crashing into a wall.

(Y/N): Was that one of the triplets that Tex was talking about?

Tex: That's right and that was Iowa.

You and the others then see Ohio and Idaho helping Iowa

(Y/N): So what are we gonna do in the meantime.

Simmons: Well for us that is best to avoid knights of this kingdom.

(Y/N): Right, and so we need to lay low until we come up with a plan to clear our names and keep Melty safe.

Diana: Of course, we must protect Melty at all costs with our very lives.

Sarge: With a very high chance that one of us will die.

Grif: Why did you look at me when you said that?

(Y/N): Well Simmons, are there any other kinds of people that we can trust who won't turn us in?

Grif: Or kill us in our sleep.

Simmons: Well I have heard from people about a territory called the Sayette territory and that territory is inhabited by demi-humans.

Tucker: Oh yeah, any enemy of the king is a friend of ours. Especially demi humans cause he hate those guys and they love us

Simmons: And I'll bet that the nobleman of that domain can help us.

(Y/N): Then we should head over to that place and see the nobleman, say who is the person's name anyway.

Simmons: I believe he is called Van Reichnott.

Melty: He's a friend of mine.

Raphtalia: Is he able to help us?

Tucker: One way to find out. (to Melty) Hey, does he like Demi-humans?

Melty: He is a friend of the lord of Sayette.

Diana: Very well, then we must meet this nobleman as soon as possible, let us pound the road.

(Y/N): You mean hit the road.

Diana: Yes that.

We see you guys head to the direction of the noble named Van Reichnott. By the time you got to the village we see you all standing in front of a mansion.

(Y/N): So this is where he lives, Melty?

Melty: Yep.

(Y/N): Alright, let's get this over with.

We then see you all walk to the mansion as you knock on the door to see it open and you see a man who you assume is Van Reichnott.

(Y/N): Are you Reichnott by any chance? We're friends of Princess Melty.

Van: I see, and you must be the Shield Hero and Watch hero and the rest of you are your parties.

Tucker: Yep, I'm pretty sure the large crowds of adoring demi human fans just gives it away.

(Y/N): Yes, we are. We were hoping that you would let us stay here for a while?

Van: Of course, after all I was informed by your head maid at your mansion in your home country.

(Y/N): Thank you.

We later see you all went inside as we see you and the others in the mansion and you see how big the place is and how clean it is.

Doc: Wow, this place is so clean.

(Y/N): We thank you for letting us stay here, we need to lay low for a bit until our situation blows off.

Grif then turns around and he sees the same army of maids from your mansion in Stiltvelt.

Grif: What the fuck?

You and the others then see the maids.

Tucker: They're the maids from our badass mansion back in Stiltvelt.

(Y/N): What are you doing here?

Head Maid: It is a maid's duty to serve our master in their everyday needs, even going beyond the call of duty.

(Y/N): Thank you, be on the lookout for any knights that would be out looking for us.

Maids: Of course master.

Grif: (to you) Dude whatever you do, do not leave me with those maids. They made me exercise non stop.

Head Maid: It was for your health Master Grif.

Grif: See what I mean!?

Sarge: Ladies, get Grif in fighting condition, we got a war to win and I need all of my men in tip top shape.

Tucker: Sign me up.

We later see the Reds and Blues doing hours worth of exercising as the maids were getting them to exercise as you looked at Raphtalia.

(Y/N): So Raphtalia, I learned that you came from a village from this region.

Raphtalia: I did but when the Wave hit my family was killed and when the survivors tried rebuilding the village a bunch of raiders came to the village and took all of the survivors including me to a noble man's mansion and he tortured me and my friends non stop. It was awful, I got out because I was sold to that place that was selling slaves until I met Naofumi.

(Y/N): Oh.

Tucker: (offscreen) For the love of god get these psychos away from us!

You and Raphtalia see the Reds and Blues were being chased by the maids holding knives and scary masks as you turn to the head maid.

Head Maid: Fear can be a great motivator

(Y/N): Nice.

When their training was finished, we saw that all the reds and Blues were tired and exhausted.

Head Maid: Congrats masters, you just burned 500 calories in our training course.

Tucker: Great... Maybe... We can all... take a break... and get some... rest.


(Y/N): I think now is a good time to let them all rest, they earned it.

