Cal Mira Archipelago

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We see you and the others get ready to go to a beach vacation to an archipelago.

Tucker: Alright this is gonna be awesome! I'm gonna get some ray and some smokin babes!

Church: I bet they're gonna give you blue balls before you even talk to them.

(Y/N): But remember this, the queen mentioned about an island and it is at the time where we will gain bonus XP. So it'll be a good opportunity for us to get stronger from there.

Simmons: I analyzed the data from the adventurers who came from that island and I calculated we will get 75% more XP than usual.

Grif: Thanks for the math lesson captain kiss ass.

Tucker: (to you) Hey when you were Abatoon, were you inside of Jessica Rabbit's hammerspace or in her case boob space and she carried you around like a kangaroo?

(Y/N): I.......was.

Tucker: Dude, that's awesome! (to Grif) You owe me 500 gold Grif.

Grif: Fuck!

We then see Tex and Carolina hit Tucker in the back of the head.

Tucker: Ow the back of my head!

(Y/N): Wait, you two were packing up with the rest of the girls in the living room, how did you hear that?

Tex: Tucker forgot to turn his helmet radio off.

(Y/N): Oh yeah.

Caboose: (comes in) Is it too late to get clothing at size XXXXXXL?

(Y/N): Why would you ask that?

Caboose: I gave Pam some miracle grow and now she's big.

(Y/N): Why would you do that?

Caboose: Miracle grow makes plants grow big and strong, Pam is part plant and so I thought she would need it to be big and strong.

Tucker: (gets up) Where is she?

Pam: (offscreen) Out here.

You and the others then look outside and you see that Pam is now a giant big enough to destroy all of the capital just by sitting on it.

Doc: Holy H-E-Double Hockey Sticks!

Pam: Nobody look under my skirt! Ask the last guy who did that.

You look down and you see Lopez as a head.

Lopez: (in Spanish) I told her that I am not programmed for lustful desires. But she didn't believe me.

(Y/N): Is there a way to get Pam back to normal size?

Tucker: Maybe we can wait until the miracle grow is out of her body?

???(Kuroko Smith): She needs a home to stay for the time being.

You and the others then see Kuroko Smith.

(Y/N): What are you doing here?

Kuroko: I have brought you another homestay for you (Y/N).

Tucker: We're about to go on vacation.

(Y/N): I think we can handle a few more people.

Yang: I bet the next demi-human is a snake.

(Y/N): Well who is it?

You then look to see a lamia with red scales.

(Y/N): A lamia?

Kuroko: I want you to meet Miia.

(Y/N): How about we start off with a good old handshake?

Simmons: Actually sir, if my knowledge of lamias is correct. They normally seek out men to reproduce their numbers.

Tucker: I'm your man for the job!

Miia: No way, we have standards.

Tucker: What?

(Y/N): I'm sure she will find the right guy. Anyways, welcome aboard. We're going to a tropical island so bring sunscreen and a swimsuit.

Miia: Ooo, sounds fun. (looks up to see Pam) Why is she gigantic?

Caboose: Tucker did it!

Tucker: Bullshit! You're the one who made Pam a giant big enough to crush all of the capital with her butt!

Caboose: Tucker said it!

Tucker:: Will you shut up!?

Washington: Both of you shut up! And let's go and have a calm and relaxing vacation.

Tucker: Yeah I felt Carolina and Tex relaxing after they cracked my rib cage in 5 different places.

Everyone looks at Tex and Carolina.

Tex and Carolina: What?

(Y/N): But we do need to remember to get stronger, the queen did say that the next wave will be coming soon. So we need to be prepared for anything. And just to be on the safe side, we should see if anyone is ready for class upgrades.

Leo: Class upgrades?

(Y/N): It's when you reach your level of progression. And the level caps prevent you from leveling up more until you get the class upgrades.

We later see you all at the church as you were seen at the dragon hourglass as you see the others ready to get their class upgrades as you chose to let them choose their classes as you see their stats rise up.

Enid: That's weird.

(Y/N): What?

Enid: I got the class, but it wouldn't let me choose which one.

Raph: Ditto.

Ryuko: Same here.

(Y/N): That's weird, that didn't happen last time we got class upgrades.

Simmons: I think I might know what's going on, it is said that some items can affect the class upgrade process.

(Y/N): Hmmm, think maybe that cowlick Fitoria gave Filo might be affecting her?

Leo: Not to interrupt but who's Fitoria?

(Y/N): Oh right, some of you haven't heard of her. Fitoria is the queen of all Filolials, and she made Filo as her successor.

Charlie: So does that mean Filo is gonna be the next Queen of the Filolials?

(Y/N): She will.

Blitzo: And through time the little girl will become as big as Fitoria.

Raph: How big are we talking?

(Y/N): Like really, really big.

Tucker: Size of a mountain.

Amethyst: Wow.

Simmons: However for Filo to be as big as Fitoria it will take many years, longer than the lifespan of a normal Filolial.

(Y/N): Yeah and when she does get bigger Filo will start to have more cowlicks.

Tucker: Hey speaking of queens, do you think that Mirellia is gonna divorce Trash?

(Y/N): I'm pretty sure she won't be that harsh to him.

Homelander: Actually she's signing the paperwork right now.

Soldier Boy: How would you know?

Homelander then points to his ears as Malty was shocked to hear this.

Malty: Mother and father are getting a divorce!?

Tucker: I mean after what he put us through, it would be a good reason enough for the queen to do that.

Malty: Well I'm okay with it.

(Y/N): Oh.

Jessica C: Well a new place will be good and I was doing some work on taking care of a type of creature. (holds up a bucket) See?

You and the others looked to see the bucket had what looked like a blue slime with a pair of green eyes. The slime then jumps onto your head and you are struggling to breathe. The others then ran to get the slime off of you as they got it off.

Kara: Seriously?! Why keep that?

Jessica C: Well I had it kept in my home, but my moms weren't super thrilled about it.

Tucker: Wait your parents are lesbians!? Awesome! I wonder they're open to be Bisexual? Bow chicka bow wow.

Meanwhile, at the Cruz residence, we see the mothers of Jessica washing dishes and they both sneeze.

Siobhan: I don't know why, but I feel offended about someone saying our relationship is hot.

Angela: So do I, but I wonder who? Probably someone in teal or aqua or turquoise.

We then go back to you and the others, we see the slime escape everyone's grasp and it turns into a female humanoid form.

