{Chapter 9} A Rogue's Sacrifice

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(This chapter's title is dedicated to the amazing story "A Rogue's Sacrifice" by Tanithiaria . Thank you for the creation of such a lovely and beautiful story! Be sure to check it out on AO3! OwO)

Third Person POV

Bakugo's hands are still glowing a bright orange by the time he lunges at Shigaraki who was barely able to sidestep out of the way of the other Alpha's blazing hands, which let off an explosion where he had been standing, presumably to severely injure or even kill him as it was point blank.

The smoke from the explosion covered them for a few moments but it was enough for Bakugo to whip around to Midoriya, crouch down, break off the shackles and collar from the Omega, and tuck his arms under him, attempting to carry him. The freckled male coughed and shook his head. "I-I'll only s-slow you down, Kacchan—"

"I'm not leaving you!" Bakugo snarled at the other male who then shook his head again and grabbed onto Bakugo's wrist.

"Y-you need to handle Shigaraki first. We can't possibly escape w-with Shigaraki still up," Midoriya informed the blond Alpha urgently as the smoke began to clear. Bakugo gives a nod and understood what the weakened male meant, so he rose to his feet and faced their opponent.

Shigaraki holds his ground when Bakugo returns to face him with smoke still coming off of his hands, the blond stands between him and Midoriya who winced and took slow and steady breaths. A small dribble of blood had trailed down his mouth from Shigaraki's previous kick to his stomach but he was generally fine compared to what he had went through before.

"You shouldn't be helping him, Omega, he's not your Alpha and he isn't here to help you," Shigaraki sneered towards them, gazing past the other Alpha and to the Omega who was now propped up with his back against the wall, sitting up and watching. "Come to me, Omega."

The Alpha Command from Shigaraki made Midoriya's head reel as his inner Omega was forced into submission and they try to obey the command. But the green haired male had had enough and simply grit his teeth tightly, let out a loud growl, and bared his now enlarged Omega fangs.

"I'm not your Omega."

Midoriya glared daggers that held blazing hellfire in them towards Shigaraki, his pupils turning into slits from his hostility rising and he held back the urge to snarl more insults. He clenched his hands into tight fists while Shigaraki's expression turned angry and the freckled Omega couldn't help but feel proud of himself that he was hitting a nerve with not following him with another Alpha so close.

Anger fuels Shigaraki and he lunges forward with his hand, ready to decay Bakugo and incapacitate him so he could give him a slow death in front of his disobedient Omega. His deathly fingers miss their target when Bakugo suddenly ducks and using an explosion, throws a fist into Shigaraki's stomach and propels them away from Midoriya who remained where he was, not really able to move.

Bakugo slams Shigaraki into a wall then before the older Alpha could reach down and grab him, he uses another explosion with the hand that made contact with him to force his body to the left away from the pale haired male. He's now panting and sweating more but that's just what he needs when Shigaraki snarls and once again goes for a frontal approach. His hand outstretched towards the blond but the other hand was ready for Bakugo to dodge him.

Bakugo does dodge but he already sees what the other has planned so he instead dodges to the other side and whirls around to land another blast to Shigaraki's side now. And when the older Alpha slams his hand down where Bakugo was, he was already too slow as another explosion detonated on his opposite side.

Explosion after explosion, Shigaraki struggled to keep up with Bakugo's speed and his quick-thinking, but eventually, he knew that his chance would appear.

Bakugo continues his attacks, confident that he was going to beat Shigaraki because he was too damn slow, until suddenly, he dodges the same frontal attack only for the pale haired Alpha to withdraw his hand quickly and now reach for where he was going and he knew that he couldn't stop himself from moving in that direction after having just changed. His momentum wasn't going to change if he tried anyway and his eyes widened, thinking he had just screwed himself and would now lose when he had such a big lead on Shigaraki.

Then, as fast as lightning itself, a flash of green electricity illuminates the dark room and before Bakugo or Shigaraki could process, Midoriya had thrown himself in the way to take the hit that Bakugo was going to sustain which for sure would prevent him from continuing the fight.

