Training and wave of catastrophe

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We see you and the others as you all were seen in the forest as you were seen popping more Orange Balloons as you were seen gathering the remains.

(Y/N): Let's see, I've taken down about 600 balloons so it's a decent start.

Blitzo: But when do we start moving on to dungeons?

(Y/N): Soon, until we are no longer banned from taverns.

Tucker: I still can't believe we were framed as criminals.

Jessica C: Technically (Y/N) and Naofumi were framed.

Jessica R: Don't worry we'll find a way to clear they're names.

Simmons: I feel kinda bad that Naofumi has to fight alone.

(Y/N): He's the shield hero, sure he can't attack but he's very sturdy so he'll be able to handle himself.

We see Caboose as he is seen going through bushes as he then spots something in the distance.

Caboose: Hey guys, I found something.

Tucker: If it's another rock then I'm not listening to a word you're saying

Caboose: No, it's our friend.

Church: Caboose, nowadays we have enemies and only enemies.

Caboose: But I'm serious, it's the shield guy and he has a girl with him, man she's so tiny.

We then see you and the others coming to see what Caboose was talking about as you all saw Naofumi as he was with a young girl who has ears and a tail of a raccoon.

Sarge: Well I'll be, a tiny pipsqueak for a party member.

Caboose: Hey, do you have a feeling that you're being watched? (looks into the trees at the figures) Sir I'm talking to you.

Caboose tCaboosehen sees the figures as you and the others look up.

Tucker: What the heck!?

Lopez: (in spanish) Alarm, alarm, please don't kill me!

Bakugou: Let's get these punks!

We then see Bakugou come at them as he was then hit by a tranquilizer dart and he was knocked out.

Sarge: Men open fire!

We then see the Reds and Blues start firing into the trees as we see the figures all dodging the bullets coming as we then see Jessica C as she created a construct net and caught the figures in it.

(Y/N): Nice work.

Then a construct of scissors were created as they then cut the net freeing the figures.

Church: The hell?

Kara: Wait a minute.

They then looked to see the figures come out as they were seen as five boys in hero outfits as Jessica C sees a boy in a green lantern outfit.

Jessica C: Green Lantern?

Hal: Green Lantern?

Grif: And why do you both have the same name?

Hal: Uh it's like, super complicated.

Caboose: Are there more of you?

Sarge: But why are you vandals trying to kill all of us?

Hal: We're not vandals, we're heroes.

We then see Yang walk up to Hal and kick him in the nuts as he fall down to the ground as we see Tex do the same and stomp on his nuts.

Hal: Ow!

Tex: Asshole!

Ashido: What was that about?

Yang: Someone else who had a ring like his but pink got dumped over text by this jerk on Valentine's Day.

(Y/N): Seriously?

Tex: Yeah, so we're both doing that girl a favor

Kara: These guys are the superhero boys.

Hal: (Gets up) No, the Invincibros!

Invincibros: Yo bros!

Hal: And we just caught you.

Jessica C: You don't understand, (Y/N) and Naofumi were both framed.

Tucker: And as long as we're with them we're criminals too.

Hal: But wait a second, I thought he was brainwashing you and he was making you all do what he says against your will.

Jessica C: Then you probably don't know him better. (Y/N) never brainwashed any of us, and he never made us do what we couldn't do.

Tucker: Yeah he set up fliers all over the Capital for interviewing his soon to be party members.

Asuka: Exactly, he did it so he could understand and know each of us.

Tucker: (pulls out a flier) Check out the badass flier

Hal: Huh that is cool.

(Y/N): So do I need to know you guys?

Kara: Don't worry, Green Lantern is Hal Jordan the jock in the football team, Flash is Barry Alan the guy who works at a sweet shop, Green Arrow is Oliver Queen the overdramatic guy, Hawkman is Carter Hall emo guy who spends all his time in shop.

Carter: (Grumbles)

Kara: Lastly Aqualad is the water boy for the football team Garth.

(Y/N): How can you tell?

Kara: His mom writes his name on the inside of his clothes.

Garth: (Checks his clothes) Aw come on Mom!

(Y/N): Maybe you guys can help us out, and our friend too.

Caboose: And speaking of let's go see him!

We then see Caboose running off to see Naofumi as you and the others went after him.