Tucker: The slime is a girl the whole time, that's kick ass! Who needs lube when you have a girl made out of slime, bow chicka bow wow.

We then see the slime shoot water at Tucker as he is launched into a wall.

(Y/N): Tucker, something tells me that she might have taken that as an insult.

Carolina: Wait, I think she got that move from Lapis.

Simmons: Well it is a known fact for Slimes to have a curiosity. Whatever they see, they tend to do it too.

We then see the slime punch Grif in the nuts like how Tex punched Grif in the nuts.

Grif: Ow! Why me!?

(Y/N): Does she have a name?

Jessica C: I tried seeing what name she would like and so far I think she responds to Suu.

Suu: Suu.

(Y/N): I like it, it suits her.

Washington: I have a question, why does Suu have giant sacks of slime on her body like they're boobs?

Simmons: Well the body of the average slime is much smaller than that, absorbing different liquids have varying effects on a slime's size and personality, normal water gives her an adult form. I have to do some experiments on her to see what kind of effects she takes.

(Y/N): Alright and remember about what Mirellia does want us to do when the wave hits, she wants the five heroes working together. Doc and Donut were working on ways to boost our skills as a team.

Kara: And last time I remembered that Glass lady struck the three heroes down like they were nothing.

Wyoming: I wonder what she is doing right now?

Meanwhile, with Glass, we see her looking at a love shrine of you and she's reading numerous books and scrolls for an alternate method of saving her world without killing the cardinal heroes.

Glass: I must find it! I must find it! (to the picture of you) All for you my love. (kisses the picture)

Back to you, we see you and the cardinal heroes in an escape room that Donut and Doc made.

Doc: Everyone, this is an escape room. Solve puzzles and cryptograms to escape.

Donut: We went with a Christmas themed Escape Room. Santa Claus is missing and it's up to you 5 to find his whereabouts.

Doc: And remember, this is a team effort, the point is for you 5 to work together to get out, find Santa, and save Christmas! Do it for the children!

(Y/N): Sounds simple enough. Thanks guys.

Donut: It wasn't just us who worked on this, we even got help from Lopez.

You and the others then see Lopez fully repaired and outside the room.

Lopez: (in Spanish) I worked very hard on this, do not use your weapons to break out of here cause I worked really hard on it. If you use bruteforce like the morons that you are, I will be very angry.

(Y/N): We won't. (To the cardinal heroes) Lopez said that you all should not use your weapons in this escape room, use your heads and not your muscles.

Donut: You have 5 hours to get out.

Doc: And you get 3 hints, no more no less. Use them sparingly.

We then see Doc and Donut leave the room and close the door.

Motoyasu: So now what?

Naofumi: We figure out a way out, and remember, use your heads.

(Y/N): I'm pretty sure Motoyasu doesn't have the brain capacity to use his head. He might use it like a battering ram.

Motoyasu: Hey!

Ren A: Come on guys.

We see you and the others go around the room as you are excited about the Christmas themed Escape Room. You go through a box full of cookie cutters that look like gingerbread men.

(Y/N): Maybe I can apply this to the next gingerbread house for christmas. Gingerbread house of the season here I come, I'm in heaven.

Itsuki: You must like Christmas.

(Y/N): I don't like Christmas, I love Christmas. It's my favorite holiday!

We see Motoyasu grab a jack in the box and he winds it up to the point that an Elf pops out and scares him.

Motoyasu: Aah! (Throws the jack in the box) Why is that even a thing!?

We see you catch the jack in the box and you see that it's holding a message.

(Y/N): Hey, you found a clue, Motoyasu.

Motoyasu: I did?

Naofumi: What does it say?

(Y/N): (reads the message) Run, run as fast as you can, you can't bake them, they're the gingerbread men. (to the others) Gingerbread men?

Naofumi: Hang on, think those cookie cutters might have something to do with the clue?

You grab a cookie cutter that looks like a gingerbread man running as you and the others then see a wall of 600 gingerbread men in a town made of gingerbread and you see that one gingerbread man is chasing something and you put the cookie cutter on the wall and it opened up a secret door that leads to a secret fireplace.

Itsuki: Looks like a fireplace.

(Y/N): Let's look around for any clues.

We see you and the others looking around to find stockings and you look into them and you find some parts of a toy. You found another clue and you read it.

(Y/N): (reads the message) Assemble the toy to find the next clue

You then started to put the pieces together as you saw the toy was a toy duck, the first toy made by Santa. You then put the duck on the mantle of the fireplace and it opened up a door that looked like a painting of Santa that revealed a large candy cane and you grabbed it.

(Y/N): (reads the clue on it) Sweets are the key.

Motoyasu: What does that mean?

Ren A: I don't know.

You then start licking the candy cane and melt it down to the point you got a key on your mouth and you pulled it out.

Itsuki: Oh, the candy cane has the key inside of it.

You then see a keyhole to Scrooge's safe and you use the key you have to open it to reveal a large turkey.

Motoyasu: I think I like this escape room.

Some time later, we see you and the cardinal heroes come out of the room as a sign that you all completed the puzzles and found Santa.

(Y/N): 12 clues of Christmas, solved.

Motoyasu: And we did it as a team.

You and the cardinal heroes then see the Queen herself with Doc, Donut, and Lopez.

Doc: See, I told you the Escape Room is a good team building exercise.

Mirella: Your efforts are appreciated, you 3. Especially you Lopez, you have made their teamwork stronger thanks to your hard work.

Lopez: (in Spanish) Thank you majesty, it feels good to be appreciated for once.

(Y/N): Well it has ways to make us work together, and guys I was gonna give you guys these.

You then gave Ren A, Itsuki, Naofumi, and Motoyasu boxes.

(Y/N): Those boxes contains samples from all my alien forms, now you three can have new weapons to use

We then see Ren A pull out a diamond crystal as he placed it to his sword and it was absorbed as Ren A saw that he now has access to a sword called Petrosapian sword.

Ren A: Amazing.

(Y/N): Merry Early Christmas.

Itsuki: You would actually give us these, after everything we did?

(Y/N): Not holding grudges is the best part about me. Now you guys can have the same powers as me.

Doc: Aww that's so sweet. (as O'Mally) Now with your new power, we will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies! Muhahaha! (back to Doc) O'Mally don't ruin the moment.

Mirellia: Is something wrong with you Doc?