Time seemed to slow for everyone as Bakugo tried his hardest to move faster than Midoriya to move them out of the way, or at least Midoriya so he wouldn't be even more injured than he already was. Shigaraki tried to retract his hand which failed since all five of his fingers were bound to destroy the freckled Omega. And Midoriya's expression remained hidden from the two battling Alphas as he jumped in the way.

Then time seemed to accelerate too fast. Shigaraki stumbled back with his hand back to himself, Bakugo now tumbled to the floor and rolled away quite a bit from his momentum, but Midoriya only dropped to the cold floor not too far from where he intercepted the attack from landing on its target.

Bakugo feels fear coarse through his veins as he scrambles to his feet and rushes to Midoriya where he turns him over, his front laying half on the ground. Horror immediately sunk in and he trembles heavily while holding the greenette.

His already damaged chest was further decayed and more tissues were destroyed under Shigaraki's quirk. It gave off a blood-red glow from having been freshly decayed, it had even spread up his neck and throat where perfect skin once lay. Though only skin and tissues had been decayed, on a spot so fragile and so lacking of spare skin such as the chest made his wounds more dangerous and lethal.

Midoriya's eyes were barely open and he looked up at Bakugo with dazed, green orbs, his face looking deathly pale and weak. He shakily smiles up to the blond Alpha while trying to hold onto his hand.


Bakugo feels a lump forming in his throat, and he has to force it down to be able to speak to the greenette whom lay nearly limp in his arms. He doesn't even realize it when his own tears spill down on Midoriya's face.


Midoriya doesn't get a chance to finish before his voice gave in and so did the rest of him. The rising and falling of his chest slowed more and more and his gaze became cloudy and glazed while his hold on Bakugo's hand weakened until it finally slipped from his grasp.

Bakugo's heart nearly stops when he feels Midoriya go limp in his arms, his crimson eyes searching the green haired Omega for any sign of life and he tries to shake him awake, desperation in his shaky voice and salty tears.

"D-Deku?! Wake up! S-stop p-playing around! Please, Izuku!"

The Alpha begs so desperately as he holds tighter to Midoriya who doesn't respond with anything, the blond male then weeping into the scarred neck of the one he trusted most. The one he thought could one day be someone more meaningful to him than just a friend or a rival, but as a mate. He knew that Midoriya had every right to turn him down after all the shit he put him through years before, but he also knew that the Omega was forgiving and he was willing to make it up to him if he allowed him to at least have the chance. He's changed, but now, he won't be able to even ask Midoriya anything.

Then, the slight sound of a chain dragging on the stone-cold floor snapped Bakugo out of his grieving.

Shigaraki was still standing there and he had accidentally bumped into the chain that held Midoriya there, he was watching the other Alpha grieve over an Omega that wasn't even his but he couldn't help but feel conflicted as well. As much as he wanted to kill Bakugo and torture Midoriya, he never wanted to kill the greenette, planning on keeping him as his mate even if he had to brainwash him. As cruel as he was, his inner Alpha did mourn for the Omega when he had inevitably killed him.

However, Shigaraki isn't given time to go through all five stages of grieving when a strong odor filled the room and he became on edge because he knew exactly what this smelled like; like pure rage and fury.

Bakugo gently sets Midoriya's limp body down and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead before standing, his back turned to the older male.

Smoke and some crumbles of debris came from the ceiling, the Pro Heroes must be going through the place more and there must've been other battles going on even now after such a long time of Bakugo and Midoriya being held captive.

Shigaraki shields his eyes from the smoke and dust just in time to feel ice in his blood when he spots crimson-red eyes peering at him through the dark clouds of smoke. He could almost feel the wrath that was radiating from those vengeful eyes and he couldn't stop himself from taking a small step back out of reflex.

Nothing but one thing was scarier than an enraged Alpha, and Bakugo was about to show Shigaraki what an enraged Alpha could do.

(1634 words)

A/N: Ah, I was able to update this a little earlier than usual since I felt excited to write out an angry Kacchan, even if my fight scenes suck ass, as you can tell! XD Anyway, I hope it made sense, I was listening to Senbonzakura while writing this and hopefully that didn't make things confusing or weird. Thank you for reading! :3

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