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Somewhere in another kingdom we see a woman in a room as some maids were working on her dress.

Mirellia: Is that what the king has been up to?

We then see a window as we see a masked hooded woman there.

Shadow: He has apparently, I'm sure Princess Malty must have talked him into it.

Mirellia: How are the Shield Hero and Watch Hero holding up?

Shadow: The shield hero procured a demi human girl from a slave trader a while ago and the Watch Hero had obtain more members for his group.

Mirellia: Is that so? Well that's a relief I must say. However, news of Melromarc's summoning of the five cardinal heroes is making no small impact on our kingdom as well as others. We must make sure to prevent any of our neighbors from meddling in our affairs no matter what it may take.

Shadow: Never fear my lady, we'll continue to keep a watchful eye on any events in the capitol.

Mirellia: I'm counting on you.

The Shadow then left as we then went to Melromarc in the castle as you and the other cardinal heroes were seen there as well as your group.

Aultcray: As a reward for his efforts in the wave and fulfilling my request, Master Motoyasu will receive 4000 silvers, and young masters Itsuki and Ren will receive 3800 silvers, finally I've set aside 500 silvers for both the shield hero and watch hero, however since it's been offset by setting their slaves free from their curse they will not recieve any funds at this time.

You and Naofumi started to get angry at what Aultcray had said.

Itsuki: Wait a second, that's not gonna fly.

You and the others turned and were surprised at what Itsuki had said.

Itsuki: You were the one interfering in their duel and dispelling those... slave crests or whatever you call it and now you refuse to pay them what they deserve? That isn't exactly fair play.

Ren: Yeah, that's right. If you followed the rules Naofumi and (Y/N) clearly would have won the duel.

Motoyasu: What- Are you crazy? I didn't lose!

Malty: I'm afraid your both mistaken Sir Itsuki, Sir Ren, it was supposed to be a two on two duel and the shield hero was the one with monsters hidden in his cape, that is the real reason why father didn't declare them the winners.

Itsuki: Even so you cheated by firing a magic spell at the two.

Ren: Besides when the wave hit it was Naofumi and (Y/N) who defended that village, not the knights. And if you ask me, I say that it would be the right thing to compensate them.

We then see you looking surprised seeing that both Itsuki and Ren brought that up.

Aulctray: Fine, I shall afford them the minimum agreed amount but there will be nothing else.

We then see the knights giving you and Naofumi some money.

(Y/N): Thank you sir, and I hope your wife would be so happy about all the things you put us through.

You then turned and walked away but looked at Ren and Itsuki.

(Y/N): And for you two, thank you.

We then see you and the others walking out to the exit and Blitzo was seen jumping in the air and had out both his guns.

Blitzo: The meeting's over, no tricks, no bounty hunters hunting your ass, no bitch princess calling you evil? What do you say to that kid? (sees you were in deep thought) Kid?

(Y/N): Oh, sorry I was still thinking about something, I was surprised to see that both Ren and Itsuki stood up for me.

Blitzo: Without calling either of you a freak? (sees you nodding no) Then I guess they're not total asses.

Asuka: Well you and Naofumi both defended the village, so it had to be reason enough for the two to help them out.

(Y/N): Yeah, you're right.

We later see you all are at town as we see your watch giving the group the crests again.

(Y/N): You guys know that you didn't had to get the slave crests of my watch again.

Asuka: But we want to, we all like to think of it as a symbol of our friendship and companionship.

Katsuragi: (gropes Asuka from behind) Plus they give you the opportunity to do this to the girls of our group!

Asuka: Katsu! Knock it off!

(Y/N): Well maybe we all should start working on leveling up.

Blitzo: That's what I like to hear, time for us to go kill some monsters!

We later see you and the others as you all were seen out in the field battling some monsters after a couple of days we see you and the others at the village of Riyute as you were seen walking to the inn and you see Raphtalia, a full grown woman now in her 20s as she and Naofumi were seen in a stable as you came to see them.

(Y/N): Guys, I'm starting to get creeped out about how fast Raphtalia is growing.

Blitzo: Not even a week and she looks like she's old enough to go to college. But what are you two doing in this stable?

Raphtalia: We have someone you all should meet.

You then looked to see a large white bird in a pen.

Grif: What the hell is that?