Doc: Oh it's just O'Mally, he's a split personality that was left behind by an Ai named Omega awhile back. He's so violent and mean. (as O'Mally) Shut up you fool! Muhahaha! When the next time we see Glass, we will strike fear into her heart and we will devour her entrails! Hahaha! (as Doc) But I'm a vegetarian!

Mirella: You are the weirdest medic I have ever met.

Lopez: (in Spanish) He's a walking contradiction.

Donut: You're right Lopez, he is a vegetarian.

(Y/N): But we do need to head out, we do need to head out and get to that island that gives bonus xp.

Lopez: (in Spanish) I packed up the extra ammo.

Donut: You heard Lopez, we need to move!

Doc: (holds up a rocket launcher) (as O'Mally) Let's kill them all, muhahahaha!

Later, at the docks, we see you and your party at the docs and you see a new member in Naofumi's party.

(Y/N): Say Naofumi, who's that?

Naofumi: Oh her that's Risha, she got kicked out of Itsuki's party for being weak in his eyes.

Caboose: That's mean!

(Y/N): Guys, I think I need to have a talk with Itsuki.

Sarge: At least I have the tolerance to keep the pile of failure around that is Grif.

Grif: Thank you sir.

Sarge: Shut up, meat sack.

Later, on the boat, we see you and Doc talking to Itsuki.

(Y/N): Itsuki, explain to me what gave you the right to kick Risha out of your party for just seeing her as weak?

Doc: (as O'Mally) Unlike you, Sarge keeps that fat idiot Grif around you fool! (as Doc) And it was very mean to do that.

(Y/N): Don't you even realize who you're acting like after you done that?

Itsuki: No, who am I acting like that's so awful.

(Y/N): (Points at Itsuki) You're acting like Malty.

Doc: I thought we were passed this?

Itsuki: It wasn't just me, it's also the rest of my party.

(Y/N): But you could have just talked some sense into your party. Not pitch in and kick Risha out.

Itsuki: Sorry, she has to live with it.

(Y/N): Well you're gonna say sorry to her or O'Malley will do a lot of damage to you.

Doc: (as O'Malley) I prefer slow and painful cause the screams of my enemies in pain is music in my ears! Muhahaha!

(Y/N): And I was hoping that you would change from your Malty's puppet phase, but you didn't. Come on Doc.

Doc: (as Doc) Thank goodness, a peaceful resolution.

We then see you and Doc leave as Itsuki was left thinking about what he did. Later, we see Grif below deck and he sees a crate moving around and when he opens it up he sees his sister Kaikainna Grif.

Grif: Oh for the love of god.

Later, we see you all seeing Kaikaina next to Grif.

(Y/N): Grif's sister!?

Kaikaina: Yeah isn't that cool?

(Y/N): How did she even get here?

Grif: I found her in a box below deck.

Kaikaina: I heard you guys are going to the beach so I stowed away.

Grif: We are taking her home.

(Y/N): Come on Grif, you and your sister should spend some family time together.

Grif: What!?

Kaikaina: Who's your boss, he's kinda hot.

Grif: That's the watch hero and his name is (Y/N).

Kaikaina: Wait, the guy on the wanted poster?

Kaikaina then pulls out a wanted poster of you.

Kaikaina: He doesn't look like the criminal type. He's hot and I don't mean bad boy hot, I mean high school sweetheart hot.

Grif: Well long story short, but all the stuff you may have heard from the king was complete bullshit and (Y/N) was framed from stuff he didn't do.

Kaikaina: I knew that from the start, I know perverts when I see them and he is not a pervert. He's the kind of guy who just falls onto girls and lands on their boobs by accident or just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Trust me I know he wouldn't steal all of those undies even if they give them permission to do it.

Katsuragi: Told you.

Kaikaina: Plus the king is old and gross and he looks like a boomer, I'm like buddy demihumans are our friends. Diversity for life! Butts out for the Demihumans!

Girf: Wait, all of those protests were all you!? You're the leader of those protests against racism against demihumans!? I told you not to embarrass the family, you know better!

Kaikaina: We don't have dicks like you do bro! So I have to improvise!

Sallie: Actually I'm a transgender.

(Y/N): And a pretty one too.

Sallie smiled as Grif groaned in annoyance.

Grif: Oh god. That is the worst thing you could've done Kai.

(Y/N): Kaikaina, how would you feel to be part of my party?

Kaikaina: Part of your party? I've been on your side since the beginning so hell yeah I'm in!

Grif: No! Don't let her in!

(Y/N): Too late.

Grif: Ah what the fuck!?

You then put a slave crest on Kaikaina.

Kaikaina: What the heck is that?

(Y/N): Slave crest, it keeps people from stepping out of line and lying.

Kaikaina: Is it a BDSM thing? Awesome!

Grif: Don't say it like that!

Kaikaina: I think it's hot.

(Y/N): Well I'm sure we'll get along soon enough. So how did you meet the Reds and Blues?

Kaikaikana: I met them back in Blood Gulch when the Blue Team's CO died from an Aspirin Overdose.

(Y/N): Wait an Aspirin Overdose?

Church: My fault dude.

(Y/N): Well anyway, I think you'll make a good asset to the team.

Kaikaina: This is gonna be awesome!

Later, at the archipelago, we see the cardinal heroes being carried by medics due to sea sickness.

Kaikaina: They're so lame, they can't even handle sea sickness.

(Y/N): I've gotten over my sea sickness.

Kaikaina: It's a good thing I brought my swimsuit with me cause we're about to go out swimming and get some rays!

(Y/N): Alright but just to let ya know this island will give us bonus XP when fighting monsters.

Kaikaina: Hey who's the guy with the scythe and the girl with the blue hair?

You turned and saw a man with red hair with a scythe and a girl with blue hair.

(Y/N): Come to think of it, I have never seen them before. Let's go meet them.

You and the others go and meet the new people.

(Y/N): Hello sir and madam. I'm (Y/N) the Watch Hero and this is my party.

L'Arc: I'm L'Arc and this is Therese.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you both and you look lovely today ma'am and you seem to be swimsuit ready.

Therese: (giggles) Oh you're such a charmer.

(Y/N): I like to make anyone's day a great day. So what brings you two here?

L'Arc: Same reason as you, bonus XP.

(Y/N): Sweet, maybe we can team up and take out some monsters together.

L'Arc: Sounds like fun.

(Y/N): Have you heard of the Shield Hero?

