Chapter 10

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A/note: Fun fact about this book, I have been planning this book from every part for four years, even when I didn't discover wattpad! 

I remembered how Peirs discouraged me during training, or even shooting practice. He wanted me to have female privileges. But, I wanted it to be equitable, not treated unfairly to the men of this group. 

My stomach started to growl.

Soon enough we needed to make a stop. We haven't ate in a few days. I grasped onto my arm when it started to sting, then it made my hand a cramp. I growled when we proceeded to walk.

"Hey, you alright?" Somers questioned. I was speechless and couldn't think of the words besides focusing on the pain.

"Shit, this is getting weird. Ever since Doctor Weis apprised me that your arm and leg was injured by the end of the mission. I have been concerned of the spot that was clawed open by a mutated Xenos."

"N-no, I am fine. If I have to fight it, I will!" I yelled, making Ambros hushed me when he heard something. There was a hole through the wall, that was very close, and up ahead.

The screeching became louder, it remind me of the mutated ones that glowed. 

All at the same time, we did a corner covered on both sides of the collapsed hole in the stone fence. I kept my hand on the handle of my blade. My heart started to beat rapidly, I took slow breaths. Every time the screech got louder and louder it gave me the chills. The screeches sounded like nails scraping against a chalk board. It made me have spine crawling chills.

A streetlamp made that hid behind the stone wall buzzed, while a huge lurking shadow came across the opening of the hole in the stone wall. I drew my blade out of it's sheath and took the fight to the Xenos. Blue sparks of thunder drizzled around the air. Droplets of the rain slowly came in contact with the ground. I swiftly swung the blade,  decapitating the head off the Xenos.

The Xenos faded into tiny embers and ascended into the air. Time went back to normal and there was constant sounds of the growling.

"Back to back." I ordered, the three of us in an instinct time went back to back. I darted my head around, searching for where the screeches came from. The street lamp suddenly flickered and was burned out. The ground started to shake, and a loud detonation was heard. We all exchanged a glance. I snapped my head to the left, when I saw one of them hop the fence.

Ambros started to shoot at it, taking it down in seconds, then he changed his magazine, sliding the slider back. A brass shell escaped the chamber and bounced off onto the grass. We stood next to the porch of a very expensive house. Small garden lights lined up along the garden near the fence. On the lawn it had a sign that said 'Eminent Domain'.

"Hey over here!" A child's voice caught my attention. Around 20'ft was an open gate, where a child stood waving to us. The kid looked around the age of eight.

"Kid, what are you doing? It isn't safe out here." Somers replied to the boy.

"I know, but what are you guys doing out he-" Suddenly the boy screamed and was yanked sideways, out of our view. I quickly followed the child's scream, past the gate, the Xenos jumped over the wall with the small child.

"Holy shit!" Ambros yells like he got frightened all of a sudden. 

"Dammit!" I yelled placing my hands through my hair, I felt the fault was mine.

"Yo, Ronin. This wasn't on you." Ambros says, trying to comfort me.

"Look Ambros, apart of our job was to protect and this was a little kid that just gotten taken. Soon enough they are going to make him into a Xenos Solider. With a few years of training, they will be unstoppable." I explained to Ambros. Ambros crosses his arms in a smug way.

"This wasn't apart of the mission, Ronin. Sometimes we have to sacrifice to obtain victory. This war is far from over, both you and I know that. Don't let compassion get in the way of you doing your job, Ronin." Ambros replied.

"Ambros, relax. If I were you, I would shut my mouth before she reports to the Colanol and has you on the first flight out." Somers says, trying to fix the disagreement between the two of us.

"Just because you have a thing for her doesn't mean you need to gang up on me as well." Ambros says shaking his head in disappointment.

"No one is ganging up on you. Damn, we aren't even finished the mission and we all are fighting, let's get moving before more civilians are taken hostage." I explain and stride around the back yard, checking the place out.

Every time I swung as had as I could with the sword my arms would become sore. I placed my sword back in it's sheath and pulled out two of my hand guns out from my leg holsters. 

I slid the slider back on the top of one gun then did it to the other one. I made sure there wasn't a shell that would jam the gun.

There was a sudden ear-splitting screech. Somers and Ambros both saw my actions and took cover behind a flipped over picnic table. I took cover behind the tree knowing in front of me it was either going to ram the fence or hop it. I turned my hand guns onto automatic. Two loud crashes were heard before one of the mutated Xenos busted through the stone fence. A cloud of grey smoke washed passed us, I extended my arms and came out from my corner cover position and started to fire.

 With it's claws it deflected each of the bullets. It started to run at me even when Somers and Ambors both shot at the creature. I bent my back, the claws missed my face by inches. I kept shooting it even when it tried to cleave my kin open. I did a roll, dodging it in the distance. I quickly got up and kicked it in the chest. Along with the rest of the firing at the creature disappeared into small embers. I placed both hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath.

