Of heroes and gems

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We see you cooking a breakfast meal for everyone as the smell wakes all the girls up and comes to the kitchen and they see a lovely breakfast meal fit for a queen.

Rias: That looks so delicious.

Ashido: Yummy!

Hagakure: Let's eat!

We then see the girls eating as the guys come out and they see the girls starting on breakfast.

Homelander: Wow, that is good food.

Chuch: Can we have some?

We see the girls point their weapons at the guys as they were a bit scared

Church: Nevermind, we'll get Taco Bell!

The guys then left as you then looked to see Garnet and Pearl were not eating but saw Amethyst was eating.

(Y/N): Don't you two like the food? I knew I added too much salt.

Pearl: Oh no, we don't eat food, we get all of our energy from our gems.

(Y/N): I made food for everyone. (sees the guys aren't here) Hey what happened to the guys?

Amethyst: They said something about getting taco bell.

(Y/N): But I made food for them too. (to Pearl and Garnet) And you two as well, just give it a try.

Pearl: I understand that, but to me eating food is so disgusting. You chew it into nasty mush, swallow that goop and it comes out of you.

We then see Garnet grab a fork and stab a pancake and put it into Pearl's mouth and she starts eating.

Garnet: It doesn't matter what you think, we're doing this for (Y/N).

Amethyst: Come on Pearl, it's delicious.

(Y/N): So are there other gems like you three or are you just the only ones in the crystal gems?

Pearl: (swallows the food) Well there are other gems like us and different gems. But the greatest gems of them all are the diamonds

Asuka: The diamonds?

Pearl: Yes, there were four members, Yellow, Blue, White, and Pink. Pink Diamond was Steven's mother and now Steven brought gemkind to Era 3 the reign of the diamonds is over.

(Y/N): Oh, I see. So do they visit you guys?

Pearl: Well they have a tendency of arriving when the planet is in danger.

(Y/N): Should I send them an invite?

Pearl: We'll let you think it over.

(Y/N): Dude I just sent them an invite.

Pearl: Uhh....

We later see you as you were seen waiting by a bench and you see Motoyasu, Ren A, Itsuki and Naofumi.

Ren A: What are you doing?

(Y/N): Waiting for the diamonds

Itsuki: Diamonds?

We then see a large ship that looks like the upper torso of a woman and it lands on the ground.

(Y/N): Oh, they're here.

You and the other heroes watched to see an opening appear as you all looked to see three giant women that are blue, yellow, and white.

(Y/N): Well, they seem nice.

Soldier Boy: They're as big as skyscrapers.

(Y/N): Hey, how's the weather up there?!

White: It's cloudy.

(Y/N): That was a joke!

Asuka: (To Garnet) Are there other gems you know of?

Garnet: There is Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth.

(Y/N): Where are they now?

Pearl: Oh they had other things to do at Little Homeworld.

(Y/N): Oh wow, but do you three ever miss them?

Pearl: Yeah but we keep them updated on our adventures.

Pearl then gets a phone call from Bismuth and she answers it.

Pearl: Yes Bismuth? Garnet did what?

(Y/N): What did she do?

Pearl then shows you that Garnet carved your name and her name on a tree in a heart on her phone.

(Y/N): Where did she get this?

Amethyst: Right here.

Pearl: (to Garnet) Garnet you said that 3 is a crowd.

Garnet: But that doesn't mean that I love him.

Pearl: You mean Ruby and Sapphire love him?

Amethyst: Yeah and aren't they married?

Garnet: They're deciding to marry (Y/N) as well.

Pearl: Oh dear.

(Y/N): Is "Oh dear" good?

Pearl: Garnet is doing infidelity.

(Y/N): That's bad.

Amethyst: Look on the brightside, no one knows that it's an infidelity if no one knows that Garnet is a fusion.

(Y/N): How is that even a bright side?

We then see a random guy walk by and see Garnet.

Villager: Ma'am.

We then see the villager leaving.

(Y/N): Oh.

Amethyst: See, no one got suspicious about it.

(Y/N): I guess you got a point. (to the diamonds) Well anyways, I invited you 3 here to get to know you better!

