Saviors of the heavenly fowl

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We see you all in the cart as the cart had many crates of herbicide in the cart as we see you all going down the road.

Tucker: So why are we all delivering this stuff?

(Y/N): According to Hickwaal, a village is in need of this herbicide and needs it immediately.

Tucker: But why?

Jessica C: I think it's a safe bet that's why?

You all looked and saw many vines were growing and were at a fort that is surrounded by plants.

(Y/N): Filo, get us there as quick as possible.

Filo: Right.

We then see Filo as she starts to run to the fort as we see you all inside.

Grif: Ok, what the hell is this about?

Man: Our village was ravaged by famine until one day the spear hero visited, when he heard of our plight he went to a nearby ruin and brought back a seed that had been sealed for many years. He called it a miracle seed.

Kara: Miracle seed?

Lopez: (in spanish) It must be the cursed seed from the tunnel.

Man: At first we had no idea, we were overjoyed when we saw how fast the plants grow and bearing fruit but-

Blitzo: Lemme guess, the plants just kept growing and overran the village.

Man: Yes, when we went to investigate we came upon a legend passed to our people for generations.

(Y/N): A legend?

Man: A long time ago an alchemist created a seed that would combat hunger but for some reason he sealed it away.

Tucker: I'm pretty sure you figured it out when there's weeds that grew up to be as big as the Amazon Rainforest in your backyard.

(Y/N): But why didn't any of you have any doubts about the seed when you all knew about the legend?

Grif: If I was hungry for food, I'll believe anything.

Jessica C: And basically they convinced themselves it was safe because a hero gave it to them.

Grif: That helps too.

Jessica R: Has anyone come by and help?

Man: We summoned many adventurers but when they tried to exterminate them it didn't go well.

(Y/N): We'll do it.

Naofumi: I hate to clean up after that moron Motoyasu, but we will earn our keep.

Tucker: Plus I'm pretty sure that Princess Bitchpants just want to fuck up the world as much as possible.

We later see you and the others in the village as we see you were a humanoid plant alien you call swampfire as you were throwing fireballs at a monster as it dodges them.

(Y/N): Huh, can't control it. Guess that makes it a weed!

We then see you tap the badge as you were seen transformed into an alien which looked like a humanoid raven with wings on your back as the badge was on your belt.

(Y/N): Steel Wing!

You then look to see vines coming as you then slashed them with your talons as we see Raphtala come and stab the monster killing it as we later see you all arriving to see a large tree as we see it open its one eye.

Grif: What's the plan?

(Y/N): Get close enough to it and we can pour the herbicide on the eye!

Grif: Got it.

We then see the others charge at it to get to the tree as we see it send vines at them as we see some come at Naofumi and wrapped themselves around him but we then see the vines on Naofumi started to be destroyed as we then see him walking to the tree as he poured a bottle of the herbicide on the tree root as the tree then started to wilt and fall apart.

Tucker: Whoa, that was nuts.

Asuka: But what are we gonna do about the fruit?

(Y/N): I think Naofumi and I may have an idea, we could do some work on the seeds and make them so they can grow but won't become monsters.

Jessica R: Taking up gardening, I like it.

We then see you and Naofumi as you both were seen doing work on the fruit seeds as we then go to the next day to see you and Naofumi had made seeds for the village.

(Y/N): There, this should help you guys with your famine problem.

Blitzo: And these won't turn into some wild ass monsters.

Man: Thank you kindly sir heroes.

(Y/N): Hey, it's our job, no biggie.

We then saw you and the others in the cart as you all were going through the road.

(Y/N): Hey guys, I checked the map and this road will lead to a village with hot springs.

Katsuragi: I've been waiting for a while to hear those words. Time to get out your swimsuits girls.

Tucker: Alright! I'm gonna see chicks in swimsuits.

We then see you arrive at the village as we see you all going to the hot springs as you then look to see three groups of girls with shinobi attires as Asuka saw them.

Asuka: Hey, I know them.

(Y/N): You do?

