Unexpected errors

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We see you and the others as you all were at the roads as you all were seen chasing down what looked like a tank with six wheels.

Amethyst: Dude, that's some tank.

Pearl: It's not a tank, it's a fully automated battle vehicle.

Amethyst: Well you're a fully annoying assault on my ears.

(Y/N): Knock it off.

We then looked to see the tank's wheels were extended as they appeared like spider legs as it then leaped over a wall and was seen in town as we saw it fire missiles as we then saw you and the others came.

Church: So what now?

(Y/N): I think it would be time for an upgrade.

You then slapped the watch and became upgrade.

Motoyasu: Not so fast dude, I think it just needs a taste from my spear!

(Y/N): Upgrade!

Motoyasu: Spear!

(Y/N): Upgrade!

Motoyasu: Spear!

We then see you get past Motoyasu as we see you wrapped yourself on the tank and merged with it as we then see the tank bring out various high advanced weapons.

(Y/N): Whoa, not the kind of upgrade I had in mind.

We then see a blast of Chaos Magic shot at you as everyone turns to see it was the Scarlet Witch alongside her twin brother Quicksilver we then see you come out of the tank as we see the tank had fallen apart and you changed back.

(Y/N): Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver? What are you two doing here?

Quicksilver: We heard trouble so we got here as fast as we could.

Scarlet Witch: Well one of us was faster than the other.

Blitzo: Well, another day, another job well done.

(Y/N): I never knew that you two were here.

Motoyasu: The tone of your voice makes me think you like Scarlet Witch.

(Y/N): She was......my childhood crush.

Blitzo: Seriously?

(Y/N): Yeah, I went through a witchcraft phase when I was in elementary school.

Moxxie: Remind us to ask about your childhood phases when growing up.

Charlie: Wait you're the kid that summoned me cause you were lonely on the playground.

Asuka: Wait, you actually summoned a demon?

(Y/N): Yeah, I didn't have a lot of friends back then which is why I went through a witchcraft phase.

Asuka: That's terrible.

(Y/N): But my parents support my decision in summoning a demon to be my friend. Because they said, some demons are bad and some are just misunderstood. Like Charlie and Rias.

Charlie and Rias: Awww.

They then hugged you as you smiled seeing how they saw how much you cared for them.

Blitzo: I'll admit kid, I always thought that humans up here were all a bunch of assholes, but you showed me how wrong I am. Some are assholes but you prove that you can love a demon both in bed and in the heart.

(Y/N): Yeah, guess I did.

We then see you and the others heading off to home as we take a close up to the watch as we see it showing a few small sparks as we go to the morning as we see you and the others were in home as you were seen getting the table ready for breakfast as the food was on it as the others came we see your watch starting to glow and make sparks as they all saw that their breakfast is suddenly gone.

Blitzo: What the fuck?

(Y/N): What the? (looks at the watch)

Loona: Since when does your watch start vaporizing breakfast?

Blitzo: Since now apparently. Moxxie, get Taco Bell on the phone.

Moxxie: But sir, they made 40 restraining orders on you for the bean burrito incident in the restaurant.

Blitzo: Hey, it was their fault for putting too many beans in those 400 bean burritos.

Moxxie: Your receipt says you wanted extra beans and cheese sir.

Blitzo: It was one time!

(Y/N): Maybe we can all go to Cracker Barrel?

Blitzo: Fine, but I'm not gonna sit next to the bag of holes of a popstar that is Verosika.

Verosika: I wasn't planning on sitting next to you anyways after what you did to me!

(Y/N): Ok, and there will be a few ground rules for when we get there. (looks at Blitzo and Verosika) No arguing, no trying to kill each other Blitz, no tricking each other to do things that I cannot speak of Verosika, no opening old wounds, and no beelzejuice we do not want a repeat of last time.

Washington: Wait what happened last time?

Verosika: I may have brought some belezejuice with me to the human world and a fish just turned into a monster.

Moxie: Seeing that you broke an important rule in hell, never bring any beverages from hell to the human world.

(Y/N): So Verosika, hand over all of the juice you got.

Verosika then handed you a few flasks of the beelzejuice.

(Y/N): And the ones in your boots.

Verosika: (Sighs) Fine.

Verosika then takes off her boots and pulls out the flasks and hands them to you.

(Y/N): In your hair.

Verosika then uncovers a string that has flasks tied up and she hands them to you.

(Y/N): And in your boobs.

Verosika then pulls out 50 flasks out of her cleavage.

(Y/N): Do I really need to strip you out of your clothes just to get all of them?

Verosika: Come on!

(Y/N): Verosika if you take the juice out of your diet, I am not gonna give you cuddles tonight.

Verosika: Fine.

Verosika then pulls out all the flasks from her clothing including her underwear and bra.

(Y/N): And the backup supply from your crew too.

We then see Verosika's crew holding out her backup supply including Vortex as she was shocked of him giving them to you.

Verosika: Vortex!?

Vortex: Hey I was planning to stage an intervention and everyone was in on it.

(Y/N): And this is for your own good, and one more thing for you and Blitzo.

We later see you all out as Blitzo and Verosika were seen to have strips of duct tape on the back of their heads.

Blitzo: Remind me again why we're having this crap on the back of our heads.

Verosika: This is ridiculous.

