The Devils of the Shield and Watch

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We see you as you were shielding Melty from a knight as Diamondhead as you pushed the knight away.

(Y/N): What are you doing?!

Knight: Curse you! How dare you take the royal princess Melty hostage!

(Y/N): We're not taking anyone hostage.

Knights: You lie! Come fellow knights, justice is ours! Let's destroy these devils of the shield and watch!

We then see the other knights come at you and the others.

Naofumi: Great, now we have become devils.

(Y/N): Guys, hold your ground and keep Melty safe!

Homelander then stomps onto the ground as all the knights fall down to the ground

(Y/N): Guys come on, we need to get moving before they get up.

We then see you and the others get on the cart as we see you all starting to move.

Tucker: Ok, what the hell was that!?

Church: No time you idiot, run!

A-Train then strap himself to the cart as he then runs off pulling the cart all the way to the nearest country as we see you were in the forest.

(Y/N): Ok, this would be a good place to hide for now.

Diana: What did the knight mean by the devils of the shield and watch?

(Y/N): It's probably a best bet it was the king's hair brain idea.

Melty: Why would my father say that?

(Y/N): Oh so you might have a better idea of who might be behind this scheme?

Melty: I don't know.

Homelander: (offscreen) Let's ask our friend here.

Homelander was holding the captain by the leg and he drop him onto the ground

Homelander: Why were you after us?

Captain: I will never tell.

(Y/N): You know Homelander, something tells me that it might involve this. (holds up the rosary of the three heroes church)

Simmons: But didn't you remember seeing that knight coming at Melty? It looked like he was trying to kill her.

Melty: Well it would seem that my sister is behind this.

Grif: But why?

Simmons: Simple, power, Melty is heir to the throne and if Melty dies then Malty takes the throne.

Tucker: I prefer to have a toddler to be queen than Bitch Pants McCrazy.

Homelander: (to the captain) Hey buddy, you know if word got out if you were the one who killed Melty in the name of Malty, then the queen would be very unpleased about you. Maybe chop off your head for punishment for killing her kid?

(Y/N): Knock the guy out and put him back to where ya found him.

Captain: The mighty Homelander, fallen from grace and is now the puppet of the Watch Hero! AHahahahaha!

Homelander: (with red glowing eyes) I would keep my mouth shut if I was you. (places a hand on his lower jaw) One more peep about me, then this jaw goes bye bye. Understand?

Captain: (gulps in fear and nods yes)

Homelander: Good, welp see ya.

(Y/N): Leave him to me.

You then transformed into a purple skinned alien as you had a glass window on your stomach and the badge was on your mask as you then held your hand out and sprayed gas at the captain's face making him pass out.

Asuka: What was that?

(Y/N): Just some fluoromethyl-hexafluoroisopropyl-ether.

A-Train: What does that do?

(Y/N): It induces short term memory loss, once this guy wakes up, he won't remember a thing. And for the gas don't ask me how I know or how I do it. Homelander, take him back to the castle and put him in his room.

Homelander: Got it.

Homelander then flew off.

Yang: Now what?

(Y/N): (Changes back) Well for now, we need to start moving on foot. There's no doubt that Malty will be looking for us.

A-Train: On your own turf, no way. Check it out.

You and the others then see that you're all in Stiltvelt

(Y/N): Well, then for starters we'll all just need to lay low and-

Later into the city, we see you and the others being welcomed in by a parade

(Y/N): Wow, this is a change of pace.

A-Train: I ran up to this place and told them that I'm one of you guys and they prepared a parade for you guys.

(Y/N): Well that is a nice thing for once.

Blitzo: A parade to celebrate our arrival, awesome!

Octavia: That does sound rather nice.

Later, we see you all in a big fancy mansion with an army of maids at your service.

Blitzo: Guess when you're the shield hero and watch hero you get first class

Maids: Welcome home Sir Watch and Shield Heroes.

Tucker: Holy shit, there's like an army of maids in this mansion. Where's Caboose?

Meanwhile in the hedge maze in the backyard, we see that Caboose is lost in it.

Caboose: Hello? Is anyone here, I'm lost!

We then went back to you and the others.

Blitzo: Eh, I'm sure he's fine.

(Y/N): Can one of the maids find Caboose?

Maid: Yes master.

We then see a maid head to the hedge maze in the backyard as we later see her return with Caboose as we all see you in a room.

