Duel between heroes

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We see the castle as we go inside to see a party being held there as music is played as everyone is seen enjoying their time there..

Aultcray: Thanks to our heroes, the battle was splendidly won. And tonight we celebrate, enjoy yourselves to the fullest!

We see you and the others as you were seen looking at a window.

(Y/N): Well it's glad to know that we helped fight off the wave.

Tucker: Yeah, but there is one thing I am shocked to see.

Church: What's that?

Tucker: Raphtalia is all grown up and now she's killing zombies by the dozens.

You looked and saw Raphatlia as she was a young adult.

(Y/N): Yeah, and I'm glad we're started to get a little respect since we saved that village.

Asuka: Yeah, we all make a wonderful team.

You then smiled at them as we thensee Motoyasu as he was seen removing his glove and was seen walking to you and your group.

Motoyasu: Naofumi, (Y/N).

You all looked and saw Motoyasu as he threw his glove to the floor where you were at.

Motoyasu: It's time to fight.

(Y/N): Huh?

Motoyasu: I heard that you and Naofumi had made poor Raphtalia and the rest of your party slaves with magic to take control of their lives and make them fight your battles

Naofumi: And why do you care?

Motoyasu: Watch your tone.

(Y/N): Yeah, they're our loyal slaves and they been big help to the both of us.

Naofumi: What's it to you?

Motoyasu: You both listen up, you two can't just be saying it's ok to enslave others.

Naofumi: Are you even listening to yourself? Slavery is legal in this crazy place and like (Y/N) said they been a great help to us.

Motoyasu: But we're heroes in this world, we can't behave here and you both know it.

(Y/N): We would agree with your opinion but we disagree.

Motoyasu then got angry and pointed his spear at you both.

Motoyasu: Let's do this, and if I win you both gonna set Raphtalia and the others free.

(Y/N): Alright, but what's the plan if we win?

Motoyasu: That won't happen, but if it does things will stay the same.

Naofumi: Don't be such an idiot.

(Y/n): We're not gonna waste our time on this.

You and Naofumi started to walk to the stairs but were blocked by guards.

Aultcray: It has come to my attention.

You both then turned and saw Aultcray.

Aultcray: You both, heroes have been using a demi human and heroes as slaves to fight for you both. You two have violated our customs and that is reprehensible. I order you both, accept the challenge.

(Y/N): We don't accept.

Raphtalia: Hey, they don't need to fight. We're with masters naofumi and (Y/N).

Caboose: We saw the fliers!

Ashido: Yeah we're with him to the end.

We then see the others start to get grabbed by guards and muffled.

(Y/N): You leave them alone!

Aultcray: You poor creatures, you all have been placed under a curse that forces you all to fight for those two. Don't worry, as soon as Motoyasu wins you all shall be released from that curse.

Naofumi: Don't hurt them!

You both tried to get to the others but knights blocked you both.

Aultcray: Heed my orders or I shall take them from you both by force.

Motoyasu: There is no way you two are getting out of this you cowards.

Naofumi: You're a scumbag!

(Y/N): We will win, and our friends will return to us.

Malty: And how are you both going to win without them, Watch hero?

You then glared at her as we later see everyone at an arena as you and Naofumi were seen in a room with weapons as you touched a sword only for you to be shocked by it as the doors open as you and Naofumi begin to walk out.

Announcer: This duel will take place in the presence of king Melromarc and the pope and it is just legitimate and official.

We then see you and Naofumi at the arena as you both looked to see Motoyasu was there as we see he was accompanied by a certain hero in soldier armor.

(Y/N): Is that, Soldier Boy? What's he doing here?

Naofumi: Obviously helping Motoyasu in the duel.

(Y/N): Right.

Malty: Sir Motoyasu, best of luck.

You then looked at Motoyasu as you then used your watch and transformed into a being made of blue electricity and had stone armor with the badge on your chest.

Motoyasu: Remember the folktale about the irresistible spear and the immovable shield? Naofumi and (Y/N), be men and admit defeat.

You then see Naofumi as he picks his shield.

Announcer: Ready... Begin!

We then see Motoyasu and Soldier Boy both come at you and Naofumi both start to block their hits.

Motoyasu: Not bad, guess the shield hero and Watch hero have a few moves.

Naofumi: Got that right.

(Y/N): And about the folktale about a fight between a spear and a shield, did you know that the spear actually lost when it couldn't pierced the shield?

You then pushed them back as we see Motoyasu aimed his spar at you both.

Motoyasu: Chaos Spear!