You then grabbed the strips of tape on both Blitzo and Verosika's head and ripped them off.

Blitzo and Verosika: AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

(Y/N): The tape is to be a reminder of both your manners.

Blitzo: I can feel more than manners!

Verosika: Me too.

(Y/N): I also cleaned out the house of your backups of your beverage Verosika.

Verosika: (Groans)

Blitzo: Serves you right for being an alcoholic.

Vortex: Sorry V, you need to be off the stuff.

(Y/N): Think of it as a rehab.

Verosika: But rehab is for washed up celebrities! Am I washed up!?

(Y/N): No, no, you're just taking a break from the juice that's all. (grabs one of the flasks of Bezeelejuice) What's in this stuff anyways?

Your watch then started to spark again as we then saw the flask of Beelzejuice had suddenly vanished from your hand along with the other flasks as Verosika saw it happen.

Verosika: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Blitzo: Well at least that thing had a good use. Nice one with vaporizing her booze.

(Y/N): No problem, I think?

Verosika: (Grabs you) (Y/N), how could you!?

(Y/N): All I did was pick one up. I didn't expect the watch to vaporize all of them. (to Vortex) What was in that juice?

Vortex: Essence of beelzebub and alcohol. Just read the nutrition facts.

(Y/N): Ok.

Verosika: But why must you do this to me, why?! (starts crying)

(Y/N): Let's just head over to breakfast.

We later see you and the others at cracker barrel as we see Verosika reluctantly drinking apple juice.

(Y/N): Verosika, are you alright?

Verosika: (drinks the apple juice) Bleh, nothing tastes right anymore.

Blitzo: Probably cause you mostly drank nothing but that beelzejuice.

(Y/N): Come on Verosika, it will be fine. Just try to enjoy something new. What are you gonna lose?

Verosika: Let me think: my dignity, my tastebuds, my temper!

(Y/N): Come on, at least enjoy the orange juice. It's good for you.

We then see the waiter placing orange juice in front of her. She then looked at you, seeing you nodding yes to her as she then grabbed the orange juice and drinked it and she liked it.

Verosika: Not bad.

(Y/N): See what I tell you, I knew you would like it.

Verosika: Thanks babe. Guess it wouldn't hurt to cut back on the usual.

(Y/N): My point exactly.

Later, after the meal, we see that Blitzo ate too much food and has a stomach ache.

Moxxie: Are you alright sir?

Blitzo: I think I ate too much food.

Millie: Meh It was a small meal to me. My folks ate whole horses on a dare.

(Y/N): Speaking of your folks Millie, I want to meet them sometime.

Millie: I wish you could, but no humans or sinners allowed outside the Pride Ring hun.

(Y/N): Why?

Charlie: My dad takes pride in making humans look like the history of their sins when they were alive.

(Y/N): Oooh. But still I want to meet them.

Millie: I'll just make a call to them about meeting you and coming over to visit.

(Y/N): Alright, sounds good.

Later at home, we see Millie making a phone call to her parents.

Millie: Ma?

Lin: (over the phone) Oh hello sweetie, what's going on?

Millie: Well me and Moxxie are not together anymore and we just became friends cause I found someone else.

Lin: (over the phone) It better not be one of them skeleton jesters, you know what your father did to the last group of them. They've been rattling all night long and we have to pay the funeral fee.

Millie: He's a human, ma.

Lin: (over the phone) A sinner? Well it could be worse.

Millie: No ma, he's a human he hasn't died and got sent to hell. He's a Cardinal Hero.

Lin: (over the phone) Better not be that joke of a Spear Hero hun, he's even worse than Moxxie.

Millie: Ma it's the Watch Hero, his name is (Y/N). If you think he's strong you should meet his mama. She was a pro wrestler who defended her title for 15 years straight, they had to put her in retirement so that the wrestling league could save up on the medical bills and legal action and now she's his gym teacher.

Lin: (over the phone) Well in that case your father would love to meet him. We'll be there before you know it.

Millie: Alrighty ma, bye.

Millie hangs up and she heads down stairs.

Millie: My folks are coming over.

(Y/N): Oh that's good to hear.

We see you and the others waiting as you hear the door knocking and Millie comes to the door to see her open it and she sees all of her whole family.

Joe: Howdy Millie.

Millie: Ma, pa! (sees Sallie May) Sallie.

Sallie: Hey sis.

Millie: Come on in.

We see Millie's folks come into the house and you notice something about Sallie's horns.

(Y/N): Um Millie, how come your sister has white stripes on her horns while the guys of IMP do.

Millie: Simple, she's a transgender.

(Y/N): A what?

Blitzo: She was born with a dick and a pussy.

(Y/N): Oh. (realizes) Oooh.

Millie: Ma, Pa, you both heard about the Watch Hero and Shield Hero, right?

Joe: I know for a fact that the king made them look like the weakest links around. My great great great grandmother knew the first Watch and Shield hero and she told my family their battles for generations.

Lin: I was shocked to learn that the king and first princess would go far to frame both the Shield Hero and Watch Hero.

(Y/N): Malty only did it to please her father, so she had no choice..

Sallie: Like the duel, first the king would interfere with it, dispelling those slave crests or whatever the mortals would use for slavery these days.

Joe: I agree, if he followed the rules, clearly the Watch Hero and Shield Hero would have won.

Motoyasu: Hey!

