The fury of the beast

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You were seen with your whole group as you see the countdown went to zero as you all were then transported to a village as we see the monsters coming.

(Y/N): Remember everyone, try to get as many of the villagers to safety and fend off as many monsters as possible

Sarge: You heard him, quadruple time men!

We then see the others going to where the wave is gonna hit as we see you and the others all fighting many of the monsters that are coming.

Sarge: Donut, look out!

Donut then saw a monster coming but we then saw it was kicked away by an old woman as you saw her.

(Y/N): Wait, that's the woman that we cured last time.

Elrasla: (takes down 5 multiple monsters) Thank you very much for your help in the past heroes, I'm indebted to you.

(Y/N): What did Naofumi give her?

Church: Well it seems like she's got everything under control.

(Y/N): Right, where are the other heroes?

Church: Last I heard they're trying to take down a ship to try to get some soul eater to come out and get some points

(Y/N): Alright, let's go everyone, we need to get to the ship.

Tucker: But what about this village?

(Y/N): Don't worry, nothing seems to take that lady down.

We then see you and the others go to see a ship in the air as you see Itsuki as he was firing arrows at the ship and hitting the figure head of it.

(Y/N): Itsuki, where are the others?

Itsuki: On the ship, I told them that attacking the figure head and getting the soul eater to spawn was first but nope, they won't listen to reason.

(Y/N): Of course, guys, we need to get on that ship to see if we can get that soul eater to spawn.

Sarge: On it! (to the reds) You heard the men, time to execute attack plan Bravo.

Donut: I'm on it Sarge!

Donut then shot Grif in the foot.

Grif: Ow! What the fuck!?

Sarge: Donut I said Attack Plan Bravo.

Donut: Where am I gonna get TNT?

(Y/N): No explosives, remember the other heroes are still in the ship.

Donut: Oh that's how our plans normally go out.

(Y/N): Everyone just follow me.

We then see you and the others get on filo as we see you all heading to the ship as we see Ren and Motoyasu with their parties as they were fighting the monsters trying to get the soul eater to spawn but with little to no success as we see you and Naofumi came down.

Ren: (Y/N), Naofumi.

Motoyasu: Why don't you both defend some village.

Malty: I agree, incompitent heroes who can't fight should-

(Y/N): You're the incompitent ones, the point of fighting the waves is for all of us to work together, but instead you guys are all just doing whatever you want.

Sarge: Simmons, you've been playing dungeons and dragons for a long time, how do you get a Soul Eater to come out and fight?

Simmons: Well I did remember a tactic, instead of attacking the monsters, we attack their shadows.

Tucker: (pulls out his sword) I like that plan!

(Y/N): (looks at the other heroes) You heard Simmons, go for the monsters' shadows!

We see Lopez try to shoot the shadow of a pirate skeleton but the pirate disarms Lopez and Lopez has to fight the pirate with his bare hands.

Lopez: (in spanish) Idiot! No one can beat the strength of Lopez the Heavy! You are going down and that's final you skeletal freak!

We then see you as Diamondhead as you came at a kraken's tentacle and truck the shadow as we see a mist started to come out of the shadow as we then see the others as they struck the shadows as more mist came out from them as they all looked to see the mist come together and they then see the Soul Eater itself. We then see one of its tentacles hit Lopez's head so hard that it was launched off of his body and landed in Malty's hands.

Lopez: (in Spanish) Out of the people who would catch my head, it had to be her?

Malty then screamed and threw Lopez's head overboard.

Grif: You threw a spanish robot head overboard, that's racist!

(Y/N): Guys, focus. We got a soul eater to take down.

Sarge: You heard him, open fire!

We then see the Reds and Blues firing their weapons at the monster as we see Stormfront flying onto the ship holding Lopez's head as Sarge notices.

Sarge: Welcome back to the fight soldier, get your head back on your shoulders soldier, we got a war to win!

Lopez: (in spanish) Haven't you noticed that Stormfront saved my life even though I'm speaking a different language?

Sarge: no time to waste numb nuts!

We then see Stormfront bring Lopez's head to his body and put it back on as we see the other continue to fight the soul eater as you see the hits were only doing little damage.

(Y/N): We need to think of something but what?

Naofumi: (Y/N), you and I have one thing to do and as much as we both hate to do it, there's one way.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Naofumi: I'm gonna use the rage shield, and you are gonna have to do what you did before against the dragon.

(Y/N): Gotcha, guys stand clear, remember the time when we fought that dragon? Well we're gonna do it again.

Asuka: Right.

We then see the others get clear as you look at the soul eater.

(Y/N): Alright. Beast mode Wendigo!