He then came at you and Naofumi as he started to send many hits at you and Naofumi as Naofumi was blocking the hits as his leg and shoulder were cut as he slid back you then looked to see Naofumi getting up and charge at Motoyasu as he tried to hit him as NAofumi dodge it and punched him in the gut with his shield.

Maly: (Chuckles) He's trying to strike using the shield? That'll never-

She then looked as we then saw Motoyasu as we saw there was an orange balloon as it was looking at him while biting him on the side. You then fought off Soldier boy as you then came and then struck him at the leg.

Soldier Boy: Is that all you-

Then he felt something biting very hard on his leg as he looked to see it was a balloon but it seemed to be made of blue electricity.

Malty: Balloons used as battle weapons?

Naofumi then moved his cape to reveal that there were some balloons biting him as he was not hurt by them.

Motoyasu: Tell me, what the hell are you two up to?

Naofumi: If it's true that we can't win then we're gonna hurt you as much as we possibly can.

He then threw a balloon at them.

Motoyasu: Like hell!

He then popped it and then came towards Naofumi with his spear.

Motoyasu: Come on Shield Hero and Watch Hero, you're both gonna fight fair!

Naofumi then blocked the spear as it was a shield with two hound heads as the heads then bit Motoyasu's arm as we see you sending a ball of electricity at Soldier Boy as you then made a stream of electricity as it hit Soldier Boy.

Naofumi: Air Strike Shield!

We then see Naofumi's air strike shield appear as it then flies towards Motoyasu hitting him in the gut sending him to Soldier Boy as you created some balloons and sent them at the two.

Naofumi: Shield Prison!

We then see the shield prison form trapping Motoyasu and Soldier Boy inside as they look around and then see the eyes of the balloons as they growled at the two as we see the ball moving around as we hear Motoyasu inside it.

Motoyasu: Hey! Stop that! Get off! That hurts! Let us out of here you cowards!

Woman: This can't be...

Man: At this point the shield hero and watch hero might win.

Itsuki: (Y/N) Naofumi and their weapons have the upperhand.

You then suplex Soldier Boy and took him down as he was on his knees as we see the shield prison disappear.

(Y/N): Time for you two to face defeat, or do you want more embarrassment?

Motoyasu: And why would we surrender now?

Naofumi: Well then, guess we'll just have to take aim at your handsome face and that precious manhood of yours. Might as well since we're cowardly cheaters.

Motoyasu: No!

We then see a gust of wind come as it hit you and Naofumi in the back as it sent you two sliding to the ground as you look to see Malty as she had her hand out and was glowing a bit.

(Y/N): She can use magic?

Naofumi then got up and shouted in rage as we saw Motoyasu popping the last balloons as he came at Naofumi as you blocked the hit for Naofumi as you changed back to see Motoyasu's spear glowing.

Motoyasu: Lightning Spear!

He then fired a blast at both of you as you and Naofumi were hit by it and were sent to the ground as you looked to see Motoyasu.

Motoyasu: The battle has been won.

We then see everyone cheer as you got up.

(Y/N): Hey, what happened to this being a fair fight? It's obvious you didn't win.

Motoyasu: What?

Naofumi: That magician butted in and gave you help.

Motoyasu: HA, little men are sore losers.

(Y/N): It's true, everyone watching could see it.

Naofumi: He's right, you all saw myne use her magic.

We then see the audience did not respond.

(Y/N): They had to see it.

Aultycray: I shall listen to no more arguments about the battle. Brave spear hero you have won the duel.

You then looked in angger as Malty came to you and Naofumi.

Malty: Too bad heroes, you must be so upset for your loss. It's a shame that you both will have to go to fighting all by yourselves.

Aultcray: Your fighting was incredible sir Motoyasu.

Motoyasu: Sir.

Aultcray: I can see why my daughter Malty had so much faith in you.

Malty: You see Papa.

(Y/N): Malty. Wait....

Naofumi: Those things they did to us...Everything makes sense now we can see it, So this entire thing...was planned, Princess framed us and get in the graces of her favorite hero, And her father twisted the facts to please his dear daughter, even this duel was a set up all along!

You then fell to your knees as black mist surrounded both you and Naofumi as we see Raphtalia along with your party was brought by the guards.

Malty: It's about time we set these poor souls free.

You and Naofumi looked and saw Raphtalia but she was a child and was in rags as we see the others there too.

Malty: We may begin.

A guy in black robes with a dark hood on who was a sorcerer walked over to them as he poured holy water on Raphtalia's chest to remove the slave seal as he did the same with the others as yu saw in your vision a message saying contracts terminated.