Joe: If I ever see that king, I'll rip his rib cage out and use his ribs for a BBQ meal for the whole family and his insides will be the stew!

(Y/N): Well fortunately we gave the queen an idea of a punishment for the king and 1st princess, that they were stripped of their status as royalty and have their names changed to Trash and Bitch.

Sallie: Wow, now that's a great punishment.

Lin: I've been told that the first princess often uses an alternate name such as Myne when adventuring. What about that?

(Y/N): Yeah, we saw that she needed an adventurer name, so we suggested Whore.

Millie: That's right and we did learn that the two were colluding with the three heroes church, the princess tried to use the church to kill her sister who was heir to the throne.

Joe: I always let my kids fight over whoever gets the last rib for dinner. It's how we imps learn.

(Y/N): That explains the excessive amount of scars on Millie and her siblings.

Sallie: (points to the scar on her eye) I got this one when Millie and I were fighting over who gets the last juice box.

Millie: (pulls up her pant leg to reveal numerous bite marks) Babysitting the siblings, they bite a lot.

(Y/N): What about your scars Blitz?

Blitzo: I am not at liberty to talk about them.

(Y/N): Ok.

Millie: The king worked with the church and summoned all 5 heroes while the queen was away.

Blitzo: Before they got here, the countries were already pissed off at each other as it is. And when they got here they're even more pissed off and they were gonna start World War 3 which by the way could bring the extinction of mankind!

Moxxie: The reason the queen was absent was because she was at a meeting, and they all came up with a decision. The five countries would each summon one hero, that way they all can work together to fight the waves, but Melromarc's temporary leadership already summoned the five heroes.

Sallie: So that Trash King and Bitch Princess just started a war.

Charlie: They weren't even supposed to have the power to make that decision, the queen tried to keep them on a leash by leaving a lord she trusted to watch the kingdom but he was killed during the first wave and the queen hadn't returned home yet.

Joe: I like a good war as much as the next Imp, but declaring war over a stupid mistake now that's just the kind of war I do not want to be a part of.

(Y/N): Yeah, but we were able to fix as much as we can.

Moxxie: Exactly and the 3 Heroes Church which was the cause of all this was abolished, and Melromarc now has the 5 Heroes Church as its state religion.

Lin: Now that's a Queen with a sense of responsibility.

(Y/N): Well anyways, I made some food for you all to eat when you got here. So dig in.

We saw everyone at the table as you all were eating.

Lin: So what did you and Naofumi do while seen as crooks?

(Y/N): Mostly cleaning up the three heroes' messes and trading goods to people.

Joe: What did they do?

(Y/N): Motoyasu released a monster from a seed, Ren caused an epidemic by killing a dragon, Itsuki caused a village to fall into economic ruin forcing the people to abject poverty by acting like a vigilante. So we tweaked the seed, destroyed the corpse, and helped the village get back on their feet.

Yozakura: (Y/N) and Naofumi mostly complained most of the time cause they both had to straighten things up after the three made their messes.

Millie: We even fought a T-Rex that was sealed away.

Joe: Haha! Now that's what I call a great battle, dinosaurs were the greatest predators before mankind.

(Y/N): We all tried to fight it but it was too strong until the Queen of the Folilials killed that dino.

Filo: Yeah.

Joe: And that's why birds were the descendants of dinosaurs. They may be small but they're ferocious.

Sallie: That's why we have guard chickens.

Joe: I train them to be lethal killers. I got the scars to prove it! (pulls up his shirt to reveal the scars) Take a look boys.

(Y/N): Whoa! You got all of those from a flock of chickens!?

Joes: Baby chicks and all. (puts his shirt down)

Lin: I take it things have gone great when your names were finally cleared?

(Y/N): Yeah, our trading business has gone through the roof and we are getting much more respect. Plus Malty went from spoiled princess to disney princess, observe.

You and the others then turn to see Malty singing some melodies and a flock of birds flew onto arms like a disney princess.

Lin: That is amazing, but aren't you worried that she would doublecross you?

(Y/N): Not to worry, the slave crest will ensure that she won't do that.

Grif: Observe. Hey Malty, tell a lie.

Malty: I have a penis. (gets shocked) Ow!

(Y/N): The slave crest makes it that the slave cannot refuse their master's order or lie to them. Like this. Malty, make an italian sandwich with plenty of hot sauce that has the highest scoville.

Malty: I'm on it!

We then see Malty make the sandwich and then you grab the sandwich and eat the whole thing as Joe, Lin, and Sallie were impressed that you ate the sandwich.

(Y/N): Good sandwich.

Joe: Now that's what I call taking the heat. I like you boy.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Sallie: (hugs your arm) I think I'm starting to like you.

(Y/N): Oh uh...

Millie: Sallie you're making him uncomfortable. He never dated a transgender before.

(Y/N): It's true, I don't know what to do. I think I should go and get something at the store.

Vortex: But I went to the market and restocked everything man. Remember the chore wheel you made for everyone to do chores? It was my turn to go to the market.

(Y/N): Oh, well it's just that I just remembered something and-

Vortex: Come on man, if a girl is into ya just go for it.

Verosika: I like to see where it goes.

(Y/N): Well Sallie if you like, maybe I can go and pick something up in town, what kind of requests do you have?

Sallie: Let's see, nothing too fancy for me. I like a large steak and some pork in beans.

