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We see a boy as he was seen going to a library as he was seen looking through the many books on the shelves as a book then fell to the ground.

(Y/N): What's this?

You then walked to it as you picked it up and saw the cover of the book.

(Y/N): Nice book. (opens the book and reads it) The five cardinal weapons.

In order to save the world from the waves of apocalyptic catastrophe, five heroes will be summoned from another world. This seems like a good light novel. (Continues reading) Each hero wields a distinctive weapon. A sword, a spear, a bow, a shield, or a watch. A watch? I don't think that a watch is even considered a weapon, it seems more like an accessory. Anyway, where's the heroine in this? (sees a page with a princess in it.) I doubt that it's this princess, she seems a little bitchy if you ask me. But this is pretty cool, even these hero guys, they must be the main protagonists. Spotlights on sword, spear, bow, shield, and even the watch hero gets.

As you turn to the chapter of the watch hero you see that the pages for that chapter are blank.

(Y/N): Huh? Where's the rest of the book? What a rip off.

Then the pages of the book started to turn themselves as the book began to glow as you were then engulfed in it as you were seen going down a gold tunnel as you then saw the end seeing a floor to a room as you then landed to the ground.

Man: Fantastic. The summoning was a success.

(Y/N): What the?

You then looked to see people in robes.

Man: Brave heroes, will you please save our world from pure evil?

(Y/N), ???, ???, ???, ???: What?

You then turned to see four other boys were in the room as well as they had a sword, spear, bow and a shield.

(Y/N): Who are these guys? What's going on here? Where am I?

You then looked at your wrist to see that there was a watch on it.

(Y/N): Is that... a watch?

Man: Please oh brave heroes. Our world is in dire need of saving.

(Y/N): For real?

Itsuki: What do you mean it's in need of saving?

Man: The story behind it all is long and complicated, but suffice it to say that you are the five cardinal heroes and you are summoned here using an ancient ritual. Our world is in a fragile state and tetters on the break of destruction. So we beg you oh brave heroes, please lend us your aid.

(Y/N): Well, guess it would be best to hear you guys out.

Naofumi: Yeah.

Ren: Forget it.

(Y/N): Huh?

Itsuki: I also refuse.

Motoyasu: You can send us back to our homeworld right? Do that and maybe we'll talk.

Ren: You brought the five of us here without our consent, don't you feel the least bit guilty about it?

Itsuki: Not to mention if you throw us out after restoring peace we would have done all that work for nothing.

Motoyasu: How willing are you to accommodate our requests? Depending on your answer we may end up as your enemies instead of your allies.

(Y/N): (in your head) What's with them? They're not just taking this in strife but they're also demanding respect and rewards.

Man: Good sirs, before I say anymore we'd like you to have an audience with the king of Melromarc. You can negotiate your rewards with him directly, so please.

Ren: Alright fine.

Itsuki: I suppose we'll consider they're offer.

Motoyasu: Sure, it doesn't matter who we talk to, our demands won't change.

(Y/N): (In your head) Sheesh, can these guys be more smug?

We then see you and the others walking through the halls all the way to the king's throne room as you talk to the others

(Y/N): Hey does everyone get the feeling that we shouldn't all be summoned here all at once in one place?

Ren: Now that you mention it I think I should have been summoned somewhere else. Cause I think this is too soon to meet you guys.

Motoyasu: Different places or one place we're here now.

(Y/N): Maybe.

We then see you and the others arrive in a room and see a man on a throne.

Aultcray: So you young men are the five cardinal heroes of ancient legend? This is the land of Melromarc and I am her king Aultcray Malromarc the thirty second. Welcome brave heroes, please identify yourselves.

Ren: Ren Amaki, I'm a highschool student and sixteen

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) and I'm a firefighter at 18 years old.

Motoyasu: I'm Motoyasu Kitamura, college student, twenty one.

Itsuki: I suppose I'm up next, I'm Itsuki Kawasumi, still in high school and I'm seventeen.

Naofumi: Guess that leaves me, I'm-

Aultcray: Good, Ren, Motoyasu and Itsuki.

(Y/N): Um excuse me, mr. king, I'm still here and I think you also forgot somebody else here.

Aultcray: Ah yes, forgive me.

Itsuki: Hey, you can't just go and say Mr. King.

(Y/N): Well it's better than Beardo the Great.

Itsuki: But you still need to address him with a little respect.

(Y/N): Like what? His majesty? He didn't respond to me with respect.

Motoyasu: But that might be too formal.

Aultcray: Just king is fine.

Naofumi: I'm Naofumi Iwatani, college student, twenty years old.

Aultcray: I suppose I need to explain why we brought you all here.

(Y/N): Is he ignoring him again?

Aultcray: My beloved country of Melromarc and the entire world surrounding are heading down a path of ruin.

(Y/N): Hey sorry to interrupt but I feel like we should have been summoned one at a time in multiple places in your world instead of all in one spot. I'm just saying it all, not trying to sound like I am against any of your decisions.

Aultcray: As I was saying we underestimated the potency of the waves, once we experienced and survived the first wave we realized that five cardinal heroes  could counter it. So we followed the legend and summoned you here. But now, we have no time to lose.

Ren: Ok, I think we get the just of it, anyway I'm sure you didn't summon us here thinking we save you all for free.

(Y/N): But you haven't answered my question yet and why am I the one to have this (Hold up your watch) while the others have their own weapons.

You then see a button on the watch and you see numerous transformations in it.

(Y/N): Whoa. Nevermind, mine is awesome.

Aultcray: Once you repel all the waves I can assure you you all will be rewarded most handsomely.

Motoyasu: Well then, it seems like we have no choice but to take you at your word.

Ren: As long as you don't renege we'll help you. But don't think for a moment that you can tame us.

Itsuki: Exactly, we won't put up with you looking down at us.

Aultcray: If I can trust we have reached an agreeable arrangement I would ask you brave heroes to now check your statuses.