L'Arc: Oh yeah, you and him were framed right? (see Kaikaina) And you are the lead protester in the name of the watch and shield.

Kaikaina: Yeah! Butts out for the watch and shield!

Grif: No! Don't do that! You know better!

(Y/N): Well anyway yeah we were framed, but now everything is better ever since our names have been cleared. (to Therese) Hey Therese, I made some rare gemstones of all kinds and made a really neat necklace.

You then revealed a necklace which had gemstones of various colors and handed it to Therese.

Therese: Wow...thank you! (hugs you) It's wonderful.

(Y/N): An exchange of gifts is my way of making new friends. Plus jewelry is a girl's best friend.

Zee: (pulls out a diamond studded bracelet) You know it.

(Y/N): My mother taught me that sometimes you have to learn how to speak a woman's language. She used her bare hands to make her own jewelry by crushing gold and coal to make diamonds, she does that as a workout for her grip strength.

L'Arc: Dang, she must be one strong mama.

(Y/N): Undefeated wrestling champion for many years only to be forced into retirement because of medical bills from the wrestlers she fought.

L'Arc: Wow, hey uh I found a woman that matches your description with a group of people at the beach and she just beat 500 guys in weight lifting.

(Y/N): My family's here!?

Later, we see you and the others find your father and sister.

(Y/N): Dad, sis! (hugs them both) It's good to see you two in person again!

Sis: Nice to see you again little bro.

Sarge: Where's the mama bear?

The ground begins shaking as your party along with L'Arc and Therese see a gigantic shadow covering them as they see your mother.

(Y/N): Mom! (hugs your mother) It's good to see you again!

Mom: (hugs back) Oh it's good to see you again.

Tucker: Yeah I do not want to be on her bad side.

Tex: How did you 3 get here?

Mom: Oh my sister is on the more scientific side of the family so she made a device that creates portals to other worlds and that's how we got here.

(Y/N): Aunt Jessy is always winning the Nobel Prize like 5x a week.

Asuka: Well it's very nice to meet you all.

Mom: It's nice to meet you too.

Grif: Just don't kill us!

(Y/N): Well, I believe what Grif was trying to say is nice to meet you too.

Amethyst: But I didn't expect her to be this big in person.

Asuka: Well everyone has their own hobbies and skills, guess her's is wrestling?

We then saw Katsuragi come and was groping Asuka.

Katsuragi: So what's your skill Asuka? Let me guess, you suffocate all of your enemies with your big boobies?

Asuka: Katsuragi! Knock it off!

Mom: (to you) I like her, she has her ways of taking her mind off of things.

(Y/N): Yeah, that is sort of her habit.

We then see Asuka break free from Katsuragi's grip.

Asuka: Why do you keep on insisting on fondling mine when you got your own.

Katsuragi: A little groping won't hurt anyone, you may even grow a cup size or two.

Asuka: I don't want them bigger, in fact I wish they were smaller.

Mom: Oh don't let them go, just let them grow. I grope myself to keep my breasts in top shape and look good for the boys back in high school.

Dad: She was a looker.

(Y/N): Please don't bring up your high school lives.

Mom: Oh sweetie, it's nothing to be ashamed of from your time in high school.

(Y/N): Well I guess you have a point.

We then see your sister as she looks at Murakumo.

Sis: What's with the mask?

She then took the mask off of Murakumo.

Murakumo: No! I'm hideous! (puts her mask back on)

(Y/N): What do you mean hideous? It's beautiful under the mask.

Murakumo: I'm just really shy without my mask

(Y/N): Well how about this?

You then took Murakumo's mask and placed it on the side of her head showing her face.

(Y/N): That way you can still have the mask on and try to be intimidating. Besides, you look pretty.

Murakumo: Y-you're only saying that to make me feel better.

(Y/N): It's true, that whole thought of you thinking you were ugly just wasn't true and I felt like you were only lying to yourself. I think you should give it a chance.

Murakumo: (hugs you) Thank you!

Mom: Awww, how adorable.

Sis: That's my little bro, big hearts run in the family. (to the Reds and Blues) Who wants to be my sparring partner, I want to keep myself in top shape.

Sarge: Grif volunteers.

Grif: What!?

Sis: Deal!

We then see Sis pick up Grif with one hand and she takes him to the gym on the beach as the others saw.

Jessica C: Huh, like mother like daughter.

Girf: Help me Simmons!

Simmons: Sarge, permission to write Grif's obituary sir?

Sarge: Permission granted.

Mom: Son, you told me that your friend Naofumi got his first companion as a kid but quickly grew up in a matter of days. How is that?

(Y/N): Demihumans age differently, they start off as kids but when they start leveling up they become full grown adults.

Church: Imagine going through puberty like that.

Mom: Well I hope she's a nice young woman.

Tucker: I'm pretty sure she's at the age of a milf at this point.

(Y/N): Well she does look like a woman that hasn't been married yet and hasn't had a baby yet.

Everyone hears Grif screaming in pain from a distance.

Grif: (offscreen) My spine!

Mom: Oh that must be her signature move, the spinebreaker. She suplexes someone so hard that she breaks a person's spine.

Doc: That sounds unsafe.

Sarge: Well it's worth it for your daughter to get some exercise.

Doc: But Grif could be paralyzed from the waist down.

Sarge: Once again worth it.

Some time later, we see Grif made a full recovery and he was looking at Sarge.

Grif: You left me to die!

Sarge: Well it was worth it for (Y/N)'s sister to get some exercise.

Grif: You say that everytime I almost got killed.

Sarge: That's because it's always true.

(Y/N): Lock and load everyone, we're going on a monster hunt!

We see you and the others killing off numerous monsters and getting a large amount of XP.

(Y/N): Now that's something.

Blitzo: If killing those monsters got us a shit load of XP, we got a lot of level ups.

We see O'Malley riding on a Ghost and he's blasting away monsters.

Doc: (as O'Malley) Oblivion is at hand! Muhahahaha!

(Y/N): And if we keep this up, we'll all be able to get strong enough for the upcoming wave in no time.

Asuka: Hey (Y/N), I've been meaning to ask ya, have you heard anything from Omni-Man, or Invincible, or the Guardians of the Globe recently?

(Y/N): Well, last I heard they were sorting out some issues. Plus I heard that Omni-Man and Debbie got a divorce after he told her everything.

Asuka: Oh.

(Y/N): I feel like I'm the one who gets all the blame for this.