Simmons: That is a Filoial, one of this world's fauna capable of the same duties as horses on Earth and they have a rivalry against dragons.

Blitzo: Wow, that is pretty amazing, what's this fella's name?

Naofumi: Filo.

Raphtalia: And she's a girl.

Blitzo: Oh. (sees the others looking at him) I knew that.

Moxxie: (Looks outside) Guys, you need to see this.

You all looked out to see Malty with knights as she had a scroll in her hand.

Malty: In light of his exploits in the last wave, the spear hero, Sir Motoyasu has been appointed ruling lord of this region.

We then see Motoyasu as he was seen on a dragon.

Malty: To help the rebuilding efforts we decided to levy a toll, this toll will provide us the money needed to rebuild. This toll will be 50 silvers to enter the village and 50 silvers to exit.

Villager: But that will ruin us.

Villager 2: Yeah! We won't have anything to buy food for tomorrow.

Blitzo: That's like 70 nights at the inn.

Sarge: Simmons what is the price of staying at the inn for a week?

Simmons: Seeing that staying a night at the inn is 1 silver food included that would be about 7 silvers. 10 weeks of staying at the inn would be equivalent to the toll. (turns to Grif) Especially fat ass over here eats 3 meals in one hour.

Grif: I was hungry as a horse!

Sarge: Don't worry Simmons, Girf has enough body fat to act like a ballistics gel. Observe.

Sarge then shot Grif with his shotgun in the back.

Grif: Ow!

Sarge: 10 points.

Lopez: (in Spanish) Charging a town a toll at that price is like staying at the inn for 10 weeks you moron.

(Y/N): He's right, and you can't just come here and declare Motoyasu as this village's lord.

We then see four hooded people come as you see them.

Blizto: The hell are they?

(Y/N): No idea, I'm just as confused as you are.

Jessica R: I think I know how to settle this.

Shadow: (looks at Malty) I trust that you know what we represent, Princess Malty.

Malty: Why have you come?

Shadow: (Holding a scroll) For you?

Caboose: I know those people!

Tucker: Wait Caboose, you know those chicks?

Caboose: Oh they work for the queen lady and then we played hide and seek.

(Y/N): Ok, and Jessica, what is it that you're thinking of?

Jessica R: The Watch Hero and Shield Hero will race against the Spear Hero, and if they win the village will be free.

Blitzo: But how? The guy doesn't have a horse.

(Y/N): I have that thought through me and Naofumi will both ride on Filo.

We later see you and Naofumi with Filo.

Motoyasu: That is so lame, you're both gonna ride that bird thing not a dragon.

We then see Filo as she was looking mad.

Motoyasu: How can you both possibly keep up with my dragon?

We then see Filo as she then kicked Motoyasu in the nuts as he was sent into the air as he then landed in a hay pile as a few knights and Malty were near as they saw Motoyasu.

Malty: Sir Motoyasu!

We then see Motoyasu as he was in pain.

Malty: Healing magic! Come on!

You then started to chuckle.

Malty: You cheaters!

Naofumi: It's his fault for getting too close.

We then see you, Naofumi and Filo laughing.

We then see you and Naofumi on Filo as you were seen as a small frog like being with the badge on your back.

Jessica R: The race will be three laps around the outskirts of the village, whoever reaches to this gate first will be declared the winner. On your marks, get set, go!

We then see Filo and Motoyasu's dragon run as we see Filo was running at a fast speed as you and Naofumi were in the lead.

(Y/N): We're in the lead!

Naofumi: This'll be a piece of cake.

We then see Filo as she runs at a fast speed as we see a knight.

Knight: As source of thy power I order thee, decipher the laws of nature and create a hole in front of me.

As we see Filo going to the turn we see a hole appear out of the ground.

(Y/N): Watch out!

We then see Filo as she slides, making Motoyasu take the lead as we see them go through the first lap as we see Filo as she starts to catch up and take the lead as we see another knight.

Knight: As source of thy power I order thee, decipher the laws of nature and hear my command to slow my target, speed down.

We then saw Filo was glowing and started to slow down as we Motoyasu's dragon came up in front and whipped Filo with its tail.

Motoyasu: How's that?

Naofumi: Dammit!

We then see Filo as she then gets mad as we then see her starting to run faster as we see them run by making the second lap leaving behind a cloud of dust.

Malty: Damn beast.