We then see the diamonds crouch down to look at you and the others.

Grif: (to Simmons) What do you think they use for toilets?

Simmons: What? Gems don't need to eat to survive.

Grif: I know but do they use a volcano or-

Tex: How about you two shut up or I rip your skulls out and beat you to death with them.

Grif: That's physically impossible.

Tex: That's what Private Jimmy said when I beat him to death with his skull.

Church: Trust me it happened.

Simmons: So keep your big mouth shut Grif.

(Y/N): Anyway, I have heard a bit about you three. You used to be in charge of your planet and I can see you 3 were in charge. You girls are tall, beautiful, powerful, and have a sense of leadership.

Yellow: Why thank you.

Blue: (whispers to Yellow) I think I like him.

White: If any of you tried to kiss him you might swallow him by accident.

(Y/N): Too bad I can't hug you 3, but it's a good thing I can hug your fingers.

Blue: Yellow, aren't you able to alter your size?

Yellow: Yes but not even we can hold an altered form forever.

Amethyst: Yeah I had to look like Jasper for a long time until I was too tired to hold it.

Yellow: See what I mean.

(Y/N): We can just build a house for you three.

Grif: isn't there like a spell or something that can change an object's size?

(Y/N): Nope. Let's get permission from the queen.

Church: But the only question is where are we even gonna build their house?

Homelander: I saw an open field a few miles back, maybe we can build it there?

Pearl: I'll get Bismuth on the phone to see if she can help.

A-Train: I'll go and talk to the Queen about the house.

We then see A-Train run off to the castle as the diamonds were a bit surprised on how fast A-Train can go.

Blue: I have never seen a human run at that speed.

We later see Bismuth and the gems work on the house for the diamonds.

Bismuth: Man it's been ages since I worked with the diamonds.

(Y/N): Well it is good that you're doing something for them.

Bismuth: Us Bismuths have been working our butts off for them for years for colonization, but now I'm just building a house for them.

(Y/N): But still it is good to do something for others.

Bismuth: Yeah I guess so.

(Y/N): But you would have to hear about the things me and Naofumi had to do.

Amethyst: Yeah, those two did a lot of cleaning up around here.

Blue: Oh tell us everything.

(Y/N): Well let's see, we got summoned here, we both got framed for crimes we didn't commit, heard about the trouble the three heroes did such as Motoyasu releasing a monster from a seed sealed away for years, Ren A killing a dragon and caused an epidemic, Itsuki decided to be a secret vigilante and caused the village in economic ruin forcing the people into abject poverty, were on the run due to being accused of abducting Melty, and accused of killing Ren A and Itsuki and kill the pope of the three heroes church and have our names be cleared by the queen.

Blue: Oh my.

White: You've been through such an ordeal.

Yellow: To be honest, it's very idiotic of him to hold grudges.

Blue: We are no better than he is Yellow, we held a grudge against Rose because Rose was actually Pink for eons.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Blue: We all have made Pink suffer in silence. We believed what we were doing was for the empire.

Naofumi: Sounds like you three did what the three heroes did. You three let your rules go to your heads, you've been doing whatever the hell you three wanted.

Yellow: It wasn't just Pink who suffered in silence, it was us too, even White was suffering.

(Y/N): But if you three felt guilty of what you did, then why didn't you three talk to Pink, you three know that all of the conflict and war would have been avoided if you talked to her.

White: Even if we want to we can't, because Pink gave up her physical form to create Steven. I saw it myself when I removed his gem from his body, I saw that Pink is gone.

(Y/N): I see, but still as the highest authority your jobs were to keep your home safe, instead you three wasted your time on an expansion of territory. Who knows how many beings from other worlds were hurt or killed.

White: To be honest we lost count when we stopped since Era 1.

Church: I got an idea. (to Wyoming) Wyoming, do you still have that Temporal Distortion thing and Gamma?

Wyoming: Of course mate, I never part with either one of them. Gamma, come on out here.

Gamma: (appears next to Wyoming) Hello.