Blitzo: So what's the plan now?

(Y/N): For starters everyone in Melromarc is gonna be coming to try and find us if they could ever find us that is, so we all will just need to stay here just until this whole thing blows over.

You then see that the maids have beaten up Tucker cause he was about to harass one of them.

Head Maid: We are also skilled fighters who can kill a human being in 750 different ways.

Grif: Holy shit.

Simmons: They really went all out on the security here.

Head Maid: After Melromarc made our great heroes criminals, the ruler of this kingdom wants to make sure that our heroes are safe.

(Y/N): Thank you.

Later, we see you and the others get settled in the mansion as we see you and the others in a bedroom as you then see the maid bring in Caboose.

Maids: We found one of your party members master.

(Y/N): Thanks for finding him girls, I see why the Queen of Stiltvelt chose you girls. She really knows how to choose the best maids for the jobs of taking care of the kingdom's cardinal heroes.

The maids all smiled and blushed

(Y/N): Well, we will gladly accept the hospitality you each will give. But we need to clear things up in Melromarc, I'm afraid that Malty and her father would do something crazy. So we will try to do what we can to prevent that from happening.

Simmons: Yeah, if they do something insane there's no doubt that all the countries will fall into civil war.

???(Carolina): Sounds like you need back up.

You and the others then see Agents Carolina and Washington along with Team JNPR.

Tex: Carolina and Washington.

Carolina: Texas

Ruby: Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren

(Y/N): Oh there's a person with the same name as the sword hero

Bltizo: So what are we gonna call this Ren to avoid confusion?

L.Ren: I also go by Lie Ren

Blitzo: That works too.

(Y/N): Well glad to know we have some back up now.

Nora: (hugs you tightly) It's so nice to meet you!

(Y/N): I'll say, you're crushing my rib cage and squeezing the organs out of me!

Jaune: I had to be in a body cast for a week after a hug like that.

(Y/N): So I take it you guys are in for helping us with the whole situation Naofumi and I have?

Carolina: We had experience of being on the run from the government and clearing our names in the past, so this should be a breeze.

Tex: We were doing fine before you came along, Carolina. I was on top of the leaderboard, remember?

Carolina: Don't remind me Tex.

(Y/N): Look, we need all the help we can get, and I don't want any of you guys to argue.

Church: He's right, we're all in this together.

Tucker: Yeah and while you were gone Tex, Church was in Carolina's head for a long time.

Tex then punches Church in the face and knocks him down to the ground.

Church: Ow sound of a bitch!

Tex: Asshole!

Tucker: I warned him about getting a girl too fast, but he wouldn't listen.

(Y/N): Alright, we will appreciate your help, and the plan for this is we need to try to get everyone in Melromarc to see that this whole abduction thing is just a big misunderstanding.

Head Maid: We have prepared supplies for you and your parties masters.

You and the others see that the maids have prepared supplies for your mission.

(Y/N): Thank you, we thank you for your kindness and generosity to us.

The maids then smiled and then gave you a group hug as Tucker saw this.

Tucker: I cannot believe this, I work with this guy!

We later see you and the others in a forest as we see you all walking through the country.

Tucker: I can't believe, we have an army of maids in a giant mansion and yet none of them want to make out with me.

Caboose: But they were nice enough to make cookies for me!

(Y/N): Maybe they're not into you Tucker? Maybe one day you'll find a girl who might be your type and be into you.

Caboose: What about me?

(Y/N): Uhh...maybe you're gonna be with someone who has no choice at all.

Caboose: Neat, I prefer someone made out of metal. Like Sheila.

(Y/N): Oh okay.

Caboose: I had a girlfriend once, I met her on the internet.

Tucker: Oh man, your girlfriend is a dude.

Caboose: Her name is Emailia, she and I had a lot of conversations.

Tucker: Sounds like she's high maintenance.

Caboose: She sussed to tell me a lot of products that she recommended to me.

Tucker: Wait what? Dude your girlfriend was your email.

Caboose: We were together forever until I forgot her special word.

Tucker: You mean your password?

Caboose: Password?

Tucker: Why not date her twin sister Voice Emailia?

Caboose: Oh she talks a lot.

(Y/N): I think we should just help Caboose with dating real people.

Tucker: I think that the Head Maid was checking Caboose out.

Everyone turned to Tucker in confusion.

