The soccer game

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~Your Pov~

When I got home Garroth had asked if I wanted to go see the soccer game later. I agreed in going and after the game there was a party. I changed in to (Piture above) and walked down stars. Mom was down there and smilled. "Where are you going?"

"To the soccer game with Garroth," I say and grab an apple. "So mom I was just wondering and I wanted to know if we could go and eat at Laurences house this weekend?"

"Dont you have a sleepover with Aphmau this weekend?" She says.

"Ya I do. How do you know that?"

"Silvanna told me. Also we need you to do something for us when your there," She says and I nod my head. "Can you find out if she has had her first kiss for us?" she says and I chock on my apple.

"What?!" I mannaged to get out. "Mom really what is it to you if she has yet?"

"Im like her other mom and who ever kissed her will pay for it!" She shouts and my eyes go wide (kindove like Garroths do when he is F***ked). I guess Garroth did not let mom know.

"Mom how come you did not act like that when I kissed Laurence?" I ask and she sakes her head.

"Because I trust you. Your may be the same age as Aphmau but when you where in the orphnage you where one of the most trusted kids and so I trust you. Its just Laurence was part of those shadow knights causing alot of truble and everything."

"Mom hes changed Laurence is nice to me and cairs," I say and take another bite of my apple. "Why cant we just go and eat Cadenza wants me to go as well not just Laurence."

"I know princess," She says and holds my hand. "I just dont want to luse you to a boy," She says and kisses my forhead.

"Hey (Y/n) You ready?" Garroth sayed and I nod. "Bye mommy well be back after the party!" We both shout and head out the door.

As we walk I pull out my phone and lission to music till Garroth pulls out my headphone. "(Y/n) Why did you dress up? Its just a game,"

"I know but its agensed O'khasis, our bigest rivel ever!" I say excitevly. "And sence where heading to a party I want to look nice,"

"Okay then," He sayed and looked down. "I herd the conversation with mom, Im glad you dident tell her that I kissed Aphmau."

"It was nothing I rather not have my big brother die. But Ill just tell them that she has not to save both your butts. Be glad Im a good lier," I say and nug him.

"Hehe Ill pay you back somehow for saving me,"

"If you help me convince mom to go to Laurences house for dinner soon then your det will be payed," I say and he laughts. We reach the school and there where alot of students. Garroth went ahead as I went to the bathroom.

When I go to the bathroom I see Ivy and her friends, one was crying. "Oh look its the girl who stole your man just like that stupid potato!" Ivy shouts and the girl that was crying got up and walked over to me.

"Who do you think you are taking another girls man like that?! Laurence is mine so just stay away from him!" she shouts and I back up.

"Excuese me but who are you and who are talking about?" I ask and she pushes me to the ground.

"Im Lily, Laurences girlfriend!" She shouts and I get up.

"Im sorry but he never had a girl friend. Ive known him sence we where in the orphnage together, and has never had a girl friend so you must be as crazy as Ivy," I say and dust myself off only to get pushed back down again.


I here a stall door open to see Cadenza walk out shyly. "You okay?" she asked and lended me a hand up.

"Ya im fine..." I say. "How much did you here?" I ask after I was quiet.

"All of it. Trust me Laurence has never had a girlfriend he wants to be with you. Lily has always been like that she is just an obsested girl who wont stop bugging my brother. Trust me when I say this, Laurence would never date her they arnt even friends," she says and fixes my hair.

"thanks Cadenza," I say and we both head tou to the soccer field and sat in the studint section.

~Time skip twards the end of the game~
~Third person~

It was ranning tards the end and it was getting intense."Wow this is a close game focks," The answer sayed. "The game is tied 45 to 45 lets see if our caption Laurence bring us to victory?!" He shouts in the mic. The studient section of both sides was goinning crazy! It was down the last ten seconds of the game and Laurence was taking the ball down the field. (Y/n) was neverous because if he misses Laurence would blame the lost on himself...

"Go Laurence go!" she started chanted the the other students joiend in. "GO LAURENCE GO! GO LAURENCE GO!" it keep going and with 3 seconds on the clock Laurence mad the winning goal!

"AND THATS IT FOCKS! LAURENCE HAS BROUGHT US TO VECTORY OVER O'KHASIS PREP!" the answer shouts in the mic. Everyone runs out to the field Lily runs to a different player then Laurence and kisses him. (Y/n) Ran up to Laurence not carring if he was sweety he made the winning gole and just wanted to hug him.

They where standing there in the rain and Laurence lifted her up. "We did it!" she shouted and sloly brought her back down close to his lips.

"L-Laurence wh-" (Y/n) was cut off by Laurence who had bugan to kiss her. (Y/n) heard every one chand and some players scream. "Get some Laurence!"

They both pull apart and laugh because of all the comments. Before anything else happend Lily pushed (Y/n) away from Laurence onto the muddy ground.

~Your pov~

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU!" she shouts and everyone went silent. I got up quickly but in the prosess nocked Lily down by acdent.

"Im so sorry Lily," I say and lend a hand to her but she just hits it away.

"I dont want your help you- you (real last name)!" she shouts and everyone gasps.

"Really using my last name? Thats low even for someone like you." I say but she hit me hard and the flash of the paremetics taking my dead brother away and my dead mother as well. Me being the only one alive, besides my farther who was in jail.

Lily gets up and runs away. I just stood there trying to fight back tears. Everyone went there septet ways and I saw Laurence, Garroth and Candenza standing behind me. "I'm fine really," I say wiping my face because tears swatted to fall.

All of them came up and hugged me. "Guys serially I'm fine," I say but hug them back.
"Really," I say week and both cadenza and Garroth let go and I was just hugging Laurence because he knew the story well.

"We all can head to my house, I don't want to go to the party if lily is there." He says and picks me up bride style. My head layed on his chest.

~Time skip to Laurence's house~

Cadenza gave me some of her close and Garroth got his close he left last time. I walk down the hall and see Laurence sitting on the couch. "Hey you okay?" He asks.

"Ya I'm fine," I say but he knew it was a lie. He pulled me into a hug and I began to sob. "Why Laurence? Why do I have to be the daughter of a murder?"

"I don't know," he says rubbing my back. "But what I do know is that your nothing like your farther, you did everything you could that day to protect the ones you love-"

"He locked me in a room I escaped and called the cops but I could not save my brother. He should be here not me," I say sobbing in his chest.

"(Y/n) you can't blame yourself it's in the past if you keep looking back to it its just going to eat you up inside. It pains me to see you like this," he says and I pull away. "Show me your arms." He sayed and I lift up the selves and remove the makeup reveling my scars.

He kisses them and I blush. "I kiss the scars on your skin. I still think your beautiful and I don't want to lose my best friend." He says and my smile grew.

"Pierce the veil nice," I say and he wipes away my tears.

"Please don't cut again it won't solve anything," he says and I nod. We sit on the couch and I cuddle him. Garroth was finally ready and we leave. Garroth walks ahead and I tell Laurence bye. "I won't I promes," I say and run to catch up with Garroth.

~okay that's it for now I hope you all enjoyed the chapter today

Stay happy not crappy stay in school don't do drugs and I LOVE YOU❤️

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