Dragon vs bull

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We see you and your group as you were all seen in the cart as it was seen going down the road as you were seen going down the road.

Grif: Where are we off to this time?

(Y/N): Naofumi got word that there's a village and everyone there has gotten sick, even the village elder as well. So we need to take the medicine to them so that the epidemic dies down.

Jessica R: How did the epidemic happen?

(Y/N): That's what I want to figure out.

We then see you all arrive at the village as you all see a man.

(Y/N): Excuse me, do you know where all the people being treated are in, we're all here to sell medicine.

Man: Yes, follow me.

We then see you all going to a clinic that has many people in beds and are all sick.

(Y/N): Woah, how big is this?

Simmons: More importantly what is causing this?

Nurse: We believe it's the winds from the mountains where it is home to the monsters.

Jessica C: What monsters?

Doctor: Around a month ago a dragon lived up in the mountains and it was killed by the Sword Hero. That at least was the good news.

Asuka: But how does that connect with the plague?

Doctor: Many adventurers came to see the corpse and-

???(Soldier Boy): Everyone got the worst case of the sniffles ever.

You all looked and saw Soldier Boy.

Soldier Boy: It's believed that the dragon's corpse rotted and became poison

(Y/N): Ren, for a high school student even he should know that flesh rots when you leave it out. But I guess it never came to his mind when he thought this world is just a game.

Soldier Boy: Yep and I tried getting help from Vought's heroes and this happened.

Soldier Boy then shows you and the other members of Payback and The Seven sick from the same sickness.

(Y/N): Alright, tell you what, we'll go up to the mountains and see if we can try to get rid of the corpse.

Simmons: Where's Homelander?

Soldier Boy: I told them not to bring him. I'm just afraid that he's just gonna make the situation worse than before and I'm the closest thing to Homelander.

(Y/N): Alright, Soldier Boy think you can help out with this?

Soldier Boy: Sure thing, I got the muscle to do it.

(Y/N): Alright.

We later see you all in the cart as you all were heading to the mountains.

Soldier Boy: I see you all are doing well as the saviors of the heavenly fowl.

(Y/N): So you've heard. So how did you manage to get Payback to work with you?

Soldier Boy: It wasn't me, it was Black Noir. He's the one that brought them together.

(Y/N): I see now.

Soldier Boy: So what's the plan?

(Y/N): We get to the mountains and find a way to properly dispose of the corpse.

You and the others hear a large boom outside and you and Soldier Boy went out and see Homelander in the flesh.

Homelander: Hey kid, have you seen anyone in my team lately. You know Starlight, Stormfront, A-Train, The Deep, any of those names ring a bell?

(Y/N): Yeah, in fact they're all in the clinic along with the team Payback.

Homelander: Wow, you know kid. The Seven is not the Seven without the team leader. Which is me, Homelander.

(Y/N): Look, right now your team is sick and the dragon corpse is the cause of this plague so we need to get rid of it.

Then Homelander thinks for a minute and puts on a serious face.

Homelander: Is she sick?

(Y/N): You mean Stormfront, she's sick and your team and Soldier Boy's team were working together and-

Homelander: (eyes glowing red) Oh she's got sick under Soldier Boy's care. (to Soldier Boy) You will pay for it, with your own life.

We then see Homelander come at Soldier Boy but is then caught in the shield prison.

(Y/N): Homelander, stop and listen. Soldier Boy had nothing to do with this. What I was trying to say that-

Homelander then breaks out of the Shield Prison and grabs Soldier Boy by the throat and shoots his heat vision at his face.


(Y/N): STOP! Listen, I know that you're angry at what happened but killing him won't help your team get better, we have to get rid of the corpse!

Homelander then charges at you and grabs you by the neck and placed you on the ground as he flies while dragging you on the ground and all over the planet as we see you were brought to the ground as it made a crater as we see you getting up as we then see the watch started to create flames as you looked at Homelander as we see your entire body was engulfed in fire. Homelander then grabs you and shoots his heat vision at you while at the same time using his sonic scream to the full extent he can muster.


We then see Soldier Boy hitting Homelander in the head so hard that he was knocked out. As we then see the flames your watch made dissipated as you got up.

Soldier Boy: Sorry about him, this is always his flaw, all anger, no calm. In fact that's just one reason, he's my son and I never got the chance to raise him myself.

(Y/N): Like I said before, we all make mistakes.

Soldier Boy: You don't understand, I never even saw him being brought into the world. You think I was bad before, what you just witness was just a nuclear bomb waiting to explode. Vought turned him into their little lab rat so that they can make money off of the stuff they sell in his name. That's why I left him out of this.