(Y/N): Ok.

We see you walking through the road on the way to town.

(Y/N): Well they were nice.

You then see your watch start to spark as you took notice of it and then heard the sound of wheels and looked to see a carriage was coming as you then got out the way as the watch made abright flash as the carriage was seen going out of control and headed in the woods as you went to it.

(Y/N): Hey, are you ok in there?

Then you see some trees move as you then look to see something rise up and see what looks like a giant and you see it go up and roar.

(Y/N): Whoa, that looks like Way Big, but way meaner and bluer and fatter

You then looked to see that it raised it's foot but saw three diamond shards struck its foot making it roar in pain and back up and you looked to see a person come and saw their helmet unfold to reveal he looked like Diamondhead.

(Y/N): Who are you?

Tetrax: I am Tetrax, and where did this To'kustar come from and why is it attacking?

(Y/N): Not sure, but now it's hero time.

You then slapped your watch and became Steel Wing.

(Y/N): I was gonna go for Way Big, but that works too.

You were about to fly to it but was stopped by Tetrax.

Tetrax: First rule in battle, concentrate on your opponent's weak spot. (points at the Evil Way Big) In the case of To'Kustars, it's the fin at the top of the head. I'll keep him distracted. (Creates diamond shards) Go, go!

We then see you fly at the Evil Way Big as Tetrax fires shards at him to keep him distracted as we see you fly up to it.

(Y/N): Get ready for the winds of defeat. (Hears the watch beeping) No!

We then see you change back as you landed on the top of the Evil Way Big's head as you looked at the watch.

(Y/N): Come on, work! (sees the watch reactivate) Yes!

Then the watch began to spark as we then saw the Evil Way Big disappear as you were falling but was caught by Tetrax who was on a hoverboard.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Tetrax: No, thank you. You destroyed the To'Kustar.

(Y/N): I did? I mean of course I did, glad to know the watch can vaporize stuff. I just don't know how it can do that. But why are you here?

Tetrax: I was told to meet here by Azmuth.

(Y/N): Azmuth? Who's that?

Tetrax: He is the inventor of the Omnitrix. Which is the device you have.

(Y/N): This? (hold up the watch) Huh.

Tetrax: But it seems that Azmuth is nowhere to be seen.

(Y/N): If you like, maybe I can help you find him.

Tetrax: Very well, come with me.

We then see you and Tetrax both walk together in the woods as you look to see a spaceship. We then see you both go inside Tetrax was about to do something with your watch as you pulled away.

(Y/N): my watch is fine.

Tetrax: We need to make the final preparations, we have a long journey ahead of us, this is for your own protection.

(Y/N): Ok if you say so.

He placed his finger on the watch as it glowed As the badge on the watch glowed orange it became red.

Tetrax: I'll explain the new feature once we're in orbit.

The ship starts to go up into space as it heads into orbit only to be shot down as a hole was made as you came out and fell down to earth as you used your watch and transformed into Diamondhead and crashed into the ground.

(Y/N): Ow... (Climbs out the hole) Well, I wanted to see more of the world, but where am I?

We then go to see the others back at home as they were seen starting to get worried.

Blitzo: What's taking that guy so long?

Millie: He hasn't been out for this long.

Raphtalia: Maybe something happened to him.

We later see the others out and walking at the road you walked on as they noticed tracks and followed them as they looked to see the carriage you saw before.

Blitzo: A carriage?

Donnie: Hang on a minute.

Donnie then pulls out a device as it then scans the carriage.

Donnie: This is a holographic disguise.

The hologram then vanished to reveal it was a spaceship.

Church: It's a spaceship.

The others then looked to see Tetrax's ship had come.

Tucker: And another one too.

They then saw the ship open and saw Tetrax.

Tetrax: We need to talk.

We then went to you as you were seen walking as your watch was heard beeping.

(Y/N): Finally, I can get a ride without freaking anyone out.

We then see you transform into a humanoid that has an outfit similar to Superman but more yellow and minus the S and the badge is on the belt.

(Y/N): Huh? (look at yourself) Hey, why didn't I become human?

You then looked at the badge and continued walking as you were seen walking as you came up to a hill and you looked to see that you're on a tropical island. In the skies, we see a kryptonian named Ursa flying by and then she sees you as a kryptonian and she immediately feels love at first sight.

(Y/N): Did I just travel in time or something?

You then hear something along with a blue flash as you look to see what looked like Upgrade but was blue.

Retaliator: No, just running out of time.

(Y/N): Who are you? Another freak from space?

We then see the retaliator get knocked to the ground by Ursa and she turns to you.

(Y/N): Who are you?

Ursa: Oh uh...I am...Ursa....I am a Kryptonian like you and....well I normally work with Zod but uh.....do you think we can hang out and....

(Y/N): Maybe.

We then see the Retaliator had vanished as he was seen behind you with a blaster arm.

Retaliator: I ask the questions kryptonian, I'm looking for an alien.

(Y/N): Ever try peeking in the mirror?

Retaliator: Silence.

He was about to blast you as you slapped his arm away and tried to punch him as he then teleported as you were confused as we see the Retaliator appeared above you and made his feet into blocks and fell on you crushing you as you then punched him up to the air as he teleported again.

(Y/N): No fair! Teleporting!