Jessica C: Don't beat yourself up (Y/N), it was an accident that's all.

(Y/N): Yeah but if it wasn't for me in a viltrumite body, none of this would have happened.

You then walk off as everyone looks at each other.

Doc: (as Doc) Well if you ask me I think that we all should be the ones to blame.

Kaikaina: I don't know what you're talking about, I wasn't around when it happened.

Church: Okay his watch was on the fritz and an alien named Azmuth came to this planet to fix it only to be turned into a giant alien. His dad found a mechamorph suit and he went around trying to murder his son without realizing it. During that skirmish, Omni-Man came in and help (Y/N) and he exposed his mission on this planet to (Y/N) while he's a viltrumite and then he revealed everything to him which made Mark angry, the Guardians of the Globe lose trust in him, and his wife divorce him.

Scarlet Witch: But this entire thing was all my fault, I was the one who made his watch malfunction in the first place.

Grif: Yeah you suck Scarlet Witch! (Gets punched by Sallie) Ow!

Carolina: (Y/N), you need to understand, the hardest thing about this job as a hero is you can't always save everyone.

Diana: Indeed, you must let the burden of your mistakes hinder you.

(Y/N): I was the one who came up with the plan to upgrade that tank in the first place.

Jessica C: But we all should have let you handle it, you had it under control.

(Y/N): And yet I regret making that plan. Let's go, it's getting late.

Diana: True and your mistake may have taught you something, it has also taught us as well.

Millie: And you can't let one screw up make you think you've failed.

Charlie: If the watch was able to bring us together then there's no doubt that it can undo what it made.

(Y/N): I ruined Mark's life! Omni-Man is in Self Exile! The Guardians of the Globe gave Martian Man the boot because they don't trust him anymore because he's an alien from space! And now Debbie is drinking more than usual! Face it, I ruined everyone's lives! I just need to be alone for now.

We see you walking off as the others looked at each other in concern as we see you at the beach as you were seen skipping rocks at the ocean as a shadow loomed above you as you looked to see it was your mother.

(Y/N): Mom? What are you doing here?

Mom: Your friends told me about what happened earlier, I thought maybe you would like to talk about it.

(Y/N): What's there to talk about? I basically ruined everyone's lives and now everyone is paranoid about space aliens. The queen has their shadows spy on Kara 24/7 after that, even when she's using the bathroom. I feel like I made everyone here fear aliens now.

Mom: Look, it was all an accident, everyone makes mistakes.

(Y/N): But you don't make mistakes, you're basically the undefeated champion in our home and in the ring.

Mom: (Sighs) Son I never told you this before, but I feel like a failure myself.

(Y/N): What?

Mom: It was when I was in basic wrestling training and I was a young and spry wrestler at the time. I sparred with my coach and I paralyzed him from the waist down. I couldn't live with the guilt but he told me that I had a good thing going on at the time and he was right. I became the greatest wrestler of all time for many years.

(Y/N): Oh.

Mom: The point is, that it's ok to make mistakes. The benefit to it is that you get to learn from them. So sometimes in life, failure can be a great teacher.

(Y/N): Wow, really?

Mom: Of course, if I was able to learn from my mistakes and do better, so can you.

(Y/N): Thanks mom, and I want to start fixing the mess I made. (Looks at the watch) The Watch Hero's purpose is to bring others together, not tear them apart. Time to heal the wounds I made.

We later see Omni-Man, Invincible, and Debbie in one room and they're in a counseling session and Doc is the consoler.

Doc: (as Doc) Everyone, this is a counseling session. You two work out some issues with each other constructively. Talk about your likes and dislikes.

Debbie: I don't like this.

Omni-Man: Me neither.

Mark: Ditto.

Doc: See you two are already agreeing on things, the system works.

(Y/N): I am so sorry about this, but it is the only way for the wounds of this family to heal.

Doc: What makes you angry the most?

There is silence in the room as Omni-Man turns to Doc with an angered stare.

Doc: Anything other than me.

We see you get out of the room and you turn to the others.

(Y/N): I hope that Doc doesn't make Omni-Man angry and the whole archipelago sink into the water.

Jessica C: You sure this will work?

(Y/N): I want to fix what I caused, and I want everyone to see that not all people are bad.

Simmons: Well it worked with Doyle and Kimbal back on Chorus.

Kara: Let's hope it works cause I really don't want to spend every night sleeping with one eye open.

We then see Doc come out of the room.

Doc: The wounds are finally healed.

Grif: That was fast.

Jessica C: How did you pull that off?

Doc: Easy, I just gave Omni-Man the answer ball first, then Debbie, and then Mark. What did I tell ya, the system works.

(Y/N): Oh so that means problem solved right?

Doc: Yep, though Debbie and Omni-Man are not gonna get married again so that means Debbie is-

Tucker: Single and ready to mingle, bow chicka bow wow.

Church: Hey where's Caboose?

Caboose: (offscreen) hello.

You and the others see Caboose.

Ruby: Where have you been?

Caboose: I got lost a bit and I met this scary ice lady but she was really nice and pointed me to my room.

(Y/N): Weiss? Is your sister here?

Weiss: She's all work and no vacation, there's no way Winter is here.

Caboose: Oh no she was meaner than her!

(Y/N): Willow?

Caboose: Meaner.

Yang: Someone even meaner than ice queen's mom?

Caboose: I'll bring her to ya, be right back!

We then see Caboose leave. After a while we then see Caboose come as we see a woman with long blue hair and a white military uniform as Sarge was frightened by her.

Simmons: Sarge, what's wrong?

Sarge: It's the cerulean devil herself! She was an urban legend within the walls of the Red Army! It's General Esdeath! (bows to her) Please don't kill me! Kill Grif!

Grif: Oh god no!

Lopez: (in spanish) She's real! Please don't kill me!

Esdeath: Greetings everyone.

(Y/N): Sorry about Sarge, he's from a war that has no meaning. You know Red vs Blue.

Esdeath: The worst soldiers in existence. I admire the Reds and Blues' efforts in battle.

Tucker: Wait what? We got praise from the most deadliest woman on the planet?

Esdeath: I don't fear the best soldiers of my enemies, I fear their worst. None have a full understanding of what the worst thinks, that's what makes them dangerous.

(Y/N): Wow, you have a point. But why are you here?

Esdeath: I'm on vacation and I would like to say it's wonderful to meet the watch hero.

(Y/N): Oh why thank you.