Caboose: I had fun! Let's do it again!

Reds and Blues: No!

Tucker: And where were you Caboose?

Caboose: Oh I was driving the tank.

Simmons: I'm glad it wasn't loaded.

Head Maid: It was Master Simmons.

Tucker: I am so not gonna ask you out now, no matter how hot you are. You are a bunch of psychos!

(Y/N): Hey guys, I'm gonna need some time alone for a bit, keep an eye on this place while I'm gone.

Tucker: I can't move my legs and someone has to carry Grif

Head Maid: We can assist you.

Tucker: Never mind, I'll just crawl my way out!

Maids: Too late!

We then see the maids pick up the Reds and Blues as you hear the panic and fear from their screams.

(Y/N): Oh boy.

We later see you as you were seen in the woods as you were seen fighting off certain monsters as you were seen collecting the remains to gain skills as night came you looked at the star filled sky sky as you laid on the ground.

(Y/N): It actually feels nice traveling, makes me feel free. No worries, no problems, and best of all no royal pains in the butt.

You then closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep as we later saw you waking up to see that it was day time and the others were here.

(Y/N): What's going on? How long was I out?

Asuka: All night, and we have a problem. Van Reichnott was taken and Melty was escorted by a nobleman I think was called Idol Rabier.

(Y/N): Idol Rabier? Why does that name sound familiar? Simmons is there any kind of history about this guy?

Simmons: There is a rumor about him torturing demi humans in his private time.

(Y/N): I see, I'm sorry I left you guys.

Asuka: You can't blame yourself.

(Y/N): No, this is my fault, I should have stayed with you all.

Carolina: Don't worry, Maine and Tex are taking care of the knights invading place

(Y/N): True, but this is my responsibility to fix, guys we're going to save Melty.

We later see you all as you were seen in Idol Rabier's domain as you were seen with the others at the mountains as you see at the gates there were demi-humans there as an angry mob.

Grif: What's going on with them?

Washington: It looks like they want their lord back.

(Y/N): Where's Tex and The Meta?

Carolina: Like I said, I let them loose on Idol and his men in courtesy of you and Naofumi.

Meanwhile at Idol's mansion, we see The Meta taking out numerous guards by himself while Tex was taking out a bunch of them by herself.

Tex: I took out more guys than you Maine.

The Meta: (growls in angers)

We then see Sigma appear and he sees a door that leads to somewhere.

Sigma: Agent Maine, do you want to know where that door leads, could it lead to what's left of Raphtalia's village?

The Meta: (growls in anger)

Sigma: I thought so, open it.

The Meta then charges at the door and then upon impact he bursts it open and looks around. By the time you and the others arrived there were tons of knights on the ground unconscious.

(Y/N): Wow...

Tucker: Man they caused a lot of damage here.

Washington: I'm surprised you didn't join them Carolina

Carolina: We come to an agreement that Tex, Maine, and I save Idol for last and Raphtalia gets to take care of him.

(Y/N): Really?

Tex: (on Carolina's coms) Carolina, I found Melty in Idol's possession, he was trying to get info out of her about our whereabouts.

Carolina: Just tell him we're on our way.

(Y/N): Let's all get to her.

We then see you and the others come as Meta kicked down a door and came at a man and pinned him to a wall as we see you and the others come to Melty.

(Y/N): Are you alright?

Melty: I'm fine.

Tex: So, what do we do with him?

Moxie: Well for starters this man deserves a punishment that is fitting for him.

Tucker: Raphtalia will do the punishment.

Wyoming: The victim has become the hunter, great idea Tucker.

We then see Raphtalia walk up to Idol as he sees her.

(Y/N): See, this lady here was the slave you tortured and I'm gonna let her decide what to do with ya.

Idol: Wait no, have mercy! Please!

Tucker: Did you give the demi humans in your home mercy?

Raphtalia then points her sword at Idol and she was gonna kill him and then she didn't and puts her sword away.

Raphtalia: I'll let him live with the knowledge that killing him is too good for him.

Raphtalia then turned her back and started walking but you noticed Idol was pulling out a sword.

(Y/N): Raphtalia, behind you!

We then see Raphtalia pull out a sword as the blade was made of mana as it struck Idol which caused Idol to stumble back and hit a window as it started to crack and broke as he then fell.