Caboose: Naofumi! It is so good to see you again! (sees Raphtalia) And you have a tiny friend!

(Y/N): Naofumi, mind telling us about your new friend?

One explanation later

Naofumi: That's pretty much it.

(Y/N): Wow.

Blitzo: That's literally buying a puppy.

Tucker: If the puppy was a ten foot tall monster that can bite your face off.

Jessica C then came to Raphtalia as she changed to her normal look

Jessica C: Don't worry, we're all the same like you.

She then lowered her shirt to reveal her slave crest

Hal: Whoa, where'd you get that tattoo Jess?

(Y/N): I gave it to her, in fact I gave one to everyone.

Grif: So that he can keep track of us.

Hal: So if anyone wants to join you they get that?

(Y/N): Basically yeah.

Hal: Where do we sign up?

Tucker: Wait, you want to join in?

Hal: If it means getting an awesome tattoo like that, I'm in.

Tucker: No way, after the break up you pulled off you are not gonna be in the group but the rest of the team are in

Hal: Oh come on, is there anything I can do to at least get in?

(Y/N): Apologize to the girl you broke up with.

Yang: Her name is Carol Ferris.

(Y/N): Ok. As I was saying, if you apologize to Carol Ferris, then I will let you in the group. Deal?

Hal: I don't have her number cause I removed her from my contacts.

Yang: Gotcha covered. (texts Carol and sends a picture of Hal to her) Now we wait.

You and the others then see a bright pink object covered in fire flying down so fast that it was catching pink fire and upon landing the entire team of Villain Girls arrived including Carol herself.

(Y/N): I know you want an explanation but to make it simple (Pulls Hal) He is here to apologize to Carol.

Yang: (Cracks her knuckles) And make sure it's a real apology.

(Y/N): So Hal, what do you say to Carol?

Hal: Alright, Carol I'm sorry about breaking up with you over text and I'm an idiot.

Tex: And?

Hal: And I'm a real jerk

Jessica C: And?

Hal: And a meathead.

(Y/N): And?

Hal: A complete coward.

(Y/N): That's more like it, so Carol what do you think?

Carol: Well seeing that he had admitted the things he is, I forgive him.

Hal: So we're cool?

Carol: Yes. (Grabs Hal and brings him close to her face) But if you ever pull something like that to someone I will personally throw you into a black hole! GOT IT!?

Hal: (Gulps in fear) Got it...

Carol: (Smiles and lets go of Hal) Good.

Hal: So (Y/N) does this mean I'm in?

(Y/N): A deal's a deal Hal. And I don't mind these girls as reinforcements.

You then aim your watch at them as it fires a beam at them giving the invincibros and Supervillian Girls their own crests.

Selina: What is this?

Jessica C: A slave crest, now your one of us.

Carol: (looks at hers) Ooo, I like it. (to you) Why hello handsome.

(Y/N): (gulps and blushes) I...

You then fall backward and pass out.

Selina: Is he alright?

Blitzo: (looks at you) Oh yeah, he's fine. This kind of stuff happens to virgins.

Jessica C: How do you even know that?

Blitzo: Hey when you hang out with a succubus for a long time you pick up a thing or two.

(Y/N): (wakes up) What happened?

Jessica C: You fainted.

(Y/N): Oh, what were we doing before that?

Caboose: Getting to know Naofumi's tiny friend.

Selina: Tiny friend?

(Y/N): Right. (Walks to Naofumi) Girls, meet Naofumi, the shield hero. (Walks to Raphtalia) And this is Raphtalia, Naofumi's new companion and slave.

Doris: Why slave?

You then point to the wanted poster of you and naofumi.

(Y/N): Right now we are both framed as criminals and we are both being treated as outcasts. Anyway Naofumi, what were you doing before we found you?

Naofumi: We were just on our way to a village called Riyute to the mine.

(Y/N): Oh, we could use some stuff there, mind if we tag along?

Naofumi: Not at all.

We later see them arriving to Riyute where you all set up for the night

Jessica C: You know that Raphtalia girl is quite nice.

(Y/N): Yeah, and remember we all got to get some sleep for tomorrow since we're gonna be heading to the mine.

Blitzo: Yeah, we'll be able to get some loot and if we're lucky kill some monsters.