Knight: Decipher the laws of nature and heed my command to hasten my target, fast speed.

We then see Motoyasu's dragon glow and start to run fast as Motoyasu starts to take the lead as he blocks the path for Filo.

Naofumi: Let's do this Filo!

We then see another hole appear on the ground.

Naofumi: Air Strike Shield!

We then see the air strike shield appear as it covered the hole as Filo stepped on it and started to take the lead as we see you, Naofumi and Motoyasu neck and neck as you were heading to the finish line.

Jessica C: Come on guys!

Sarge: You can do it soldiers!

We then see you three getting closer to the finish line as we then see Filo had won the race by the beak as we later see you and Naofumi getting off of Filo.

Grif: Nice work guys!

Ida: A splendid victory.

(Y/N): (changes back) Well we couldn't have done it without Filo.

Then a green light was seen as you and Naofumi both looked to see Filo as she was now bigger as you both looked shocked.

Malty: You cheated! You didn't tell me that your filolial was really this massive tub of lard I see.

Simmons: But it only transformed after the race was over.

Naofumi: If anyone cheated it was you guys.

(Y/N): Yeah, what about the holes in the road?

Malty: Holes? Don't be ridiculous.

Shadow: The Shield Hero and Watch Hero are right.

We then saw the shadows were here.

Shadow: We detected traces of magic on the course.

Malty: it was... Look at them, it was obviously those two criminals who both used illegal magic.

Shadow: Untrue, the shield hero's magic affinities are support and healing, his raccoon friend's is light and dark, and the watch hero's is various strength and defense. All completely different types than the magic we found.

(Y/N): When did they know so much about us?

Shadow: Thus it is clear that the Spear Hero's party cheated.

Malty: Well, we leave for now, but we'll be back. You can count on it.

We then see Motoyasu walking to you and Naofumi.

Motoyasu: Remember, I let you both win today, but it won't happen next time. And you won't have that fat tub of-

Naofumi: Hey now, how's your crotch feeling?

Raphtalia: Master Naofumi!

Motoyasu: Well... you... Anyway, I'll get you both yet!

We then see Motoyasu walk off as the villagers come to you both.

Man: Sir heroes, again the village thanks you both very much, we don't know how to express our gratitude for everything you both have done.

Naofumi: Forget about that, just let us have the reward.

Man: Sir, we're going around the village collecting money right now, please give us a few more days to-

(Y/N): We don't want money. And we sure don't want any rumors spreading of us taking all your rebuilding funds and didn't leave you with anything.

Man: But then sir heroes, how else can we properly reward you both.

You then felt Filo tapping your head with her beak as she looked at a carriage as we later see you and your group along with Naofumi in a carriage as Filo was pulling the cart as you looked to see you holding something as a flashback was seen to show you and Naofumi talking to a man.

Man: Are you interested in becoming traveling traders sir heroes? (Hold up two passes) If you both are, these passes will come in handy, they exempt you from paying tolls across the country, so you'll be free to travel the roads whenever you wish.

The flashback ended as we later see you and the party camping in the woods.

(Y/N): That's great, now we can run a trading business and fight monsters.

Tucker: Dude we get paid in selling junk and fighting monsters, best combination ever.

Church: What kind of stuff do we have?

Sarge: Grif are you done with the inventory check?

Grif: Uhh...

Sarge: Simmons are you done with the inventory check in case Grif forgets his duties?

Simmons: All done sir, I even organized it by type.

Tucker: Nerd!

Simmons: It's a really efficient system.

Blitzo: At this rate we'll all be rolling in dough in no time.

???(Stolas): Hello everyone.

You and the others then see that Stolas and Octavia have arrived.

Tucker: Whoa who's the bird people?

Grif: And how did they find us?

Loona: Stolas and Blitz have a thing so he always finds us.

Church: What the hell does that supposed to mean?

Tucker: I know, whenever someone is really into someone they always end up finding that someone. Wait, is that giant bird guy your boyfriend or something?

Blitzo: He has a hag for a wife.

(Y/N): But how did he know where we were?

Stolas: I have ways. (Walks to Blitzo) Are you alright?

Blitzo: I'm fine Stolas.

Stolas: Good. (Grabs Blitzo's face) How the fuck did you get framed?! Are you little creatures not being careful? You know if you get in trouble-

Tucker: Lay off of him dude, we're not framed. (points to you) He's framed cause he put slave crests on us. But we volunteered and he interviewed us.