(Y/N): Statuses?

Ren: Are you dense? It should have been the very first thing you noticed since you got here. See the icon in the lower left corner of your vision?

You then look and notice the icon and you see all of your stats.

(Y/N): Whoa this is so cool!

Man: It's called status magic, an ability exclusive to the heroes. You must go out on an adventure to develop and upgrade these weapons you have been equipped with.

(Y/N): Wait, you mean our weapons weren't maxed out when we got here. Welp nothing comes easy I guess.

Motoyasu: But can't we just use other weapons until these are usable?

Ren: Suppose we'll have to figure that out as we go, regardless it looks like we all have a lot of training up ahead.

(Y/N): if you believe something is there you owe me 100 (to a knight) What's the currency here?

Knight: There are three kinds, the highest is gold pieces

(Y/N): Thanks, as I was saying, you guys each owe me 100 gold pieces if you all believe something is there in your stats.

Motoyasu: Alright.

(Y/N): And maybe when we're all ready we can form a party.

Man: I neglected to mention, you must each recruit members for your parties and adventure separately, it is said that the legendary weapons repel one another, if you try to work together, it will apparently hinder their development.

(Y/N): Oh okay then, I'll just make fliers and interviews for anyone who wants to join my party

Aultcray: Since the sun is about to set, rest here for the night and start your quest tomorrow, we will do our best to find the best of the best to form your parties.

(Y/N): I'll find them on my own cause I like to get to know them first.

We then see a maiden come to you and the others.

Maiden: We have quarters prepared for you, please this way.

(Y/N): Oh thank you ma'am, for your kindness I should get you something nice like a box of chocolates. My mom always says that life is like a box of chocolates.

We later see you and the other four in a luxurious room.

Motoyasu: I guess when your heroes of legend, you get special treatment. The girl who showed us here was cute.

Itsuki: And though it was unusual, our dinner was sumptuous.

(Y/N): But doesn't this seem like a video game? But in real life.

Motoyasu: That's because it is a video game, it's just like Emerald Online.

(Y/N): Never heard of it.

Motoyasu: Seriously? It's huge.

Itsuki: What are you talking about, it's not an online game, it's a new console game I'm playing called Dimension Web.

Ren: You're both wrong, everything about this place is identical to a VR mmo rpg called Brave Star Online.

Motoyasu: (Sighs) Lets sort this out, first off Ren, do you really mean an actual literal vr mmo?

Ren: Yeah.

Motoyasu: You guys do get what he means by that right?

(Y/N): Just one more question, who's your favorite Avenger?

Ren: It's hard to choose between the 3 of them but I think I like Captain Marvel.

Naofumi: What she's nothing compared to Captain Carter

Motoyasu: You are so wrong, Iron Man saved New York from a nuclear missile and he's gone forever through a portal

Itsuki: Captain America is the best one.

(Y/N): Seriously? They're like the best team of superheroes.

Motoyasu: Now to be sure, let's compare general knowledge. Whose face is on the one thousand yen bill? Ready and...

All: Shibasaburo Kitasato/Yawara Gotaru/Yuda Masato/Noguchi Hideyo/Kodaka Anichi.

You all then stopped and looked at each other in confusion.

All: Wait who?

Motoyasu: Buzzword of the year last year.

Naofumi: Favorite voice actors.

Ren: Which countries won world war 2?

Itsuki: Who's the prime minister?

(Y/N): Who's the leader of the Avengers?

After a little while we see you sitting on the bed.

(Y/N): Well there's one thing that explains this, the five of us are from different worlds

Ren: Right, and they don't sound anything alike at all.

Motoyasu: I thought we might be from different eras, but I guess not.

(Y/N): We're from different worlds.(to Itsuki) What happened to your Iron Man?

Itsuki: Who's Iron Man?

(Y/N): Tony Stark? Rich man and inventor? One of the best Avengers there was? Any of that ringing a bell?

Itsuki: Oh I know Tony Stark, but he was killed by Killmonger.

(Y/N): Oh. But anyway for me, while going to this room I think I might know what this watch does, it shows a screen with various forms to take.

Motoyasu: Well try one out.

(Y/N): Alright, and to make it fun I'll pick one with my eyes closed.

You then transform into a humanoid being made from a gooey substance as we see a ufo like device was above you with a badge with a symbol of a green hourglass.

(Y/N): Whoa I'm so gooey. I'll call him slime man, no that's too lame. Maybe Booger guy? No too stupid.

Naofumi: Goop.

(Y/N): That sticks. (changes back)

Motoyasu: So that watch turns you into monsters?

Ren: Not monsters, aliens.

(Y/N): What happened to your Avengers Ren?

Ren: They were assassinated by a madman named Yellowjacket aka Hank Pym because Shield got his daughter killed on a mission in Odessa, Ukraine.

(Y/N): Oh, Motoyasu how about you?

Motoyasu: Well Iron Man saved everyone from a missile and disappeared into space.

(Y/N): Naofumi?

Naofumi: Captain Carter is like your Captain America except Margret Peggy Carter got the serum instead of Steve Rogers.

(Y/N): I see, well everything that you described about what happened to the Avengers didn't happen in my world. Iron Man got back from the portal, the Avengers weren't assassinated, Tony is still alive, Rogers got the serum and they fought against each other because of the Sokovia Accords which lead to alien warlord named Thanos to take advantage of that and he won by using the Infinity Stones and snapped half of the population away and destroyed the stones so no one could undo what he done, but the Avengers or what was left of them use the stones from a time heist to bring back the people. Tony Stark died and Steve Rogers retired.

Motoyasu: Really? But couldn't they just go back in time and find baby Thanos and just (gestures to cut his throat)

(Y/N): Okay, first of all, that's horrible!

Motoyasu: It's Thanos.

(Y/N): Second of all that would mess up the timeline, and also Bruce Banner pointed out about time travel is when you go back in time that past becomes the future and your former present becomes the past which becomes your new future

Motoyasu: So all that back to the future stuff is just a bunch of hooey?

