Chapter 5

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Helena Douglas was a beautiful French woman who was seen watching over the proceedings to the 6th dead or alive tournament and was wondering about her former bodyguard y/n wick

(IMO she's just so beautiful top 5 women in dead or alive for sure)

???: miss helena

Helena turns seeing her bodyguard Marie rose who seemed to have ran over to her panting putting her hands on her knees

Helena: yes darling is everything okay?

Marie rose: th-theres a man here to see you

Helena: May I ask what he looks like?

Marie rose: *blushing* yeah he's tall has long black hair and stubble, also he's wearing a black suit and he said his name is y/n wick

With that Helena's eyes widen as she rushed out seeing her former bodyguard leaning against the wall

Helena: (shocked) y/n

Y/n stood up from leaning against the wall

Y/n: hey Helena

With that Helena tackled y/n in a hug that nearly knocked them both over

Helena: I-I-I'm glad to see you again

Y/n: good to see you again to heiress

Helena: you know I don't like that!

Y/n: I do?

With that Helena lightly slaps his chest and hugs him tightly

Helena: I've been worried

Y/n: I know I'm sorry for doing that

Helena leans her head close to his chest hearing his steady heartbeat

Helena: I'm sorry for what Donavan did I'm truly sorry

Y/n lifted her head up as they stared up at one Another Helena getting lost in y/n's deep eyes

Y/n: it's no your fault don't blame yourself for what he did

Helena: *reaches over touching y/n's long hair* I like your new hair

Y/n: really?

Helena: yes now come sit down have some coffee


Y/n wick and Helena Douglas we're sitting across from one another y/n drinking iced coffeee while Helena was drinking a cappuccino after being served from Marie rose Helena's new bodyguard

Y/n: so a new bodyguard?

Helena: she's skilled and very trustworthy

Y/n: I can tell. Can't believe your now the ceo Of doatec Maria would be proud of you

Helena: thanks for that

Y/n: you know that I need some information

Helena: yeah ryuumi has informed me of that

Y/n: the DIG explosion who was the man there?

Helena: his name is rig he has amnesia and lived at the oil platform his whole life in fact he's best friends with Bass Armstrong

Y/n: *sighs* guess I'll go and see for myself about him

Helena: don't do anything stupid please just be rational

Y/n: I always am also where's Zack?

Helena: he's in New York I believe he's at Johnny's diner with one of our participates mila she entered last year

Y/n: okay I'll see you later Milady

Helena: and I'll see you later mr wick

Y/n bows low and Helena dips her head down

But not before she gives him a hug wishing him luck

She watched him go and couldn't help but lick her lips at his back

Helena: "my my he's still beautiful"

Helena then sits back as she enjoys her hot coffee

New York Johnny's Diner

Zack was laying his head down on the counter after having proposition a street fighter by the name of Diego but he wasn't feeling so well after the mans hard punches

Zack: man he really has to take care of his ill mother and I don't think there's anything I can do

???: seems like you got your yourself into quite a pickle Zack

Zack and the 2 people turn their heads at the open diner door seeing a man wearing a black suit with long hair tied back and some beard on his face

Zack: I'm sorry but do I know you

The man chuckled as he went up to Zack

???: you really don't remember me? I was Helena's bodyguard long time ago

Zack: holy oh my... y/n wick my god how you been *embraces y/n in a brotherly hug*

Y/n returns the hug to his friend

Y/n: good to see you again Zack nice suit

Zack: gotta dress to impress

???: umm Zack who is this

Zack: this *puts arm around y/n* is y/n wick he was Helena's bodyguard long ago and he was in overwatch also known as....

???: *gasp* ronin you were one of the heroes there

Y/n: why yes and may I get to know your names

???: ooh of course I'm mila

(Top girl in dead or alive for me)

Mila was a beautiful woman that had black and red hair and was staring at y/n with a small blush on her face

Zack: and this is rig *gestures to the man by the window*

Rig waves at him

Rig: nice to meet you man

Y/n: nice to meet you too rig

Rig then excused himself as y/n and Zack sat down with mila talking to them seeing it was a slow day at her workplace

And in time at all they were enjoying themselves mila especially around y/n 

Zack: *laughs* oh man I can't believe that one

Y/n: that the man couldn't eat another bite of wings after just one bite

Zack: I'm not gonna eat any and give my stomach an explosion

Mila was laughing as well after that

Mila: hey y/n

Y/n: yes Mila

Mila: I know this is sudden but can you help teach me some new moves? I'm participating in the tournament and I wanna mix up my fighting skills for my upcoming matches

Y/n: sure I got the time and I'm free for the next 2 weeks

Mila: *puts hands forward* no way thanks so much you don't know how much I appreciate it

Y/n: no problem

However they hear the sound of the bell as another person came into the diner this time a man dressed in a red leather jacket and Jeans with a spiky haircut

This man was Diego the man who Zack had asked to join the dead or alive tournament

Diego: so where can I sign up?