(Y/N): That is something bad.

Grif: Uh guys, we still have a dragon carcass to get rid of.

Soldier Boy: I haven't forgotten about that. The Guardians of the Globe will be coming here to be the 3rd wave of troops

Blitzo: But what about Homelander when he wakes up?

Soldier Boy: As far as I know, Omni-Man will keep him in check cause if he tries something Omni-Man will just snap him like a twig.

(Y/N): Right, we better get to the corpse to meet them before Homelander wakes up.

We later see you all at the mountains as we see you all going as you all look to see the dead dragon and the monsters surrounding it.

Tucker: Damn, stupid or not Ren is one tough guy.

You and the others then see the Guardians of the Globe take out the monsters around the corpse as we see War Woman head to you and the others.

War Woman: We're making a clear path to the corpse, be careful. The corpse might do something more than just make people sick.

Church: We will, and this should be easy.

Then you all heard something as you all looked to see that the corpse was rising up as you saw the dragon let out a roar.

Tucker: Holy shit! It's still alive!?

Church: It's a dragon zombie!

Caboose: That sounds like a bad horror movie!

Green Ghost: Move back!

We then see the dragon as it releases a purple poison blast as you all dodged it.

(Y/N): Don't let that stuff hit you, there's no doubt that stuff is poisonous.

Grif: How do we kill this thing!?

Tucker: Aim for the head, that works on zombies all the time.

(Y/N): I'm not sure about that, but we need to take it down.

We then see the dragon come at you and you all then attack it as you see the dragon swiped its tail sending all of you back.

Tucker: Damn it, our hits aren't even hurting it, but mostly it's pain receptors are turned off.

Grif: We go for the head!

(Y/N): Then we need to find some way, if we don't stop it, that thing is gonna cause more damage. I can't let that happen. Never!

We then see your watch as it started to create the fire from before as the others saw you walking as your eyes were red as you were then engulfed in fire as they looked to see your body being burnt and was growing in muscle rate as you then grew horns as your face then became a bull's as you were seen as a minotaur beast as your body had metal in it.

Grif: What the...

Blitzo: He couldn't do that before, right?

We then see you as you let out a loud bull roar as you glared at the bull in fury as you then started to make a charging start and ran at the dragon at a fast speed while covered in fire.

Asuka: Whoa.

Tucker: He's charging like a train!

By the time you crash into the dragon the impact created an explosion as everyone looked as the smoke cleared to see you back to your normal look as we see the dragon was reduced to ashes.

Asuka: You ok? What happened?

(Y/N): I... Don't know, it all went blank.

War Woman: Can you walk?

(Y/N): I lost feeling in my legs.

We then see War Woman pick you up in a bridal position and you blushed a bit.

War Woman: Don't worry, I gotcha.

Caboose: That... was... AWESOME!

Church: What was that?

(Y/N): Not sure, it wasn't in the watch or in the skill tree.

Grif: Was it some kind of super skill that you have?

(Y/N): Not sure.

Soldier Boy: Look, all that matters is that you destroyed that dragon.

(Y/N): Okay. (sees how big War Woman's muscles are) Wow, your muscles are...amazing.

War Woman: Why thank you. I work out.

Blitzo: Well here's to another mission accomplished.

Sarge: Now to get the sick people cured.

Later, back at the clinic, we see the teams Payback and The Seven getting back on their feet.

A-Train: Hey I feel awesome!

(Y/N): Glad to see you all getting better now.

Simmons: Say what do you guys think Homelander is doing?

Stormfront sees that Homelander was in bed and he was waking up

Homelander: What happened?

(Y/N): Well to give ya the good news, we all destroyed that dragon causing the plague and everyone is getting better now including your team.

Homelander: Really?

Homelander then sees Stromfront walk up to him and she slaps him in the face.

Stormfront: I overheard what you were doing to the Watch Hero.

Homelander: I... I only did that because-

Stormfront: Your father never even wanted you to be here, seeing that you were gonna make things worse.

Homelander: But if I hadn't-

Stormfront: You don't think for anyone but yourself.

Naofumi: She's right and what you did, a real hero doesn't solve every problem with brute force, you could have stopped to realize that they were only trying to help but you didn't.

Homelander: (places a hand on Stormfront) But Stormy.

Stormfront: Don't touch me you monster! We're through!

We then see Stormfront leave the room as Soldier Boy sees the whole thing.

Soldier Boy: Son, you tried to kill your old man. I don't know what I am more disappointed of, Vought or you.