Asuka: Yeah, they're the Crimson Squad, Hebijo Clandestine, and Gessen Girls Academy girls

(Y/N): Huh, guess that's why they look like shinobis, maybe we should talk to this

We then see you all going to the shinobi teams and they see you.

(Y/N): Hey girls

You then looked to see a shinobi girl come to you as you saw her attire made her look like an angel with wings included.

Ryouna: You must be the Watch Hero everyone has heard of.

(Y/N): Yeah, that's me.

Ryona: I was hoping that I would run into you for this spring mini vacay, I have a new swimsuit that's made up of a few scraps of fabric, I'll practically be naked. So you know, you can totally check out my body all you want ok, in fact I want you to undress me with your eyes.

We then see Ryouna get kicked by a girl with brown hair.

Ryobi: Oh my god, shut your dirty mouth Ryouna! I came here to relax, not to see you naked!

Ryona: You tease.

(Y/N): What was that about?

Ryobi: Ryona is a perverted masochist.

Tucker: Dude I was undressing her with my eyes when I first saw her, bow chicka bow wow.

(Y/N): Don't mind Tucker, he's a ladies man and his only hookup was a rock.

Tucker: Dude I told you that story in confidence!

(Y/N): Well I was told about you girls by Asuka that you are all-(feels Haruka hugging your arm between her breasts)-shinobis...Why is she hugging me like that?

Homura: Oh boy, when Haruka set her eyes on someone she wants that someone to be part of her collection of dolls. The same thing happened to Hibari.

(Y/N): Ok...

Homura: So how is it that you know Asuka?

(Y/N): She is part of my party.

Haruka: Oh you mean from that duel we heard about from the night after the wave?

(Y/N): Yeah.

Homura: (to the Hanzo Academy girls) How did you guys end up with him?

Asuka: We all met in an interview with him and when we were accepted we were all kind of made as his party

Katsu: Yeah, and even got these amazing slave crests. You should see Asuka's.

Ryoma: (undress herself from the top) Brand me as one of your own so I can be yours! Ravish me like the slave that I will be! Make me your tool for pleasure!

Tucker: Christ what the hell is wrong with that chick?!

(Y/N): Ryobi just said that she's a masochist.

Tucker: Okay first there's Masochist then there's complete and totally bonkers in love with a guy, like she doesn't even care that she got pregnant by you before getting married.

Hikage: But weren't you all set free by the spear hero?

Asuka: None of us ever asked anybody to free us.

Church: Yeah we chose this life.

Ryobi: But why did they do it?

(Y/N): See the thing was the king and Malty set up the entire duel just to strip us down until we have nothing left

Church: True, but fortunately Itsuki, Ren, and Omni Man were able to call Malty out for her interference.

Grif: Yeah, and she even tried to worm her way out by saying that the audience saw "nothing".

Homura: Wow I never knew you had it in ya Asuka. Standing up to the man.

Asuka: Yeah.

Haruka: But why would she say that the audience didn't see a thing?

Iida: The king had told the audience because of the deeds done by the past Shield and Watch Hero.

Simmons: Iida and I looked through the history of this country and we came to the conclusion that the King's family was killed by demi humans and the King is doing everything in his power to make the Shield and Watch heroes as miserable as possible.

(Y/N): So you're saying that the king hated a different shield hero and watch hero?

Grif: More like literally anyone who has that watch and shield.

(Y/N): I see, so maybe things would have been different if I had been summoned somewhere else huh?

Simmons: Yeah, like Siltvelt for example, it's a country ruled by demi-humans and the shield hero and watch hero are worshiped there like gods.

Tucker: Speaking of which, can you get me some furry girls in my room so I can throw a yiff party, bow chicka bow wow.

(Y/N): Huh, maybe if things go south for us we all could head over to Siltvelt.

Asuka: Yeah, and I had the thought, if we had to clean up the spear heroes mess, does that mean there are other messes there too?

(Y/N): Well if there is, we'll all just have to clean it up ourselves.