Zack then stumbles around as y/n could see rig with a rather cocky smirk making him narrow his eyes momentarily that no one noticed

Timeskip gym

Y/n and Mila were at the gym were she alongside several others had trained and he was helping her sweep as he heard her talking to someone outside as he sees her come in with the man Diego alongside 2 kids

(I'm skipping the fight and in the story mode Diego wins)

Y/n watched as both fighters had duked it out

Mila slumped down as Diego offered her a hand as the kids chanted both fighter's names

Later Diego was seen eating outside. However a voice interrupts his thoughts

Y/n: Diego right?

Diego turns seeing y/n at the entrance of the gym

Diego: yes and who might you be? One of the rich corporate guys?

Y/n: *chuckles* no I'm not my name is y/n wick

Diego's eyes widen hearing his name

Diego: your him your ronin a former member of overwatch

Y/n: yeah that's me

Y/n then reached over in his suit jacket taking out a envelope that he hands to Diego

Diego: what is this?

Y/n: something to help you and your mother

Diego opens the envelope as his eyes widen as he counted the money quickly it was a total amount of $12,200 dollars this can cover 5 months of her medication and help pay some bills as well

Diego: (shocked) w-why are you doing this you barley know me?

Y/n: yeah i don't and you fight to give the best to your family that's something I admire also I would do anything for the people I love and care for so please consider it a gift...

(The reason why is y/n knows what it's like to willingly give oneself to protect his family especially since you what happened)

Diego leaves but not without giving a wave goodbye

Later y/n helped escort Mila to her apartment as y/n and her were getting along real well

Mila: so what's it like?

Y/n: what do you mean?

Mila: I mean traveling the world when you were an overwatch agent

Y/n: *sighs* wow there were a lot of ups and downs. One I traveled the whole world and got to see a lot of things I also got to eat a ton of different foods and meet some new people. But it wasn't easy the war tore up the world long ago I lost friends allies, seen my own brothers in arms turn against one another from jealousy and greed. But in the matter of it all I had a family people I could consider the people I can have my backs and when I served with Helena it was the same she... she was a great woman.

Mila: woowww that's amazing your amazing

Y/n: *chuckles* I'm far from that just a ordinary man

Mila: well I think your amazing!

Y/n: I appreciate that

They then stop at Mila's apartment

Mila: this is where I must go

Y/n: so what time tomorrow for training

Mila: is 8:30 okay for you

Y/n: it's no problem

Mila and y/n depart as y/n walks to his hotel room he hears something above the roofs following him

Y/n "2 individuals heavily armed"

Y/n then reached into his suit pocket pulling out a knife he grabs the attacker feeling the attacker come behind him he aims the blade before looking at the attackers face and putting the knife away

Y/n: Hayate?

The man known as Hayate is the leader of the Mughen tenshin clan as he lowers his hood down

Hayate: y/n wick in the flesh. It's a honor to meet you sir

Y/n: no it's my honor to meet the Mugen Tenshin's clans 18th leader

Y/n then turns his head slightly

Y/n: and your Ayane if I'm not mistaken

A figure jumps down revealing a beautiful purple haired female in ninja attire except with purple accessories

Ayane bows her head low

Ayane: it's a honor mr wick

Y/n: no it's mine

He then turns to both of them

Y/n: why were you following me half the day

Hayate: ryuumi asked for us to keep an eye on you

Y/n: *sighs* "ryuumi" I appreciate it but tell ryuumi I got things handled here

Hayate: she's more concerned about you especially Helena with what had happened with you know

Ayane: and for what he did we can help you our clans can

Y/n however put his hands up

Y/n: while I do appreciate the support you guys I can't let anyone else get hurt, this alone is my mission not something I can't let other people get involved in I'm sorry

With that he leaves as both ninjas lower their head down as they could see the sadness and anger y/n's eyes held for the people responsible for his families death.

Ayane: we must help him

Hayate: we shall I promised that to ryuumi and keep an eye on that girl honoka and I'm gonna keep on eye on rig

Ayane: yes sir

Both of them then vanish in a swirl of feathers and butterflies leaving the alleyway alone

A/n: man that's crazy hope you guys liked this chapter and tell me what you guys want next
Thanks for all the support I appreciate all of you thanks again

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