Yang: It's true.

Blitzo: We went through and interview with (Y/N) and now he's our boss and now everyone thinks we're his slaves cause they made him the bad guy.

(Y/N): It's true.

Stolas: I know but if he gets in trouble then I get in trouble and we all get in trouble.

Tucker: Okay dealing with the King of Melromarc is bad enough but dealing with the Devil himself. Definitely not the best thing ever.

Moxie: The first princess made the two heroes look like criminals, your highness.

Blitzo: Yeah, you can unclench your bird puss, Stolas.

Stolas: Fortunately for you, your efforts from the last wave have been noticed by Lucifer himself and he's impressed by your work.

Church: Is it good or bad to get praised from the Devil?

Tex: That depends if we end up in Hell he might ease up on our torturing for all of eternity.

(Y/N): I think we got him on his good side.

Stolas: Anyways I brought Octavia with me so that she can assist you all with your adventures. Plus she heard a lot of good deeds from your Watch Friend and she likes how brave and helpful he is, plus I'm starting to think she has a crush on him.

Octavia: (blushes) Dad!

(Y/N): She's welcome in the team, sir.

Stolas: Oh please call me Stolas, or dad if you marry my daughter.

Octavia: (blushes harder) Dad!

Blitzo: Look, we've been through a rough day, and we just happened to save a village from a heavy ass toll, so we need to get some sleep.

Stolas: Oh my, I'm terribly sorry about that Blitzy, I must be going. And Watch Hero, if you and the Shield Hero ever need any help just summon me.

(Y/N): We will.

Stolas: I wish you the best of luck.

He then made a portal and walked in it as it closed as we see you all going to sleep as the next day we see you getting up.

(Y/N): Morning everyone, time to-

You then froze as you looked to see next to Naofumi was a young blonde girl with wings on her back.

(Y/N): Uh...

We then see the others waking up as they all saw the girl.

Blitzo: Who the fuck is that?

Tucker: How did a kid get out here, without any clothes?

Simmons: Guys, I think that's Filo.

Grif: Don't be crazy, Filo is a giant bird not a little girl, Filolials don't turn human.

Simmons: Filolial Queens turn into humans.

Sarge: We need to test that theory somehow.

(Y/N): Hey is that the Spear Guy?

Filo: (wakes up) Huh what, spear guy is back, I'll teach him a lesson about calling me fat!

Everyone: It's Filo.

Blitzo: Ok, can somebody get that kid some clothes? I'm not gonna spend my day looking at a naked 12 year old.

Everyone then looked at Lopez.

Lopez: (in Spanish)(sarcastic) Oh get the robot to do it, that's mature you guys. (normal) Fine I'll do it.

We then see Lopez get out some clothes for Filo and put them on Filo.

Lopez: (in Spanish) There, are you happy now?

Filo: Thank you metal man.

Lopez: (in Spanish) My name is Lopez the Heavy.

Filo: I don't know what you said.

(Y/N): His name is Lopez the Heavy. He's a robot who only speaks Spanish no matter how many times he's been rebuilt.

Lopez: (In spanish) (Y/N) is the one person who understands my language, it's been hell talking to the Red Team because they're big idiots.

Donut: Aw thanks Lopez.

Lopez: (in spanish) See what I mean?

(Y/N): He said that talking to people that don't understand him is a rough time for him.

Filo: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Lopez.

Lopez: (In spanish) It's okay.

(Y/N): He said it's okay. Let's get you some clothes to wear.

Grif: Ok, this place just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Later, at the shop, we see you and the others talk to the shop owner.

(Y/N): Excuse me sir, you got anything for a person who can turn into an animal and turn back into a human clothing wise cause everytime Filo transforms she tears up the clothes and gets naked.

Erhard: Nah, those are special order items, I ain't got any of those. Try seeing a dress maker.

(Y/N): Got it. Thank you sir.

Later, we see you and the others at a Dress shop.

(Y/N): Excuse me ma'am, got something for a girl who can change into an animal and back without the clothes being torn to shreds?

Woman: Oh that's what you're looking for? Did you bring any magic thread?

(Y/N): Magic thread?

Woman: Of course, transforming clothes is our specialty, who is it for?

You then point to Filo and then she starts to adore Filo.