Homura: Anything to make the King and his bratty bitch of a princess angry, sounds like fun. Count us in.

Tucker: Sweet, but the pipsqueak has to stay behind.

Mirai: Hey! I'm still growing!

(Y/N): Well we're happy to have you all in.

Your watch then made the beams as the three shinobi teams now had the watch slave crests.

Ryouna: (hugs your arm) Does this mean I'm your slave?

Tucker: (Y/N), if you're gonna have a girlfriend or in this case a bunch of them, don't start with a masochist, no matter how hot she is.

(Y/N): I'll keep that in mind.

Ryona: I'll be happy to serve you master.

Tucker: When Raphtalia says it, it's normal. But when you say it, it's freaky.

(Y/N): Let's all just head to the hotspring.

We later see you and the others in the hot springs as you and the girls were all in a hot spring as you saw a statue of a man and woman and the man was holding a silver boar.

(Y/N): The origins and benefits of this hot spring.

Jessica C: But what does a silver boar have to do with this?

Asuka: It's saying its effects are...

Jessica R: What?

Asuka: Success in love. Couples who enter this hot spring will make their love stronger.

Yang: So if all of us are here in the hot spring with (Y/N) doesn't that mean...

Haruka: We're in love with (Y/N).

You then looked to see all the girls were all looking at you as you then lowered yourself into the water.

(Y/N): What?

You then see Ryona jump onto you and hug you.

Ryona: Master, the hotspring has the power to make the love between couples stronger. We all love you now thanks to the hotspring.

(Y/N): Love? Hold on a second, how can a hot spring do that?

Jessica R: Just look at this.

You then look at the plack on the statue and you read it.

(Y/N): Oh, it's a hot spring for couples.

Homura: So what will you do tomorrow?

(Y/N): Well seeing that there was one mess we cleaned up there's no doubt there will be more messes to straighten up.

Hibari: Yeah we can do it!

Jessica C: So...umm.... Do you mind us being your girlfriends?

(Y/N): Oh uh...well we have fought and worked together so well. I guess we can take our relationship to the next level.

Ryona: I hoped that you would say that master!

You were then hugged by Ryona as she then kissed you on the lips as you blushed bright red.

Ryona: There will be more from the rest of us.

Ryobi: (pulls Ryona away from you) Ryona!

(Y/N): That was....something.

Jessica R then brings you closer to herself and she looks into your eyes.

Jessica R: I knew this day would come.

(Y/N): You-(sees Jessica R place a finger on your lips)

Jessica R: Don't speak, just accept.

Jessica R then kisses you on the lips and you melt into the kiss and kiss her back.

Jessica R: (pulls back) That feels nice, doesn't it?

(Y/N): Yeah, it does.

Asuka: Some say that you're a criminal, some say that you're one of the saviors of the fowl, but to us you'll always be our boyfriend and the Watch Hero.

You then see all the girls come to you and have you in a massive group hug. Later, we see you and the girls head back to the hotel and Tucker sees you and the girls.

Tucker: Hey (Y/N), what's up with them?

(Y/N): Long story short, we found out that one hot spring apparently makes the love connection of couples stronger and now the girls love me.

Tucker: What!?

(Y/N): We're gonna head to bed.

You and the girls head to bed as Tucker was left shocked.

Tucker: What the fuck just happened?

Later, we see Millie talking to Moxxie about what happened at the hot spring.

Millie: Moxie, please understand that I didn't know about the effect on people when they go into the hotspring, we just didn't notice the connection we have when we go into that hot spring.

Moxxie: I get it, you didn't notice it and that is okay.

Millie: I hope we still be friends.

Moxxie: Yeah, we will.

Millie and Moxxie then hug each other.

Millie: Thanks Mox

Moxxie: You're welcome.

Moxxie then sees Blitzo filming them through the window.

Moxxie: Are you fucking filming us right now!?

Later, in the morning, we see you sleeping with the girls as you look to see them all snuggling close to you.

(Y/N): Guess there's a benefit of being the watch hero. And I know we will have more things to take care of.


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