He then appeared behind you and sent you to a tree as it was about to fall as you caught it.

(Y/N): (Turns to the Retaliator) Hey! You're wrecking a tropical land!

You tried to hit him with the tree as he vanished and appeared where the tree once was.

Retaliator: Tropical land? Don't you recognize a creation of a tropical paradise made by the Saiyans. The Ki energy readings are off the charts here, brimming with life.

(Y/N): What? (to Ursa) Is that true?

Ursa: Of course, on their planet it's a tropical paradise there.

You then threw the tree at the retaliator as he teleported as the tree went to the hole and the retaliator appeared and grabbed you and had his blaster at you.

Retaliator: Where's your giant alien buddy?

(Y/N): What giant alien buddy?

You then threw the retaliator to a tree as he then got up and started to transform into a battle robot and his hands turned to missile launchers.

Ursa: Watch out!

Retaliator: Don't play dumb kryptonian, my tracker led me straight to you, now where is he?!

(Y/N): He's... Right behind you!

The retaliator then turned and got confused as you then unleashed a very powerful blast of heat vision to try to incinerate him. You then turn to Ursa and walk up to her.

(Y/N): I know another kryptonian, her name is Supergirl. Do you know her?

Ursa: Well I know her mother, she sent me and Zod into the Phantom Zone.

(Y/N): Oh wait, you're that Ursa. Kara told me a lot about you guys.

Ursa: Really?

Then we see the retaliator teleport in front of you.

Retaliator: I'm not finished with you!

He then fired missiles as you started to fly off as you saw the missiles were following you as you then fired an Arctic Breath at them as they stopped working. We then see Ursa uppercut the Retaliator into space all the way up to the moon and you fly back to her

(Y/N): Can you excuse me for a moment.

Urse: Of course.

You then flew to the moon and crashed into the retaliator.

(Y/N): Did you shoot down Tetrax's ship? Did you shoot down Azmuth's ship too?

Then you got blasted by a powerful laser as you were sent back to the island as you saw the retaliator teleport and flew at you.

Retaliator: Azmuth? What do you know about Azmuth?

He then started to open fire as you flew and then came up from behind and punched him far.

(Y/N): Man he doesn't quit (Hears the watch beeping) Finally.

You then transformed into a viltrumite like Omni-Man as you and Ursa saw it

(Y/N) Aw man.

Ursa: A viltrumite? I thought there's only one

You and Ursathen started to walk as the retaliator came as you froze but saw him looking around confused as you tried to sneak away but he looked at you.

Retaliator: Where'd the kryptonian go?

(Y/N): You mean the guy who looks like Kal-El but green eyes, a yellow suit, and a beard? Never met him.

Ursa: I saw him fly off and head to Planet Vegeta.

The retaliator then stood for a minute and then aimed his blasters at you.

Retaliator: Then I'll just have to interrogate you instead Viltrumite, back on my planet.

(Y/N): But I'm a viltrumite.

You then flew at him and tackled him as you both teleported as we then looked to see Siltvelt as you and the retaliator appeared there.

(Y/N): (looks around) This is your planet?

Retaliator: No, your tampering must have caused my teleporter to malfunction.

He then fired a blast as it hit you and got paralyzed as he came to you.

Retaliator: So how many aliens are involved in this?

(Y/N): (Straining) Involved in what?

Retaliator: You sure that's how you wanna play it? (Aims his blaster) Your kryptonian friend all but admitted that he knew Azmuth. Is the Viltrum Empire in on this too!?

(Y/N): Viltrum Empire?

We see Omni-Man patrolling in the skies and he sees you as a viltrumite. Omni-Man blitzed the Retaliator and grabbed him by the neck and held him up.

Omni-Man: What are you doing here?

(Y/N): (gets up) He was looking for Azmuth. Maybe I can help him out.

We then see the retaliator vanish and appear behind you.

Retaliator: I'm afraid you're a little late for that.

Omni-Man then punched the Retaliator in the face and launched him into the distance.

Omni-Man: (to you) This is my territory, did the empire send you here to check up on me? I told them I can handle conquering this planet as much as the next guy.

(Y/N): Wait what?

Omni-Man then looks close at you and notices the badge on ya and realizes what he revealed to ya.

Omni-Man: (facepalms) Idiot!

(Y/N): What do you mean by conquering this planet?

Omni-Man: (Y/N), I came to this planet to conquer it. I wasn't always the hero of the world. I was intending to get this world to rely on me to the point where its defenses are weakened enough for the empire to take it. It's been like that for thousands of years, literally.

(Y/N): But what about the people who look up to you? Your family? The Guardians of the Globe? Us? Do you care about any of that?

Omni-Man: Look, it's complicated. What my people built on Viltrum was a powerful empire. We slaughtered the weak links in our empire and we conquered planet after planet after planet until our forces were spread too thin so the empire sent viltrumites to their own worlds to weaken them and make them rely on that one viltrumite.

(Y/N): What would Mark think about this?

Omni-Man: I did not tell him about this yet, I just waited until he got his powers.

(Y/N): But you have to tell him sooner or later, if you don't then it'll make things worse.

Omni-Man: Don't you know how many lives I have to take to make this plan work on this planet?

(Y/N): But it doesn't have to be this-


(Y/N): .....I don't know.....I've been framed for months but.....you've been doing that for a millenia. All I can say is, who do you choose? Them or Mark?