Church: Hey Gamma is it possible to create a time window in the past with the Temporal Distortion unit?

Gamma: My calculations say it is possible, but there is a likely chance of destroying all of time.

Church: It's worth a chance, cause I have a plan.

Caboose: Ok, but I hope that it's not one of your plans to make (Y/N) and Naofumi criminals again.

Tucker: Caboose, you're thinking of the king's plans.

Caboose: Oh.

Delta: I will assist in order to prevent any damage to the space time continuum.

White: I am curious what happened to the king?

(Y/N): See, Naofumi and I saw that the king and Malty's execution would mean that we would let them off free of their crimes, so we used a better idea.

Yellow: Which is?

(Y/N): From now on the king's name was Trash and the first princess would be called Bitch and her adventuring name to be Whore.

The diamonds were shocked to hear what you called Malty.

Blue: Oh dear.

White: And I thought we were harsh.

(Y/N): Well after what they put us through it's fitting. And besides, not even someone like the king and Malty deserve to die.

Blue: What made you decide to spare them?

(Y/N): Malty's slave crest didn't react during the execution. When she saw she was gonna die, she begged the two guys she was trying to kill for her life, and actually meant it. And with thick skin as her I wondered if the guillotine could actually cut through.

Yellow: I suppose having their names changed is a rather suitable punishment.

(Y/N): But we did learn that the three heroes' Church were actually planning to try and overthrow the royal family for their own government.

Garnet: Exactly, and using a fabricated holy weapon that is made up of the 5 weapons, the pope tried to murder the cardinal heroes and frame both the watch hero and shield hero, but he was killed during the attempt.

Pearl: That's right and seeing how the Three Heroes Church was the root cause to all this, the queen declared that it would be abolished and Melromarc would now have the Five Heroes Church as its state religion.

Blue: That is wonderful, a church that would worship all five heroes equally.

(Y/N): Yeah it is nice to be respected by this town now.

Bismuth: Done and done, your Earth house is now finished.

The diamonds then see the house built and finished.

Bismuth: Come on in and see what's inside.

We then see them go inside as they saw the rooms and furniture were all Diamond size.

Amethyst: Wow, this is huge.

(Y/N): And this feels like... has anyone read the story Jack and the beanstalk?

Donut: I sure do, I like Jack's stalk cause I think he's a great farmer.

(Y/N): And I can't believe I walked into that one.

We then see White pick you up and hug you.

White: Thank you so much Watch hero! (feels that you're gone) Oh dear, where have you gone?

(Y/N): (muffled and sticking your hand out of her bosom) I think you could find me in here!

White: Oh my. (takes you out of her bosom) I am terribly sorry about that.

(Y/N): It's fine you just got caught up in the moment that's all.

We then see White place you on the ground and you look up to her.

(Y/N): Just be careful of the hugs, I might even get stuck in that bosom for weeks and die from starvation.

White: I will try to be more careful next time.

(Y/N): Well being here might help you three understand humans better.

Garnet: Yes, and since the Three Heroes Church is gone and the king no longer has control of the kingdom, you and Naofumi don't have to worry about them bothering you anymore.

Blue: Have any of you been in touch with Steven lately?

Amethyst: Yep, he's looking for a new place to call home on Earth.

We then see Delta appear next to you.

Delta: The temporal window is at optimum capacity and it's ready.

We then see the Diamonds huddle around the temporal window as we see Grif drinking a soda.

Wyoming: Gamma, activate the window mate.

Gamma: Okay, but first a knock knock joke. Knock Knock.

We then see Grif lose his footing as he drops and spills his soda on the temporal window.

Wyoming: Oh dear, someone spilled soda all over the Temporal Window.

Grif: Oh my god, I spilled my soda!?

Gamma: Uh oh.

We then see the Temporal Window malfunction and we see Rose Quartz fall right out of it and fall onto you. By the time you open your eyes, you see Rose's breasts.

(Y/N): Ah! Get off of me!

Rose: (gets up) Oof, what happened?

Delta: It appears that the malfunction in the Temporal Window made a temporal clone of Rose Quartz. It's not a biological or a geological clone, it's a temporal clone. It created a clone without tampering the space time continuum.