Esdeath: If you ask me, the King really wasted a lot of resources on trying to get rid of you. Criminal or not I would let you join the fight, I've seen first hand what you can do. Not just the waves but also against other heroes. Which is why I made a gift for you.

Esdeath then puts a collar around your neck and the tag says property of Esdeath.

Esdeath: None has ever conquered me, but you have conquered my heart.

(Y/N): Ok, and I assume you don't mind joining me?

Esdeath: Not at all. Only if I am the one on top of you.

Tucker: Dude I'm getting a dominatrix vibe from her, so be the slave of the dominatrix.

Esdeath: In battle I'm your equal, but in our alone time. I dominate you.

(Y/N): (gulps) Okay...


Later, at the hotel room, the entire party were hearing Esdeath torturing you with pleasure in another room as they were a bit disturbed and frightened on what she's doing to you.

Simmons: Should we stop her?

Raph: Sure thing, if you want to be creamed!

Simmons: Sleep on it?

Everyone: Yeah.

In the morning, we see you sleeping next to Esdeath and you feel a lot of pain from your butt.

(Y/N): Oof, my butt hurts.

Later, at breakfast, everyone looks at you.

Nora: You okay?

Yang: You don't look so good.

(Y/N): Esdeath really went a bit far in the bedroom.

Blitzo: Welcome to my world.

Kaikaina: Did you ever give Esdeath her slave crest?

(Y/N): Yes, only if she give me a slave mark of her own. (shows everyone your slave mark to everyone) I'm Esdeath's slave.

Kaikaina: That is so hot!

Tucker: You think you'll be okay with this?

Sarge: She is the Cerulean She Devil!

We then see Esdeath take a seat with a plate full of pancakes as everyone looks at her in fear.

Grif: Please don't kill us!

Esdeath: Everyone please, I am your friend. I would never kill you.

Simmons: Oh thank god.

Esdeath: Just punish you severely, my team the Jaegers is like a family to me with the exception of that madman Dr. Stylish. May he burn in hell. Like all families, everyone has their own quirks.

Washington: Where is your team now?

Esdeath: Bols is spending time with his family, Kurome is at a baking class, Wave is out fishing, Run is out on a vacation at a different beach, and Seryu is teaching new cadets at a police academy.

Tucker: That psycho!? She's crazy!

Esdeath: She was just a woman of the law but I admit she has some psychological issues due to the mentorship from people without morals.

Caboose: Now I don't think you're mean anymore! You're my best gal pal!

Simmons: You're an excellent leader and a beautiful woman ma'am!

Grif: (to Simmons) You are going to die a kiss ass.

Sarge: Simmons, how dare you kiss ass the cerulean devil!

Sarge then sees his bowl of cereal frozen and he sees Esdeath angry at him.

Sarge: Awaiting orders ma'am!

Esdeath: That's more like it. (to you) I must tell you something that I have not told anyone yet, not even my team knows. And here it is.

Esdeath then whispers in your ear and your eyes widen.

Esdeath: Tell them what I told you when the time is right.

(Y/N): Right.

We then see Lopez come into the room in a panicked state.

Lopez: (in Spanish) I found something that you need to see real quick!

Esdeath: (in Spanish) What is it?

Lopez: (in Spanish) I have found another Dragon Hourglass. Wait, you can understand me!?

Esdeath: (in Spanish) Yes I do.

Sarge: What did he say?

Esdeath: He said he found another Dragon Hourglass.

(Y/N): Another dragon hourglass, show us.

We see you and the others follow Lopez to the beach and he went into it as they all looked to see a structure at the bottom of the sea. When you all enter the structure you all see the dragon hourglass.

(Y/N): Good find Lopez.

You then look at the hourglass and you see that there's only 2 days left until the next wave.

(Y/N): Oh crud. We have two days left until the next wave.

Simmons: What!?!

Sarge: Donut! Initiate evacuation plan 59.

Donut: On it sir!

Donut then shot Grif as he collapsed to the ground.

Grif: Ow!

Sarge: Donut I said plan 59!

Donut: Where am I gonna get a pipe bomb?

Esdeath: You need all the help you can get, gather the Jaegers and Night Raid. Trust me their leader understands the danger of the Waves.

Sarge: You heard her. Simmons you're on Jaeger duty! Lopez, go with Simmons to find Night Raid! Donut, scream like a woman.

Donut: Yes sir!

We then see Donut running around screaming like a woman.

Esdeath: Actually Sargent, you should bring Grif and Simmons along to meet Night Raid. While the rest of the red team and blue team find the Jaegers.

Sarge: You heard the lady, let's get a move on!

Simmons: I knew there was a reason why we brought a warthog!

Esdeath: (gives Sarge a map) I made an educated guess on where Night Raid is, both Najenda and I were good friends until we parted ways. She'll know why I sent you 3 instead of my team.

(Y/N): Homelander, fly to the Queen's palace and tell her what's happening.

Homelander: I'm on it!

Later, at the docks, we see you and the others evacuating the island as you see Night Raid and the Queen's forces coming to the docks.

Najenda: We came here as soon as possible.

Wave: (offscreen) Put me down you moron!

You and the others see the rest of the Jaegers and you see Caboose carrying Wave.

Caboose: This is the most important person in the Jaegers! He's very special and also a fisherman.

Wave: Caboose down!

Donut: Who knew Bols is so cultured?

Bols: My family took a trip to Mexico and we learned their language and culture.

(Y/N): Wow.

Wave: You know for a guy who burns people for a living, he's very cultured.

(Y/N): Well let's get to work.

Sarge: Men! Battle stations! Grif, pass around the additional ammo.

Grif: Uh....

Sarge: Simmons, pass around the ammo in case Grif forgets.

Simmons: Lock and load sir!

Esdeath: Sarge has taught me a proper procedure for instances when someone is equal in command.

(Y/N): Me too.

We see you and Esdeath rock paper scissors and she won with rock and it beats scissors.

(Y/N): Awaiting orders ma'am!

Esdeath: Excellent, form a perimeter around the islands with all members of your parties. The Cardinal heroes will focus their efforts in the water if there are more aquatic based monsters.

(Y/N): On it!

Esdeath: Najenda your team and my team will be the backup for the Cardinal heroes.

Motoyasu then sees Akame and Kurome as they scared him with a death stare. You then talk to Kurome and Akame.

(Y/N): Okay you two, I heard a lot about your little fight. So put your differences behind you two and let's work together.