Donut: I made everyone snuggies so that everyone can have warm huggies while having snuggies.

(Y/N): Ok thanks Donut. (looks at the snuggies) You don't have to stitch our names into the hearts

Donut: Is it too much?

(Y/N): No, it's thoughtful.

Hal: So what's gonna be in the mine once we get there?

Carol: Well whatever it would be. (leans on you) I'm sure our fearless leader will handle the situation.

(Y/N): Right, and our main priority for tomorrow is to stay together.

Church: Right, we don't know what we'll run into in the mine so we all need to stick together.

On the next day we see you and the group at the mine cave as Naofumi was seen in a building as he was seen absorbing rope into his shield as we see the shield become a shield made of rope.

Naofumi: That's pretty boring, a rope shield.

(Y/N): I don't know, anything can be useful.

Naofumi: Maybe. Alright. (Holds his arm out) Air Strike Shield!

We then see a green shield made from energy appear.

Caboose: Magic shield!

(Y/N): That can come in handy. Let's go.

We later see you and the others inside the mine walking through the tunnel as we later see you all in a part of the cave as there were many crystals and you grab some and put them in the watch and you see you unlock a skill tree as you see the skill you unlocked.

(Y/N): Omni Enhanced. That can come in pretty handy. What do you guys think?

You then noticed Raphtalia was looking afraid and looking in a direction as you then looked to see from the shadows came out a two headed hound as Raphtalia screamed as it charged to her as we then see a green flash as you were seen as Diamondhead but then the badge started to show blue electricity coming out of it as we then see stone started to come to you as it became armor with blue electricity on it.

(Y/N): Whoa, this is different but I like it.

You then came at the hound shielding Raphtalia from it as we see one of the hound's heads was trying to bite your arm.

(Y/N): You like that doggy? Then get a good taste.

You then punched the head making the hound let go as you then looked at the others.

(Y/N): You guys saw that, it's gonna attack if we attack at its neck!

Tucker: (To Raphtalia) Hey kid, make yourself useful and help us.

Tucker then sees Raphtalia charge at the hound and stab it at the neck as Tucker was shocked to see her do it.

Tucker: I do not want to mess with her when she hits puberty.

(Y/N): Fight now, everyone!

Sarge: You heard the man, battle stations. Donut attack plan 56!

Donut: I'm on it sir!

Donut then throw Grif at the hound as the two heads starts biting Grif

Grif: AAAAHHH! WHY!?!?!

Sarge: Now while it's distracted, we Swiss cheese the dog.

Jessica C: What about Grif?

Sarge: Open fire men!

The reds then open fire at the hound killing it in seconds as it falls down to the ground letting go of Grif.

Grif: I think I got some buckshot lodged into my butt.

Sarge: Mission accomplished men.

Grif: I'm alive.

Sarge: Oh you're still alive, that's great.

We then see you walk to Raphtalia as you change back.

(Y/N): How are you feeling kid?

Bakugou: She had guts to take that dog down.

Raphtalia: But to be honest I was a little scared.

(Y/N): Well that's what bravery is about, doing things for people even if you're scared. Being brave is not about having no fear, it's facing the things while still being afraid and you do it anyway.

Sarge: Let's hear it for Raphtalia, the bravest tiny girl of them all!

Caboose: She did it!

Jessica R: Not bad.

Blitzo: This calls for a victory feast! And Mills do not eat food that will make you a fat ass.

Millie: Hey!

Blitzo: What!? I'm worried about your health jeez!

(Y/N): Let's just go, the food is on me.

We then saw everyone started to walk out of the cave as we later saw you all at a pub as we saw the table had many kinds of food on it.

(Y/N): A toast to our greatest victory of the day.

Sarge: And Raphtalia for your bravery in helping us defeat the hound, I hereby make you an honorary Red, a rank higher than Grif.

Grif: Hey!

Sarge: I'd be honored to go to war with you any day little soldier. (Salutes to Raphtalia)

Raphtalia: (salutes to Sarge)

Blitzo: Man, did you see the look on that hound's faces when it got killed!

(Y/N): Let's not go patting ourselves on the back, there are other monsters out there and they are a lot stronger than that hound.

Tucker: So what are we gonna do when the wave hits?

