{Chapter 10} Ground Zero

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Third Person POV

Intense heat fills the entire room and it has Shigaraki sweating as he's faced with a raging Alpha before him who stands protectively between him and Midoriya. A bright orange glow emanated from Bakugo's palms as his quirk came to life and spark flew, threatening to set ablaze anything it would be aimed at, and Shigaraki has to take another step back in order to recollect himself and prepare for the upcoming fight.

Bakugo nearly sees red once he locks eyes with Shigaraki, holding himself and his Alpha from charging blindly in, knowing that he couldn't let the other Alpha touch him if he wanted to get through this and put an end to the villain. So, he sucks in air through his mouth and a grin cracks across his face.

"You'll pay for everything that you've done. And once I'm done with you, you'll be begging the guards at Tartarus to put you out of your misery," the blond male growls out in a deep, threatening tone while his body and mind switched into attack and he blasts himself forward, right towards Shigaraki. Bakugo knew he had to be careful, the room here wasn't exactly big and he didn't want to possibly trap himself or make a wrong move, then again, if he didn't have Midoriya and other heroes in this base here with him, then he'd blast this entire block up like a landmine.

Shigaraki readies and tries to dodge while keeping his hands ready to grab onto anything of Bakugo's, his body also being put through overdrive to prevent himself from being killed by the younger male. However, the direction he dodges, Bakugo immediately shifts with his explosions and he was now landing a solid and particularly harsh explosion into Shigaraki's side, blasting him to slam into the wall with a groan of pain. Bakugo wished he could hit harder and let his inner Alpha loose, but the thought of endangering Midoriya's body forced him to hold back, and luckily, his Alpha understood.

And before Shigaraki could recover and launch a counterattack, Bakugo throws another. Standing in front of Midoriya's limp body to shield him from any debris, Bakugo curls one hand and places the other behind it while firing off multiple blasts, his AP Shots.

Shigaraki's eyes widen, he manages to roll out of the indent his body made when colliding into the wall from the previous explosion, and he is able to dodge a few but others graze his pale skin, searing pain blossoms on his new slice-like wounds from how strong the blasts were and how fast they were wizzing past him.

With each new blast hitting the concrete walls Shigaraki was forced to follow strictly, smoke and dust clouded his vision, making it harder for him to spot Bakugo, let alone any shots that pierce through the thick, dark smoke. And this proves correct when a larger explosion detonates in front of him with Bakugo's grinning face peering from behind the opening through the smoke that trailed after the blast.

Shigaraki is sent into the wall again, at least what was left for him to hit.

Bakugo wanted to keep firing shots and explosions at the other Alpha in his rage until he realizes his surroundings and the rumbling of the ground beneath his feet. He clicked his tongue in frustration when he sees that most of the walls in this room were damaged from his explosions, and the ceiling was beginning to crumble and shed dust and a little more pebbles and rubble than he liked. He needed to end this fight as soon as possible now.

With this in mind now, the blond male decides that he won't be able to kill Shigaraki in that time, but with as much rationality he had on his mind now, he planned to knock the other out and escape with Midoriya in his arms.

The blond Alpha takes a risk to leave the spot where he stood in front of Midoriya's body, blasting himself forward at Shigaraki who was still recoiling from his previous blast and the smoke clouded his vision. Unlike Bakugo who was used to the smoke his own quirk produced by both his explosions and his hands from heating up, Shigaraki had no use to learn this skill as his quirk required him to make direct contact with his opponents, and he couldn't really use his quirk on someone if he couldn't see them.

"Die!!" Bakugo cries out in triumph when he sees the surprise on Shigaraki's face as his hand flies right at the enemy Alpha's face, his palm lighting up as he detonates his sweat and the large explosion is so powerful that even Bakugo is blown back from the shockwave it created.

This however, triggered the room to crumble and shake more as Bakugo hit the floor and slid a few feet, but he quickly stood up, seeing that Shigaraki was in the crater and wasn't moving, and he darts back to his still friend and lifts him up into his arms. Then he pivots hard and blasts the metal door out of its already loose frame, sprinting through the smoke and finally getting out of that hellhole of a room where he saw things he wished he never did.

His heavy footsteps echoed in the crumbling base, dodging falling debris and leaping over suspicious-looking cracks within the floor. He didn't dare stop to look at anything else, nothing else mattered other than getting out to bring Midoriya to safety and fresh air even if he hasn't made a single sound or move.

And finally after what felt like too-long of a run through the base he could've sworn wasn't this long and following his instincts, he found a set of stairs leading up to ground level. His inner Alpha instructs him where to go like before and he follows the voice blindly, knowing that his Alpha was trying to help and wanted him safe as much as it would want Midoriya safe.

He sees the entrance to the hidden passageway was open and he rushes past it, ignores the other heroes who saw a blur of him pass by, and he makes it outside the base where he knew there were ambulances and other forces to help just in case.

Bakugo feels the adrenaline leave his body as soon as he takes in a breath of fresh air and only a few paces from the front gates of the base, he collapses onto his knees with Midoriya still in his arms. He's panting hard, lungs burning and sweating more now from his sprint out of the base, his legs felt weak and were shaking as much as his arms were, sore from exerting so much of himself.

Tears escape past his shut eyes as his grip on Midoriya's body tightens, finding himself holding back from letting out a wail of agony. Bakugo buries his face into the greenette and sobs quietly, his heart and being in pain from the loss of his childhood friend, from his rival, from the one person whom his inner Alpha actually enjoyed being around even if he didn't understand himself.

Midoriya was the one person who always remained at his side through thick and thin, through the shit he put him through as kids and teenagers, through the stress and unfairness of society and their outlook on second genders and heroes. He could never imagine going on without the freckled nerd, even during the time where he told Midoriya to take a swan dive off a roof, his words were sharp but his inner Alpha snarled at him wildly whenever he'd treat the Omega like shit, but he always managed to win and ignore them. But now, he lost, and he will never forgive himself for everything's he done to Midoriya despite the other treating him with the kindness beyond a friend.

He feels dizzy and ready to give in and pass out, but then he feels someone pull him backwards slightly, a hand remaining on his shoulder to which he looks up and sees Hawks looking down at him with an unreadable expression. Bakugo stares up at the Pro Hero and says nothing, and the hero returns it. The Alpha then feels Midoriya being pulled from his arms and he whips his head around immediately, ready to snap at anyone who dared to remove the Omega from him, but he calms himself down when he recognizes paramedics were trying to examine Midoriya.

Bakugo lets the paramedics examine Midoriya, not ever ready to hear them pronounce his time of death and give him looks of pity and sadness, legit or not. And he waits for forever for them to slowly put down their equipment and announce to everyone that the young hero was gone, taken too early......

But, it doesn't come.

"We've got a pulse!"

(1486 words)

A/N: Updates may take longer now, I've started college and I'm more busy now, but I'll still continue my stories and make time to write and update! I do still love them and I want to commit to them as much time as I can without overworking myself or stressing myself more. Otherwise, I hope you like this chapter! I'm not really good at fight scenes, but I hope this is okay! Thank you for reading, I really appreciate it and I read most of the comments!

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