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Pixy's pov
<<Time to dive into the fireworks!>>

(AN: Please play the music so you get a better understanding of the awesomeness that you are about to read. :D)

I joyfully began. PJ: <<I've never been in an aerial battle of this scope before!>> Allied pilots: <<Where are the reinforcements!?>> <<Another plane been shot down!>> <<The're here!>> <<Our support's here? Who did they send us?>> <<The IFF confirms it's Galm! The reinforcement team is Galm!>> <<Really!? OH HELL YA!>>

Belkan pilots: <<Still no reinforcements from base, if only they'd get here.>> <<The guy who pulled out Tauberg's sword is here! Be careful!>> <<Let's put those Ustio dogs in there place!>> <<I'll shoot him down and make a name for myself!>> <<Confirm our chain of command!>> <<You don't have what it takes to fly in the Round Table.>>

AWACS: <<All units listen up! Here's the situation: you got about 600 fighters on Belka's side and about 550 on ours if you want to survive stay with your wing men!> 

<<Pixy here; sounds like fun, gonna get a big fat paycheck today.>> I say with a smile on my face. <<Oi mercenary don't let that money get to your head now.*Heh heh*.>> Someone chuckles. <<Hey, I'm makin' a whole lot more then what you are.>> I shot back. <<Ah shove it merc.>>


I look around to see if any Belkan's were on me, there where none besides two allied MiG-31 Foxhounds which belong to Titan squadron. <<Hey Titan 2 can you check my six? I can't see anything. At least around me, my radar is clean too.>> I explained.

Titan 2: <<CLEAN!? My radar is anything but clean!>> He exclaimed. <<DO YOU NOT SEE THE MAYHEM THAT IS GOING ON OUTSIDE THAT FLIMSY LITTLE PIECE OF GLASS THAT YOU CALL A COCKPIT!?!?!>> He roared.

Allied pilot: <<Hey pilot! The Eagle with the red wing you got three coming in hot for you! Look at your 10'clock high and 4'clock low! The->> -Sadistic- I saw his plane burst into flames as a missile hits him.
'Ggah I know' I turn into a Split S to see where they are. 'Aah found you.' I was dead head of the two that where below me I switched to my Special Weapons and fired two of my XMAA, both plans are downed then I automatically switched back to my Sidewinders (Standard Missiles) I saw about 5-9 enemy planes in there own little dogfight with about I'm guessing about 4-6 allied pilots. I dive in the dogfight. <<Yo buddy you still in there?>> I ask my flight lead. <<Yah I'm still here.>> He answered back. <<I'm always ready for your orders Galm 1.>> <<Just engage at your own will for now Galm 2.>> <<Rodger that Galm 1.>>

(A Split S is a maneuver that a pilot uses to roll out of enemy fire. ex: A pilot half-rolls his aircraft inverted and executes a descending half-loop, resulting in level flight in the exact opposite direction at a lower altitude.)

Wizard 1: <<Larry can you read me?>> <<Ya loud and clear.>> I responded. I look to see his plane being followed by 3 Super Hornets, he puts a lot of speed on and fly's in a straight line for about 6 seconds then he yanks up his plane and disappears into the clouds. His *friends* now catching up to here he was, were probably scratching their heads wondering where the hell he went. Suddenly the far most right one explodes, then the far left one also explodes. Now down to the middle one I look closer (whilst keeping my own back secure.) I could faintly see his head wiping around in fear then out out of the blue (AN:maybe pun intended XD) I see Wizard 1 in his F/A-18C Hornet come screaming down like a banshee with guns blazing as bullets strike the enemy Hornet then like his two other buddy's he also went down. 'Just like a magician; there one moment and gone the next.' I say to myself. <<Looks like you still got the touch.>> I say impressed. Wizard 1: <<It's happening just as you thought. Its about time we put in end to this dead-in job.>> <<Not just yet.>> I calmly replied.

Radio Chatter: <<We need help over here!>> <<Where are you?>> <<We're over the center part of the mountain range!>> <<Hang on we're coming! Let's go Diamondbacks!>> <<Copy that captain!>> <<Help! we're being runned down!>> <<Hang on! We're coming!>> <<DO NOT LET THEM CROSS THE MOUNTAIN RANGE!!!>> <<I got a another one!>> <<I just downed two Ustio bastards!>> <<Belkin's just go the fuck home!>> <<Fuck you Oseans!>>

I turn sharply left to immediately shoot down three planes one after the other. <<Pixy here; I've just bagged three! Also, AWACS how many planes we got left on the other side?>> I questioned. <<About 460 left.>> He said slightly disappointingly. <<And ours?>> I hear someone else say. <<469.>> He stated.

<<Pixy!>> Galm 1 yells lightly, I snap to attention. <<Get my six cleared! I got five of them on me!>> He yells lightly. <<Roger!>> I fly toward my flight leads plane, when I see his F-15 Eagle, I look behind him to see what's behind his tail. 'Two MiG-21 Fishbeds, one MiG-29 Fulcrum, and two Su-27 Flankers. Hmm alright.' I switch to my XMAA as I fly behind them and fire all four of them at once. The two Fishbeds are instantly obliterated when two of the missiles connect, the two Flankers are hit but not blown out of the sky..yet.

