Birds of feather

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We see you as you were walking in town as you were then grabbed by something and was seen taken into the air as we later see you were on a branch and looked to see Itsuki was there.

(Y/N): Itsuki? What are you doing here?

Itsuki: I'm just as confused as you.

You both looked and then saw a girl with blue hair and had blue bird wings.

(Y/N): Who are you?

Papi: I'm Papi. Papi the happy Papi harpy.

Itsuki: Harpy happy, what now?

Papi: No, Harpy the Papi. No, that's not right.

(Y/N): Papi the happy harpy

Papi: Right. Pap happy Parpy.

Itsuki: Nevermind that, do you even know where your legal guardian is? You shouldn't be out on your own.

Papi: That's why I decided to bring you two.

(Y/N): Yeah, you mean abducted us

Papi then looked to see an ice cream stand as she then grabbed you and Itsuki and got to the ground and went to the stand but as soon as she took three steps she then looked at you and Itsuki in confusion.

Papi: Um... Do I know you two?

(Y/N): You just met us like moments ago.

We later see you and Itsuki and Papi at a bench.

Papi: See I was told I needed to study the intesmescies derange pill.

(Y/N): You mean the Interspecies Exchange Bill?

Papi: Yeah, but that stuff is pretty hard so I gave up pretty quick.

Itsuki: You don't say?

Papi: Then all I had to do was wait until the terminator wasn't looking and-

Itsuki: You mean coordinator.

Papi: I ran away.

(Y/N): You ran away!?

Papi: Don't worry I ran away lots of times, but they said if it happened again I would get incested and deposited. Not sure what that means though.

Itsuki: They probably said arrested and deported.

(Y/N): Yeah.

Papi: I don't like that.

Then we see an ice cream fall to the ground as Papi sees it.

Papi: Oh no! I didn't even take a bite out of it! Wah! I wish I had fingers!

(Y/N): Here you can have mine.

Papi: Yay!

We then see Papi eating some of your ice cream as most of the villagers were a bit weirded out by the sight of it.

(Y/N): She doesn't have fingers so how else does she eat it!?

Itsuki: She is a harpy.

You then see Papi had some ice cream on her face as you grabbed her.

(Y/N): We better get you cleaned so-

You then looked to see Papi was at a fountain and was naked

(Y/N): What are you doing?!

Papi: Taking a bath.

(Y/N): No, I mean why are you naked?!

Papi: Because you can't take a bath with your clothes on, duh.

Itsuki: Guess you can't argue with that logic.

(Y/N): Yeah but not in public!?

We then see Papi as she was in the fountain.

Papi: So nice! Good thing there's a bathtub in the middle of the city.

(Y/N): Ok, this is just wrong.

Then you and Itsuki got grabbed by Papi's feet and were dragged to the fountain.

Papi: You should take a bath too! The water's great!

(Y/N): (Gets free) Like heck I am!

Itsuki: Don't drag us into this!

???(Mirellia): What's going on here?

You then looked to see the queen herself Mirellia arrived to see what's going on.

(Y/N): It's not what you think! She started it! (gets out and bows to her) I am so sorry on behalf of me and Itsuki!

Mirellia: Oh, well then get this harpy some dry clothes. After all they tend to be birdbrains.

Papi: (to you) Who's the big lady?

(Y/N): That's the queen!

We later see you and the others in the castle.

(Y/N): Sorry about the kid, she just found us and took her.

Mirellia: Actually, she's just about the same age as you two are. Harpies have smaller bodies for flight and quick take off so they look like small children.

(Y/N): Oh...wait she said she ran away from the coordinator, can we look for her coordinator?

Itsuki: Yeah, she can't be out by herself.

Mirellia: Oh no need, I have summoned her.

(Y/N): Oh really? Good. Cause I will not be accused of being a pedophile.

We then see the coordinator named Kuroko Smith as she sees you and the others.

Smith: I see you found Papi. Sorry for the trouble your majesty. Finding her a host family is very hard.

(Y/N): Well why not give her to Itsuki, I'm sure he would like a harpy in his life.