When Omni-Man hears what you said and then he looks at his hands as he gets flashes of memories of the people he killed over the years until they stop. He then starts crying and flies off and leaves the planet leaving behind the communicator to the Guardians of the Globe. You then turn to the Reteliator as he was there the whole time.

Retaliator: I....Viltrumites never abandon their post, but he did. How is that possible?

(Y/N): But I want to ask you this? Who are you? Why were you chasing me? And what does it have to do with Azmuth?

The retaliator looked at you and thought for a moment and looked at you

Retaliator: Fine, Azmuth is my son.

(Y/N): Your Azmuth's father? But why all this?

Retaliator: I'll explain everything.

We then went to the others in Melromarc as Tetrax had explained what happened.

Tetrax: By the time I gained control of my ship, it was the last I saw (Y/N). I was barely able to land back in Melromarc.

Asuka: So you just abducted him?

Tetrax: He volunteered, in fact he seemed eager to leave earth.

Millie: He was picking up something for Sallie.

Naofumi: But knowing (Y/N) he would always do what's right.

Tetrax: Also... I may have altered the Omnitrix to prevent (Y/N) from turning human.

Asuka: Wait, and he let you do that?!

Tetrax: It was for his own protection.

Itsuki: So now (Y/N) is stuck in alien form and we don't even know where he is.

Donnie: Well according to the tracker I have in (Y/N), he should be-

Leo: Wait, does that mean you put trackers on all of us?

We then see the others looking at Donnie.

Donnie: No? No, of course I did...n't.

Babs: I did! (Checks her phone) Weird, it's saying that he's at home.

We then see the others come and see you still in Viltrumite form.

Raphtalia: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey guys. (looks at Tetrax) Why didn't you tell me I wouldn't be able to turn human again?

Tetrax: Why didn't you tell me you were out to get supplies?

(Y/N): Uh... hmmm...

Motoyasu: Busted.

(Y/N): How'd you like a viltrumite noogie?

We then see Mark land onto the ground and turn to you.

Mark: (sees your badge) Hey (Y/N), have you seen my dad anywhere?

You then stop arguing with Motoyasu and you turn to Mark.

(Y/N): He uh...left the planet.

Mark: Why?

(Y/N): Because... Oh man. Can you bring the Guardians of the Globe here? They need to hear this too.

Tetrax: But first, this.

He then had his finger out and brought it to your badge as it glowed.

Tetrax: There, as soon as you time out, you'll be human again.

Naofumi: After that we're gonna have a long talk about honesty.

(Y/N): I was on my way to the market and I bumped into Tetrax by accident, and there will be someone else to talk with this. (Points at Retaliator)

Then we see your watch start to spark as they see it.

Ren A: (Y/N), what's going on with your watch?

(Y/N): I don't know.

Scarlet Witch then looked at the watch and her eyes widened.

Scarlet Witch: I think I might.

Then in a large flash we see all of you gone while the watch was seen on the ground as we then see you all appear on a planet as Kara looks around.

Kara: We're on... Krypton...

Babs: Your home planet? But wasn't it destroyed?

Kara: How's this possible?

Jessica C: Guys, I don't think this is Krypton, this must be computer simulation.

We then see a screen appear.

Compute voice: Environment Krypton, primary intelligent species Kryptonian.

(Y/N): What does this mean?

Moxxie: Simple, the watch scans DNA, what if it scanned us and brought us in here. Like a download.

(Y/N): Really does that mean it must have downloaded-

Asuka: Our breakfast and all of Verosika's beelzejuice.

You and the others see the breakfast from this morning and all of the flasks of Verosika's Beelzejuice were there as we see Verosika sees the flasks

Verosika: I forgive you (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Ok, but why is it doing that?

Scarlet Witch: I know why? You remember that spell I did? I think when it collided with you as that alien it must have caused a malfunction inside the watch. I must have messed up the entire watch's programming.

(Y/N): So that means we're stuck here.

Moxxie: I am curious, what did you exactly do while you were out?

(Y/N): I ran into a Evil Way Big and me and Tetrax fought it and my watch vaporized it. That's all.

Asuka: I don't think the watch vaporized that Evil Way Big you're talking about, what if the watch just downloaded that Way Big in here?

(Y/N) So that means

Computer Voice: Warning. DNA protocol error.

We then see the Evil Way Big burst from the ground.

Retaliator: That's the To'Kustar that devoured my son!

(Y/N): Wait a second, we don't know about that for sure.

Babs: But I do know a way out! If Scarlet Witch's spell caused this, it could be a way out.

Motoyasu: Except that (Y/N) can't go Upgrade.

Jessica C: He doesn't have to, we already have an upgrade.

We then see Scarlet Witch grab the Retaliator and she uses the same spell on him to bring everyone out of the watch. We then see you all were out as you then looked to see the Evil Way Big was in town as the retaliator was fighting it.

(Y/N): Come on guys.

Then your watch started to spark again as it then did a beam hitting Ren A, Motoyasu, and Itsuki as they were seen in a dust cloud.

(Y/N): Guys?

Then from out the dust cloud we see Ren A as a Viltrumite, Itsuki as Swampfire, and Motoyasu as Graymatter as you see Itsukii throw a fireball at you but was shielded by Naofumi's air strike shield.