Rose then sees the diamonds and she readies her shield.

Rose: What's going on here?!

(Y/N): You're in the future, your son cleaned up all the mess and made Era 3 and it's the Era where all gems are treated equally. Like you wanted.

Rose: Really?

(Y/N): Yes, and you don't have to fight anymore and you can meet your son. Plus they know that you're Pink Diamond.

Rose then changes her form to look like Pink Diamond, her former identity.

Pink: I have a son?

(Y/N): Yeah but neither one of you can't exist at the same time so....you had to give up your physical form to create Steven.

Pink: Oh. (to the diamonds) I am sorry Blue, Yellow, and White Diamonds.

White: No we should be the ones apologizing

Blue: Yes, we have made you suffer for countless eons, we all were suffering, even White.

White: I was so caught up in trying to make the empire perfect, I lost sight of what was amazing in the first place.

(Y/N): You know, there's no such thing as a perfect thing.

Asuka: Yeah, just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean that you have to make it perfect.

White: I understand.

You see that Amethyst is texting Steven.

(Y/N): Hey what are you texting Steven?

Amethyst: A picture of his mom in person, he's gonna lose it.

Leo: I am a little confused, if Pink Diamond is here wouldn't that mean that Steven wouldn't exist.

Delta: The temporal Distortion Unit was designed to create as many temporal clones as possible without damaging the space time continuum. What you are seeing is not the Pink Diamond that eventually becomes Steven but a temporal clone created before the moment Greg Universe met Rose Quartz.

(Y/N): So in other words, she's a clone.

Delta: Of course.

(Y/N): Like how Church tried to stop the bomb from going off?

Delta: Precisely.

Asuka: But how is Steven gonna feel seeing his own mother?

Amethyst: He's already freaking out right now in the texts.

You all heard a powerful explosion.

Delta: Alarm, bogey closing in! 5000 meters!

(Y/N): Is that Steven?

Delta: 0 meters!

You and the others then see Steven stopped at his tracks and he was glowing really bright in his Pink State.

(Y/N): Wasn't the kind of reaction I was expecting.

Steven: (sees Pink) Mom!?

Tucker: What's with the pink glow he has on right now?

Pearl: That happens whenever he's remembering the trauma and pain from all the time he spent saving Earth and bringing peace to gemkind and mankind.

(Y/N): Is that bad?

Garnet: The last time this went uncheck, he turned into a monster.

Naofumi: Monster?

Pearl: He was in so much trauma he became corrupted.

Church: (to the diamonds) What the fuck did you do to him?

Yellow: Well I sent Peridot down to Earth to check the geo weapon but Jasper came a long to expect a fight from Rose Quartz, but by the time they got there. She just did a lot of harm to Steven.

Blue: Forcing Lapis Lazuli to fuse with her and refusing Pink's help to stop her corruption.

(Y/N): Anything else?

White: Steven helped a ruby to repair her gem but she ratted out on her in the court trial.

Bismuth: I got poofed by Steven because I thought he was Rose.

Washington: How did that happen?

Bismuth: I made a weapon that can shatter any gem, even the diamonds.

(Y/N): Yikes.

Pink: I told you Bismuth, that weapon will make us no better than the diamonds.

Bismuth: Yeah I know, I can't believe I have to get stabbed twice to realize that.

(Y/N): Well, seeing how you can make weapons, maybe you along with Peridot and Lapis could stick with us, there's a place we know that has your name on it. We can reopen the forge and you can make weapons for everyone to use when the Waves hit.

Bismuth: That sounds like a good idea, and I think we can even hook this place up with a warp pad.

(Y/N): Cool. (sees Steven) You're Steven, right? The one Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl told me about?

Steven: Yeah.

(Y/N): Name's (Y/N), I'm also the Watch Hero. And your old team is part of my party.

Steven: Oh.

(Y/N): (points at the other cardinal heroes) And these are the other heroes.

Ren A: I'm Ren Amaki, the sword hero.