(Y/N): Apparently so, but seeing each of you guys having your weapons I kinda think my weapon is the best. (to Naofumi) And don't let those people doubt your shield, with some hard work and some elbow grease you can make your shield the best shield ever, of all time.

Naofumi: Thanks.

(Y/N): Trust me, there have been heroes who use shields as weapons like Captain America.

Itsuki: But with what you said about your weapon being the best, you do have a point, I mean with it you are almost like a one man army.

(Y/N): Maybe you guys can go out in the wild and do normal things like trading items and making new weapons. Living out in the countryside could be an experience, wandering around the world with all the quests and monsters at your disposal.

Motoyasu: I guess I should try it out myself, you know.

(Y/N): Well for now I think maybe we all should get some sleep, we do have a big day tomorrow.

Itsuki: Right, seeing that we all have to start our quests.

(Y/N): Well see ya in the morning.

We then see you head off to your room as we go to the next day we see you and the other four head to the throne room and see many warriors and mages.

Aultcray: We have gathered the greatest warriors in the land, these brave souls will fight the waves alongside you.

(Y/N): And don't worry about me sir, like I said I'll find my party members on my own. And as for you four I wish you guys the best of luck.

Motoyasu: You sure you're ok with this?

(Y/N): Yeah, and you're forgetting which hero you're talking to. (holds up your wrist)

Motoyasu: Oh right.

(Y/N): Well for now I'm gonna go see what the place is like.

Aultcray: Very well now then every month we shall provide each hero with the funds they require, this one time however both masters Naofumi and (Y/N)'s will be higher. Here are your inicial warchests, accept them with our thanks.

We then see some maidens and noblemen with bags of currency.

Man: The bags carry 600 silver coins but both the watch hero and shield hero will receive 800 silver coins.

(Y/N): Sweet, now I need some fliers and is it okay to have interviews at the church?

Aulcray: I will allow it.

(Y/N): Thanks.

We then see you going to a church as you see the emblem was a combination of the bow, spear and sword.

(Y/N): Well better get things started. Maybe I have an alien that can set things up fast.

You then looked in your watch and then transformed into an alien resembling a blue velociraptor with the badge on your chest.

(Y/N): Alright, let's see what he can do.

You then sped off in lightning fast speed as you were seen gathering various tools and supplies and ran in a circle as you stopped and a stand was seen all built.

(Y/N): Done in ten seconds flat. (Changes back) Now let's get to work on the fliers

We see you as you were seen making fliers as you were seen with a stack of fliers finished as you were seen placing them around town and were seen at the stand.

(Y/N): And now, we wait.

We then see you as you were seen waiting for the interviewees as there was a large crowd of people come to you

(Y/N): Let's begin.

We see you as you were seen with a woman.

(Y/N): Ok, tell me a bit about yourself Ms... (Read the paper on your clipboard) Rabbit?

Jessica R: It's what most people call me since I used to be married to an actual rabbit named Roger.

(Y/N): Ok, well mind telling me if you have any skills useful for the life of an adventurer?

Jessica R: Well ever since fame went into that rabbit's head it was just me nowadays and I just want to get out of the house. But to answer your question I have a good aim.

(Y/N): Good aim, how well do you do with a bow and arrow?

Jessica R: I got a badge in archery when I was a girl scout and I hand make cookies for my fellow scouts for sales and for food.

(Y/N): Well I can say that I might consider you being the party's archer and chef?

Jessica R: Well I accept those positions.

(Y/N): Ok, where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Jessica R: If I'm being honest I see myself as a woman still single shooting arrows at some monsters.

(Y/N): Alright, I will let you know the results after interviewing the others. By the way, any other skills I should know about?

Jessica R: Well I am great for undercover missions since most people can't take their eyes off of me.

(Y/N): Ok, next.

We then see an armored soldier in blue armor sitting across from you.

(Y/N): Uh Michael J. Caboose was it?

Caboose: Yes, but you can call me Caboose.

(Y/N): So did you bring your resume?

Caboose: Oh I thought this was the line to the bathroom.

(Y/N): Ok... do you have any experience with any battles or fights?

Caboose: Oh uh.....I blew up my best friend.... by accident.

(Y/N): Ok, do you have any skills on using any weapons by any chance?

Caboose: Oh I have guns but I am not allowed to have grenades.

(Y/N): Well I guess you might have a spot in my party.

Caboose: Does your party have cookies?

???(Tucker): Caboose where are you!?

Caboose: I'm over here getting a spot for the cookie party!

We then see a bunch of soldiers in multi-color armor.

Sarge: There you are, frantizing with the- (sees you and points his weapon) Who the hell is this dirtbag?

(Y/N): Um there are no firearms during interviews. And I'm the watch hero.

Caboose: Maybe we should join his cookie party!

Church: Caboose it's his Adventuring Party.

Tucker: Whatever I'm in.

Church: Tucker why do you want to join his party?

Tucker: Dude there will be chicks on these adventures, if I'm lucky I might get a score with a princess like Mario or Link.

(Y/N): Alright, so you all please wait over there for the results once all the interviews are done.

Caboose: Okay.

Grif: Do we get vacations?

(Y/N): Actually adventures are vacations.

Grif: I'm out. (gets hit in the head by Sarge) Ow!

(Y/N): Just take him over there and wait for the results.

We then see three hellish looking people along with a wolf-like girl sitting across from you.

(Y/N): Ok Mr... (Read the clipboard) Blitzo was it?

Blitzo: That's right, I'm Blitzo, the "O" is silent and this is Moxxie and Millie and of course Loona here. (leans closer to you) If you have any ideas about doing anything to Loona you answer to me.

(Y/N): Alright, so what had given you the idea of wanting to be on an adventure like this?

Moxxie: It was his idea.

Blitzo: Hey, there is no need to be pointing fingers Mox, seeing this job will offer us a huge reward.