Smith: Actually putting her under the care of a cardinal hero is a good idea. So you're her host family, watch hero.

(Y/N): Wait what!?

Smith: Since Mero likes your company and you had the right person to get rid of that squid, you're her host family as well.

(Y/N): Wait what!? Why me?! Why not make Itsuki their host family!?

Smith: They both like you and they don't like the other 3 heroes because of the way they treated you when you were accused of crimes that you didn't commit.

Itsuki: She does have a point.

(Y/N): Fine, she can stay with me.

Papi: (hugs you) Yay! Yay! Yay!

(Y/N): Oh boy.

We later see you with your party as they see Papi and Mero.

Jessica R: What's with the Harpy?

(Y/N): Long story short, a coordinator named Smith made me Mero and Papi's host family.

Mero: It's lovely to see you all again.

Papi: (bounces Jessica R's breasts) Wow they're so big.

Tucker: But why should this party even have a kid like her?

(Y/N): Actually, Papi is about the same age as me and Itsuki.

Simmons: He's right, harpies evolved to have smaller bodies to help them to get into the air much easier.

Tucker: That means she's legal, bow chicka bow wow.

We then see Tex punch Tucker in the face.

Tucker: Ow son of a bitch!

(Y/N): And with her around everyone is gonna think I might be a pedophile.

Grif: Hey, if anybody asks, just tell them that she looks like a kid cause Harpies are built that way.

(Y/N): Okay then.

Yang: You know that Smith lady is pretty lazy at her job so be aware of that. You might get more of these girls sooner or later.

(Y/N): Alright, I'll keep my eye out.

You then see a cat jump onto your lap as Jessica sees that it was Dexter and you feel his claws scratching you.

(Y/N): Ow kitty claws!

Jessica C: Dexter no!

(Y/N): (picks up Dexter) This is your cat?

We then Dexter jumps onto your face and scratches all over your face.


Jessica C: Dexter! No! (grabs Dexter) Bad Dexter.

(Y/N): (Rubbing your face) What is with that cat?

Jessica C: Sorry I can't get a pet sitter, all of them refuse to pet sit Dexter cause he's a bit of trouble. (whispers to you) He's a Red Lantern.

(Y/N): Oh.

Leo: Red Lantern? You mean one of those guys with the red rings that are always angry all the time?

Jessica C: Right, see each kind of lantern corps uses a different emotion to power their rings. Me and Hal's rings are fueled by Willpower and Carol's is fueled by Love.

(Y/N): And yet she doesn't have anyone to be her prom date.

You then looked to see Dexter was about to leap at you until it was caught in the shield prison as we heard Dexter clawing inside and making noises.

Carol: (hugs your arm) Can you be my prom date?

(Y/N): Um, I suppose so.

Leo: (knocks on the shield prison) You sure this thing is gonna hold that crazy cat?

You then see a red light and Dex-Starr broke out and scratches all over your face again


You then pull Dex-Starr off as you then see him coming towards you.

(Y/N): Um... Nice kitty...

Dex-Starr: I am not a nice kitty!

Later, we see you in a full body cast in a hospital as the girls were signing your cast with their names.

Jessica C: I am so sorry about Dexter

Ruby: Can he hear us?

Yang: (Y/N), blink if you can hear us.

Katsuragi: One for yes, two for no.

You then start blinking in morse code.

Blake: I got this.

We then see Blake as she grabbed a piece of paper and began writing in it as she showed the girls what you said to them in morse code.

Ruby: (reading) He said: It's okay, I know you were trying to be a good pet owner.

Yang: Well we hope you will get better soon.

Sometime later, we saw you getting out of the hospital and you were in perfect health.

(Y/N): Man that felt good to be back on my feet again.

We then see the girls group hug you.

Babs: It's good to have you back!

(Y/N): Thanks.

Ruby: And look on the bright side, at least nothing happened now.

(Y/N): Yeah, you're right.

We then see you take some steps and then to be hit by something as you were sent to a wall as the girls turned to see what the cause was and looked to see a woman with blonde hair and had the lower half of a horse and you see that she is a centaur.