Kurome and Akame: Fine.

(Y/N): What about you and Najenda?

Esdeath: She can stay on the island while I fight with you. She may no longer be in her prime but she is powerful nonetheless. Besides, anything that comes down here I must hunt down and dominate myself and if this Glass woman you speak off is as powerful as you described her, I want to face her myself.

(Y/N): Just don't kill her, I might be able to convince her to be on our side.

Esdeath: Well it won't be as fun as killing her but I trust your judgment.

Sometime later, the Wave of Calamity arrived and the queen and her forces along with everyone else were ready to fight the wave.

(Y/N): Get ready everyone!

You then looked to see the timer had reached zero and the wave had begun as you all saw the monsters coming in. We then see you and the others fight off the monsters as you see Esdeath unleash powerful ice based attacks and then a giant monster comes out of the water and she sees it. She then makes a large sphere of ice and throws it at the monster.

Esdeath: Die you beast!

Meanwhile, back on the island, we see your party taking down low level monsters and we see Sarge, Grif, and Simmons riding a Warthog and they're shooting at the monsters.


We then see the warthog stop and Bismuth turns to the Reds.

Bismuth: You got guts for humans.

Sarge: You should see the freelancers.

The gems then turned to the freelancers and saw how deadly and strong they all are. They saw The Meta punch a large monster and kill it, Wyoming and North Dakota fired sniper rounds at 50 monsters, and they saw Tex and Carolina fight off multiple monsters at once.

Wyoming: North old champ, do you want to borrow my rifle?

North: Sure thing. (takes the rifle from Wyoming) Time for some target practice.

We then see North fire both the rifles at the monsters as he sees Church struggling to hit one monster.

Church: Dammit the rifle is busted!

North: Don't blame the gun, just look at a target through the scope and take a deep breath and fire. Simple as that.

Church then followed North's advice and fired the rifle and the bullet killed 400 monsters.

Church: I hit them! All 400 of them, that was badass!

North: Alright Church, just keep it up and you'll have it down in no time.

Meanwhile, we see you and the others fighting off a giant monster and you were all winning.

(Y/N): We're doing great.

We then see Esdeath go into its throat and freeze it from the inside as it turns to ice as Esdeath breaks out from it as it becomes pieces of what's left of the monster. You then caught her in a bridal position as the Jaegers were a bit surprised by the way that Esdeath is looking at you.

Wave: Is General Esdeath in love with him!?

Bols: I think that's great for her, everyone should have their special someone.

Run: Indeed.

Seryu: Even I know he's a right match for her, despite his criminal record.

(Y/N): (to Seryu) I was framed for all of that!

Seryu: I know, I don't see you as a criminal anymore, just someone who got framed for a crime that you didn't commit.

(Y/N): Oh thanks.

Esdeath then sees something and she quickly gets out of your arms and pushes you out of the way of L'Arc's scythe as everyone turns to Therese and L'Arc.

(Y/N): What the!? What are you doing L'Arc?!?

L'Arc: Listen bud, our world is going through the same thing right now and you are the key to stopping it. So we are going to kill you and Naofumi first, then the dumb heroes.

(Y/N) and Naofumi: What!?

(Y/N): But I thought we were friends!? I made you the necklace Therese!

Therese: Sorry (Y/N).

Therese then harnessed power from the necklace and she fired a mix of lightning, fire, and ice at you and you managed to dodge them.

(Y/N): I can't believe you two betray us like this!?

Esdeath: Don't blame them, it's the waves that are motivating them to save their world.

L'Arc: Bingo, if you don't come down easily, we'll take ya down and then we'll take the others down.

L'Arc then charges in for an attack as something blocks his scythe and he was surprised that it was Glass who blocked it.

(Y/N): Glass!?

Glass: L'Arc, don't kill any of them. This world needs them as much as our world needs us. Besides, I can't let you kill my love that is (Y/N)!

L'Arc: Whoa, you weren't kidding about him being your crush.

(Y/N): You know each other!?

L'Arc: We're from the same world. (to Glass) Sorry Glass, but this is the only way to save our world.

Glass: (hugs you) I've been researching day and night to find another way to save our world! I will do anything to keep my (Y/N) safe!

L'Arc and Theresa were shocked and confused by what Glass just said.

L'Arc: But this was your idea Glass.

Glass: Do you want proof!? I'll give you proof!

Glass then kisses you on the lips as Theresa was blushing out of envy and L'Arc was straight up still confused and everyone was still confused.

Tatsumi: Should we keep fighting or what?

Leone: Yeah I'm all turned around here. Who's fighting here?

Glass: (pulls away) (to you) I swear on my life as a spirit I will do everything in my power to find a solution that will benefit both of our worlds.

(Y/N): So I take it that means our first encounter had you change your mind?

Glass: Yes. I believed what I was doing at first was right, but when you were being nice to me despite the fact I was trying to kill you. It got me thinking, I went to a therapist to help me think about it and then he realized that the reason that I was confused about situations like this was because I fell in love with you. Then I started researching how the Waves work and alternate solutions to them.

L'Arc: Well if that's the case, sorry about that. We weren't in the loop about this.

Theresa: Will you forgive us?

You then flick L'Arc's head and Theresa's head.

Theresa and L'Arc: Ow!

(Y/N): Now we're even.

L'Arc: (Rubs his head) Ok, we should have seen that one coming.

(Y/N): Hey if the waves bring you 3 here. If it's possible, perhaps my party and I would like to visit you.

Glass: I would look forward to that.

L'Arc: Yeah man, you're gonna love it there. It's really nice.

(Y/N): We can find a place for you 3 to stay.

L'Arc: Love to stay, but when that timer hits 0, we're gone and back to our world.

(Y/N): Well best of luck to 3 of you. I'll get my geniuses to work on a dimensional portal so we don't have to use the waves to see each other.

You see the timer hit zero.

L'Arc: Welp, that's our ride, see ya.

We see L'Arc, Theresa, and Glass disappear through the waves. Later, back at the hotel, we see you explaining what happened between you and Glass to the rest of the party.

Amethyst: Wow, the Glass lady and her buds were trying to kill you but then they decided to find another way other than killing you. That's nuts dude.

(Y/N): I guess my 1st encounter with Glass really changed her ways.

Diana: Your kindness saved this world.

Garnet: Your charm really saved our lives. But I always knew it would work.

(Y/N): How?