Loona: Cause you spent all of the money on plastic horses.

(Y/N): Ok, anyway do any of you have any special skills for combat and adventures.

Blitzo: Glad you asked, Moxxie here is our weapons expert, Millie is our combat powerhouse and I happen to be really good with guns.

(Y/N): Alright and what about Loona?

Loona: Well I can blend in.

(Y/N): Blend in?

Loona: (changes her form to look like a human) I have a human disguise.

(Y/N): Oh, look nice.

Loona: Comes in handy in assassinations. Lure them in with my human charm and then bite their face off, which is one of the reasons why Blitz doesn't let me go on missions.

Blitzo: You're my daughter and I won't allow anyone to get their hands on you!

(Y/N): Alright, anything else before I move on to the next person?

Blitzo: Well....

You then get a phone call and you see who it is and Blitzo realizes who it is.

(Y/N): It seems I have a call for you Blitz.

Blitzo: Just let it ring, trust me.

(Y/N): It would be rude not to answer the phone. (answers the phone) Hello?

Stolas: (Through the phone) Is Blitz with you?

Blitzo: (whispers) Tell him I'm not- (sees you giving him the phone) here. (outloud and into the phone) Hey Stolas, how's it going?

Stolas: (Through the phone) Perfectly fine, I was just calling to see what you were doing.

Blitzo: Well the old wallet is a bit empty so me and the gang are joining some guy's Adventure party just till we all get back on our feet.

Stolas: (Through the phone) Well you could have asked me for money anytime you know, but you chose to go on an adventure instead

Blitzo: We're assassins, if this adventure involves killing any kind of monster or some rich asshole who's doing crazy things in his basement like whipping a slave or whatever we are willing to do this adventure.

Stolas: (Through the phone) Well if you have time my daughter Octavia might join you in your party to get out of the house once in a while

Blitzo: Like I said before, we're assassins not bodyguards.

(Y/N): I also accept bodyguard work

Stolas: (Through the phone) I'll pay you and your employer.

Blitzo: Pay us what?

Stolas: (Through the phone) Money.

Blitzo: Done!

He then hangs up the phone while slamming it to the desk, breaking it to pieces.

Blitzo: You have insurance on that right?

(Y/N): Wait with the others and I'll have the results when the interviews are over. And yes I do.

We then see four girls as they are sitting across from you.

(Y/N): Ok I hear you all are called Team RWBY am I right?

Yang: Yep, the red little pipsqueak is my little sister Ruby, the stuck up rich kid is Weiss, the quiet cat lady reading a romance novel is Blake, and I'm Yang.

(Y/N): Alright so I've heard that you all are experienced with both close combat weapons and far range combat.

Blake: Yep.

Yang: Of course I have, check out this bicep, give it a feel, it's real.

You then feel her bicep and it feels like it's harder than steel.

(Y/N): Jeez, it feels like steel.

Yang: Exactly.

Ruby: So does this mean we get the job?

(Y/N): Just wait with the others and I will have your results once the interviews are over.

Yang: Thanks. (leans to you and whispers to you) Just so you know, Ruby gets whiny if she doesn't get cookies.

Ruby: Hey! I heard that.

Yang: Well it's true.

Ruby: (whines) I don't whine!

Yang: My point exactly.

We later see a group of five girls in shinobi outfits.

(Y/N): Alright Asuka was it? I heard that you and your friends are trained as shinobi.

Asuka: Yeah.

We then see Katsuragi appear behind her and start groping her.

Katsuragi: I don't wanna brag but I happen to be an expert at grabbing things.

Asuka: Katsuragi! Knock it off! This is an interview!

She then broke free from Katsuragi's grip.

(Y/N): Does she always do that?

Ikaruga: Yes.

(Y/N): Can one of you demonstrate your skills?

We then see Katsuragi run to Grif and kick him in the balls so hard that he was launched into the sky and then he landed to the ground with his head stuck in it.

(Y/N): Ok... I say you all should wait with the others until I have everyone's results.

Hibari: Thank you for your time. (to Katsuragi) Why do you have to be mean to that yellow guy?

Katsuragi: Hey, he wants a demonstration so I gave him a demonstration.

Grif: (from the ground and in pain) I am orange!

We then see you as you saw five anthropomorphic animals as you looked at them.

Wolf: I know what your thinking seeing how I'm the Big Bad Wolf, it's no surprise since I'm basically the villain of every story and this is my crew Mr. Snake, Mr. Shark, Mr. Piranha, and Ms. Tarantula. Mr. Snake is the serpentine safecracking machine imagine houdini but with no arms, Mr. Shark is the apex predators of a thousand faces his greatest trick was stealing the Mona Lisa disguised as the Mona Lisa, Mr. Piranha is willing to scrap with anyone or anything, and Ms. Tarantula is our in-house pocket search engine and hacking machine.

Shark: That's right.

Snake: The problem being us is that people are afraid of ya.

(Y/N): So you think this would help you guys be seen as heroes rather than monsters.

Wolf: Seeing it will involve taking down bad creatures and helping others. It might give people a chance to see who we really are rather than just monsters.

Tarantula: Plus the cash reward is sweet as well.

Shark: And we're good at heists.

Wolf: When someone snatched priceless stuff we stole it back.

Snake: Like the time when the authorities tried to trap us with a fake ruby made out of candy.

Piranha: We stole the real one from the cops and replaced the fake one with the real one, you should've seen the look on her face. It was awesome.

(Y/N): Ok, I say you all may be able to get spots in this so please wait with the others until everyone gets their results.

Wolf: Alright.

We then see them walk to the others as we see a group of students in hero suits.

(Y/N): Ok, it seems that you all are from a school for heroes and that you are in a class called Class 1A, so any of you mind telling me about yourselves?

Uraka: Uh well my folks don't make much money these days.

Ashido: So she thought being a hero would help her folks with the money issue.

(Y/N): I see, what about the rest of you?