(Y/N): Um, quick question, do you know where we can get any magic thread?

Naofumi: I think I might know someone who can help us.

We then see you all go to a magic shop as you all go to the magic shop owner.

(Y/N): Pardon me ma'am, but can we weave magic thread here?

Magic Shop Owner: Yes, but I'm afraid now is not a good time, the magic gem in my spinning wheel broke.

Naofumi: Is it expensive?

Magic Shop Owner: it is, but the only problem is that it's very hard to find.

(Y/N): Is it possible to make one?

Magic Shop Owner: Perhaps, but I could try to talk to some people and see if I can procure a magic gem as soon as possible, it might take some time.

Caboose: Hey lady, what does this do? (Points at the crystal ball)

Magic Shop Owner: Why it measures one's magic affinities.

Tucker: Step aside, future Harry Potter coming through.

Tucker then touches the crystal ball and it says that Tucker doesn't have magic affinities.

Tucker: This never happened to me before.

Caboose: Can I try?

Jessica C: How about we let Filo try, after all you all know the saying, ladies first.

Caboose then touches the crystal ball first and it says that Caboose has all of the Magic Affinities.

Grif: Holy shit, Caboose has all of them!?

Church: Okay that's badass.

Tucker: Hey Grif, try it out.

Grif: Alright.

Grif touches the crystal ball and it says that Grif has a magic affinity for food.

Grif: That's the best magic affinity ever, of all time! I can summon sub sandwich clubs, or a pizza shield, or even be like that machine from the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatball.

Tucker: Dude try it out.

Grif then concentrates and then he summons 500 oreos in his hand.

Grif: I can summon food at will!

We then see Tsu knock back the Reds and Blues with her tongue and turn to Filo.

Tsu: Your turn to use the crystal, ribbit.

We then see Filo touch the crystal ball and it measures the magic affinities that Filo has.

(Y/N): Well what do ya know, Filo can use wind magic.

We later see you and the group in the cart as Filo was pulling it.

Grif: So now what?

(Y/N): Well it will be a while until we can get Filo some clothes, so let's try to make some money until then.

Tucker: (Sees Caboose near a bottle) Caboose don't touch that you'll break it!

Caboose: Oh no I won't I'm just- (Breaks the bottle) Oh, I broke it. Tucker did it.

Tucker: Dude, you can't say that when I'm right here.

Caboose: Tucker said it.

Tucker: Oh my god, shut up.

Church: Both of you shut up.

Piranha: Think we'll sell a lot of this stuff.

Tarantula: Maybe, but aren't you forgetting something?

Piranha: What?

Shark: The list.

Piranha: Oh, of course I didn't forget.

We then see Piranha as he lets out a fart.

Tarantula: Ya know you fart when you lie, right?

Piranha: No, I fart when I'm nervous.

Tarantula: Yeah, nervous about lying

Piranha: (Stomach gurgles) Oh, sorry.

We then see that a large gas cloud was filled in the inside of the cart.

Tarantula: Piranha!

Shark: Don't breathe it in!

We then see you and the group all stick out your heads to get fresh air.

Grif: I breathed it in! Pull over!

We then saw the cart stop as you all came out and started coughing.

Tucker: Dude! What did you eat?!

Grif: It's like something just crawled into the cart and died!

(Y/N): Let's just give it some time for the smell to clear up, I'm gonna go see if I can find anyone that needs help.

We see you as you were XLR8 as you were seen speeding across the roads as you were seen coming back to the group and changing back.

(Y/N): I found something.

Tarantula: What is it?

(Y/N): Well for starters, there's someone who needs help with getting medicine to his mother in a village.

Tucker: Sounds like the perfect opportunity for us to do the right thing and get paid.

Grif: But it'll take us hours to get there by cart.

(Y/N): But with just riding on Filo, it'll take us minutes.

Simmons: What's the point of having helmets if it doesn't keep the smell of farts?

(Y/N): Look, I have an idea, Naofumi and I will ride on Filo to get to that man's mother, the rest of you stay here and guard any of our supplies in case anyone tries to take them.

Wolf: Don't worry, Piranha will beat up the first guy who tries to take our stuff.

Piranha then sees Grif about to take an oreo as he then beats him up.

Wolf: See what I mean?

Grif: Ow! He's biting me everywhere! Get him off!

