So...this is it eh?

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Over the English channel. 16:43
(AN: BTW since this an ace combat crossover everyone has from 99 to 120 missiles.)
"Man the weather is been wacky" Jack said. "That or I swear it's been following us." Blaze voiced "How?" Me and April asked. -Beep- -Beep- "Rose squadron you got 4 bandits coming in you're airspace altitude 26,000 take them out!" Jack "roger that Ghost Eye! Alright Roses lets take them out!" Blaze "Ghost eye this is Rose 2 what type of craft?" Ghost Eye "Typhoons." -CRACK- "HOLY SHIT! That was close!!" I screamed. Ghost Eye "What was close Rose 3?" Me "A lightning strike!" As we flew up to intercept -BANG- "OW! My ears! What the fuck!" I look around "what th- GHOST EYE THERE'S A HELLUVA LOT MORE THEN 4 FUCKING AIRCRAFT!!!!!" I yelled 'how did they get past our radar? And with that many aircraft? I can't even count them all!' I thought to my self. -BEEP- -BEEP- 'Oh shit!' I turn to eaved two missiles -BEEP--CRACK- "AAGGG!!" "Alright! Its fucking killing time!" I switch to my AMRAAM and fire at 4 of the bogeys all of them go down. I again look around and saw two Typhoons in formation 'alright those two are mine.' I turn right and down -CRACK- 'that lightning getting closer I don't like it.' "Rose 1 this is Rose 3 you doing good?" -static- "Rose 3 to Ghost Eye can you hear me?" -Static- "Can anybody hear me?!" I yelled -BEEP- "son of a-" I turn a little too late -BANG- "Damn it I do not want deja vu!" "Come on Shasha come on girl stay up, stay fly" I was trailing smoke I saw out of the corner of mine eye a strike eagle that had orange wings and tail tips that also had 3 three Rafales on it. 'Oh no' one of the Rafales shot one missile out. The pilot tried to eaved it by turning only to have the missile hit the cockpit straight on. "N-no A-A-April" I looked away only to see Jack's plane strike a Rafale head on whilst having four missiles pound into his jet. And Blaze oh god Blaze how are they going to find his jet let alone his body?.......-BEEP- -BEEP- -BEEP- -BEEP- "" "Today that the mercenary squadron callsign Rose is downed" -BANG- -CRACK-! 'It's....-wheeze- breathe now-gasp- and as ever, everything fades to black.

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