(Y/N): For now we all just need to keep leveling up and get stronger until we can handle what's gonna come out of them.

Asuka: That's right so we just need to keep building up our strength.

Katsuragi: (gropes Jessica R) Or if we're lucky keep building up to larger cup sizes!

Jessica R: Hey!

You then looked at the others and shook your head while smiling as a week passed. We saw you out in a field as you were seen taking down more higher level monsters as you were seen taking down a boar beast as you looked at your watch to see your skill tree.

(Y/N): It's been about a week since that battle in the mine, I've unlocked so many skills I've lost count. The wave is almost here, I think it's about time we upgraded our equipment.

We later see you and your group going to Erhard's weapon shop as you then look to see if Naofumi was there.

(Y/N): Oh. Hey Naofumi and-

You then looked and was in shock as well as your group as you see Raphtalia but she was about the age of a teenager.

Tucker: What the fuck!?

Sarge: Holy moly puberty came early. Simmons, get me a status report on the sudden burst of hormones.

Simmons: Yes sir!

Sarge: Donut supply the emergency stash of tampons, pads, and chocolate in case she goes through a period!

Donut: I'm on the case sir.

Sarge: Grif I see even a small nibble of chocolate eaten you are gonna be kneecapped.

Blitzo: What happened to her? She was just a little kid when we saw her.

Simmons: Actually sir, I have a theory the more her level gets higher the older she gets. Demi humans age differently than humans.

Church: Huh, that gives a whole new meaning to "They grow up so fast".

Tucker: Hey Raphtalia, if you hit 18 I'll give you private lessons of adulthood in bed, bow chicka bow wow.

Church: Don't. Just don't.

Tucker: Dude everyone has to know the talk sooner or later

Caboose: (holding a mace) This is awesome (swings it and breaks a shelf) Tucker did it!

Tucker: What!? You're the one holding the mace!

Caboose: Tucker said it.

(Y/N): Anyway, how are things here in the shop, Erhard.

Blitzo: And listen we didn't-

Erhard: Save it, I know that you all are innocent.

Church: Really? How?

Erhard: Naofumi told me. So I take it you're all here for some new equipment?

(Y/N): Yeah, got anything for us?

We then see a laser shot from Sarge and hit Grif.

Grif: Ow!

Sarge: I'll take this my good sir.

Sarge then got out a railgun and fired it at Grif.

Grif: Ow!

Sarge: And this one.

(Y/N): Anyway, anything that can be useful for me?

Erhard: Well, I might be able to make something for both you and Naofumi, but it'll be ready by tomorrow.

(Y/N): Okay thanks.

We later see you and the others at the pub as you were seen with a journal writing down about the monsters and their strengths.

Tucker: What ya got there?

(Y/N): Well seeing that we had faced many monsters I had written down all that we needed to know about them and see if these creatures have any loot worth something for use and for some money.

Tucker: Isn't that Simmons' job?

Simmons: Actually I'm making a backup copy in case we lose the first one.

(Y/N): My point is if we figure out the weaknesses of the monsters we can take them down quicker.

Tucker: Like the old boss trick of hitting the glowey spot that is vulnerable to damage?

(Y/N): Exactly, but remember this is still a world, monsters aren't just gonna disappear when you kill them.

Church: He has a point: this isn't a video game.

Caboose: Are we in a movie?

Church: What kind of a brain dead idiot watches us, all we do is stand around and talk.

(Y/N): Look, all we need to do is think about what our actions will mean at the end.

Jessica C: He's right we might end up causing more trouble than it's worth.

Jessica R: (hugs your arm) But we need to do what it's necessary.

(Y/N): Right. But we do need to be careful.

We then go to the next day as we see you and your group as you were at Erhard's shop as you had on a new set of armor as Naofumi had a set of armor as well.

Erhard: What do you think? For you (Y/N) I call this Adventurer armor, and for Naofumi Barbarian armor. You both rock, look like real heroes.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Blitzo: So when are we gonna find out when the wave is gonna come.

Erhard: Have you checked the hourglass?

(Y/N): Hourglass?

Erhard: You see the church? Inside is a huge hourglass, once the last grain inside it falls the heroes and their parties will be sent to wherever the wave begins.