We then see your body being covered in ice as we see your entire body grow in size as we see the ice break free and you were seen as a large ape like creature as you then let out a roar while beating your chest. We then see Naofumi bring out a black shield with red markings on it as flames formed on it as we then see naofumi's chest plate and left arm armor become sinister looking as we then see you come at the soul eater as we see you breathe a powerful ice blast at the monster as it froze it in place as we then see you slam your fists on the soul eater as we see Naofumi come at the soul eater with his shield and started to burn it with the flames as everyone all watched seeing you both take the soul eater down like savage beasts.

Malty: They obviously turned into wild animals and that isn't what heroes are supposed to act.

Yang: You shut up! (Y/N) and Naofumi are the only ones who are fighting and all you did was run your stupid mouth of yours.

Malty: You-

Tex then knocks Malty out with a single punch.

Asuka: You all have power, but you aren't even using it, and how can you guys all yourselves heroes when you all aren't even fighting?

We then see you and Naofumi taking down the Soul Eater as we then see the other monsters coming from behind to try and attack you as we then see Asuka attack the skull captain.

Asuka: Don't just stand there, help them!

We then looked to see the soul eater getting up as we then saw you blast ice freezing it in place. We then see the others as they were calming Naofumi down as he then got to his senses and sees the soul eater.

Naofumi: Shield prison!

We then see the soul eater get trapped inside the shield prison.

Naofumi: Time for Change Shield!

From inside the shield prison, we then see the soul eater get stabbed by spikes immobilizing it as we see Naofumi.

Naofumi: Within this virgin of cold ore who shall swallow even your screams with her embrace. Suffer in anguish as your entire body is stabbed and skewered. I cast the iron maiden!

We then see from up the sky as clouds started swirling together as lightning was seen as we then see an iron maiden appear as it opens up and the shield prison then floats to the iron maiden as we see the doors started to close itself as Naofumi held his hand up and closes it into a fist as the iron maiden closes itself tight as a blinding light was seen as we see the iron maiden vanish and the soul eater then started to plummet to the ground.

Church: We got him!

We then see you change back as the others come to you.

Asuka: You alright?

(Y/N): I'm fine.

We then see the other heroes as they looked at you and were processing what they had witnessed.

Itsuki: I'll be damned, so that's what the shield and watch are capable of.

Ren: So basically, they both cheated.

Motoyasu: You can bet things will be different next time.

We then see Filo come to him.

Filo: Don't tell me that you're a sore loser.

Motoyasu: Uh, that's not it, Filo, I was just saying that I could have one shotted that thing if I was serious, you know what I mean?

Filo: Really?

Motoyasu: Of course, Motoyasu never lies.

You then felt something as you and Naofumi looked at the deck.

(Y/N): Guys!

We then see that a second soul eater was appearing out of the floor but then we see many light projectiles come down and rain on the soul eater killing it.

???: How very disappointing

We then see something come down as you and the others look to see that the soul eater got destroyed and saw a woman coming down and you all see her.

(Y/N): Wow, nice kimono.

Tucker: Dude, don't consort with the bad guy!

(Y/N): I'm just being polite and you know that she looks good in it.

Tucker: Okay I admit I see myself in her, bow chicka bow wow! (got hit by one of her attacks) Ow son of a bitch!

We then see the other three heroes attack the woman but see that she was uninjured as she then released her attack as it sent them and their parties to the ground.

Grif: Damn! She mowed them all down like they were nothing

Asuka: Yeah, she made the bow, sword and spear hero all look like weaklings compared to her.

We then see the woman send her attack to the others but was blocked by a water wall as we see you as Shinaqua.

(Y/N): You guys, get everyone on this ship out of here. I'll keep her busy.

Sarge: (looks at the Reds) You heard the man, initiate evacuation plan 55!

Donut: I'm on it!

Donut then shot Grif in the butt.

Grif: Ow!

Sarge: Donut I said plan 55.

Donut: Where am I gonna get a bulldozer?

Yang: Forget that, just grab as many people as you all can and get off this boat.

Then everyone sees that Lopez has brought parachutes.

Lopez: (in spanish) I thought that these would come in handy, grab one and jump off.

We then saw everyone grab a parachute as they all started to jump off the ship as they opened their parachutes and went down as we saw it was only you and the woman.

(Y/N): You're strong, and worthy to fight and not to mention you have flawless skin. I am (Y/N).

The woman's cheeks then started to turn red.

(Y/N): For my friends and the other heroes, if they cannot win, at least I will not allow them to be defeated by some lady in a really nice outfit.

The woman blushed harder and she became a blushing mess.

(Y/N): Uh...I didn't get your name.

Glass: I am Glass, that is all you need to know.

(Y/N): Very well, and normally I will engage in combat, but I am in a very generous mood, I will let you leave. But first you can't leave without a gift.

You then hand Glass a potion that can re-energize her as you walk to the edge of the boat.

