Chapter 4

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Olivia was sitting across from her former student y/n wick a one man team student who was rather well known throughout the world

Olivia: that's all I know so far

Y/n: I see thanks Olivia I appreciate the honesty

Olivia: you do know if your ever in remnant come and see us at least the students would've loved to meet you

Y/n: I'll see about that?

Elevator door rings

Olivia and y/n wick turn as the elevator door rings and in walks in professor Glynda Goodwitch and 2 female teams

(A/n ruby and the girls are a little older in this story)

Glynda walks in as she's shuffling through papers not looking up

Glynda: hello headmistress I've brought.... *looks up as she stared up at y/n in shock* y/n wick is that you?

Y/n: professor goodwitch it's been quite a while

He was then tackled in a hug as Glynda does that she retracts from y/n quickly regaining her posture

Glynda: it's good to see you again mr wick welcome back

Y/n: thanks professor and who might these women be behind you

Before they could ask something the girl In red rushed up to his face

???: omgyoury/nwick I'msuchabigfan...

Y/n: sorry but could you say that again please

???: *blushes* sorry my name is ruby rose and y/n your one of my inspirations to be a huntress especially when you were part of overwatch

Y/n: I'm glad miss?

???: sorry I'm ruby rose

Y/n: glad to meet you miss rose

Glynda: miss rose that was impolite

Y/n howver waves it off

Y/n: don't worry about it Glynda it's okay

Ruby: sorry it's nice to meet you

Y/n: it's okay who are these ladies? *gestures to the women behind her*

Ruby: sorry this is my teammates

???: hi there my name is yang xaio long I'm Ruby's half sister handsome

Ruby: yang

???: hi there my name is blake belladonna it's nice to meet you

???: hello there mr wick my name is Weiss schnee

Y/n: daughter to Jacques schnee

Weiss: yes why?

Y/n: it's nothing don't worry

The next 4 women then came up

???: h-hi I'm Jane arc it''s amazing to meet you mr wick

???: my name is Nora Valkyrie and I love pancakes

???: my name is Pyrrha nikos it's a honor to meet you

Y/n: Pyrrha nikos the mistral champion?

Pyrrha: you know?

Y/n: it's hard not to

Y/n turns his attention to the last member

???: my name is Lin Rin it's a pleasure

Y/n: it's nice to meet you all as well I'm y/n wick

Olivia: he was also a beacon student

Yang: really he was?

Olivia: why yes miss xiao long he actually graduated at 17 years old

Yang: WHAT *looks frantically between y/n and Olivia* no way really?

Glynda: y/n wick has been in some of the toughest missions known to hunters and huntresses alive he still rivals your team ms arcs team, your mothers own team strq, star and neptunian's team even team cfvy and everyone in his year...

Yang: no way!

Olivia: he was also the only one man team to graduate early

Ruby: that's so cool

Y/n howver simply waves his hand

Y/n: I simply just did my best and I worked better alone

He then Turns to the headmistress

Y/n: headmistress mind if I can use the training room for a couple of days... do you mind if I stay

Olivia: *waves hand* no problem mr wick please there's a spar dorm room for you please go out and enjoy yourself

With that y/n leaves as yang and the others watch him go he waves bye for now as he descends the elevator

Yang: he's one handsome guy

The others couldn't help but silently agree with her

Back to y/n he got out of the elevator as he went to his car getting out his luggage he went to the old dorm he used to call home

He went inside as he looks around

Y/n: "same old dorm same old memories"

Y/n then unpacks his things making sure to change out of his casual wear and change into a pair of all black gym attire

Y/n made his way carrying his swords alongside his bow with him to the training room

He then drops his bag as he goes to his bag removing his swords and bow

Y/n: "time to get to work"

He then performs a few stretches as he then began doing Aztec push-ups, burpees and pull-ups alongside one handed push ups


Y/n then stood up after doing his one handed push ups

Y/n: "woo" *wipes sweat off* ready now

Feeling warmed up he began to train using his swords even dual wielding them and then began to spin them in circles even causing them to spark

Timeskip 4 hours later

The sound of heavy breathing and the pounding of a gym bag was seen as y/n was now shirtless his body soaked in sweat making him feel on Fire he was punching his 30th punching bag the rest having been destroyed by his fists

Punching the bag in quick succession he cocks his fist back before hititing it and then a jumping roundhouse causing it to explode and rip the bag in 2

Y/n then slumps down feeling like his blood that was boiling was now cool thanks to the sweat cooling him off

Y/n: *huff* *huff* *huff* exhale* damn that was intense

He then went over to the pool and dove inside and began to box underwater holding his breath for under 2 minutes making sure to at least get a deep breath every time he's goes up

After an hour of this y/n wick exits the pool holding the ledge tightly

Y/n: *gasp* *huff* okay now I'm done

With that he exits the gym and pull area making sure he puts his weapons back

He then goes back to his dorm as he collapsed on his bed exhausted


Rome during the omnic crisis

???: go run run

Several civilians are seen running away as they are pursued by several omincs arrows hit them some exploding as the dirt clears the civilians see a man wearing what looked like ninja attire with blue outlines and a overwatch symbol on his shoulder

???: your ronin one of overwatch's agents

???: you saved us? thank you.