(Y/N): Piranha, save it for real thieves.

We then see Grif was in a body cast and Piranha was on top of the cart. We then see you and Naofumi get on Filo's back and she heads to the village, but what you don't know is that Tarantula was on your back. We then see you arrive at a house as you and Naofumi went inside to see an old woman in bed.

(Y/N): I'll boil some water, Naofumi you give the medicine to her and if the man asks tell him that what we're doing for him is free.

Naofumi: Got it.

We then see you go to boil some water as we see Naofumi as he looks at the old woman and the medicine he has and sees he has a skill for medicine enhancement as he gave her the medicine as we see you arrive with some water and then see that the old woman was sitting up.

(Y/N): Hey, the medicine is working, she's gonna be back on her feet in no time.

We later see Naofumi on Filo as we see you come out with a satchel.

(Y/N): The man gave us this, it has some food in it and he said it should be worth one silver.

We then see you get on Filo as you see that Tarantula was on your shoulder.

(Y/N): How long were you on my back?

Tarantula: I've been here ever since you both went to that woman's house. Thought I would tag along

(Y/N): Well just ask next time you want to join.

Tarantula: Noted.

We then see that in a few days we see you and the group were selling supplies to people and Naofumi was helping sick people get better as we later see you and the group in the cart as we see a man was with you.

Hickwaal: I really can't believe I'm riding with our saviors of the heavenly fowl.

(Y/N): Saviors of the heavenly fowl? Is that what they call us?

Hickwaal: Yes, you all have quite the reputation. In a carriage drawn of domesticated birds our saviors travel and treat the sick.

Filo: Did he just say I'm a god?

Grif: Filo, didn't Naofumi tell you not to talk when there are strangers with us?

Filo: Sorry.

Hickwaal: Well I'll be it talks, it really is a god.

(Y/N): No, she's not a god. She's just our normal Folio.

Asuka: Guys, we have company. A large gang is blocking our path.

You then looked to see a large group of bandits were blocking your path. Then one of the bandits started moving uncontrollably like there's something in his pants.

(Y/N): There's only one person I know who's full of-

We then see something in the pants popped out.

Piranha: Surprise!

10 seconds later, we see the bandits completely injured and all tied up.

Piranha: So what do we do with them?

Hickwaal: Normally we turn them in to the local guards, but I'll leave that to you.

Bandit: Hey you two are the shield hero and watch heroe are ya? Kinda obvious since you both don't have any weapons and only that shield and watch.

(Y/N): "We're just a group of unlucky adventurers who were attacked by the cruel shield hero and watch hero and they treated all of us like dirt." Is that what you're planning to tell the guards? Then they can all just die, hey Filo you feel like a snack?

Filo: Oh yes I do, I want food.

(Y/N): See what you all should know is that she's an omnivore, so she'll gulp down anything in one bite. And by the looks of you guys I say you all have killed plenty of people. But since I'm in a generous mood, I'll let you guys go, but on one condition.

We later see you and the others at the bandits camp as we see the bandits were all giving you all their items.

Tucker: So we're gonna let these guys live if they give us all of their stuff?

Asuka: But won't that make us just as evil.

Hickwaal: I'm afraid I don't agree, they're offering up everything they have to purchase safe passage from our saviors. They're simply treating their lives as merchandise. If I must say, sir heroes are the example of a true trader's spirit, something lacking in our youth today.

(Y/N): But say, is there anything that you might have that can make up for this.

Hickwaal: I can offer you both all the knowledge and connections I possess, it is at your command.

Simmons: Knowledge and connections.

Hickwaal: Yes, I've taken quite a licking to you two sir heroes.

We later see you and Naofumi as you both were with Hickwaal as he was seen teaching you both on how to craft gems and imbue them with mana as you both have taken a new business venture, crafting gemstones as we see you and Naofumi coming to the others.

Snake: So?

(Y/N): Hickwaal took us to a few friends of his and we got rumors about the other three heroes. Like Motoyasu helped a famined village by introducing a legendary crop, and I'll bet it was that royal pain in the butt's idea. Ren was fighting monsters in the south east and he took down a dragon. Apparently Itsuki has been doing some vigilante work. (feels Tarantula on your back) Tarantula.

Tarantula: You remember that magic shop owner was looking for a magic gemstone? I think I might have found a place that might have it.