Grif: Whoa...way better than stabbing!

We then see Sigma appear next to Raphtalia.

Sigma: Raphtalia, Maine and I discovered something of interest that requires your attention.

We later see you and the others walking down stairs as you all looked to see you all were in a dungeon.

Wyoming: Is this where he keeps those demi humans?

York: Delta, run a bioscan.

Delta: (appears next to York) Running Bioscan now. (scans the area) I have detected several demi-humans in critical condition

Asuka: Uh... guys. You might want to see this.

You and the others then walked to a cell as you all looked to see a skeleton of a demi human that Raphtalia knew so long ago.

Washington: Who was that?

(Y/N): (Looks at Raphtalia) Was this a friend of yours?

Raphtalia: (shedding some tears) Yes...her name was Rifana...

(Y/N): I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure she was a good person.

Delta: Possible cause of death was a combination of whip lashes and malnutrition.

York: She's feeling bad as it is Delta, don't make it worse.

Delta: My apologies.

(Y/N): Raphtalia, I want to promise you this, when this is over we'll help the demi-humans out of this.

York: If there's one guy who's into torturing demi-humans just for the fun of it, then there are more of him.

Delta: York, the deployment of the healing unit would help the surviving demi-humans recover, but they require the necessary nutrition.

York: On it.

(Y/N): Alright, let's get everyone out of here.

We then see you all leaving the mansion as Blitzo then looked to see Idol as he was up to something at an obelisk in a courtyard .

Blitzo: Hey guys, what is that bastard up to?

York: Delta what is he doing there?

Delta: Hmm, scans indicate that structure possesses an importance. According to the writing on the structure, it is sealing something underneath it.

We then see Idol as he used magic to remove the seal as we see the ground begin to break as you all looked to see a creature as it appeared to look like a dinosaur specifically a T-Rex.

Delta: Alarm threat level raised!

Moxxie: Oh crumbs!

(Y/N): Move!

You all then started to move to get away as we see the creature begin to move stomping on Idol killing him as it sees Grif as he froze as it spotted her as we see you and the others as you saw it.

Sarge: (Whispers) Don't move Grif, it can't see you if you don't move.

Grif then made himself like a statue.

Simmons: But sir, that theory had been discredited.

Sarge: What?

Moxxie: I believe he means that it's wrong.

Tucker: Yeah, that crap only works in movies.

Sarge: Oh.

The T-Rex then eats Grif in one bite.


Washington: So now what do we do?

(Y/N): We need to lead that thing out of here.

Carolina: But how?

Simmons: Hold on that thing is a dragon, and dragons and filolials have a history maybe it will follow Filo.

Tucker: I got a better idea. (to the T-Rex) Hey dragon, I got a virgin sacrifice for you! (points to Ruby) Here she is!

Ruby: What!?

Yang: You're using my sister as bait?!

Church: Tucker!?

Tucker: Dude just stick with me, I'm not actually gonna give her to that thing cause she can't die a virgin. Which is why-(to Ruby) Run!

Ruby then uses her Semblance to make a run for it as the T-Rex chased after her as you and the others followed it.

Yang: When this is over I'm gonna kill you for trying to use my sister as bait!

Tucker: Blame Simmons, he told me that dragons are into gold and virgin women.

Simmons: It was a fun fact!?

Tucker: It's still your fault dude.

Simmons: Still a fun fact.

By the time you got far enough, we see that Ruby was getting tired and she stopped at a large lake as we see The Meta gets its attention with the brute shot. As we see Yang uppercut the T-Rex's stomach as it then vomits out Grif onto the ground.

Grif: Thanks for getting me out.

Tucker: Now what do we do

You then noticed a fog was forming around the area as you and the others heard something.

(Y/N): Guys, something's coming.

Delta: Warning, multiple bogeys inbound coming in from 400 meters.

York: What is it?

Delta: 0 meters

You all then looked to see from the woods as you all saw many Filolials were coming out and surrounding the T-Rex in a circle formation.

Tucker: Where the fuck did these things come from!?

(Y/N): I don't know.

Then you all turned to see the water from the lake was rising and lowering as we then saw something shot out of the lake as we saw a giant filolial come out of the lake.

Caboose: That is the biggest bird ever!