(Y/N): Guys, what's gotten into you?

You then saw Ren A come at you as you dodged it.

Tetrax: Your friends must be extremely disoriented by the dna transformation.

Asuka: Of course.

(Y/N): What?

Asuka: So disoriented that they can't recognize their own people.

We then see Ren A attacking Mark with attacks that are so brutal that Mark recognizes them as his father's fighting style.

Jessica C: Think about it, DNA protocol error. The watch isn't just downloading extra things, it's uploading them as well. That's why it transformed them in the first place!

(Y/N): Wait, you mean that Way Big is Azmuth?

Tetrax: We found his ship near where we first encountered the To'Kustar.

Naofumi: It was cloaked like a carriage.

(Y/N): Carriage? (Realizes) That's what I bumped into.

We then see the Avengers and the Guardians of the Globe arrive and restrain the 3 heroes.

Immortal: What's going on here? Where's Omni-Man?

(Y/N): Long story, but we need to fix this, and the only one who can fix this mess is being hunted down by his own father.

Captain America: Right, we need to contain Azmuth until we find a way to get him back to normal. Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch, Immortal, War Woman, Hulk, Thor keep him busy. Red Rush and Quicksilver evacuate the civilians and make sure they're at a safe distance. Stark, Naofumi, and (Y/N) you keep the galvanic mechamorph busy until Azmuth is recovered.

(Y/N): Got it.

We then go to see the retaliator as he was seen flying towards Azmuth as we see Iron Man knock him out of the sky with his repulsor blasts as the Retelaliator sees him.

Iron Man: Not so fast pal. You need to slow down for a second. (to Friday) Friday what are we looking at here?

Friday: Scanning. (scans the Retaliator) It appears to be some form of suit piloted by a Galvan

Iron Man: So in other words that's a mechamorph armor?

We then saw you and the others came and looked at the retaliator.

Jessica C: You need to listen, your son was transformed due to a malfunction inside (Y/N)'s watch. (points at Azmuth) That alien is Azmuth, your son!

We then see Omni-Man fly from the sky and knock down Way Big as we see Dr. Strange, Scarlet Witch, Immortal, War Woman, Hulk, and Thor hold him down.

(Y/N): Now what?

Zee: I might have an idea.

She then flew to Azmuth.

Zee: Ssecca eht dnim fo htumzA

We then see her cast a beam at Azmuth.

Raphtalia: What is that?

Zee: It's a spell, I'm gonna try to access his mind.

We then see her stop.

Jessica C: Azmuth, focus! We need you to help fix the watch!

We then see Azmuth grab the Retaliator and use his suit to repair the watch as it then created a giant energy blast as it covers the entire country of Melromarc as we see the smoke clear up.

Kara: Did it work?

(Y/N): Yeah, guess Azmuth did a great job. (Looks up and sees Azmuth wasn't there) Hey where is he?

Azmuth: (offscreen) Down here.

You then looked down to see Azmuth as he was revealed to be a galvan and you picked him up.

(Y/N): You mean the creator of the Omnitrix is a Gray Matter?

Azmuth: Galvan to be precise. The watch was filled to the brim with chaos magic that I can detect it across the galaxy.

Scarlet Witch: I am sorry for this. There was an attack I had an opening to take down then enemy and-

Azmuth: All is forgiven, when I arrived to defrag the omnitrix, what thanks did I get? You turned me into a raging To'kustar.

(Y/N): Yeah, sorry about that. It was an accident.

Retaliator: How can I be so blinded by rage? I almost destroyed you. I'm a terrible father.

Azmuth: I haven't been the greatest son either father, I always let my inventions come first.

We then see the Retaliator then morph into a cube as it was revealed that he was a galvan the whole time.

(Y/N): Whoah, he's a galvan too? How is he younger than you?

Azmuth: You have a lot to learn about Galvans.

Asuka: And to answer your question, he's Azmuth's dad obviously.

Azmuth's father: Can you forgive me son?

Azmuth: Can you forgive me for skipping out on you?

Azmuth's father: Yes, I already have.

Azmuth then came to his father and took the cube.

Amuth: Let that be a lesson. Never mess with Mechamorph armor, all it does is pump up the wearer's aggression, turning them into a single minded weapon of destruction.

We see you and the others get back to the other heroes as they were a bit disoriented.

Motoyasu: Man what happened?

(Y/N): We'll explain later.

Mark: (sees Omni-Man) Dad, where were you?

Omni-Man: Everyone, I have a confession to make.

Later, inside the house, Omni-Man explained to everyone the real reason why he was on the planet in the first place as everyone else was shocked to hear what Omni-Man said.

Asuka: Whoa.

(Y/N): I know, and I was just as surprised as well.

Mark: Dad....tell me that's not true...(starts crying) Tell me that's not true!!!

Soldier Boy: Sheesh, and I thought I was bad.

Immortal: You....you protected the people on this planet.....so that you can conquer it!?

Immortal then tackles Omni-Man to the ground and starts punching him in the face.


Immortal punches OMni-Man in the face enough times that his teeth and blood were splattered everywhere as we see Thor and War Woman hold him back.


Thor: It won't solve anything!!!

War Woman: Calm down Immortal!

Omni-Man: Immortal....I'm sorry. (to Mark) Mark-

Mark: What about mom? Is she useless?