(Y/N): See Homelander, your thoughtless actions caused all this. If you did kill us, then you would have made the situation worse and your team would have been dead because of you.

A-Train: And that will not look good on your image man.

Homelander then flies off through the roof and looks for a place to be alone

Grif: Now what?

(Y/N): Now we get paid.

You then see Payback and The Seven turn to you.

A-Train: "Thanks for the medicine man."

Stormfront: You're not bad for a cardinal hero.

(Y/N): Thanks, we're just trying to help people even if they don't appreciate both the shield and watch.

Starlight: You saved our lives.

Crimson Countess: Yeah we want to repay you.

(Y/N): You don't have to do that.

A-Train: But we want to man, when the next wave comes we all wanna help you out.

TNT Twins: Yeah

Gunpowder: We are there with ya.

(Y/N): Thanks, we'll be sure to let ya know.

A-Train: Hey if you want to be my exercise partner, just let me know. Because by the looks of you, you need to work out. (gets elbowed by Queen Maeve) What I'm just saying, all of that time spent on a cart does a lot to ya, he's starting to get some flab on his belly.

(Y/N): Well if you guys feel like coming along with us, I don't mind.

Caboose: Can the nice red lady come with us?

(Y/N): Of course she can Caboose. And you guys are alright with being around us?

A-Train: With you I'm safe, with Homelander we're like at death's door and he's the key to open it. (to the Seven and Payback) Those of you who want to be with the Watch and Shield Hero say I.

Payback and The Seven: I.

(Y/N): That's good to hear, and so far we had to clean up two messes made by the other heroes.

Starlight: I heard Supersonic, Translucent, and Lamplighter are at the villages that are going through rough times.

The Deep: I see you want to see Supersonic again?

Starlight: We're just friends now.

(Y/N): Well what about you Soldier Boy?

Soldier Boy: Well I'll just make up for lost time with my son. I'll see you guys later.

Blitzo: You really wanna help that guy?

Soldier Boy: My son may have caused terrible things, but that doesn't mean he's beyond help. Would any of you guys do what I would do if (Y/N) was put through rough times?

Asuka: He has a point.

Caboose: But at least I have a cool rock.

He then held up a piece of purple rock as you saw it.

(Y/N): Caboose, where did you get that?

Caboose: I found it in the ash pile that used to be the zombie dragon

(Y/N): I see, well we'll hold on to it once we get back to Erhard's but there is something I am wondering what's with the stars in Filo and Raphtalia's stats.

Simmons: Oh that must mean they're ready for class upgrades.

Tucker: Wait, do we have those too?

(Y/N): Just asking, what are class upgrades?

Simmons: Class upgrades let you increase your level cap, and when you upgrade your class that's when you would want to pick the next path you want to take.

(Y/N): Alright let's get moving, back to the capital we go.

A-train: No way, how about a place that doesn't have Malty's jurisdiction?

(Y/N): We'll guess we all can stay here for the night.

Tucker: And next stop Stilwelt, that's basically your home turf.

(Y/N): We'll get to that but I'm having a feeling something will happen here if we leave, I know we don't want to get caught by Malty.

Caboose: Maybe we can talk to the shadow lady for help.

Tucker: How?

Caboose: She's right there.

Caboose then points to the Shadow that is behind Black Noir as he notices her.

(Y/N): You again. Why are you here?

Shadow: To inform you that the next wave will be coming soon.

(Y/N): I see, well thanks for the info.

Caboose: Can you help us get to a more friendlier place that has a Dragon Hourglass.

Tucker: Yeah, get us to a country where (Y/N) and Naofumi are like the mascots of the country. Can you give us the quickest route to Siltvelt? Those guys are just waiting to see (Y/N) and Naofumi.

Shadow: I'll provide you the necessary transportation and the quickest route.

Tucker: We want to get the class upgrades before the Wave hits. We go there, get awesome upgrades and get back in time to kick ass and save villages who have gone broke.

Shadow: You all need to go to the dragon hourglass to obtain your class upgrades.

(Y/N): I see, thank you.

Blitzo: But how do you know so much about us?

Shadow: As the queen's shadows our job is to keep a watchful eye on any of the Cardinal Heroes

Tucker: I bet she's your number 1 fan (Y/N).

(Y/N): I believe her reason why is because she knows that me and Naofumi are the important part of the cardinal heroes.

Tucker: That too, plus she's a big fan of yours

(Y/N): Well we all should get ready for tomorrow.

Asuka: Right, we all have to make sure we get the things we need for tomorrow.

We then see you all leaving to get ready for tomorrow.


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