Motoyasu: Name's Motoyasu Kitamura, the spear hero.

Itsuki: I'm Itsuki Kawasumi, the bow hero.

Naofumi: Guess that leaves me, I'm Naofumi Iwatani, the shield hero.

Steven: Nice to meet you all, and you have a pretty cool shield Naofumi. In fact (summons his shield) I have a nice shield.

We then see Naofumi place a hand onto Steven's shield and use the weapon copy feature. Then Naofumi's shield transformed into Steven's shield with his shield's gem on it.

Steven: Hey that's my shield!

(Y/N): Don't worry, it's a feature us heroes have, they let us copy any kind of weapon as long as it is the same kind as ours

Steven: Oh, but don't you guys ever use other weapons?

(Y/N): No, see we are not allowed to use any other weapons but the ones we have. We'll explain everything to you when your other friends come.

We later see you and the others at a pub as you explained everything to Steven.

(Y/N): And that is pretty much it.

Steven: Whoa, can't believe royalty would stoop down to that kind of lowness.

(Y/N): Yeah, but on the bright side, at least me and Naofumi have our names cleared.

Amethyst: But you guys should have heard what Peridot calls things. Hey Peridot what do you call this? (points at her nose)

Peridot: A sense sponge.

Motoyasu: What?

Amethyst: What do you call this? (points at her eye)

Peridot: Vision sphere.

Itsuki: Um I don't-

Amethyst: Wait wait, Peridot these? (shows her fingers)

Peridot: Touch stumps

Amethyst: This? (Points at her foot)

Peridot: Gravity connectors.

Amethyst: (Points at her backside) This?


(Y/N): And a big one at that.

Amethyst: What?! It's not that big. (looks at her butt) Whoa, my butt is huge.

(Y/N): My point exactly.

Amethyst: Anyway, I had thought of a cool game which involves the cardinal heroes.

Itsuki: What's that?

We then see Amethyst shapeshifted and look exactly like Itsuki.

Amethyst: Cardinal Hero Tag!

Ren A: Cardinal Hero Tag?

Amethyst: Yup, whichever gem gets tagged by you guys they have to change into you.

(Y/N): Like this?

You then pinch Pearl's nose.

(Y/N): Tag.

Tucker: Dude, are you even sure that Pearl can shapeshift?

We then see Pearl glow as she then shapeshifts to look like you while still having her nose.

(Y/N): Whoa, uncanny.

Raphtalia: Uncanny?

Naofumi: It's something from our world, such as an animation where everything looks real but nothing was ever right.

Motoyasu: Oh yeah, that stuff creeped me out.

Asuka: So gems only have to turn into the cardinal heroes in this game.

Amethyst: Yep.

We then see Garnet as she was shapeshifted to look like Naofumi but still had her shades on.

Garnet: It's the rules.

You then tag Garnet as she then changes into you but with shades.

(Y/N): So you guys can shapeshift.

Itsuki: I guess they can-

Amethyst: (Acts at Itsuki) I guess they can, they're perfect. (slaps her butt) Whomp! Whomp!

We then see her get pushed away by Itsuki as she was laughing.

Pearl: All gems can shapeshift. We can change into objects, change parts of our bodies or (looks at Amethyst) We can do that.

We then see Amethyst as she was seen as Itsuki.

Amethyst: (slaps her butt) Whomp! Whomp!

Simmons: Does the rules cover members of the Cardinal heroes' parties?

Amethyst: Yeah dude.

Caboose: (touched White Diamon's foot) Touch.

Church: Caboose what made you think she can shapeshift.

We then see White shapeshift into Caboose but with her gem on his forehead.

Church: Well shit that worked. Now if you excuse me I am going to my room and lock the door so this nightmare will pass.

We then see Church left as we see Amethyst change to look like Ren A.

Amethyst: (acts as Ren A) Look at me, I'm the sword hero and I think I'm so much stronger than everyone else. I made an epidemic and did a genocide. (laughs)

Ren A: Hey!

Amethyst: (shapeshifts to Motoyasu) I'm the spear hero, I beat the shield hero and watch hero in a duel that was rigged and I used my spear to roast marshmallows.