Centorea: How fortuitous that we are to finally meet, must be fate. I am known as Centorea Shianus of the centaurs, could you be the man destined to be my master?

(Y/N): (in pain) I thought I was a speed bump for ya.

We then went to Smith's home as she was seen in her bed in her room as she was holding a phone.

Smith: Oh, Centorea. Yes, she has special permission to be out on her own. From what I understand the centaurs have a special tradition of seeking out their own masters to serve.

(Y/N): (Through the phone) Masters?

Smith: I'm sure she is referring to host families. I mean if she wants to be in Melromarc she's going to have to find one pretty soon. (Yawns)

(Y/N): (Through the phone) Ms Smith?

Smith: Sorry, but I don't deal with this stuff on my day off, your gonna have to look after her yourself ok?

(Y/N): (Through the phone) What?!

Smith: Night, darling.

She then hung up the phone as we saw you looking shocked.

(Y/N): So much for that plan.

Centorea: Impressive, these japanese spells truly are powerful.

Babs: Spells?

Centorea: Legend has it that if you run straight into an intersection you are destined to meet your soulmate, it is an ancient prophecy.

Diana: (thinks about what Centorea said) Hmmm, does that work?

(Y/N): I don't know where she got that from, but it sounded more like a traffic accident.

Diana: Or perhaps a traffic destiny.

(Y/N): I don't get what makes her think I would be her soulmate. And besides, that stuff only happens in works of fiction like anime.

Diana: Well it could be just as effective in reality.

Centaurea: Perhaps I should have tried it with some toast in my mouth.

(Y/N): Where did you learn all these tropes? (sees Diana taking notes) Diana!

Diana: I am only acquiring useful information about these rituals.

Jessica C: Diana, he said that only happens in anime, this is real life.

Diana: Have any you tried it?

Carol: Of course, that's how Hal and I met before he ripped my heart out and tore it into a million pieces on valentine's day with only one text!

Hal: Hey, I put a smiley face in it. I'm not the joker.

Carol: Well now there's a frowny face- (makes a heart shape frowny face) - on my heart!

Carol then throws the face at Hal as he was covered in ash and he was knocked out. Carol was angry until you gave her a hug to make her feel better.

(Y/N): It's okay, I'm here for you.

We then see Carol cry onto your shoulder as Centorea sees how caring you are.

Centorea: I never knew you are so caring master.

(Y/N): It's a specialty, it comes with the title as The Watch Hero.

Centorea: Of course, I have heard the stories about you and the shield hero and seeing that all the crimes were false.

(Y/N): Well, the king had his own reasons for hating the shield hero and watch hero. Like his family were killed by demi humans.

Jessica C: The three heroes church used that as an advantage to manipulate the king. And of course Malty made the situation worse by trying to ensnare the two the way she did.

Malty: True and it's just I got so used to doing that, I got completely carried away.

(Y/N): True, and you are still on the long road to redemption. (gives Malty a push pop) You start by sharing this with someone else.

Malty then looked at the push pop and then looked to see Shark as he was smiling

Malty: But why him? (Points at Shark)

(Y/N): He wants one and on a fundamental is putting the needs of others above your own.

Malty: Ok...

Malty then looked at Shark as she started to hold up the push pop.

Malty: Do you want this?

Shark: Sure thing, pop me please.

Shark opens his mouth as we see Malty struggles to give it to him

(Y/N): Just give it to him.

Kara: Yeah, it's not that hard.

Malty: Easy for you to say, you're not the one to give this to a shark, besides you know that cherry is my favorite flavor!

(Y/N): (Realizes) Oh... I didn't think that part through.

Malty then tries to give the pop to Shark as she then eats it herself.

Malty: Ha!

Shark: That's it, you're sharing!

We then see Shark shove Malty down his throat and eat her.

Shark: I like sharing, it's yummy.

Malty: (in Shark's stomach) Totally worth it!

We later see you and the others get Malty out of Shark.

(Y/N): Ok, maybe we can try something else.

Carol: Like love for example. (makes a heart construct)

Piranha: A giant butt!

You and the others then looked at Piranha.

Carol: Um, it's not a butt, it's a construct of a heart and it's to show-

Piranha: I wonder who's butt it is.