(Y/N): Gotcha

We later see you and the others heading to the church as you were all seen heading to the hourglass as you reached to the hourglass your watch and Naofumi's shield began to glow and fire beams at the hourglass as your vision then showed a timer for a countdown.

(Y/N): Whoa, it's really counting down to the wave?

???: IS that (Y/N) and Naofumi I see?

You and Naofumi both turned and saw Motoyasu with his party.

Motoyasu: Hey, what's this? You're both not still fighting with that flimsy equipment are you?

You then ignored Motoyasu as you began to walk off along with Naofumi.

Malty: Hey, Sir Motoyasu is talking to you.

You then looked to see both Ren and Itsuki were there.

Motoyasu: Hi there.

You then looked to see Motoyasu as he was talking to Raphtalia.

Motoyasu: I'm Motoyasu Kitamura, the spear hero. Nice to meet you.

Raphtalia: You're a hero?

Motoyasu: Wow, you're cute.

Malty: Why are you praising a demi human Sir Motoyasu?

Motoyasu: A girl as adorable as you shouldn't have to hold a sword, allow me to protect you from now on.

You and Naofumi then looked at him and walked towards him.

Raphtalia: I'm sorry, it's my sworn duty to fight side by side with master Naofumi and (Y/N).

Motoyasu: Are you kidding? If you stay with them you'll be in danger.

You then glared at Motoyasu as you held your wrist up.

Motoyasu: Tell me I'm not right or don't you or Naofumi have the guts?

(Y/N): One more comment and I'll bring back a familiar face like Toepick.

You then showed Motoyasu the screen your watch was showing as he looked to see the screen was showing Toepick as Jessica R placed a hand on your shoulder.

Jessica R: Calm yourself.

You then looked at Jessica R and then at Motoyasu as you shook your head.

(Y/N): Consider yourself lucky that you won't be getting to see Toepick's face again. Let's go, everyone.

We then see you and the others starting to leave the church as we see you passing by Itsuki and Ren.

Itsuki: See you when the wave hits.

Ren: Just stay out of our way.

Tucker: In your way, we kicked your ass last time we met.

Blitzo: And you three were running away like babies when you all saw that alien's ugly mug.

(Y/N): I would have to agree with him, you three did look pretty scared.

Blitzo: And say, don't you three need any blankets, in case ya three get scared again?

Blitzo then started to laugh at the three heroes as you and the others started to walk off out of the church as we later see you and your group at the inn as you were seen checking on your stats.

(Y/N): I hope we're strong enough.

Church: If we were able to take down the monsters out there, then we can handle what will come out from the wave.

Blitzo: Yeah, we can totally kick those monsters' asses.

Sarge: Men, we need an attack plan. Lopez and Donut you evacuate the entire village, Simmons I need you to supply the weapons and Ammo, and Grif you're gonna be lunch for the monsters.

Grif: What!?

(Y/N): We'll all play roles in this.

After a while we see you and the others gathering together as we see the timer reach zero as you all were then transported to a forest as you looked up at the sky to see it was red and portals were seen opening up as many monsters were coming out as you looked to see the three heroes and their parties were running off to where the monsters were going.

(Y/N): Let's go, everyone.

Jessica C: Guys look (Points at the village) The village of Riyute.

Church: Wasn't it evacuated?

You then looked to notice something was shot into the air

(Y/N): A flare?

Naofumi: Think it's enough to let the knights know where they are?

(Y/N): Even if they do, the knights won't have enough time to get there, and if they do, the village will be wiped out. (To your group) Come everyone.

You and the others then started to run to the village as we saw zombies and large wasps were in the village as we saw you and the others arrived.

(Y/N): Alright, Sarge, you and the reds evacuate the people. Tex, Yang, and Katsuragi you hold off any monsters that try to hurt the people evac party

Tex: On it.

Sarge: Sir, yes sir.

Asuka: What are you gonna do?

(Y/N): Me and Naofumi are gonna try and lead all the monsters away from the civilians

You and Naofumi then start to run as we then see you turn into a being made of fire with the badge on your chest as you were seen throwing fireballs at some of the wasps and zombies to get their attention.

(Y/N): Hey! Over here!

You and Naofumi then start to run as we see the monsters start to come after you two as we see you firing some fire at some monsters that were near any civilians as we see a swarm of wasps surrounding a man.