I put a thumbs up. "That was close." I said sheepishly. It was nice to have a hole through the stone walls, it was like a shortcut through the neighbour hood.

"The GPS says that up a head of us, should lead to a few more houses and then a trailer park. After when we get through there, we should reach the outskirts of town pretty soon. Our last stop would be the drive-in movie theatre." Ambros says holding out the GPS.

"Ambros, one problem. It says: up a head, when there is a stone wall in front of us." Somers points out.

"And your point?" Ambros says in a smart-ass tone.

"We have to find a better route, there isn't any gates we can go through that leads us to the unfinished homes, that are up a head. We cannot rely on that piece of junk." Somers answers Ambros's question. He crosses his arms, while the two were having a argument. I took the chance to look around. The stone wall was around seven ft in the air, which none of us have the arm length to hop it.

The yard didn't have much, it had a tool shed, a patio set with destroyed chairs,a smashed patio table, and a small playground set that was next to the wall. Then an idea came to me.

"Boys, enough. I have an idea on how to get over the wall." They ignored what I said and continued to argue. I sighed and took out my hand gun. I changed the clip and then shot it up in the air, twice. I successfully gained their attention.

"Listen, this is getting out of hand. The fighting has to stop, we have to focus on this mission. Now, help me break the lock to that shed." I pointed over to the shed that was next to Ambros and Somers.

"On it." Ambros says, he gave us the signal to stand back. He started to fill the shed with holes and broke the lock.

He opened one of the doors and I was in relief there was a single piece of wood.

"What do you exactly have in mind, Commander?" Somers questions. 

"Do you see that small playground set? We are going to make a ramp off of the playground set, the wall is only a foot higher then the playground. Which a piece of wood like this can hold forty pounds a foot and it is around nine feet long. The wall's width is four feet in width. So we should have enough to get across." Ambros slapped his forehead making a small echo sound.

"Man, why does this feel like grade 8 Math class again?" Ambros questioned in disappointed voice.

"Why don't you not enjoy Math?" Somers questioned, while a smirk that formed from the corner of his lip.

"I don't know! Maybe it's just the fact it takes so long." Ambros replied annoyed.

"Let me guess, you were a person that liked gym more?" I guessed. I knew the psychology behind people who didn't enjoy Math, truely no one does.

Ambros's mouth opened, but he didn't reply. It was like he was thinking about what he was going to say. Then he gave me a confused look

"Ya...How did you know?" He questioned with hesitation.

I crossed my arms, "I did research that people who loved gym as a child, hated Math. Just like people who are great at Math won't like gym. But it depends on the person." I replied.

Somers chuckled, "Who doesn't like gym because I sure loved it." Somers commented.

"Same." Both Ambros and I said at the same time.

"Alright lets get started." Ambros clapped his gloved hands together.


Somers and I placed the board across the playground and the stone wall. 

"I'll hold this side, you two cross, and I'll follow." I suggested to the two of them. Ambros opened his mouth to protest, but decided it wasn't worth it.

"I'll go first and check if it's clear-"

"Somers, you are still in no condition to be ambushed. So, I'll go first and when the coast is clear? Then I'll signal you two." Ambros strategize. I couldn't agree more on the choice. After all he was looking out for us.

"Alright, head across. But if you're getting a chunk taken out of you, then there won't be a call you can make. We are jumping into action." I replied. He gave me a nodd.

"Yes ma'am." Ambros stood up from his crouched position and took the first step onto the board. He couldn't use his arms for balance, since he held his rifle. He silently made it across, and jumped down.

"Coasts clear." Ambros called out in a whisper.

"Somers." I motioned him to cross on over.

I followed him across the beam, after he made it across. There was frequent gunshots from a distance, pistol, maybe half a yard away?

"DON'T MOVE! Or I will shoot!" A pedestrian in a red shirt, had dark hair, and blue jeans, ordered from the top of his lungs.

"Hey, it's alright. We're with the Military, we're here to help-" I was cut off by the citizen that was protecting his yard. The citizen's jaw locked.

"The hell you are! They've told us to evacuate, but the hell I will. I've nearly sold my eye balls to pay off the morgage of my house. There's no way I'm leavin-" My limbs started to shake, the ground started to rattle, glass shattered from his windows. His whole house was shaking rapidly.

"Sir, get back!" I yelled. It seemed like he couldn't hear me. But something came out, like a worm, split his house in two. My heart sunk into my stomach at the beast. This wasn't something we've faced yet!

The worm locked it's twelve, vibrant gold, eyes on the man who opened fire on the creature. I reached to pull the man back, but it was too late.

The recoil from the creature that swallowed the man whole, left me falling back onto my ass. My heart started to beat rapidly, there wasn't anything we could do besides, to kill the beast. There wasn't no reasoning with the creature.

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