Simmons: It's like Filo but bigger!?

Melty: (watches in awe) Wow!

We then see the Filolial destroy the T-Rex with minimal effort and it turns to you and the others.

(Y/N): Why is it looking at us?

Fitoria: I take it that you both are the Shield Hero and Watch Hero, am I correct?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Fitoria: There is much to discuss but this form isn't suitable. One moment please.

We then see the Filolial change to its human form as it was seen as a young girl with white hair and had three cow licks.

Fitoria: Allow me to introduce myself, I am queen of all the filolials in the world, my name is Fitoria.

Tucker: Whoa, so there's a queen for every single one of those birds in the world?

Simmons: Um, how old are you?

Melty: (hugs Fitoria) Wow! This is incredible!

(Y/N): You know her?

Melty: She was a filolial raised by a legendary hero centuries ago.

(Y/N): Centuries ago?

Grif: Wait, so that means she's old as dirt and she still look like a toddler!?

Filo: Do you think I'll get as big as she is?

Naofumi: If you ever got as big as her you would have to be on your own.

Fitoria: If she were to grow to the same size as I am it would take her dozens of times longer than a normal filolial.

Filo: Aw...

Fitoria: So these are the parties of the Shield Hero and Watch Hero? Please tell me your names.

Naofumi: Naofumi Iwatani.

(Y/N): (Y/N).

Tucker: Thanks for the save and man you are so badass killing that dragon.

(Y/N): But why did you come here for us?

Fitoria: Answering this question will take time and this isn't the best place for that, let's go somewhere more comfortable.

They then looked to see the filolials move as they saw a carriage for them.

Tucker: Awesome!

(Y/N): Just give us a moment, there's something Naofumi needs to do, such as getting material from the dragon for his shield.

Tucker: Alright, we'll all wait in the wagon.

We then see Naofumi collecting the T-Rex's material as we see you and Naofumi enter the wagon as we see it glowed and you all were transported as you came out to see you all were at the ruins of a civilization.

(Y/N): Wow, these are interesting ruins.

Delta: It appears to be a sanctuary for the Filolials.

Caboose: This is the best place ever!

Fitoria: These are the remnants of a civilization protected by the original heroes.

(Y/N): I see.

Fitoria: And (Y/N) there is something I would like to discuss with you and Naofumi in private.

(Y/N): Alright.

We later see you and Naofumi walking with Fitoria as she is seen walking on top of a wall.

(Y/N): So was there a reason that you came for us, besides seeing that we needed it?

Fitoria: I was there because I was told that a new candidate for the next queen has been found.

(Y/N): A candidate for queen? You mean Filo?

Fitoria: Yes. Now tell me, why was that monster released from its seal?

(Y/N): Well it's a long story.

We then see the others as they were seen with the other filolials as we see you and Naofumi with Fitoria as you both had explained the entire story to her.

Fitoria: (Sighs)

(Y/N): What's wrong?

Fitoria: I am a polt, you cardinal heroes should all be ashamed, squabbling with each other when the next wave is approaching.

Naofumi: Give us a break, they started it.

Fitoria: The Shield Hero and Watch Hero have both always been shunned by the human supremacist countries.

(Y/N): Then you get it which was why we crossed the border in the first place.

Fitoria: Leaving won't solve anything.

(Y/N): We will come back eventually.

Fitoria: You must work it out, the humans and demi-humans may hate each other but the heroes must not fight amongst themselves.

(Y/N): Kinda hard to get along with the other heroes when the King and Bitch Princess McCrazy just framed me and Naofumi for things that we didn't do or claim that we are demons.

Fitoria: Very well, then you leave me with no choice, if you five heroes keep fighting amongst yourselves instead of the waves, then I will have to kill all five of you.

(Y/N): Wait hold on, the other guys may be idiots for believing literally everything they hear from Malty and her dad but that's no reason to kill them. So why not go after the king and 1st princess?

Fitoria: If you cardinal heroes die then new cardinal heroes will come.

(Y/N): But can't we at least talk this out?

Fitoria: Then promise me this, promise that you both will reconcile with the other heroes.

(Y/N): I'll try, but knowing them I'm pretty sure they might not listen to me or Naofumi

Fitoria: Then use what you have as the watch hero, in ancient times the watch hero had always brought others together no matter what differences they had.

