Blue Skys?

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"Though I Fly Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I Shall Fear No Evil. For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing."

Rook's eye's

What the hell? Ow ow ow my head- the hell what's up with my...Arm? All I can see right now is blackness, although I can feel something is not right with my left arm I'm trying to move it but I'm getting no response from it. Right? -Twitch--Twitch- alright so somewhat of a response. Legs? Maybe th- Oh Oh Oh pins and needles, pins and needles oh geez this feeling aaagggg. Come on eyes open up. My eyes open up a little and...I cringed and regret ever waking up as a baby.

I close my eyes and open them again and again until I got used to the light. Oh I'm in the sky *breathes out* the clear blue sky...wait hold on..clear sky's? That doesn't make any sense the last couple of things I remember is: Being deployed to the English Channel, getting intercepted, April get- oh god...they've all in that thunderstorm with the enemy. Wait if I was around 34,000 feet in the air am I alive?

Wait what's that sound? I check my radio, It still works-*sparks*-ish suddenly something flashes across my cockpits view, the hell? I look around and -BOOM- oh just a missile going off next to me. I go back to work on the radio-... OH SHIT THAT WAS MISSILE!!! Both of my hands go to the stick and as training and experience kick in I look around to see where I am in the sky, as I do my radio comes to life.

????: "All ----------- up! You got 30 sec[static] ????: "What the----?" ????: "Where are th-"[static] ????: "AWACS help-" ????: "WHAT TH-------K?!" ????"It's those Ustios-" ????: "Any-----what----?!" ????: "Crow team --und off!" Crow team?: "Cr--- 1 h--e! Cro-- here! Crow 3 ----!" ???? in a statically voice: "The Demon born of the Round Table." ???? "---buddy! You-----live!?" ????: "-------- [static]thunder?!" ????: "----friendly?" ????: "-----storm?" ????: "Th------ no t-und-r!" ????: "Well---------do!?!?" ????: "All -------------group!" Ahg, there's ether too much interference or this thing is more busted up then I thought.

-MISSILE--MISSILE- Shit! As a Tomcat passes by me I see a strange flag printed on it. The flag had six stars on it in a circular pattern the top half was white while the bottom was blue. The top stars where blue and the bottom white. I don't ever recall seeing that flag anywhere, and it looks like these guys aren't playing around. A another plane goes by me it's flag was different: the top was black with a very small yellow line in it. The bottom was white and yellow.

-MISSILE--MISSILE- 'AAAAhhhhhggg!! OK so this is really getting annoying as I try to lose this guy I look around just to see carnage and mayhem in the sky. "Eagle Eye this is Rose 3 can you hear me?" [Static] 'What the hell is going on with my equipment? I know I went through a thunderstorm and a battle but still this is an all-weather jet and it's been through harsher storms and battles,(And sometimes both at the same time.) so why is it acting up now?' -Tump-Tump-Tump- 'Alright whoever this is about to meet there fucking maker.' I quickly put on speed to separate us...only to quickly figure out my craft is in no condition to do such a thing. Remembering that the rest of my flight is permanently out of commission I did the other option I had left. Call for help. "This is Rose 3 part of the mercenary squadron Rose! I need some help! My craft is in critical condition and I'm being targeted by enemy forces!" 'I doubt they'll answer a call for help from a dog like me though, I'm just expendable always have, always will.'

AWACS: "This is AWACS; Titan flight you got a loner out in sector Echo Fife I don't know how he got there but he needs to be dealt....with...Hold on belay that order." Titan 1: "Roger that...Wait what? Belay?" Titan 5: "Belay? On what?" Titan 3: "AWACS what's going on?"

Inside AWACS
(Play the music now for a better understanding of the situation)

Operator #1: "Hey has anyone been tracking that one?" Several no's and a couple why's are heard. Operator #2: "He just appeared," he saps his fingers "just like that." Operator 1: "Stealth aircraft?" Operator #4: "Not possible." Operator #3: "So nobody knows where he came from?" Operator 2: "Hey Scarlett can you check to see if he's a Belken? Scarlett: "Scanning...I got nothing, although that flag on it, I have never seen one like that before." Operator 2: "What does it look like?" Scarlett: "It's blue in the top left corner and it has white stars in it and the rest is red and white stripes going horizontally."

Operator 4: "I call bull on that, there's no county in this world that has that type of flag." Scarlett: "Well I got somewhat of a clear image." Operator 4: "what do you mean by 'somewhat' Scarlett?" Scarlett: "Tom, David, Catherine come here and look at this." Operators 1, 2, and 4 now known as Tom, David and Catherine converged on Scarlett's screen. (Scarlett was #3) Tom: "Gezz I've seen wrecked planes before but this one..."