Ashido: (points to Izuku) Fanboy over there wants to be like his personal hero All Might.

Izuku: It's good to have dreams!

(Y/N): Nice to hear that.

Bakugou: I just want to beat the crap out of people myself when I'm a hero.

Shoto: I apologize for his behavior since he punched one of the men of the cloth.


Iida: Bakugou, that wasn't heroic behavior!

Kaminari: I don't know Iida, these priest guys seem a bit odd to me.

Tsu: I got that impression from them too, ribbit.

(Y/N): I'll look into that, but for now wait for the results of your interview.

Bakugou: (to Sero) I thought you said we'd be hired on the spot Sero!

Sero: I said we might get hired on the spot

We later see the others as you came to them.

(Y/N): I thought through very carefully and I have all your results and I would have to say...

You then hear footsteps and you turn to see another group of students that Class 1-A is all too familiar with and another group of superheroes made up of women.

Bakugou: Oh hell no!

(Y/N): Oh, it seems like we have some late entries.

Bakugou: Screw Class 1-B! I'm leaving!

Kirishima: Come on Bakubro, at least give them a chance.

(Y/N): I will.

You then walked to them.

(Y/N): Let's see Class 1-B and the uh... Superhero Girls?

Monoma: (sees the Class 1-A heroes) I can't wait to see the look on your faces when he brutally rejects you! Hahaha!

We then see Kendo knock him out with a giant punch.

Kendo: Sorry about Monoma, he does this everytime.

(Y/N): It's alright, and you all have great skills please wait over there to wait for the results.

We then see Class 1-B head to where the others as we see Kirishima and Izuku holding back Bakugou because he's angry from what Monoma just said to them.

Bakugou: Let go of me Deku!

Izuku: Calm down Kacchan!

Back to you, we see you talking to the Superhero Girls.

(Y/N): Any skills you have to show for?

Karen: I am good with tech.

Babs: I can solve criminal cases.

Diana: I am good with any weapon you give me.

Jessica C: Sorry I don't believe in violence.

(Y/N): Admirable trait Ms. Cruz.

Jessica C: Really?

(Y/N): Of course, I like your style.

Jessica C: (blushes) Uh thank you.

(Y/N): Well seeing with this I now have my results and I would have to say... you're all in.

Tucker: For real?

(Y/N): Yes, you all are part of my party now.

We then see your watch glow as you see it fire beams at them as we then see crests appear in the shape of the hourglass on their chests as the others notice them.

Blitzo: The hell is this?

Moxxie: I think they're some kind of magical slave crests.

Blitzo: Are they lie detectors?

Sarge: Simmons, tell a lie.

Simmons: You are a terrible leader sir! (gets electrocuted) Ow!

Moxxie: Well just to be clear if it works on others just ask me something specific I wouldn't normally tell you.

Blitzo: Ok uh... Does Millie ever peg you?

Moxxie: Sometimes. Wait! Ew! Why do you need to hear that?!

Blitzo: Heh, I knew it!

(Y/N): And you are a lucky man to have Millie as your wife Moxxie.

Jessica C: But still why do we even have these?

You then noticed in your upper right corner of your vision as you saw that they were all set as your companions.

(Y/N): I thought it would be a good idea to keep track of everyone.

Diana: I see.

(Y/N): So who's up for adventuring.

Caboose: I do! Especially if it involves cookies!

(Y/N): Good, but let's get some equipment first.

Caboose: Okay.

Tucker: Well most of us already got some gear, so anyone who doesn't have any weapons on ya step forward and (Y/N) will be shopping

Tucker then sees Jessica Rabbit step forward and stands next to you and he was shocked to see that.

Tucker: Oh, does anyone else need any gear? Cause I'm getting new gear myself.

Church: Are you trying to get your hands on a sniper rifle cause I'm the one with the sniper rifle.

Tucker: You can't aim with that thing and you can't find the zoom button on it. I'm getting a battle rifle like Grif and Simmons.

Donut: We can have matching weapons

Sarge: I will not have any blues that have the same weapons as us Reds!

(Y/N): Everyone calm down, I only have 800 silver coins so let's all go.

Later, at a shop, we see the Reds and Blues looking at the weapons area.

Sarge: Men they have rifles, grenades, laser guns, it's christmas and birthdays rolled into one.

Church: Uh Sarge, you do realize that this weapons shop only sells weapons on the Medieval side right?

Sarge: They do? Oh of course, I... I noticed it right away. Slightly before Grif did in fact.

Grif: What?! You said that they sell rifles, grenades and laser guns a minute ago.

Shopkeeper: We have those too.

The Reds and Blues then see the shopkeeper pointing at the weapons.

Sarge: Told ya.

(Y/N): What do you guys think of these swords?

You then grabbed one and then you were then shocked as you dropped it.

Tucker: Whoa, what was that?

You then reached to touch another sword and was shocked again as you saw a message reading caution.

(Y/N): It seems like I can't use any other weapons but my watch.

Grif: That is officially the worst thing ever, of all time.

Tucker: What kind of brain dead moron makes that a thing?\

Church: Who is running this world! It's like getting a tank and no one can use it.

(Y/N): Well for now let's just get you guys the things you need and maybe some armor for me.

Sarge: Have Lopez make the adjustments for ya.

Lopez: (talks in Spanish) That I can do and cut the breaks on your next vehicle.

(Y/N): I actually have something else in mind. And I can understand Spanish.

Lopez: (Talks in Spanish) Alarm, Alarm, please don't kill me!

We then see everyone in a changing room and we see the curtains open up to see you come out as you were seen wearing an attire making you look like you were a fantasy adventurer.

(Y/N): So what do y'all think? I kinda like the hood.

Bakugou: You look badass.

Kirishima: Yeah and manly too.

Tucker: But not as manly as I am right? (to the girls) Ladies, don't you see how manly I am? Back me up here!

(Y/N): Well anyway we should start with finding some monsters to fight and work on leveling up.