Malty: There, you're all free now, be thankful for Sol;dier Boy and Sir Motoyasu's kindness.

We then see Raphtalia turn around but turn to you and Naofumi as well as the others.

Raphtalia: This is goodbye...

Sarge: So long... soldier...

Blitzo: bye... kid.

Yang: Later...

We then see them starting to walk away to the exit as you and Naofumi get angry as he tries to get rid of his shield.

Naofumi: That's it, we're done!

You and Naofumi turned around and ran away but as you both was running Naofumi's right arm glowed green and he looked at it to see the shield came back as he then glared at it.

Naofumi: It just won't go away, I'll nevermind get rid of it...

(Y/N): A messed up world like this one.......

(Y/N) and Naofumi: IT'S NOT WORTH SAVING!!!!!!!

Your vision then started to glitch as we then see it turn red as a message was seen as it read "Curse Series" as your watch and Naofumi's shield began to show flames as we then go to the reality as we see both Soldier Boy and Motoyasu as they were both slapped very hard in the face by Raphtalia and Asuka.

Raphtalia: You're liars and cheats!

Malty: Don't Sir Motoyasu and Soldier Boy set you all free!

Raphtalia: We never asked anyone to free any of us! We were all with Naofumi and (Y/N) by choice!

Motoyasu: But wait a second, I thought that they were abusing you all and they were treating you badly just like slaves.

Sarge: The only person who gets to be abused is Grif! The one person who abuses Grif is me!

Raphtalia: Then you know nothing about masters Naofumi and (Y/N), they never abused any of us and they never made us do anything we don't like.. Naofumi activated the curse when I was too scared to fight, he did it to protect us.

Lopez: (in Spanish) (Y/N) is the only person I can talk to because he speaks my language and we have emotional connections that you don't understand.

We then see Motoyasu slam his spear handle to the ground.

Motoyasu: And that's the problem, nobody should ever be forced into a fight

Raphtalia: Masters Naofumi and (Y/N) can't use any weapons, the shield defends and (Y/N) can only use one form at a time.

Asuka: Yeah, so someone had to fight for them.

Soldier boy: They're right, if you can't hold or use a weapon you can have someone do it for you.

Yang: Yeah, we had to help him out from time to time.

Motoyasu: But you all don't have to be that person, don't you all know they'll put you in danger every time?

Raphtalia: Masters Naofumi and (Y/N) defends all of us. We work as a team. They always let me rest when I'm tired and the same goes for the others.

Motoyasu: No way, they're just those kinds of guys.

Raphtalia: Then you should think about this he was ready and willing to help the sick diseased plague victims who were on the verge of death, Master Naofumi fed us everyday gave us nourishing food any we wanted, Not only that he gave me valuable medicine and treatments that cured my illness, Are you capable of such kindness?!

Motoyasu: O-Of course I am.

Raphtalia: If that were true you'd have someone loyal by your side too, instead of that two faced Princess!

Motoyasu: Excuse me-

Malty: How dare you say such things! Take that back you damn demi-human!

Malty then pulled her hand back ready to slap Raphtalia but then heard someone.

Man: Look over there!

We then looked to see Itsuki, Ren and a certain hero come to the arena.

Itsuki: Myne, sorry but I have to ask about your magical and illegal and magical interference in the duel.

Malty: What are you talking about?

Motoyasu: illegal interference?

Ren: Hey Motoyasu hate to say it but you and Soldier Boy both lost that duel.

Motoyasu: No...

Omni Man: He's right, obviously someone shot a powerful magic spell at Naofumi and (Y/N), it was kind of hard to tell but it was clearly a type of wind magic.

Motoyasu: Myne?

Malty: I think you imagined it, the audience didn't see a thing.

Soldier Boy: I saw it, and so has everyone else.

Grif: Wait what?! Why didn't anyone say anything?!

Itsuki: The king has told everyone to keep quiet.

Omni Man: That's right, the nobles agree there was foul play.

Ren: Wow, I can't believe royalty would interfere with a sacred duel.

We then see Autcray as he looked angered at what Ren had said as he looked away to the other side as we see a priest whispering to the pope as we see Raphtalia and the others coming to you and Naofumi.

Raphtalia: Master Naofumi, (Y/N).

Naofumi: Why'd you come back?

(Y/N): You're all free now.

Raphtalia: But we-

Naofumi: We don't need traitors, get lost.

Raphtalia: I've heard what they're saying, they said you both did terrible things such as Naofumi forcing himself on a member of his party and (Y/N) stealing underwear from his female members of his party and you both lied about it. And I believe that you both would never do such things.