Tucker: Okay now that I said that out loud that sounds totally ridiculous.

(Y/N): Lets just keep moving.

You and the others then see some light at a distance.

(Y/N): Knights and there's no doubt they're looking for us. We need to find another way. So everyone be quiet.

Grif: Got it, I'll be quiet as a... a... a... ACHOO!!!

The sneeze then echoed throughout the area.

Sarge: Way to go

(Y/N): Run!

We then see you and the others starting to run as you all then got to an edge of a cliff and saw the knights coming as well as Ren A, Itsuki and Motoyasu.

Itsuki: You have nowhere left to go, you're all surrounded. Even you have to admit that. Cease your resistance and release princess Melty.

(Y/N): Will you guys stop with this, we didn't kidnap anyone. Besides what advantage would we get for kidnapping Melty.

Naofumi: He's right we have nothing to gain from this, this is all a set up. We have no secrets and we'll tell you everything.

Malty: I command you not to listen.

You then looked to see Malty was there.

Malty: Those lying devils both possess a brainwashing shield and watch. It allows them to take over your mind by simply talking to you. It's the most dangerous weapons

Asuka: What? No, that's not true.

(Y/N): Yeah, we don't have that.

Malty: The three heroes church discovered that heretics who worshiped the shield and watch have started popping up all over the kingdom in the past month.

(Y/N): That church again.

Malty: The devils of the watch and shield call themselves the saviors of the heavenly fowl and go around brainwashing the innocent.

Melty: Sister you're mad.

Malty: Melty my dear little deranged creature. It's obvious that they haver brainwashed you already.

MOtoyasu: Now I see then that means the others were brainwashed too.

Asuka: No that's not true at all, we aren't brainwashed.

(Y/N): Besides, if our watch and shield had that ability, we wouldn't even be in this situation in the first place.

Ren. A: DO we have a guarantee that it can, do you both have any proof that it can't?

You then looked down seeing that this was a tight situation.

Ren A: (Y/N), Naofumi, hand over the princess and no one gets hurt. I promise you she won't get hurt.

(Y/N): Really? If we do then Malty is gonna kill her behind your backs. Malty claims she's doing this to save her sister but she's just doing it for herself.

Malty: You are absolutely right Sir Ren, it's important that Melty's safety comes first.

(Y/N): I'm afraid that she had gotten into their heads.

Tucker: Shut up Bitch Princess McCrazy!

Malty: Hey!

Tucker: Well that's what we call you.

Caboose: Not me I call you Mrs. McCrazy.

(Y/N): So we have a better idea. Filo!

We then see Filo transform into her filolial form as you all got on as you began to make a run for it.

Motoyasu: Not so fast!

He then throws something as it attaches to Flio's leg as she changes to her human form as you all fall down.

Blitzo: The hell is that!?

Filo: I can't change!

Moxxie: I think it's some kind of enchanted anklet that prevents transforming creatures to change.

Blitzo: Oh, you just guessed that's what it is.

You then saw a purple light and saw that Malty had sent a flare.

(Y/N): Great.

Melty: As source of thy power I order thee, decipher the laws of nature and slice through my target like a blade of water. Swift aqua slash!

She then sends a slash of water as it hits a branch as we then see Malty send a blast of fire as you shield it as Ren A and Itsuki use their weapons to block the blast and then turn to Homelander.

(Y/N): Get us out of here!

We then see Malty send another fire blast as it tries to hit Melty as you shielded her as Itsuki and Ren were surprised at seeing Malty doing that.

Itsuki: Myne wait a second! Are you trying to kill your sister Melty?!

Malty: I have to defend myself since she attacked first.

(Y/N): Alright, then how about this? Beast Form Dragon!

We then see you engulfed in lightning as we see you become a dragon as you flew to the air as you then created a massive wave of electricity as it then paralyzed all the knights and Malty as you changed back and looked at Ren A and Itsuki as you then tossed the rosary to Ren A.

(Y/N): Ren, I know you can figure this out. Look into their archives!

We then see a bunch of warthogs being driven by Freelancers from Project Freelancer arrive.

Carolina: Let's fall back!

We then see Wyoming shoot a sniper round into Malty's leg.

Malty: Ow! Sound of a Bitch!

Wyoming: Sorry madam but you can't keep this charade up forever.

We then see you and the others getting on to the warthogs as they drive off into the woods.


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