Blitzo: That's what I like to hear, then let's go and kill some freaks!

Sarge: We might lose one of our party members in the process.

Grif: Why did you look at me when you said that?

Blitzo: Then let's all go lick some ass!

Millie: The expression is "kick some ass" Blitzo.

Blitzo: Mine's better.

Later, out in the fields, we see you and the others taking out some Orange Balloons as we see Simmons shoot a bunch of them.

Simmons: Alright suck it Orange!

Grif: I'm right here.

Simmons: The other orange! (runs out of ammo) Crap I'm out, give me some ammo Grif.

Grif: Me? I'm down to one bullet.

Simmons: What!? You're in charge of supplying ammunition!

We then see many balloons come but then crystal shards come and pop them as we see you as a humanoid being made of diamond with the badge on your belt.

(Y/N): Diamondhead is in the house.

Sarge: Grif pass out the ammo!

Grif: Uh Sarge, we're out of ammo.

Sarge: Captain Grif you should be ashamed of yourself, we ran out of ammo that is your responsibility. (to Donut) Donut pass out additional ammo.

Donut: Do you want regular or armor piercing rounds?

Sarge: Just give us the ammo.

Grif: Wait, why did you put Donut in charge of ammo?

Sarge: In case you forget to bring ammo.

We then see Blitzo as he is seen shooting many orange balloons.

Blitzo: Now this is hunting season!

We then see multiple orange balloons get all over Grif and bite him too, including biting his nuts.

Grif: Ah get them off of me!

Simmons: Get them off yourself, they're not that tough! (gets bit in the butt by an orange balloon) Son of a bitch!

Lopez: (starts crushing Orange balloons with his hands and feet) (in spanish) Idiots, you can't beat Lopez the Heavy!

We then see an Orange Balloon bite onto Lopez's head and rip it off of his body and throw it onto the ground.

Lopez: (In spanish) Shit!

We then see Moxxie as he is screaming and firing his shotgun at many Balloons coming his way.

Moxxie: Bitches!

After a while we later see you placing a piece of the orange balloon near your watch as it absorbs it as you get a message saying Skill.

Asuka: Whoa, there's no limit to how much it can absorb.

(Y/N): Guessing that must be part of what a legendary weapon can do.

You then see Lopez's head on the ground and you take the head back to his body and reattach it and he gets up.

(Y/N): There ya go amigo.

Lopez: (In spanish) Thank you.

You and the others then see Tex taking out all the balloons without mercy.

Blitzo: So how many of those things did we kill? Because I lost count.

Simmons: Taking all of us to a count, 5,869 sir!

Tucker: That has to be enough for us to level up, cause if we keep this up they will go extinct by the end of the day.

(Y/N): Maybe we should take a break, and think we can all sell these balloon fragments?

Moxxie: I believe so, but I think they'll only get us one copper each.

Blitzo: We need bigger monsters to make more money!

Simmons: I have a financial plan for us sir, I lend you my binder on finances.

(Y/N): Well I think there are some shops that accept monster pieces, they'll buy most of these off of us.

Blitzo: How do you know?

(Y/N): Erhard told me before we left town.

Grif: Who?

(Y/N): The shopkeeper from the weapons shop.

Sarge: Simmons I need to know all the bits and pieces on what monster remains we can sell for higher prices.

Simmons: Right away sir, I will make a comprehensive binder on the subject.

Tucker: Hold on, if we're all in (Y/N)'s party doesn't that mean he's the leader.

(Y/N): Sarge is a great leader himself, a bit unusual but he knows his team very well. Which is why one of each you all are in charge of your own groups

Blitzo: How about we get some dinner, all that fighting sure as hell made me work up an appetite.

(Y/N): Millie, try not to eat too much. Some food might go down to your hips.

Millie: (blushes) Hey!

Moxxie: Phew thank satan it wasn't me that brought it up.

We later see you and your party at a restaurant as you all were eating.

Blitzo: Man the food here may be weird as hell but not bad.

Grif: You think they have bacon burgers?

Millie: Moxxie why did you get me a light salad? I want the jumbo ribs!

Moxxie: But it will go down your hips that was what (Y/N) said remember

We then see you as we see you had a map of melromarc and looking at it.

(Y/N): Ok everyone, the meadows we were at were here. So tomorrow we should head over to Lafan Village which lies beyond this map, and pass Lafan Village we'll find a dungeon that's perfect for rookie adventurers.

Blitzo: Sounds like the perfect place to get some loot and some stuff.

(Y/N): And with all of us together, it should be a breeze to clear it.

Moxxie then sees Millie sneaking out with some jumbo ribs.

Moxxie: Millie!

Millie: Come on, just a bite.

Moxxie: No!

Millie: Just a little nibble?

Moxxie: No!

Sarge: So what will our plans on the dungeon be (Y/N)?

(Y/N): We'll worry about that tomorrow, right now, we all should get some sleep.

Diana: Indeed, we will need to keep up our strength for the next day on our quest.

Sarge: Men let's get some shut eye.

Simmons: Shotgun on the top bunk!

Grif: Fuck

We later see you as you and the others were seen at an inn heading to your rooms as you looked out the window.

(Y/N): So far, I'm at a great start. And I look forward to what tomorrow will bring a new adventure because everyday is an adventure.

You then went to your bed and went to sleep as the next day we saw you waking up.

(Y/N): Well time to head downstairs for some breakfast and we'll head out.

We then see you heading to the door and open it and you see the others having breakfast.

Yang: Hey we saved you some pancakes, Lopez is a great cook.

Simmons: I installed a cooking program in Lopez last night for such an occasion.

Grif: (gets food poisoning) I think I'm getting sick.

Sarge: Simmons, explain why Grif is getting food poisoning?

Simmons: You told me to poison Grif's next meal so I programmed Lopez to do just that.

Sarge: Excellent work Simmons.