Naofumi: Shield Prison!

Then we see shields and chains appear as they form together into a ball protecting the villager inside.

(Y/N): Caboose, get that villager out of here!

Caboose: Okay!

(Y/N): And try not to kill him.

Caboose: Okay!

Caboose then picked up the ball and ran off to take the villager to safety as you looked to see a belltower.

(Y/N): Hey Naofumi, I think I got an idea, come on.

We then see you and Naofumi heading to the belltower as we see you ringing the bell as we then see the zombies all come to the tower as we see you and Naofumi jump off the tower as you then aimed your hand at the tower firing a blast of fire setting it on fire along with the zombies.

(Y/N): Doc if anyone got hurt treat them!

Doc: On it!

We then see a zombie was about to get you but a sword stabbed it as you looked to see Raphtalia was there.

(Y/N): Thanks.

You looked to see that there were still more monsters around.

(Y/N): Their numbers are diminishing.

Then we see blasts fired up into the air.

(Y/N): Huh?

You looked to see the blasts all come together as they then became a flaming shower.

(Y/N): Everyone watch out!

You then turned into Diamondhead as you then raised your arms up as diamonds raised up creating protective domes shielding your group from the blasts.

???: We burned them all to death in a single blow.

You then lowered the barrier to see the castle knights were coming.

(Y/N): They didn't even care that we were here.

Yang: (to the knights) Hey watch where you're aiming that!

Raphtalia: Did you even know that masters Naofumi and (Y/N) were here?

Tucker: What kind of lousy knights would leave a village to die.

(Y/N): Stand down everyone.

Yang: But.

(Y/N): Just forget it, we'll do our own thing.

Captain: Excellent advice. Just stay out of our way and we won't have to make any mistakes.

(Y/N): You're right. We could just sit back and watch the zombies munch on you all.

We then see that the monsters were behind the knights as a big zombie was behind the captain as he looked to see the monster as it was about to strike its weapon at him until you came and blocked it.

(Y/N): What's it gonna be, run off or stay and protect this place?

We then see Yang come and punch the monster.

(Y/N): Listen, we'll buy you all some time, use it to get into formation.

We then see you and the others starting to fight off the monsters as the knights watched as the Red and Blues fight off the monsters along with the Shinobi girls, Superhero girls, and Supervillain girls.

Captain: Let the shield and watch handle this, we'll offer reinforcements to the other three heroes.

We then see some of the knights were about to leave as we see the vice captain watching you and Naofumi defend.

Vice Captain: Felix formation to support the shield hero and watch hero!

We then see the remaining knights all come together into Felix formation.

Knights: Felix formation!

Vice Captain: To battle!

We then see the knights come and start to help fight the monsters as you look.

Sarge: Looks like we got ourselves some backup.

(Y/N): Yeah.

You then looked to see Caboose as he was charging at the rest of the monsters.

Caboose: My name is Michael J Caboose, and I... (punches a zombie) hate...

We then see Caboose fighting monsters as he threw a zombie at a group of wasps.

Caboose: Munsters!

Grif: It's "monsters" you idiot!

Caboose: That too!

Grif: Come on, everyone! Now's our chance!

We then see you and the others charging at the monsters.

Sarge: For our ancestors' ancestors! Attack!

We then see you and your group all fight off the monsters all at once as we see Grif get hit in the nuts from a zombie with a really mean kick

Grif: OW! WHY!?

We then see you all as you all begin to take down the monsters as the knights fight with you as we see you all taking out the last ones as the sky turns normal signaling the wave is now over.

(Y/N): (changes back) That's done and now to collect the stuff.

Sarge: Victory is ours men!

We then see the villagers come to you.

Man: Shield hero and Watch hero, thank you very much. Please accept our gratitude, there was no way we would have survived without your help.

Naofumi: Well it wasn't much, we were lucky.

Villager: No, if you two hadn't been here we wouldn't have been able to push those monsters all on our own.

Villager 2: We'll never forget what you both have done for us.

(Y/N): We're always here to help. Come on guys.

We then see you and your group all walk off as you look at the village and smile.

Church: Well looks like we're finally starting to be seen as heroes now.

(Y/N): Yeah, we are.


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