(Y/N): Uh...

Carol: Okay, once again, it's not a butt, its a heart so-

Piranha: But why does it have cheeks?

Everyone: Shhh!

Shark: (Whispers) Shush it!

Piranha: What? I've never seen a heart with cheeks.

Carol: Look, it's not a-

Piranha: Booty!


Piranha: Does she know what a butt is?

(Y/N): Shut up Piranha!

Carol: As I was saying, sharing love to people is the best way to show how good you are.

(Y/N): And helping others too, like if someone dropped their wallet. (to piranha) Piranha, drop your wallet.

Piranha then dropped his wallet.

(Y/N): What would you do when that happens?

Malty: (picks up the wallet and holds it up to Piranha) Excuse me sir, I think you drop this.

Piranha: Doesn't look familiar to me.

Malty: But I saw you dropped it, here.

Piranha: Nope, it's not mine.

Malty: It is your's, I'm trying to be a good person by giving it to you.

Piranha: Give what to who?

Malty: (Facepalms and takes out Piranha's id from his wallet) Are you Piranha?

Piranha: Yep.

Malty: And this is your ID.

Piranha: Yep.

Malty: I found this in this wallet- (Puts the id in the wallet) -so it must mean that this is your wallet.

Piranha: Makes sense to me.

Malty: Then take it.

Piranha: It's not my wallet.


Then we see Jessica R shoulder pinch Malty and knock her out

Shark: Good people don't rip other people's arms off.

(Y/N): Maybe we should try something else?

We then go to see Malty carrying a heavy package.

(Y/N): Ok, you see somebody holding a heavy package, what would you do.

We then see Babs coming to Malty.

Malty: Excuse me, I think you might need some help with- (Babs drops the box on Malty's feet) OW!

Babs: Sorry, I'll try again. (picks the box up)

Malty: Ok, let me help you with- (the box falls on Malty's feet again) OW!!!!

Babs: Oops, sorry again. (Picks the box up)

Malty: I'll carry that for- (Gets the box dropped on her foot once more) OW!

Babs: Oops!

Malty: You butterfingered dope! What's in that box anyway?!

(Y/N): Don't say mean things to Babs

Malty: Sorry, I mean, good friend what is in that box you have?

Babs: Bricks.

Then Babs got beaten up by Malty as we see her slave crest tickling her.

Malty: (laughs) Oh it tickles but it's worth it!

(Y/N): Everytime someone lies or does something bad to the party they get tickled.

Jessica C: I thought that slave crests were to shock the slaves if they would lie or refuse their master's orders.

(Y/N): I changed the settings on my slave crests. They made an instruction book about the slave crests.

Hal: Huh, they really thought of everything.

(Y/N): Let's try something else.

We see Dexter stuck in a tree and Malty is looking up to him.

(Y/N): Let's try saving a cat from a tree. It couldn't get any simpler than that.

Malty: Why Dexter of all cats?

Jessica C: He volunteered for this.

Malty: Okay then.

Malty then climbs the tree as she comes to the branch where Dexter was.

Malty: Come here Dexter, good kitty.

We then see Dexter leap into Malty's arms as Malty smiles.

Malty: Well that was easy.

Malty then climbs down the tree as we see Jessica C give Dexter some kitty treats.

(Y/N): You did a good deed Malty. And it's a start.

Malty: Thanks. (hugs you)

(Y/N): Just remember, needs for others come before your needs.

Sometime later, we see Malty sharing a push pop with Shark and we see her helping Papi with her hair since she doesn't have fingers.

Papi: Wow thanks Malty, you're the best!

Malty: No problem.

Jessica C: Looks like Malty is turning over to a new leaf.

(Y/N): She sure is.

Shark: (licking the push pop) Oh man, she wasn't kidding. Cherry is delicious.

(Y/N): She really changed her life.

Asuka: All thanks to you.

(Y/N): Yep, and now she can do good things for the people around her.

Diana: It is no accident that you became the Watch Hero.

(Y/N): Yeah, guess I was brought here for a great reason.

You looked at the others and smiled at the great achievements you have made.


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