(Y/N): Well everyone we will need to head out as soon as we're done. But I am curious about the others, like how Naofumi is handling it.

Lopez: (while stirring the pot) (in Spanish) Naofumi's party is at the inn next to our home.

(Y/N): Maybe we should go check on him and see how he is doing.

Grif then gets sick and then runs to the door and opens it only to see the guards and he vomits on the Captain's shoe.

Grif: Uh... Is it too late to say I'm sorry?

Captain: You're under arrest!

Grif: It's not my fault, Lopez made my breakfast!

Lopez: (sarcastically in Spanish) Oh, go blame the robot.

Blitzo: Hey, who the hell are these guys?

Simmons: It's the royal guard! What did we do!?

Moxxie: Maybe we can talk this out, there must be some kind of mistake.

Captain: We're here for the Watch Hero.

(Y/N): Me? For what? I didn't do anything wrong.

Tucker: Yeah, lay off of him!

Blitzo: So you guys should just go back to where ya came from.

Captain: He needs to see the king at once

Caboose: Are we gonna see the Burger King!?

We then see you and your party get taken out as you were being brought to a carriage.

Blitzo: Hey! Don't we all get a phone call or some coffee?

Caboose: Are we still seeing the Burger King!?

Tucker: Oh my god, shut up Caboose!

Yang: I wonder what he wants.

Weiss: He might be one of those kinds of rulers that want all the power to themselves for their own reasons, trust me I know.

Blake: Knowing your dad, I'm sure he's the same.

We later see you all at the castle as you enter the throne room with Naofumi with you.

(Y/N): Naofumi?

Blitzo: They got him too? But don't we still get our coffee? Hey Mox, do you want anything?

Moxxie: What?

Blitzo: Do you want any coffee?

Moxxie: Oh, I'll have a Neopolitan cappuccino, more cappu than cino, make sure it's got no more than four ounces of milk, the beans won't have the right texture otherwise, and make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup they always put "Foxy" or "Roxy", I hate that. If you can't handle that, I'll have a Venti traditional Misto. Please use soy milk with two blond shots Affogato and Ristretto. I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom. Then, add the coffee after, then-

(Y/N): What's the reason why we're here?

Blitzo: Yeah, we didn't do anything wrong ya bastards!

Malty: The Watch and Shield heroes did something unspeakable!

(Y/N): What are you even talking about?

Tucker: Yeah what's the crime!?

Malty: The Shield Hero assaulted me and the Watch Hero stole all of the panties from his female party members!

(Y/N): What?! I would never do that! That's just a big fat-!

You and Naofumi then see the evidence as the girls of your party were shocked.

(Y/N): I don't even know how those were there!

Blitzo: Yeah, somebody trying to set those two up!

Katsuragi: Besides, if he wants my panties he could have asked.

Asuka: Not helping!

Tucker: This is something I would do but I didn't and neither did he!

Blitzo: Yeah, so you guys just let us go and maybe we won't do anything violent.

Jessica C: There has to be a misunderstanding.

Weiss: Yeah, do you have any other evidence than just a bunch of underwear?

The guards then shows clothing that belong to Malty as she then hugs close to Motoyasu

Blitzo: Oh come on, are you really gonna believe this skank?!

All the guards then point their swords at you and Naofumi

(Y/N): Hey!

Blitzo: Oh so you all are stupid? I can work with this. Daddy likey dummy.

Then Moxxie started to laugh at what Blitzo said.

Moxxie: Good one sir! Daddy likey

Caboose: Can I get a say in that?

(Y/N): I don't think so.

Aultcray: I would banish those two for the crimes they did, however we can't right now until they get stronger and stronger until they are able to go back.

Ren: So we're stuck with them!?

Aultcray: I'm afraid so.

Malty: Father you won't believe this but.....the Watch Hero used Slave Crests to enslave his entire party!

The guards then show the slave crests to the king as he was shocked to see this.

Aultcray: How dare you force others to be your party!

(Y/N): But-

Aultcray: You are hereby criminals from now and forever!

Sarge: If you're calling them criminals then we're criminals as well!

Doc: We are?

Church: Yep.

Doc: Oh boy.

Yang: We're with him all the way.

Malty: He must've brainwashed them to be the Watch Hero's party with those crests!

Lopez: (in spanish) That lady is lying, Lopez the Heavy chose this life.

Donut: Lopez and I chose this life!

Jessica C: We aren't brainwashed, we are with (Y/N).

Tucker: Plus it would be impossible to brainwash Caboose.

Caboose: Is it because I'm super smart!?

Tucker: What no! You're an idiot!

(Y/N): What they're saying is true, I didn't brainwash anyone and I don't even have such an ability to do so.

Malty: Don't listen to him, he brainwashes people by talking to them!

Moxxie: And how would you even know if you don't even know what any of us are?

Tucker: Dude we're in a magical world, brainwashing magic might be a thing here.

Aultcray: Get the heroes out of my sight!

Malty: Wait, in order to break the Watch hero's party free from their brainwashing is to kill the Watch Hero.

Simmons: What!?

Moxxie: You can't be serious.

Tucker: You gotta be way dumber than Caboose to believe that.

The guards and heroes point their weapons at you.

Tucker: I stand corrected.

Caboose: Oh my gosh! I am smarter than them!

Then you used the watch and became a humanoid tiger in a luchador outfit with a badge on your belt.


Caboose: Oh my gosh, he's a big cat!

Sarge: Men battle stations!

(Y/N): (Growls) Lemme tell ya something all ya heroes and royal wannabes, Rath never wanted to be brought here to help you and Rath is gonna help you whether you like it or not!

We then see your party fight off the other heroes and defend Naofumi as you then come and grab him as you then run to the doors.

(Y/N): Rath and Naofumi are gonna show this country that they need us!

Simmons: Actually sir, the whole world is in danger, not just one country.

(Y/N): That too.