Omni-Man didn't answer as Mark sees that his mother Debbie Grayson was useless to him as he then walks away. You then turn to the others.

(Y/N): After what we learned from Omni-Man, what do we do now?

Church: Well let's see, we know that he was sent by an over powered armada bent on conquering the entire galaxy and with just one of their soldiers can wipe out a whole planet full of people solo.

Tucker: In other words, we're fucked.

You then pick Omni-Man's tooh and give it to Naofumi.

(Y/N): Try putting this in your shield. See what kind of skills you can get.

Naofumi put Omni-Man's tooth into the shield and it unlocked skills involving the Shield of Viltrum.

Naofumi: Wow, Shield of Viltrum. Nice.

(Y/N): I wonder, if the cardinal weapons can absorb materials from other beings, maybe they can do the same with my alien forms.

Black Widow: How about something cartoony?

You then thought for a moment as you then slapped the watch and were seen as a cartoonish devil with the badge on your belt.

Black Widow: Not what I meant.

(Y/N): But let's give it a try shall we.

You then stretched your arm to Naofumi's shield as your finger dropped a bit of ink as the shield absorbed it as it unlocked an Inkwell Shield

(Y/N): Well I'll be a monkey's uncle, it worked, and I wonder what I got in these pockets.

You then reached in your pocket and then pulled out a mallet, then pulled out the Holy Grail, and then pulled out a photo of Jessica R in lingerie as you saw it.

(Y/N): (Chuckles nervously and hides the photo) Uh... How did that get in there?

Jessica R: You know if you wanted me to be in lingerie you could've just asked.

Omni-Man: I'm gonna go to the hospital.

War Woman: We're gonna head out and go process what we found out about Omni-Man's people.

(Y/N): Okay, bye. (to the readers) And if you ask me, I kinda think Omni-Man is sort of like Superman.

We then see the others looking at where you were looking and were confused as we see Immortal grab you.

Immortal: Who are you talking to!? Why did you do that!? There's no one there!

(Y/N): (Shrugs) I dunno, it just feels right.

War Woman: Come on Immortal, let's go.

We see Omni-Man and the Guardians of Globe leave the room as you feel the soft touch on your head from Jessica Rabbit.

Jessica R: I think I like this form of yours, it reminds me of my home.

You then blushed and sprung a leak and all the air in you was all out.

Asuka: Is he alright?

We then see you place your thumb in your mouth and then reinflate yourself.

(Y/N): I'm fine, it's just wow. I know that Jessica R's has a nice touch but when I'm like this it's a whole other level

Babs: But what do we call this guy? Maybe toonboy? No, too silly. Ink Demon, no, too creepy. Maybe Happy Devil?

Asuka: Abatoon?

(Y/N): Abatoon... Okie Dokie then.

Church: Ok, is it just me or is (Y/N) acting more like a cartoon?

Jessica R: (giggles) I like it. (hugs you from behind and picks you up while her breasts are on your head) He's like a small teddy bear.

(Y/N): Aww, thanks. (looks at Motoyasu) And buddy I got you this. (holds up a can of nuts)

Motoyasu: Don't think I don't know what this is, if I open this it'll be a bunch of nuts. (opens the can and sees the confetti come out) Oh that's not so bad.

We then see a missile come at Motoyasu and we see him blow up and now he's covered in ash.

Motoyasu: (Coughs out smoke) Nevermind...

Harleen then started to burst into laughter.

Harleen: Classic!

(Y/N): It was made by Vought in partnership with Acme.

Harleen: I like him already, he's like a big barrel of laughs.

(Y/N): Say Itsuki. (Hold your hand out to him) Put it there pal.

Itsuki: You're not going to joybuzz me are you?

(Y/N): (points to yourself) Me? (points to Itsuki) Joybuzz you? Never.

Itsuki then took your hand to shake it as he was then feeling something gooey and icky on his hand, like some kind of slime.

Itsuki: EEEWWWW!!!! (wipes his hand off) What is this!?!

(Y/N): Slime glove!

Harleen: (Laughs)

(Y/N): I said I wasn't gonna joybuzz ya, but I never said anything about using a slime glove. (takes off the slime glove)

Ren A: How immature of you.

We then see Ren A take a bite out of a sandwich and then he suddenly got diarrhea and quickly ran to a bathroom.

Itsuki: What just happened?

You then slowly raised your hand to reveal a canister of laxatives.

(Y/N): I snuck laxatives into his sandwich at the last second.

Harleen: (Laughs) He's like a master jokester.

Itsuki: More like a nuisance to me.

Both Itsuki and Motoyasu then drank some water and they suddenly got diarrhea and Motoyasu was too late to go to the bathroom.

(Y/N): Well guess he'll be number two. (laughs) Get it.

Motoyasu: Hurry up in there! (poops his pants by accident) Oh no....

(Y/N): Oh well, guess it means it's time to hit the sack.

You then held up a can of paint and created a door as you then opened it and went in it.

Motoyasu: Wait!

He then ran to the door only for him to hit the wall. We then see Jessica Rabbit open the door and she goes into it as Motoyasu sees a glimpse of you and Jessica R taking a nap together before it closes.

Motoyasu: (cries in tears) Why!?!!?!?

We then see the screen go blank but see a window open up to show you still as Abatoon.

(Y/N): (To the readers) That's all folks!

You then closed the window.


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