Motoyasu: Wha- No I don't!

Malty: I saw you eating marshmallows with your spear

Amethyst: (Changes to Itsuki) Hey look at me. I'm the bow hero, I acted like a super secret vigilante and made people go hungry cause I was like Robinhood.

(Y/N): Try Lopez.

Amethyst: (changes to Lopez) (in spanish) I am Lopez the Heavy and I have to fix everything but I can't fix my language setting.

Lopez: (in spanish) That is true and it hurts.

Amethyst: (Changes to Sarge) Hey I'm Sarge, I go around barking orders at my men cause I wanted to and I'm afraid of heights.

Sarge: The ODST has a terrible work environment and don't you know how fast we go when were dropped from the sky!?

Donut: Do Grif.

Amethyst: (Changes to Grif) I'm Grif and I always get shot at all the time and I'm always hungry and like to eat a lot. (Grabs a sandwich and eats it) Nom nom nom nom!

Grif: Hey I resent that.

Simmons: You never resent anything.

Amethyst: (Changes to Asuka) I'm Asuka and I train to be a ninja and fight bad ninjas and end up getting groped by my best friend.

Caboose: Oh do (Y/N)!

Amethyst: Now that is a challenge. (changes to you) I'm the watch hero and I had to work my tail off just to clean up all the messes the other heroes made and I try not to be a pervy hero no matter how many times girls fell on me with my head in their breasts or their butts even when they offered to do it.

(Y/N): (sees the other heroes looking at you) What? I am too much of a gentleman to do it and I respectfully decline those offers.

Garnet: (changes back) Like this?

Garnet then placed your hand on her rear as you were blushing. Meanwhile in your head, we see that your brain is on fire.

Thought: We need to go, there's a fire in the decision lobes!

Thought 2: (tries to open the door) The door's jammed!

Thought 3: Everybody panic!

We then see the thought yous were all running around panicking as we go to you as we see that your head was smoking

Motoyasu: Is he alright?

Sarge: Do any of you smell something burning?

Simmons: I think his head is on fire.

We then see you collapse onto the ground as your face is bright red.

Pearl: Is he ok?

Blitzo: (Waves his hand at your face) Oh yeah, he's fine.

Grif: Really?

Tarantula: No! His head is on fire!

We then see your head catching fire.

Enid: I got this.

Enid then grabbed a bucket of water and splashed water on you putting the fire out.

(Y/N): What happened, my life was flashing before my eyes and went past me and I really have issues.

Enid: You fainted and your head caught fire when Garnet made you touch her butt.

(Y/N): That is so weird. I don't remember that.

Amethyst: You don't remember something that happened seconds ago.

Blitzo: Guess that fire must have burnt his memory bank.

(Y/N): That happens to me whenever that happens.

Amethyst: Huh, and anyway dude can't believe you would faint after just touching a girl's butt or boobs.

(Y/N): I told you, I am too much of a gentleman. My mom raised me like that. (pulls out a picture of your mom) Thanks mom.

Amethyst: Wow, for a former wrestler she is a great mother.

(Y/N): She made it her job to raise me at my best behavior and how to get the best body.

Ashido: So that's how you got that 12 pack.

Girls: He has a 12 pack!?

Raphtalia: I thought it was the fog from the hot springs playing tricks on us.

Blake: Wait, how did you know that he has a 12 pack?

Ashido: Oh I found a hole in the girls' bath house that allows me to see what's going on in the boys' bathhouse. When I looked into it, I saw the 12 pack on (Y/N).

Loona: Damn, he has to be a pretty sight.

(Y/N): Note to self, remember to put spackle on that hole.

Girls: Aww.

Ashido: Why not?

(Y/N): Because it's an invasion of privacy!

Ashido: Dang it...

Momo: How could you Ashido.

Ashido: Me!? You're the first one to look into that hole!

Momo: (blushes) I was making an observation!

(Y/N): Okay how many of you looked into the hole?

All the girls then raised their hands and blushed.

(Y/N): Great, all the girls in my party are perverts.

