Chapter 8

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I had three rules I followed everyday.

Rule one, never get attached to someone because I may get into the same situation with my family.

Rule two, be fearless. Life is limitless if you make correct choices.

Rule three, fuck what anyone thinks about you.

I took the sheath off my back and placed it next to the nightstand. When this is over I am getting a place of my own, like this. I wanted to start over and someday have a life of my own.

"Hey." I heard a voice. Taking me out of my thoughts.

I turned my head and looked over my shoulder to see Somers. I gave him a smile.

"Hey." I responded then looked back at the window. I felt awkward that we were alone. Not that I minded it. But it was usually the four of us or three.

"About earlier. That's what keeps you up at night, isn't it." This wasn't the best type of conversation for him to bring up. But I don't want to push this away forever.

"Yes." I quietly said. The floorboards started to creak and I felt a weight shift next to me.

"Invisible scars, I understand that. When I was younger, I never had a family. I was an orphan. I learned my ways of growing up on the streets. But never did illegal shit, otherwise I would have not met you or the team." He said, keeping his gaze out the window as well.

"I guess that makes two of us then." I said, making the awkward silence again.

He inhaled for a second then asked something I never thought of.

"What is something you are fighting for? Like what is something you want one day?" He questioned. I swallowed thickly and gave it a minute to think.

"I've always fought to give others protection, to keep lives. I have grown to ignore every emotion-"

"Why would you ignore those kinds of things? We are only humans, not Xenos, with no emotion." He said, I felt a spark in my chest and gut.

My chest was beating rapidly. I was so confused by the feeling. It felt warm and I felt the feeling in my gut and chest. It worried me what the feeling was that I was getting. I talked to try to get rid of the feeling.

"I have never truly thought of what I wanted." I answered quietly to him. Knowing he was right, but what was this feeling?!

"You'll find it one day, Ronin." He said calmly, I felt my hand intertwined with his. It was almost like it was natural.

"Ambros is taking watch, and then I'm up. You should take the six hours of full rest."

"But that is not fair for you both-"

"I've changed my mind completely, seeing how comfortable the two of you look. I'll take a full shift. Somers you better not look like a zombie in the morning." I heard Ambros say that startled me. I yanked my hand out from Somers hand and pretend like nothing happened.

I widened my eyes "How long have you been standing there?!" I practically yelled.

"The whole time." I noticed the Jack Daniels in his hand while he leaned against the door frame.

He retreated from the doorway and I felt embarrassed. The two of us burst into laughter. It was incredibly awkward. Ambros must have been nearly drunk from the liquor.

I tried not to make a sound from the yawn that escaped so quickly. Somers stood up and walked to the doorway. He closed the door and turned his back for a moment.

I took off the long sleeve shirt with no buttons and tossed it to the chair near the window. I sat down on the side and started unlacing my combat boots.

"I can take the floor if you feel uncomfortable. I mean this probably wouldn't be the first time you shared-"

"No, it's fine, Somers. Actually this is the first time I've shared my space with a guy."

"Discluding, when my brother was four years old and was afraid of lightning, he..." I added, then stopped my sentence for a moment and felt pain in my chest.

"He heard about you and Grayson. At the time I never met you guys, but I promised he would meet his hero's one day. The day just never came..." I sighed, hearing the floorboards creak.

"He would be proud, you're now one of us. That makes you a hero to many of us." Those words struck me. Those words made me feel something...

He laid down, leaning his head against the headboard. Arms behind his neck holding his head comfortably. He leaned up and folded his sweater and placed it on the floor.

He still sounded like the regular Somers, I didn't understand what Ambros meant by different.

"That's something that I never thought of becoming...I'm really sorry for leaving you, Somers." I admitted.

"When I was under the concrete, you were the one who pulled me back from leaving this world. Peirs was next to me when the explosion happened. He said awful shit about you and thought it was your fault. I didn't think so, Ronin. There was a part of me that said it was, and the other part was myself." Somers said. I was speechless, were the episodes I was having really him?

There was a part of myself that wondered if he was alive.

"I wanted to, I really did. I begged Grayson and Weis to go back. Then suddenly three years later I woke up. I went through the same two episodes, Somers. The one with my family and the other..." He opened his eyes and gave me a concerned look.

"The other one, was about Peirs..." I whispered and adjusted my position into a comfortable one. I haven't laid in a bed for a long time and it's actually nice. I am used to the ground, gravel, soaked, and cold conditions.