(Y/N): But remember this, we will grow stronger the next time we meet, and you shall find that in your heart that even if you think you have beaten us you really thought wrong. I hope we can be friends in better times.

You then jumped off the boat but turned to Glass giving her a salute signaling that you respect her as she then blushed.

Glass: (blushes) Why is he being so nice to me!? I've been trying to kill him. I'm so confused!

We then go to you and the others as we see that the wave has ended as we see Naofumi placing a piece of the soul eater in his shield as we see the others regroup with you as you change back.

(Y/N): Hey everyone.

Simmons: What happened up there?

(Y/N): Remembering how strong she was I refused to fight, seeing if I couldn't win against her then at the very least I wouldn't allow myself or any of you to be hurt.

Grif: So you decided not to fight her?

(Y/N): Yes, Glass is strong and I give her a parting gift. She looked like she was made of energy so I gave her something to re-energize her in case of emergencies. I wonder what she is doing right now?

Meanwhile, in another world, we see Glass at a therapy session in her world and she is explaining everything that just happened in your world.

Glass: He was being nice to me, even when I tried to destroy him. He complimented my outfit, he said my skin was flawless, and I feel conflicted between two things: His generous spirit and saving my world. What should I do?

Therapist: Hmm, have you tried looking for an alternate way of saving this world and going out with him?

Glass: That's the problem, I don't know any other way than killing that world's heroes and going out with him.

Therapy: Perhaps you should give it some time to think about it.

Glass: Maybe.

We then go to the world you were in as we see you and Naofumi at the castle as a crystal ball was showing the battle of you and Naofumi defeating the soul eater.

Aultcray: I saw what happened through the crystal ball, you both did well to quelch the wave as much as I hate to admit it. I have a question for you two heroes, I want to know how exactly did you both obtain this incredible strength? You both possess power unbecoming of the shield hero and watch hero, it is your duty to reveal the secret to me.

(Y/N): Only if you're nice to us and clear our names. But knowing you would never do that, we're not gonna tell. Ever since we got here, you just treated us like dirt, and all of a sudden you want to know how strong we got. From the sound of it I think that you're just afraid of us, and we are taking our duties elsewhere, it seems that we are not needed at this place. So we're gonna go to a new country that is more friendly like Siltvelt. Use all the dirty, underhanded tricks you want. we will protect our parties through it all. You'll never take anything from us again. we dare you to lay a finger on them. we'll chase you to the ends of the earth and make you regret ever being born.

You then started to walk away as Naofumi followed you as we saw you and Naofumi walked down the stairs we saw a woman come to you as you saw her giving you a rosary as you saw that it looked like 3 weapons together.

(Y/N): Hey lady, do I know you?

Woman: Perhaps, but you should know about this. Virtuous on the surface, conniving and conspiring behind the scenes. You should exercise the utmost caution I dare say, understood?

(Y/N): Okay, by the way that dress looks nice on ya.

The woman then smiled as you and Naofumi started to leave the castle as we saw you and the others at the cart going through the road.

(Y/N): You know Erhard told me of a place called Shieldfreeden, for a place with demi-humans it's actually quite welcoming to humans. Sounds like a perfect place for us to go.

Tucker: As long as Bitch Princess McCrazy isn't there I'm game.

(Y/N): Then it's settled, we're all going to Shieldfreeden.

We later see you and the others as you were at the road as you stopped to take a break as you then looked to see a carriage come as you and the others looked to see Melty was there and accompanied by knights.

Grif: Is that Melty?

Tsu: What's she doing here?

You then looked to see Melty come to you and the others.

(Y/N): Melty, what are you doing here?

Ashido: Yeah, way out here and not in the castle with your 500 maids.

Tucker: Who are extremely hot by the way, bow chicka bow wow.

Melty: I have come to bring both the watch hero and shield hero to return to the castle and reconcile with my father.

Church: After everything that bastard put us through, no way!

Sarge: He's a dirtbag

Bakugou: Sorry kid, but your old man is on his own.

(Y/N): We're going to a place where we're welcomed.

Melty: But you must return to the castle, the heroes and the king shouldn't fight like this.

(Y/N) and Naofumi: He started it!

Tucker: If you ask me I think that the king will be better off without us. Maybe one of his bad choices will bite him in the ass.

Melty: But you all must return and reconcile with him, if not father will receive a yelling from mother.

(Y/N): Mother huh? Well Good for that.

As you see Melty was complaining you then looked to see that all the knights were all just standing and saw that the center knight was holding a crystal ball.

(Y/N): (in your head) This feeling, it's just like from before. Like this entire thing reeks of a setup.

You then looked to see a knight was charging towards Melty from behind with a sword in his hand and tried to attack but was blocked as you were seen as Diamondhead as you used your back to shield Melty.

End... My apologies for not posting this, I was busy and this chapter slipped my mind.

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