(Y/N): Alright, we'll try to talk some sense into them. I'll make a presentation on how things will go down once the smoke clears

Fitoria: Very well, but promise that you will do your best to unite the heroes.

(Y/N): I will, no matter how big their egos are now. I'm pretty sure they're the size of 50 planets.

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the galaxy, we see Ego as he sneezed.

Ego: That was weird, someone must be talking about me. Meh, I'm sure it's nothing.

Back to you, we then go to the others and you explained everything about the conversation between you and Fitoria

(Y/N): Look I know that some of you might not like this but we need to reconcile with the other cardinal heroes.

Tucker: After what those assholes put us through and the messes they made.

Simmons: One of them made an epidemic, one made a rainforest from a cursed seed, and the other one made villages go hungry and broke forcing them into abject poverty!

(Y/N): I know but still we need them to understand that the waves aren't happening in Melromarc but all around the world.

Tucker: Wait, they're happening all over the world!?

Sarge: Those dirtbags!

(Y/N): We need them to stop fighting so we can all work together and fight off the waves.

Tucker: We did an awesome job defending a town from one Wave, plus we got The Seven, Payback, Freelancers, and Team JNPR. Pyrrha is an awesome fighter with magnetic powers, Lie Ren is an awesome fighter, Nora is super strong, and Jaune well I mean he's cool and all but he's no Grif.

Grif: Hey!

(Y/N): I know, but with other waves happening we can't do it on our own, besides all the cardinal heroes are needed in this.

Tucker: And here's my rebuttal. We don't need those assholes, if we get the Guardians of the Globe plus Omni-Man we're golden cause let's face it Viltrumites can do a lot more damage than those 3 assholes combined.

(Y/N): But if we don't then Fitoria will have no choice but to kill me, Naofumi and the other heroes too.

Everyone was shocked to hear what you just said.

Tucker: Fuck.

(Y/N): So what will it be, go back and try to reconcile with the heroes, or refuse and watch me, Naofumi and the others die?

Simmons: (Y/N), permission to write your obituary?

(Y/N): Permission denied. Look there are more important things than your grudge against the three heroes, and if you turn your backs on this, then you all are no better than they are.

Washington: He's right.

Tucker: We're not turning our backs, we are realizing we are fucked in like 800 different ways!

Washington: But still reconciling with the heroes will be better than to watch both the Shield Hero and Watch Hero die.

Tucker: Wanna reconcile with those assholes. Knock knock, hey man I'm sorry that I was a complete and utter moron by listening to the King and 1st Princess like we were puppets and trying to kill you. Face it, they're not gonna reconcile with you two ever, no thanks to Melty's bitchy big sister you're good as dead!

(Y/N): I made a promise to Fitoria and I am not gonna break it and have anyone in the way of fulfilling that promise.

Carolina: (Y/N), I know what you're trying to do is the right thing to do but at this're good as dead.

Tucker: See even Carolina agrees

(Y/N): But we still need to do this, so either we go back and try to get this whole thing fixed like real heroes or we can all stay here and hide like cowards.

Church: What do you say about that Tucker?

Tucker: This happens to be the worst plan ever, of all time. If it turns out to be a waste of time reconciling with those assholes, then I'm not coming to your funeral.

(Y/N): Alright, we'll all begin with returning to the castle first thing in the morning. It's just that Fitoria has something to do for Filo before we all leave.

Sarge: (Y/N), I'll have to admit from the first day I met you I thought that you were a kid with a sense of adventure, but you are the one who unites us to make us stronger than ever. You got Soldier Boy and Payback to reconcile with each other, you got Homelander his father back, you helped The Seven to become a better team, and if you were able to do all that then there is no doubt that you can make the other heroes set aside their differences.

(Y/N): Thanks Sarge, and I will have to admit one thing, being with you guys I started to see you all not just as my team and comrades, but as my entire family.

Blitzo: And there is nothing more important than family.

(Y/N): Then it's settled we all start heading back first thing in the morning.

We then see Jessica R kiss you on the cheek.

Jessica R: I hope you succeed in reconciling with the heroes.

(Y/N): Me too.

We then see everyone setting up to sleep as you look up at the starry sky.

(Y/N): Don't worry Fitoria, I'll keep my promise.


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