We then see the Reds fight off Motoyasu, RWBY fighting Ren, and Blues fighting Itsuki and we see the rest of your party fighting off the guards as we see Malty recording everything with a crystal ball. We then see Lopez fighting Motoyasu off.

Lopez: (while fighting) (in spanish) Idiot! You can't be men cause I am Lopez the Heavy!

Motoyasu: I will send you back to taco town where you belong!

We then see Doc hit Motoyasu at the back of the head with a rocket launcher.

Doc: (as O'Mally) Oops, sorry about that. (points the rocket launcher at Motoyasu) I'm the original bad boy around here, muhaha!

O'Mally then fires the rocket and shoots Motoyasu as he was sent flying into the other heroes. We then see you come and tapped the badge as you became a ogre like being with a caged helmet on your face with the badge on your helmet.

Tucker: Whoa what does that one do!?

Lopez: (in spanish) It might scare people to death.

Donut: Good guess Lopez, maybe he can shoot acid at people.

Lopez: (in spanish)(to Donut) I did not say that at all!

We then see Motoyasu, Ren and Itsuki about to come at you but we then see steam come out your helmet as it was opened and the 3 heroes see your face and they were horrified to the point of losing their colors.

Donut: I think you guessed wrong Lopez.

Leopez: (in spanish) No I guessed right.

We then see the three heroes all started to scream in pure terror as you calmly walked towards them.

Motoyasu: NO! NO!

Itsuki: STAY AWAY!


The 3 heroes then run away as you change back and you head back to the others

(Y/N): Come on guys, let's get out of here.

Yang: Man, for heroes of legend, that is embarrassing.

Church: Let's get out of here.

We then see Yang and Katsuragi punch and kick a hole through the wall and you all escape. Later, we see you and the others heading downtown.

Tucker: I can't believe it, we end up becoming heroes to criminals in one day

Blitzo: Oh come on, at least it can't get any worse.

Caboose: Tucker we're on TV!

You and the others then see a recording from the Crystal Ball that was made to look like you're the bad guys.

Naofumi: What!?

Tucker: I hate that guy so much right now.

Asuka: Now what do we do?

Moxxie: For our main priority we need to find a way to clear all our names, for now we all just need to lay low until-(sees Millie grabbing some turkey) Millie!

Millie: What? I'm hungry!

Moxxie: That much turkey will go to your thighs!

Blitzo: Nobody likes a fatass Mills.

Tucker: Guys, focus! We need to get the fuck out of here!

Caboose: Oh, are we all going on another adventure?!

(Y/N): Let's all just head over to the next town.

Sarge: Simmons, where's the nearest town?

Simmons: 500 miles west of here on foot sir.

Sarge: Grif, get us a transport!

Grif: Permission to do a Grand Theft Auto?

(Y/N): Hold on, Jess, can't you make us a car?

Jessica C: Hold on.

Grif: Hey Simmons.

Simmons: Yeah?

Grif: Shotgun.

Simmons: Fuck.

Jessica C then constructed a large car that can fit everyone.

(Y/N): Alright let's go.

We then see everyone get in the car as it drives off.

Caboose: Are we there yet?

Tucker: Caboose we haven't even left the Capital so don't start with that.

Later on we see you all arrive in the town and you all get out of the vehicle.

Komori: We're here.

(Y/N): Well get settled in. (to Naofumi) Wanna go our separate ways?

Jessica C: But we can't just leave him alone, aren't you forgetting he has no weapons and nobody will be willing to join him since they think he's a criminal.

(Y/N): Oh yeah.

Naofumi: Don't worry about me, I can handle myself.

(Y/N): Well they said that we can't be in a party together but they didn't say anything about it.

Naofumi: I'll be fine.

(Y/N): Alright, but if you ever need any help just give us a call.

Sarge: We all will be willing to go to war with Melromarc to clear our names.

Hagakure: We need to find a home for all of us.

Tucker: Whoa who the heck heck said that?

Caboose: It's a ghost!

Hagakure: I'm not a ghost, I'm just invisible. I just forgot to put on my shoots and gloves.

(Y/N) (waves hands around and grabs something soft) I think I found you.

Hagakure: know for my invisibility to work I have to be naked and right now your hands are on my chest.

(Y/N): (steps back and hands in the air) I'm so sorry, I couldn't see you.

Bakugou: So now what?

Later, we saw you and the others at an Inn and you all ordered a room for all of you.

(Y/N): Well everyone we just have to keep trying to level up and try to fight the waves.

Tsu: For now let's get some sleep, ribbit.

Tucker: There's not enough beds for everyone.

(Y/N): So two for each bed?

Tucker: No look at the room, it's split between the girls and the boys. They don't have rooms that are co-ed.

You and the others then take a look at the room and you see that there's a girls side and a boys side.

(Y/N): Oh, so then it's settled, girls will have one side and guys will have the other.

Katsuragi: (pressed her chest on your back) And you're welcome to sleep on the girls side any time.

Tucker: Dude if you want to have a real man with a real sword on your side I'm always available, bow chicka bow wow.

(Y/N): Don't be weird.

Tucker: Oh come on.

(Y/N): And besides, we all will have a very busy day.

Tucker: And we can have a busy night, bow chicka bow wow.

We then see everyone looking at Tucker as a cricket was heard chirping.

(Y/N): Tonight I'll sleep with the girls so I can be as far away from Tucker after he said that.

We then saw everyone as they were heading to their beds.

Tucker: Wait, what's going on? Was it something I said?

Sometime later, Tucker was thinking of what you're doing in the girls room

Tucker: Hey guys what are they doing in there?

Church: Sleeping obviously.

Tucker: I mean besides sleeping, bet they're talking about girls stuff and not talking about guys stuff like stuff like guns or action movies

Church: Just shut up and go to sleep.

Tucker: But-

Then a pillow was thrown at Tucker hitting him in the face as they went to sleep as we see you as you were seen being surrounded by all the girls who were sleeping with you.

(Y/N): Yup, tomorrow will be an interesting day.


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