Gene and his gang...

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~your pov~

I finally got un-grounded! But we still can't go over and eat at Laurence's house, I really wanted to but I could not.

On the way to school I see Laurence walking with Aphmau and I got jelous like almost wanted to hurt Aphmau jelous. I let it go but we still did not know what we where? Are we dating or is this just us tezing each other but really want each other? I am so confused!!😫

When we get to the school everyone goes three separate ways. I went to my usual tree and pulled out my art book. I was working on the picture for Laurence till someone stud in my light. "Do you mind?" I ask looking up to find those kids from yesterday there.

"Hello (Y/n) I'm Gene, this is Shasha and that's Zenix." He says pouting to him and his friends. "And I have a proposition for you," he says and kneels down to meet my eyes.

"What do you want? Me to join your grupe?" I ask and he nods. I began to fake laught and pretend to wipe away a tear. "Funny but no, I know what you all are, your the shadow knights some of the worst kids in school."

"But I have a way you could make Laurence yours," he says and that got my attention. "It ovous you like him so why not make him yours for good?"

"What do you have and if it's worth my time I'll take it," I say and the bell rings. "But make it quick,"

"Fine look here," he says and shows me a picture of Garroth kissing Aphmau. I was not shocked by the picture because Garroth told me.

"Not worth my time," I say and get up but they build a small circle around me. "I'm sorry but you wasted my time and I don't need something like that to get Laurence it will just get him mad at my brother." I say and try to move pass them but get pushed down.

"Your not going anywhere I still need you," Gene says. "I want you to come with us ditch school for the day,"

"No besides Zane would be mad at me if I got into your little grupe instead of him so again I say no," I say pulling away and heading to class.

I sat next to Laurence and Garroth. "Hey guys," I say and smile like nothing happened. "Is the teacher not here yet?"

"No the teacher never shows up so it's our free period," Laurence says and smiles. "So what you happy about?" He asks.

"If you two are going to get lovey then I'm going to talk to Aph," he says telling me to switch sets with him.

"So why you all happy?" Laurence asks again.

"I just am so impressed at what Candeza could do the dresses are perfict and I just am happy about today," I say but I was tarafied because Gene would use that picture as black mail towards Aphmau and I did not want that.

"No there's something on your mind what is it?"

"I actually have a picture for you but it's not done and I can't wait to give it to you," I say smiling. We both sit there in silents then he speaks.

"So I know I never really asked you but so you want to be-" he was cut off my Garroth slamming something down then the bell rings. "Never mind I'll ask it later," he says and walks it of the class.

"Hey umm (Y/n) I wanted to give you this!" Aphmau says handing me a invitation to her sleep over. "If it okay with Zianna then could you come over its this weekend,"

"Ya I can decently make it who else is comming," I say as we both walk to our next class.

"Katelyn, Lucinda, Nicole, Teony and you!" She says super excited.

"Great you want me to bring anything?" I ask and she shakes her head no. "Okay well I have to go later Aph!" I shout and run into the class.

~time skip to math at the end of the day~

In math I again skipped and went out to the soccer field just to find gene and his gang. "Look who it is," he says and smiles creepy. "Do you want to join us yet?"

"Sorry but no I came out here because I got done early," I say faking a smile at them. "Why do you want me in your little gang anyway? I would just take up space,"

"Yes but I know your friend with kitty and if she sees you with us maby she will want to join us,"

"Dream on. Waite whos Kitty?" I asks

"Kitty is that girl Aphmau," he says and I began to laugh.

"Rich!" i shout. "Oh, thats Rich, but she is way to nice for you guys. Besides I have to head home and just so you know Aph wont join you she is smarter than that." I say and leave.

Aph is to smart to join them, she would never fall for his stupid tricks right?

As I walk began to walk home I walk past Laurence but I did not pay any attention to him. "Hey beautiful where you going?" He says gently grabbing my hips and hugging me.

"Laurence let me go I have to get home," I say trying to get away from him.

"Are you mad at me?" He asks and I nod. "Why what did I do?" He asks and holds my hand.

"It just I don't know what we are Laurence I want to know but I'm just stuck on a rolocoster of feelings," I say and look down. "You say you want me to be yours and yet you go and flirt with Aphmau,"

"I'm being nice to her. I want you to be mine but Zianna is preventing that I do love you why do you thing I kiss you when we're alone when I want to be yours but I can't because Zianna will kill me," he says and pulls me in to where his forhead was tucking mine. "I'm sorry I was talking to Aphmau but she is my friend but you your the most important girl in my life besides my sister," he says and we both laugh.

"I'm sorry Laurence I wish Zianna would trust me with you," I say. We both keep talking till the final bell rings to head home.

"So you have a game today?" I say and he nods.

"Come to think of it do you want to sing the national atheneum for us?" He says and I nod.

~Genes Pov~

Well well that girl (Y/n) has some guts to talk to me like that. "Wow Gene she told you," Sasha sayed playing on her phone.

"Shut up now I know that one of Ivys friends are upsides with Laurence just as much as Ivy is with Garroth. If I can blackmail her into join an us then it's a peace of cake."

"But what about her brother Zane?" Zenix sayed sagging the wall. "If we invite her he will never leave."

"True but I just want her around for a bit just have some fun with her," I say and we just continue the conversation.

Okay that's it for now I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter next one will be out soon.

Stay happy not crappy stay in school don't do drugs and I LOVE YOU❤️

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