We later see you all in the cart as you all were seen going through the canyons as you all were seen arriving at an old temple as you all were seen going through a tunnel heading down to a pedestal. Wolf then sees the writing next to the pedestal and starts reading.

Wolf: We fervently pray that the seed never makes it out of this tunnel.

Snake: Why, what's gonna happen if it gets out?

Wolf: It says that it is a twisted manifestation of their dreams to satisfy hunger.

(Y/N): But by the looks of it it seems like bandits have already left with it.

Simmons: Wait (Y/N), sir, remember what Motoyasu did to the village that is under famine?

(Y/N): He introduced a legendary crop, why?

Simmons: I think that crop was the seed and something tells me that that seed was sealed away for a very good reason.

Tucker: Does anyone have the feeling that Bitch Pants McCrazy summoned all 5 of the Cardinal heroes just to fuck up the world as much as possible just for the ofun of it?

Caboose: Hey guys look! There's a path this way.

We then see you all starting to go through the tunnel as you were hearing something.

???: That Watch hero is nothing, we all only pretended to be his friends just so we can get all the stuff for free.

(Y/n): Huh?

Simmons: (Y/N) don't listen to the voice.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Simmons: There's monsters in here trying to provoke us, they do it by saying the last thing you want to hear and the last voices you want saying them.

(Y/N): How do we stop it?

Sarge: We treat them like internet trolls, we defeat them by ignoring them. Men ignore them!

Tucker: Wait, Caboose, think you can use some kind of spell to help cancel out the monster's illusions?

Caboose: Okay!

Tucker: And try not to kill us.

Caboose: Ok, as a source of my power I- wait what's the rest of it? (Sees you whispering into his ear) Ok. As source of my power I order thee, decipher the laws of nature and restore our nice words!

Then the area was covered in a light as you all looked to see the monsters.

Tucker: I can't believe that worked and we're still alive.

Sarge: Now we can see who's doing this. Men open fire!

We then see the Reds and Blues open fire at the monsters as it killed them all as they were all killed. We see Naofumi collecting a piece and placing it in his shield as he sees he has obtained a shield called the voice gengar shield.

Naofumi: Yeah, I don't see how that'll come in handy.

We then see you all continue to walk through the tunnel as we see you all arrive into a cave as you saw there were crystals everywhere but then looked to see a monster was sleeping that looks like a chimera.

Simmons: It's a chimera.

Babs: You sure, I think it's a Nue.

Sarge: Men charge!

We then see the Red running towards the sleeping monster as it then hears them and wakes up as we see it sparking electricity as you saw it.

(Y/N): Wait, guys fall back!

We then see the Nue as it releases a powerful wave of electricity as we see the reds avoid it but Grif gets electrocuted.

Grif: OW!

We then see Jessica R slide under the beast and slice the snake tail off as we see Sarge was behind it as he cocks his shotgun but the monster quickly turns to where Sarge was.

Tucker: Wait, how'd it know where Sarge was?

Simmons: It can hear him, and it looks like it's very sensitive to sound.

(Y/N): That's it!

We then see you transform into a small humanoid being with white skin as the badge was on your forehead as we see Naofumi got the voice gengar shield.

Naofumi: (Y/N) scream into this as loud as you can.

(Y/N): Got it!

You then took a deep breath and then let out a super sonic scream as the shield then amplified the sound as we see the creatures ears started to bleed from the sound as we see Raphtalia and Tucker slide under the beast and then stab it in the underbelly as it killed it as you then changed back.

Kara: Dude, you could have given us a warning.

Jessica C: I can make ear plugs, you know.

(Y/N): Sorry.

Church: Well now we can get the gem and get some loot.

We see you all collect the gem as we later see you all at the magic shop as you were making magic thread as we then go to the dress shop as we later see Filo as she was now wearing a beautiful outfit.

(Y/N): That's adorable.

Blitzo: This was an amazing day, we all sold goods.

Grif: And we almost got robbed.

Blitzo: We went to a dungeon.

Grif: And we almost got killed.

Blitzo: We even got the thread for Filo's outfit.

Grif: And it nearly cost us our lives!

Tucker: Dude, try focusing on the good things that happened.

(Y/N): Well we'll all start going off tomorrow.

Blitzo: And we will have a chance to kill some monsters.

We then see you all starting to walk out and off to the inn.


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