As they obverse the scorched plane, they noticed the plane was littered with holes. The left wing seemed to fall off at any given time and the right wing wasn't faring any better. The two tail fins of the craft are just completely gone while the pitch fins are probably in worse condition then the actual wings of the jet itself. A trail or two of smoke coming from the craft.

Catherine: "How the hell can he be still flying?" Tom: "How the hell can a man be named 'Catherine'?" Catherine: "Shut the fuck up." David: "Well in the shape that he's in right now, I doubt he can do anything to anyone at the moment." Tom: "Scarlett can you see if he's armed?" She takes a closer look. Scarlett: "He's doesn't appear to be." Operator 6: "Hey! I'm getting an emergency call!" David: "From who?" Operator 6: "I don't know, the IFF is not picking up any hostility from it, but it's definitely not a allied or friendly craft."
Tom: "Play it." Operator 6: "Yes sir."

-Plays it-
"This is Rose 3 [static] help! My craft is in critical condition I'm being targeted by enemy forces!" Scarlett: "The plane in distress should we help him or what?" Rose 3: "Can Anyone Read Me!? I am being engaged by the enemy!! I desperately need support!!!" "Rose 3 was it? This is AWACS" Catherine began. "We are sending allied assets over to your location."

Rook's pov

"We are sending allied assets over to your location." The AWACS said with I think with a little 'hallelujah' in the background but I think that's just me. AWACS: "Pilot your call sign was Rose 3 right?" "Yes it is!" I shouted. AWACS: "Titan flight is being sent over to your location ETA 3 and a half minutes, so sit tight." "Rose 3 copy's all, and thanks." I said -Tump-Tump-BANG- "AAAHHGG!! OW!! Titan flight where are you!? I'm a sitting duck here!" I yelled. I looked to my right to see my left wing gone. "TITAN FLIGHT WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?!?!"

As I scream the MiG was about to fire when Suddenly a missile blew it out of the sky, imminently after that another aircraft flew about 50 feet away from me. It was an F-15 Eagle with dark blue wings and tail. 'No no no no this is not good.' As he came into my field of vision My missile system automatically locks on to him, I was about to fire when..AWACS: "Pilot hold your fire!!!" 'Huh??' AWACS: "That's a friendly craft!" Glam 1: "This is Galm 1, Rose 3 was it?" "Y-ya it is." I stammered. "Can you take off the missile lock? It's annoying." He asked.

"Uud ya s-sure s-sorry." I stuttered. I now see 5 MiG-31 Foxhounds and another F-15 Eagle but this one had a different paint scheme on it. Its right wing was painted red, the rest of craft was the standard gray silver-ish color. That Eagle soon formed up on the other Eagle so I assume they where in the same squad. "Hey umm AWACS bout those 5 MiG-31's are they..?" I asked. Titan 1: "Yes we are friendly don't shoot." Titan 3 in a alien-ish type voice: "We come in peace." Laughter soon followed. "Heh" I chuckled. AWACS: "Heads up! Galm Team, Crow Team and Titan Team multiple craft approaching! Something's wrong...Stay alert."

Pixy's pov

As I from up on Cipher on his left wing, PJ forms on his right. Suddenly a MiG-29 Fishbed with a spotted gray and white skin went past us like a bat outta hell...'Wait..hold on white skin, spotted gray spots...OH SHIT!!!!' My eyes went wide with surprise and with a little bit of fear. As I was about to warn my flight lead, when. PJ: "Another one's coming!" Allied pilot: "That plane....Is that the Vulture!?" "Cipher! We got problems! You do know That's Huckbein the Raven right?! That flew in front of us!" I yelled with a bit more force.

Galm 1: *Grunts heavily* "PJ." "Yes sir?" "Stick with Pixy and take the Vultuer's attention off the Raven." "Wait Cipher does that mean yo-" "Ya we're gonna bag them all." Belkan pilots: "Did you hear that!?" "What soul-sicking voice of the Vulture? Ya I did...*Sighs heavily* This is the worst kind of support we could have right now."

"Alright PJ you ready for this?" I asked him. "Eahh no. No I'm not." He replies. " we go." "Oh. And PJ?" I said. "Yes?" "No matter what happens. You. Stay. On. My. Six. Understood?" I ordered. "Also" I continued. "If you keep flyin like that with those ideals in your head you'll die real soon. Copy?" I ended. "Y-Y-Yes s-s-sir." He stuttered/spluttered out.

????: "Schwarze Leader to all units. The escaping craft is headed this way. It's Huckbein. Don't let down your guard." Schwarze Leader: " There's an annoying fly in the way. All right. Change of plans - we'll deal with the escaped craft later." "Guess they've come to pick on the dead again." I sadly say.

Schwarze Leader: "There they are. The mercenary dream team."

We dive in head first into the Vulture's formation, and as expected ALL HELL broke loose.

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