Garnet: (Lowers her shades revealing her third eye) Future vision.

(Y/N): Those are one set of peepers. (realizes) Is my family safe?

Amethyst: Only your dad, but your mom and sis stayed behind and wrecked a lot of monsters dude.

(Y/N): That's mom and sis for ya, always looking for ways to fight.

Sarge: Are your folks from your mother's side of the family silverback gorillas on steroids?

(Y/N): Actually my family don't do steroids. They're all natural.

Sarge: Oh.

We then see your mother come into the room.

Mom: Hi sweetie, I made a necklace out of monster teeth just for you.

She then held up a necklace as there were many kinds of fanged teeth from 500 different monsters and she put it around your neck.

(Y/N): Mom, you always make necklaces out of the teeth of your opponents. It shows what you can do to them.

Mom: It's a family tradition sweetie, my mother always made these when I was your age. She even knocked some wisdom teeth out of 4 guys.

Caboose: You are a millionaire in Tooth Fairy money!

Tucker: Bullshit, there's no such thing as the tooth fairy!

Caboose: That's because she doesn't get out much.

(Y/N): But now we do need to think of a solution for this.

Tucker: What do you mean?

(Y/N): Think about it, the waves are happening here in our world and at the same time their world. What if there are other worlds that have their own waves as well?

Garnet: (Y/N) is right, the only option that we all have is to work as one.

Caboose: Does that mean we are making a door to their home?

(Y/N): Wow Caboose, you actually got that right.

Caboose: I did?

(Y/N): We're going to make a portal that will lead to other worlds.

Tucker: Is...Caboose a genius?

Caboose: That's nice of your Tucker.

(Y/N): But we will need time on this.

We later see you and the others back home as you were seen given a scroll as you came to the others.

(Y/N): Hey guys, the queen said that me and Naofumi were given an ultimate reward.

Leo: What is it?

(Y/N): She had made me and Naofumi both the lords of Sayette.

Simmons: Sayette? That's Raphtalia's hometown.

Carolina: Sounds to me we have a lot of rebuilding.

(Y/N): Yeah, and I want to do something about the situation Melromarc was having about demihumans, I had given a thought that humans would come to Sayette to better understand the demihumans.

Caboose: Even scary ladies who are giant spiders?

(Y/N): That sounds specific Caboose, why would you say that?

Caboose: She told me to get you into a nice dark place so that she can meet you and you two become super best friends!

(Y/N): Oh, and let me guess, was she with a host family?

Caboose: She told me she fell from a ladder and her claws scratched a little girl by accident. Just like me using the tank to kill Church by accident.

(Y/N): And I assume that Kuroko Smith is behind this?

Caboose: Oh no, she came here on her own, especially the last guy who was a jerk just to get money in his piggybank and she put him in webs and now she's playing hide and go seek with Kuroko and her super best friends who solve mysteries!

(Y/N): Where is she right now?

Caboose: (points to an empty building) Oh she's in there.

We see you go to the empty building as you then got caught in a web and you were being held up into the air as you looked to see a woman who has the body of a spider for a lower body.

(Y/N): Whoa, are you that spider woman Caboose talked about?

Rachnera: Call me Rachnera, and I heard a lot of good things about your party. But I didn't know you had a man in Aqua armor.

(Y/N): Did Caboose tell you about me and my party?

Rachnera: Of course, he's the only human that wasn't scared of me.

(Y/N): I'm pretty sure that he's not afraid to make friends with anything that would kill humans cause he had a tank for a friend, a giant robot, and a dinosaur.

We then see Caboose walk into the building and he sees you and Rachnera.

Caboose: You two are becoming best friends! I love making friends! I promise not to give away your hiding spot in your game of hide and seek with Smith. Goodbye.

We then see Caboose leave the room as you turn to Rachnera.

(Y/N): He always keeps a promise.

Rachnera: Did he tell you everything about me?

(Y/N): Yeah, and I'm sorry for what happened to you. Also can you put me down for a second the blood is rushing down to my head.

We then see Racherna raise your head higher and you are hanging by your legs and your head.

(Y/N): Thank you.

Rachnera: You're welcome.

(Y/N): Maybe I can be your host family, I'm not afraid of spiders.

Rachnera: Really?

(Y/N): Yeah, my cousin has made her own house like a giant spider tarium.

You and Rachnera hear a megaphone and Caboose was using it.

Caboose: (offscreen) Smith found you! She won the game hide and go seek!

Kuroko: (offscreen) Give me that back you idiot! (speaks into the megaphone) Rachnera, this is Cultural Exchange Coordinator Kuroko Smith. Come out with your hands up.

(Y/N): I'll go talk to her.

Rachnera then freed you as you were seen walking out of the building as you walked to Kuroko.

(Y/N): Let me explain everything.

Caboose: Yes let him explain, he is smarter than Tucker.

One explanation later.

(Y/N): And that's what happened to her.

Kuroko: I see, her first host family sold her to a scumbag director and now she's on the run.

(Y/N): I got well around her when I met her, even Caboose is alright with her. And I think if you did your job better none of that would have happened.

Kuroko: Well then, allow me to speak to her. You can talk to my squad.

You see Kuroko head into the building as you see Kuroko's squad the Monster Ops which is composed of an ogre, a Monoeye, a zombie, and a doppelganger.

(Y/N): (points to Doppel) Why is she naked?

Zombina: I ask that question everyday. Anyways, I'm Zombina and I'm a zombie. The super giant ogre is Tionishia, the shy girl with one big eye is Manako, and the girl who needs to put on clothes is Doppel and she's a doppelganger.

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you. (looks up to Tionishia) Hey Tio, how's the weather up there?

Tio: (giggles) I see what you did there.

Zombina: Famous tall joke.

(Y/N): Hey, do you girls wonder what they're talking about, in there?

Manako: I don't know.

Meanwhile with Kuroko and Rachnera.

Kuroko: So after learning from the past host families. Your 3rd host family will have to be someone who doesn't mind spiders and doesn't use your webbing for money. I'd say that (Y/N) is the right fit for you.

Rachnera: For once you made the right choice.

Back to you, we see Kuroko and Rachnera come out of the building.

Kuroko: I made a decision to place Rachnera under your care, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Well then. (to Rachnera) Welcome aboard Rachnera.

Rachnera: Glad to be onboard.

(Y/N): Well let's get to rebuilding Sayette.

We see you and the others going off to help make Sayette a better place.


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