(Y/N): We didn't do it!

Asuka: (Y/N).

Yang: You need to listen to us.

Naofumi: Don't touch us!

(Y/N): Stay away! Thanks to your saviors the Spear Hero Motoyasu and Soldier Boy you're all free now. Go! We never want to see any of you again or are you all hanging around to get one last look at the losers' faces?

Jessica C: No, we would never do that.

(Y/N): Just go...

Raphtalia: We believe you Master Naofumi and (Y/N), what can we do to make you believe us?

Naofumi: Believe you? After you betrayed us?

Raphtalia: We will always be on your side.

Asuka: That's right, we always have and always will be.

(Y/N): You're just saying that to trick us again.

Naofumi: What else are you all going to accuse us of? From the moment we were both brought here everyone despised us.

(Y/N): No matter what we do nobody believes us, this shield and watch are a curse! I hate it!

Diana: But the shield has saved Raphtalia's life and the Watch has brought us all together.

Raphtalia: Don't you both remember? Even though you knew Naofumi couldn't fight you both still used your watch, shield and strength to defend us all.

Naofumi: To be honest, I didn't do any of that for the villagers.

Raphtalia: But you both must see it doesn't matter and you both still saved all of those lives.

Naofumi: Hey I'm not that nice of a guy can't you all see you all were nothing but tools to use for our own advantage.

Jessica C: We know and it doesn't matter, Naofumi, you saved Raphtalia and (Y/N) you were kind enough to allow all of us to be in your party.

Diana: Indeed, we would not have banded together if it weren't for you.

Church: You can't let other people tell you two what you both are, we still see you both as heroes.

Sarge: And even if you both get knocked down you just need to get back up again, walk it off, and keep moving into the battlefield.

Asahido: And no matter what we'll always stay by your side.

Snake: And we'll show everyone how wrong they are of you two.

You were then hugged by your entire group as well as Naofumi as you saw the black mist had cleared and Naofumi saw Raphtalia.

Naofumi: Who...are you?

Raphtalia: Don't you recognize me? It's still me, Raphtalia.

Naofumi: But how...You don't look like the same kid anymore.

Raphtalia: Yes and it's time for you to stop treating me like one too, I mean I might get a little emotional sometimes and act like a little kid. The rest of us may be a burden but...but please. Please allow us all to stand by your side.

(Y/N): (hugs Raphtalia) Thank you!

We then see Aultcray and Malty as they both looked upset seeing that they're entire plan was all for nothing as they started to walk off as Motoyasu was watching them.

Motoyasu: I don't believe this, I mean we all know it's wrong for heroes to have slaves, or maybe they're all just doing it because they're being forced to do it.

Sarge then shot Motoyasu in the butt with his shotgun as he was on the ground.

Sarge: That one was for (Y/N) and Naofumi, dirtbag.

Tucker: Dude you shot him in the butt.

Motoyasu: Ow......

Katsuragi: Yeah and again if he wanted our undies he could've just asked.

Asuka: Katsuragi!

Katsuragi: What? He might need our undies for laundry day.

Asuka: I guess that makes sense.

Soldier Boy: And Motoyasu, your theory is wrong.

Itsuki: He's right, look at them it's not like a master and a slave relationship, it's completley different.

Motoyasu: But it wasn't her choice to be a slave.

Soldier Boy: And it wasn't my choice to be a hero from Vought. I wasn't always the true patriot that I was back in my world, I never came from a dirt poor family. My folks were loaded and they weren't the best people to be around so they sent me to boarding school and I flunked that place and I was on my own after that until Vought came in and they gave me the V shot and now I'm the one guy who became everyone's favorite american soldier.

Church: He's right, just because something wasn't Raphtalia's choice doesn't mean that she was forced into it against her will.

Blitzo: Now maybe you'll think twice before ya come to fight someone.

(Y/N): Let's go, everyone.

We then see you and the others get up and start to walk out of the arena as we see Soldier Boy follow you and the others.

Soldier Boy: Hey kid.

(Y/N): (turns to Soldier Boy) Yes Soldier Boy?

Soldier Boy: Kid, I've gotta be honest with ya. With a battalion like that I'm jealous and it makes me regret the things I did to my team. I wasn't the best leader for my team called Payback.

(Y/N): Hey, everyone makes mistakes, the least you can do is make up for them.

Soldier Boy: You don't get it kid, I was the worst leader. Everytime one of my teammates got opportunities to get their careers up I just told people how bad they are. Not to mention I beat the tar out of them for any time they step out of line.

