Sorry guys.

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If you are reading this story, I'm sorry.

I'm not dead. I'm just planning things out for the story, I'm still writing yes but I tend to change my mind alot so like: I came into this world like this -write write- the next day: no I should come in like this -delete delete- -write write- See? I change my mine so I don't really stick to one plan(also I blame life). Right now I'm writing two chapters to try to make it up for y'all and again I'm sorry for the long wait.

And thanks for reading or re-reading my other chapters  I cannot emphasize enough how much you mean to me when you comment on my story I always told myself 'no one is going to read this other then my sister' (juiceboxandexpresso ) but then again why not write a story?
And again I'm sorry for the wait and thanks for reading my story so far.

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