"Don't worry about him. He's not coming back." He said in a more soft voice. I could tell I was getting tired.

The comfort of not being alone was nice. My heart felt somewhat glued back together. I couldn't tell what the feeling was. I was beginning to see the world as not all bad.

This was one of the first times I didn't have an episode, of the same thing that I would scream by.

Maybe I just never felt safe after my family passed. And death took it's part for them. I hate the grim reaper for that reason. Of course I've experienced this before, what starts with war ends with death usually.

I felt like I was safe. I felt no worry at the moment. Sleep took me to a peaceful place.

Suddenly I felt myself being shaken. A hand on the shoulder kind of shake.

"Rise and shine, time to wake up." I heard Ambros say in with a chuckle.

"You two look comfortable." Abros added. Suddenly there was a click sound. The sound startled me for a moment. I saw Ambros with one of the old fashioned cameras that prints the photo. He waved it back and forth a bit, for the picture to cool down.

Somers was half awake and I noticed something. His arms were wrapped around my waist, our legs were slightly tangled together.

Somers let me go for a moment while Ambros started to laugh like a madman, in a good factor.

Somers realised suddenly what was going on.

"I swear, if you don't give that picture back I am going to: kill you." Somers said with a tired voice.

"At the end of the trip, homie." Ambros played around as a joking factor. He was ready to go.

"What? How?-"

"You move a lot in your sleep." Somers admitted, pushing a small piece of unkempt hair out of my face. A smile spread across my face, and he even caught the smile. I got off of him noticing the nice smell that was now on my shirt. I combed my hair straight with my fingernails and tied it a bit. I inhaled deeply, then rubbed my eyes. I felt normal and less tired.

Somers pov

She started to get ready for the run. I looked over my shoulder to see that the sky was still dark.

I started to follow her lead with getting ready. I woke up a couple times from her moving around in her sleep. But I was surprised there was no Siren scream this time. I remember when I was half awake she rolled closer to me and snuggled into me. I didn't mind it at all. Her arms were freezing at the time. I wasn't worried about waking her up when she rested her head on my chest. She was in a comfortable position. She was one of the toughest girls I've met in a long time.

But I noticed the invisible scars that she hid always. At times I noticed her pain. But I am glad she is alive and awake. I wasn't sure of her reaction when she first saw me. I thought she was going to punch me in the face and call me an asshole for being alive.

I was happy to see a friend again, but I had a weird feeling when I saw her once again. It was like the first time I met her. She was at the gun range when I first met her. She didn't know how to shoot a gun. So I took a few hours everyday to teach her. I hated the fact Peirs looked at her like a piece of meat, when she wasn't very muscular at the time.

He backed off when Grayson and I taught her a bit of hand to hand combat. She kicked Grayson's ass on the first go. She asked for us to not go easy. She choked Grayson out on the first go, cut off his air. She earned Peirs respect that day, but I am unsure about now.

Back to reality, I finished getting ready. We left the covers how they were. She picked up her sword and her long sleeve, button less, shirt.

I did the same and put back on my sweater. Ambros was reloading his rifle. She followed me out the door and to the table. Ambros had his feet up on the table while he hummed an old rock song.

"Morning love birds." I heard Ronin scoff to Ambros's comment. It was somewhat adorable.

"Nothing happen, Ambros-"

"Even if something was going on, I wouldn't have heard it. I took watch on the fire escape ladder and the balcony. But I am happy for you man, if it is true." Ambros said, then tossed her gun to me.

I knew she felt awkward for a moment, did she like me as much as I do? I wasn't sure if it was so. But I had to keep my head out of the clouds for now. She was indeed beautiful and her courage never ceases to amaze me.

"Let's get this show on the road." She said taking the Jack Daniels. I was surprised when she took a big gulp of that stuff.

"Alcohol first thing in the morning, woman are you Mad?" Abros questioned with a somewhat high pitched freak out voice.

She took a second to swallow. "Hey, never take away a girl's last drink. It's like the rule to never take a man's last cigarette. You get it, Ambros." She answered, placing the drink down.

"No I do not. Alcohol isn't a female rule, maybe the last cigarette. But the whole drink thing is not-"

"It is now, Ambros." She joked making a bubbly feeling rise inside of me. I smirked when she started to laugh. Ambros slapped his forehead making an echo.

He stood up and it indicated it was time to go.

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