Y/n: go now run

The cilvillans then run as severally them pass the man ronin takes of his face mask revealing y/n wick who then grabs his guns holistered on his back

Y/n: come on let's do this

He then looks seeing several large omnics head his way

He then charges forward

Y/n readies his guns as explosions occur around him

Flashback #2 overwatch command center

Y/n wick was seen in the overwatch building after getting patched up by Angela Ziegler and her reprimanding him on his carelessness. He bumped into another one of his close friends

Jack Morrison Overwatch commander

Jack: y/n are you okay?

Y/n: yeah sorry jack I just been distracted by things lately

Jack: is it because of the haverick incident?

Y/n: no it's a feeling I feel like I can't shake off someone is gonna cause something something bad

Jack: it's probably the stress of the omnic crisis and everything going on. Also hey how was that lady you've been seeing?

Y/n: Tara yeah she's a unique woman

Jack: man a lot of women are heartbroken

Y/n: come on jack I'm not the kind of guy that many women look for

Jack: "wow" y/n wick.... never mind just don't go worrying the rest of us... Lena nearly ran out of here wanting to go assist you

Y/n: no problem and hey thanks again commander *offers for handshake*

Jack: no problem ronin *both do their own handshakes*

Y/n: I'll see ya

With that both commander and y/n leave as y/n felt the same cold chill down his spine but dismissed it.


Y/n awoke with a gasp and couldn't help but shiver as his back was soaked in sweat

Y/n: "another dream this isn't good"

He then went to the shower inside his dorm soaping his body and cleaning off the sweat and chlorine from the pool.

Y/n then made it to the mirror cleaning the fog off he looks into his reflection seeing his stubble had grow out and his hair even longer

(Just the hair and stubble)

Y/n: "damn I might need to shave soon and get a haircut"

He then changed into something a little more casual for the day

Y/n then looks around as beacon definitely looked the same although there a a few small improvements

Y/n: "not bad not bad at all"

He then makes it to the beacon dining hall getting a small breakfast

???: y/n... y/n over here

Yang and ruby were seen waving him over as y/n could see the rest alongside team jnpr there

Y/n then made his way over to the teams sitting down

Yang: how're doing today

Y/n: good so far

As they were talking the others couldn't help but remember the conversation of yesterday with headmistress Olivia

Yesterday headmistress office after y/n left

Yang: what *after Olivia explained why y/n was there and who he's been tracking

Ruby and Weiss were shocked while Blake held her hand to her mouth

Jane couldn't fathom words and her team couldn't even either

Olivia: they did that to him just because they knew y/n would get their way

Weiss: why? Who would do that to a man?

Glynda: victor Donavan a scumbag who betrayed doatec with heinous experiments and he's... he's gonna suffer

Ruby: Roma torchwick is more classy than him and that's saying something

Olivia: just please don't mention his wife and daughter he may appear good on the outside but the inside he's broken more than anything

Olivia stops as she wipes her eyes

Olivia: he's a good man he didn't deserve that just please be easy on him

Rwby & team jnpr: (In unison) yes headmistress

Back to the present

Ruby and the others were talking as y/n who was at ease with these huntresses

To y/n it was peaceful something he hasn't felt in months and he couldn't help but feel a little happier than he felt

Yang: so I destroyed juniors club

Y/n: man he wasn't pleased was he?

Yang: nope but we settled things down I hope

Y/n: juniors a good friend of mine maybe I can talk to him about that

Yang: you'd do that for me?

Y/n: sure besides I gotta go somewhere soon and I'll pay junior a visit one day I'll talk with him about it

Yang: thanks handsome

Y/n: no problem ms xiao long

Yang: please you can call me whatever you need to call me

Ruby: yang that's enough

Yang: oh come in little sis I'm just playing around

Y/n: it's no problem yang I'm used to that 

The others were enjoying y/n's company

However one of them wanted to ask y/n something else

Pyrrha: y/n May I ask a favor

Y/n: yes ma'am

Pyrrha: I—it would be a honor if you can spar with me later on after breakfast

The others couldn't help but stare at Pyrrha in shock as y/n gave a small chuckle

Y/n: sure no problem Pyrrha

With that they enjoyed their breakfast in silence

Y/n then went to his dorm real quick wanting to get his sword

He then bumped into someone a female rabbit Faunus that was carrying a camera

Y/n caught it as the woman stared up at him in shock

Y/n: are you okay miss? *offers hand*

???: *blushly took his hand* yes I'm sorry to have bumped into you

Y/n: it's no problem besides it's my fault for not looking miss?

???: oh I'm velvet... velvet Scarlatina

Y/n: hey there velvet I'm y/n wick

Velvet: y/n wick no way... your a former member of overwatch aren't you

Y/n: why yes ma'am

Velvet: I'm sorry to ask this but can.... can I take a photo of you?