Flanker #1 is smoking petty badly and Flanker #2 is struggling to stay in the air with one wing. The Fulcrum however, since he saw his two Fishbed buddy's planes explode right next to him, he chose the wisest route: he quit pursuing my flight lead so he broke away...only 4 seconds later he was shot down by a allied plane. Back to the Flankers, they we're both in bad shape and couldn't really defend themselves. <<Hey Galm 1 about these Flankers it looks like they can't fight anymore also looks like there'll moving out of the furball you want to->>

<<Finish them off.>>


<<I know how you usually don't do this, but as right now we need to eliminate every single Belkin in this air space to relieve our frontline.>> He said calmly, so calmly it sent little shivers up and down my spine. <<Alright.>> I say a little sadly. I switch back to my regular missiles I get above and behind Flanker #1 and fire my aircraft machine gun. He explodes into bits&pieces, and Flanker #2: <<YOU FUCKING LOW-LIFE MERCENARIES HOW DARE YOU SHOOT DOWN A PLANE THAT'S OUT OF COMMISSION I HOPE THAT GREED OF YOURS GETS YOU KILLED!!!>>

<<This is the Round Table dead men's words hold no meaning.>> I say coldly. And fired my machine gun he explodes but remains in one piece, no parachute goes up ether. 

Belkan pilot: <<Reinforcements still haven't arrived! What is our country doing?!>> As I rejoin the furball, I look at my radar screen 'oh it's working now when did it..?'


 'Shit!' I turn sharply to the left and roll down...only to see 8 Su-27 Flankers, 9 MiG-29 Fulcrums, and 2 Mirage 2000s in battle with 6 F-14 Tomcats, 3 F-16 Fighting Falcons, and 8 F/A-18 Super Hornets.

(To help see where Pixy is his altitude is about 43,000 feet in the air right now and the planes I just named are around 37,000 feet in the air.)

I dive down to join that furball I fire both my missiles into an unsuspecting Flanker he blows away, then turn my attention to another Flanker waited for my missiles to reload and fired away; missile 1 connects and blows his right wing off and when missile 2 hits the entire back half goes away. Their crew members noticing how suddenly they went off the radar put they're attention towards me three of the nine Fulcrums also wanted in on this. 'Aaahhgg.' <<This is Galm 2 here I need a little help here I think I bit off more then I can chew.>> Allied pilots: <<We see you Galm 2 hold on." Galm 1: "Hold on I'm coming your way." Crow 3: "Roger that! I'm coming my way!>>

-Tump--Tump--Tump--Tump- <<This is Galm 2 I'm getting hit by machine gun fire!>> Ailled pilots: <<Hold on we're almost there!>> I twist an turn barely avoiding missiles and gun fire when I pull up I'm suddenly face to face with two T-50s. 'Welp today I might going home without wings.' -BOOM--BOOM- 'What th-?' I briefly see an F-15 Eagle with darkish blue wings and tails fins, flying though the explosives. 'And again he saves my ass for the 11- no fuck counting it, all that matters is he saved my butt and I'm still flying. And I so owe him a beer maybe 12.' I thought to myself. <<Thanks Galm 1.>> <<You owe me 250 for that, heh.>> He chuckles. <<Dammit! I forget about that!>> I yelled. <<Forget about what?>> Asked PJ. <<I made a bet between me and Glam 1. The bet was if I had to be saved once throughout this battle I have to give him 200 dollars of my next pay.>> <<And an extra 50.>> He informs. <<Why the extra 50?>> Me and PJ ask. <<Because I saved him myself.>> <<Damn it!>> I said. Titan 2: <<HA! Karma bitch!>> Crow 1: <<Yah he's making friends.>>

Sorcerer 1: <<Sorcerer 1 to all units. That's the Galm Team. Watch and learn.>> Osean pilots: <<Galm's not fighting alone. Let's show 'em what the Osean Air Force can do!>> <<YEAH!!>> <<Ya'll had the spotlight for too long! It's our time to shine!>> <<Let's do this!!>> <<You hear that buddy? You got them all fired up. Just like at when you removed the sword from the stone.>> I say with a small smile on my face.

PJ: <<I fight for peace that's what I'm up here for.>> <<Peace....really kid? While your up here fighting for peace tons of blood is being shed on the ground. Some 'peace' kid.>> I shot back. PJ: <<And I'm here to put an end to that.>> 'This kid is gonna get himself killed' I say to my self. <<Kid, listen>> I began. <<You think can stop the bloodshed by shedding more blood? Flyin' around with those ideals swimming around in your head is gonna get you killed.>> 'Sorry kid but just the way the world works.' I said to myself.

AWACS: <<All units listen up! The enemy has around 270 planes left! Just hang in there!>>

Belkan pilots: <<They're attacking without mercy. Do they plan on burning everything?>> <<That Ustio mercenary, damn him! He's turning the tide of battle in their favor.>>

<<He can't be human!>>

<<He's like a demon....>>

<<I've never seen anything like it!>> 

Allied pilot: <<That kind of pilot...They call a Demon Lord.>> 

'Demon Lord huh? That name fits you perfectly Cipher.' I thought. Wizard 1: <<Wizard 1 to all units. Belka's days are over. Let's warp this up.>> <<Yeah! Let's run these basters outta here!>> Someone yelled. <<The Belken's don't own these skies anymore! Now it's our turn!>>

I turn my head when...

Suddenly a giant thunderous BOOM echoed across the sky.
<<The hell?>> For 5 seconds the entire sky was silent no voices, no chatter over the radio, nothing besides the heavy breathing that's coming out of me. <<T-thunder?>> PJ said a little fearfully. <<That was no thunder.>> A pilot softly said.

Belkin pilot: <<The demon has awoken to bring death upon the land.>>

????: <<May no god or demon have mercy on anyone souls.>>

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