(Y/N): Whoa.

Soldier Boy: When Black Noir was told that there's gonna be a baby who is stronger than me. He and the rest of the team didn't hesitate to take me down and let the Russains take me down. Then the Russains experimented on me and now I have the power to burn the V out of anyone.

(Y/N): I get it, there were many horrible things you did, and you can't take any of them back, but you can start a new beginning and have a willing team who will help you out.

Soldier Boy: Thanks, the first thing I would've done when I saw my old team again was knock their blocks off. But what you did taught this old soldier the value of having good friends.

(Y/N): Well it's the important part for when in a team when you make mistakes an apology is best to repair the damage that is done. And I think you're overdo with that apology.

Soldier Boy: Perhaps, and I know the path to my redemption is long but I will do my best to make things right. Even if it kills me.

(Y/N): I wish you the best of luck.

You then held your hand out as Soldier Boy smiled at you and shook your hand.

Soldier Boy: Hope they will forgive me.

(Y/N): I'll get them together so that you'll apologize to them one day.

Soldier Boy: Thanks. (gives you a picture of the whole team of Payback) This is them by the way. By the way, Crimson Countess has the best pipes I've ever heard, trust me.

(Y/N): Well if I ever run into them I'll let them know that.

Soldier Boy: (sees a familiar figure) Black Noir?

You then see a man in black armor come down from a high place and land in front of you and Soldier Boy.

Soldier Boy: Noir, it's been so long. You must've hated me.

Black Noir then takes out a notepad and then he writes down a message and then shows it to Soldier Boy.

Soldier Boy: (reads the note) I overheard your conversation with (Y/N) and I now see that you want to apologize to everyone in Payback. (stops reading) I don't need to read the rest of it to know why you can't talk anymore Noir. (gestures a handshake) Friends?

Black Noir then nods and shakes Soldier Boy's hand.

Soldier Boy: Thanks for giving me a second chance Noir. All it took was PTSD to get me to change my ways.

(Y/N): Well, will it be alright for me and my party to call for your help in the waves?

Soldier Boy: If you ever need me, just call.

(Y/N): We will.

We then see you and your team leaving the arena as you begin to smile at the others.

Yang: Wow nice smile, I like to see that more often.

Katsuragi: Yeah, it's adorable.

(Y/N): Oh uh, thanks girls.

Katsuragi: Well I wasn't lying about my undies, you can have a pair if you asked first.

(Y/N): (blushes) I uh...I will ask you about that later.

Yang and Katsuragi then hug your arms between their breasts.

Yang: Hey, how about you treat us girls to some dinner.

(Y/N): Oh sure.

Ruby and Asuka: Yang/Katsuragi!

Yang: What? He's paying for dinner for all of us.

Weiss: Ugh let me pay for it, his wallet can't handle all of us.

Yang: Why?

Weiss: Cause you go too far with your food and you probably gotten a few pounds heavier.

Yang: Hey!

Weiss: I can tell.

(Y/N): Why don't we all just go and get some dinner.

Ruby: Yeah and Weiss is right Yang, you need to watch your weight.

Weiss: Ruby you need to watch what you eat too, all of those cookies will go down to your hips.

Ruby: Hey!

(Y/N): Look, let's just put this conversation aside and go.

We see you and the others at the restaurant as you were seen with the girls.

Yang: You know (Y/N), if that princess hadn't interfered in the duel, you and Naofumi totally would have won.

Weiss: Plus, it's good to see Soldier Boy again, he maybe bad but at least he's no Homelander

Blake: True, but there was one flaw that the king and Malty both had in their plan.

Ruby: What's that?

Blake: They both tried to make (Y/N) and Naofumi weak but they only made the two stronger.

Katsuragi: Yeah, sounds like their plan was all for nothing.

Weiss: Right, and it's low to find that royalty would interfere with a sacred duel.

Iida: I've done some research and I found out that the Queen is on a much higher hierarchy than the king and the reason why he's in power is because the Queen is off doing her duties elsewhere.

Yang: Whoa. Sounds like the Queen is the top dog around here.

(Y/N): True and even if Naofumi and I have to be on the bottom of this whole thing we will work our way up to the top.

Katsuragi: The kingdom is runned by a milf, awesome!

(Y/N): But for now, we're gonna have to try our best to keep the place safe.

Weiss: Right and we will always be with you (Y/N), even with or without our slave crests.

You then smiled knowing that your friends and team will always stay with you no matter what.


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