Y/n: sure it's no problem

Y/n stood as velvet took his photo

Velvet: thanks mr wick your amazing

Y/n: no I'm not but thanks miss Scarlatina

Velvet: thank you again

Y/n: also good luck on everything here

Velvet: n-no problem y/n

Y/n: also I have to say your ears are adorable

Wit that y/n leaves leaving a blushing rabbit Faunus

Velvet: "h-he called my ears adorable"

Velvet stood for a minute as she gathered her thoughts and looked at the picture of y/n wick with a blushing smile

Timeskip beacon courtyard

Pyrrha and y/n stood across from each other y/n having his sword out while Pyrrha has her spear and shield at the ready with rwby and her team watching

Pyrrha: you ready?

Y/n: always am

With that Pyrrha charges as her spear collided with y/n's sword as he holds the blunt end with his other hand stabilizing it

Y/n: you're a great fighter this will be an honor

Pyrrha: same to you mr wick

With that both of them separated as y/n charges forward hitting her shield as Pyrrha feeling the force crumbled down to one knee

Jane: she's losing

Blake: there's a reason why he graduated early from beacon and I could see why.

Pyrrha: "he's too strong"

Pyrrha pushes him away as they both collide Pyrrha tried to knock the sword down only for y/n to grab the other end of his sword making it a lot harder for her to hit him

Y/n then retaliated with a push kick sending her stumbling away in shock as she collected her breath

Y/n charges forward using his sword he disarmed her shield as she tried using her semblance to get one over on him he drops his sword and he instead grabs a knife out of his boot and grabbing her arm rolls the both of them over causing them to tumble as y/n locked in a chokehold and holds his knife to her throat

Pyrrha: I forfeit

With that y/n gets off Pyrrha and offers a hand to her she accepts and bows low to the man who helped inspire her

Pyrrha: it's been an honor y/n wick I thank you highly

Y/n instead walks over to her discarded shield and gives it back to her

Y/n: no Pyrrha it's been a honor to meet you your ever bit of the champion you've always been. You have a warriors heart and mind never let a loss get you down it was my honor to spar with you

Pyrrha couldn't help but blush at that as she gets her sword and shield back as team rwby and jnpr join her checking on her and congratulations were thrown to y/n and Pyrrha.

Later y/n was seen packing as he had to go visit a old friend the next morning he was interrupted by a knock

He answers it seeing team rwby there

Ruby: are we disturbing you?

Y/n: no it's okay come on in

The others couldn't help but admire the room

Weiss: wow this is amazing

Y/n: thank you miss schnee I appreciate it

Y/n then sits down as team rwby faced him

Y/n: so what can I do for you girls

Ruby clears her throat as the rest of the team looked nervous

Ruby: w-we—- we know what had happened to your family especially your wife and daughter

Y/n sits still for a second making team rwby quiver wondering if he was going to explode to anger

Y/n: *sighs* I guessing Olivia told you

Ruby: no she...

Y/n: it's okay besides I know you girls wanna help me

Yang: please y/n lets us help you

Weiss: I have connections at altas maybe...

Blake: let us help you please y/n

Y/n simply held out his hand to them as they stood silent

Y/n: *fake smile* i appreciate the helps girls I do but I do things better alone and I can't bear to let anyone get hurt in my mission

The girls knew the smile was fake but couldn't do it knowing that y/n would refuse the help notheless

Yang: okay... but please if you ever need help beacon academy is here for you y/n wick

Y/n: i appreciate it... I do but I have to leave tomorrow morning so I'll see you around

Rwb: you too goodnight

With that the girls leave as y/n turns off the light and goes to bed.

The next morning y/n was seen loading his things into his trunk until he hears a "ahem"

He closes the trunk seeing team rwby Glynda goodwitch, Olivia, and team jnpr there

Olivia: leaving without saying goodbye to your old headmistress?

Y/n: nope just wanted to load my things first

Olivia and Glynda embraces him tightly

Olivia: you will always have a home here

Glynda: do come visit when you're free mr wick please

Y/n: I'll try

Team rwby said there goodbyes with ruby hugging him tightly

Yang: maybe next time I'll race your care with my motorcycle

Y/n: my car will beat yours

Yang: is that a challenge

Y/n: no miss it's the truth

The others couldn't help but oooh as yang herself smirks at y/n's confidence

Team jnpr said there goodbyes with Pyrrha wishing another spar and Jane asking if he can help teach her when he has the time he agreed

Nora: I'll miss you y/n

Rin: me too please be safe mr wick

Y/n: you girls have a great day I'll see you all next time

With that y/n leaves as his car speeds off as he calls a bullhead to pick him up he needed to visit someone else

That someone
Was Helena Douglas

A/n: now that that's over with what do you guys suggest for y/n wick next time do you want him to meet the other dead or alive females and if so comment down who he should meet first mine is mila but you can vote for anyone

Thanks for all the support for all my Stories from the bottom of my heart everyone thanks

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