Asahido: I wouldn't say perverts, more like we're into ya and all of your parts especially what's between your legs. (gets smacked in the back of her head by Tsu's tongue) Ow!

(Y/N): Unbelievable, you girls invaded my privacy for way too long. Just stay out of my personal bubble of privacy.

We then see you head off as we see Ashido pull out pictures of you.

Ashido: It's good to keep backups. (See the pictures get taken away by you) Crud.

We see you spackling the bathhouse walls and you leave it to dry.

(Y/N): There.

We later see you as you were seen in your room reading a book as you hear knocking as you came to see the girls in your party.

Asuka: (Y/N), we're really sorry about what we did.

Tsu: Ribbit, seems like we really lost our heads.

Momo: We all came to apologize, and we know this doesn't excuse what we did.

(Y/N): It's alright, I don't hold grudges. And I wasn't mad, just disappointed that you girls would do that.

Katsuragi: It was uncool even for me.

Ryona: We accept any punishment you give us.

(Y/N): Well, you girls are gonna spend 7 nights without me in a shared bed with you.


Ryona: Please master, we can't do that, anything but that!

(Y/N): I'm sorry but the decision is final.

Jessica R: Don't worry girls, we can live without him for 7 nights. How bad can it be?

3 nights later, we see you coming down stairs as you see that Ashido is in an acid proof straight jacket

(Y/N): 3 nights and she's lost it?

Ashido: I am hallucinating cause I see (Y/N) right in front of me. (laughs like a maniac)

Tsu: We're trying our best to keep her in check.

Momo: And so far she's been going crazy, the jacket is to keep her from doing something regrettable. I made the jacket myself.

(Y/N): So do we need to keep her sane. I'm sure the rest of you can survive 4 more nights.

After four nights we see Ashido and Ryona hallucinating and seeing things as from an outside point of view they're laying on the floor in straightjackets.

(Y/N): I see that they're hallucinating.

Tex: They're tripping balls.

(Y/N): Time for me to bring them back.

You then hug the girls as they are no longer hallucinating.

(Y/N): Your punishments are over.

Ashido and Ryona: (hugs back) We are so sorry!

(Y/N): I forgive you, just promise you won't do anything that invades my privacy.

Ashido and Ryona: We promise!

(Y/N): Good to hear, let's go then.

Later, we see you and the others in town as you see the diamonds in town, you see the diamonds playing with the children.

(Y/N): I see the diamonds are playing with the children.

Asuka: Yeah, it seems like they're really fond of them.

You see that the children are all over Yellow's head.

Yellow: Please watch yourselves children, it's not safe to be at this height.

Blue: You can catch the children if they fall.

White: They're the most mischievous group of humans I've ever seen myself.

Child: Hey giant pink lady, do you use volcanoes as hot tubs?

Pink: I'm not that fire resistant, but my friend Garnet can bathe in the sun.

Little girl: Giant blue lady, your hair is pretty.

Blue: Why thank you little one. (sees the little girl hugging her finger) Aww.

(Y/N): They really seem to take a liking to them.

The diamonds see you as you walk to them.

(Y/N): How are the children?

White: They are delightful.

(Y/N): Well glad to see you are liking their company.

Yellow: They are climbing all over me. (catches a child) Good think my reflexes are sharp.

Blue: They're just playful, just like Spinel.

White: Luckily I brought her with us.

You see Spinel playing with some children by using her arms as jump rope.

Little Girl: (jumping the rope) Jaune be nimble, Jaune be quick, Jaune trip over the candlestick

We see Jaune appear with a crutch and a cast on his leg.

Jaune: Blake be nimble, Blake be quick, Blake needs to pick up afterself when she's done reading!

We see that more children join the others in jope roping.

(Y/N): I see you're having fun with the kids Spinel.

Spinel: Yep, I sure love kids.

(Y/N): Well now you will get to understand humans better.

Spinel: Yeah this will help me a lot to get to know the humans better.

(Y/N): Well I am glad to hear it.

You then smiled at the gems seeing them getting along with humans seeing how it brought them all closer.


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