PART - 1

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"Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, your end is not far... I know you will kill me today, but soon you will join me...", screamed the man who is getting beaten up badly by the men in black... Though he said those words to the devil, he didn't dare to look into his eyes...

Abhyansh sat on the chair royally with his infamous emotionless face having his drink...

"Your Royal Highness, should we kill him ??", one of his men asked looking down, No one has the audacity to talk to him looking into his eyes... Till date, only one man was able to do that... Ranveer Rajput... A man of values... Abhyansh remembered him fondly but shook his thoughts away soon...

"No", he replied with a sinister look and his men understood that he wants to torture the man till he begged for death, so they continued their torture...

Abhyansh opened his customized Macbook and started working as if the man's screams didn't affect him at all but in actuality, they sounded music to his ears, with every cry, his ego boosted... And after an hour more of torture, Abhyansh got to hear what he was waiting for...

"Please Maharaj, please, kill me... Kill me, I can't... I can't bear this torture...", the man cried in pain...

He continued to type on his computer and then he heard that one sentence that he wanted to hear...

"Kailash Rajput... He was the one who sent me to destroy your godown, I told you what you wanted, now give me death, please Maharaj... Please...", the man begged, he didn't beg for his life as he knew Abhyansh Singh Ranawat never left his enemies go out of his den alive... So he asked for the best thing that would relieve him from this pain, the torture, and the fear of being in the same room as the Beast himself...

Abhyansh took his revolver and pressed the trigger, the bullet pierced through the man's skull, despite the distance, he didn't miss the aim... He kept the gun on the table as if he hadn't just killed a man and started his work, he connected the Bluetooth and attended the annual General meeting online simultaneously signaling his men to clear the body without much noise... And his well-trained men executed it perfectly...

"Kailash Rajput... ", Abhyansh muttered to himself, that man has become a nuisance lately... He wanted to kill him but just the thought of his son stopped him...

Ranveer Rajput is a man of principles, the only human being brave enough to talk to him by looking in the eye, The moment Abhyansh met him, he was impressed by the courage of the man...
He met Ranveer Rajput when he went to kill Kailash for his misdeeds, Ranveer promised to set all the wrongs done by his father, and the courage Ranveer displayed impressed him. He asked what he wanted and Ranveer asked for his father's life and he without even a second thought, gave it to him.

Ranveer controlled his father till he was here in India but 5 years ago, he went to London for his masters and settled there to gain experience and from then Kailash Rajput became an obstacle in his business, he wanted to kill him but Abhyansh is a man of his words, and the vile old fox knew this and that's the reason he is fearlessly meddling with his business...

Abhyansh decided to find a solution for this problem soon and left his dungeon to his workplace...

He went home for dinner, and seeing him, everyone stood up in respect including his handicapped father who took the help of crutches... They all greeted him and he gave them a nod before occupying the head chair...

Amruta Singh Ranawat served him while the servants served the other family members, one thing that didn't change in years even though his equation with his mother took a 180-degree turn was her serving him the food...

Well, he says that only a Royal family member should serve him and that's the reason he wants his mother to do it... But he and his mother both knew the actual reason...

"I think you are provoking Rajputs by killing their men, there are other ways to deal with a situation, no ??", his father, Pratap Singh Ranawat said looking down... He is not brave enough to look into his son's eyes but he could at least say what he wants right ??

Abhyansh continued eating without responding to his father, seeing the bubbling tensions, Avyaan tried to answer and calm his father so that there is no other scene in the dining hall...

"Father, that was needed, Kailash Rajput is exceeding his limits, bhai sa did what is right", Avyaan said, his statement came out as if he is defending the king's actions and Abhyansh shot a look at his younger brother, saying he didn't need a lawyer to defend his actions, he is a king and he doesn't have to justify his actions to anyone... Avyaan got the meaning of his brother's look and looked down with fear...

"Apologies Maharaj", he said and Abhyansh continued eating, this made his father furious...

"Don't forget, the chair you are sitting in is mine, that throne is mine, you are there because you are my son, so you are answerable to me", Pratap said angrily, Amruta dropped the spatula in her hand afraid of her son's anger now, she can feel it bubbling, he couldn't tolerate his father's these words...

Rajmata Devyani Devi tried to take the situation into her hands but it was too late...

Abhyansh stopped eating and glared at his father, which made him gulp in fear...

"I was the one who protected this throne, it is me who acquired it fighting all those vultures, I was the one who retained not only Ranawat's palaces but every property that belonged to the royals in the country. I am the king not because I am your son, but because I won it, You were unfit for the throne, not because of your disability father, but your inability, so next time you decide to question me, get ready to lose all your existing privileges, I have zero tolerance, you knew it very well", he said in a dangerous tone... Pratap Singh Ranawat gulped the whole glass of water hearing his son's tone, which scared the hell out of him...

"Maharaj... Please forgive him for this time, I will make sure he understands the situation", Devyani Devi said as softly and politely as she could

"You better", he warned and continued having his dinner... He finished and quickly got up and marched to his chamber...

After that, they all too finished their dinner and went to their respective chambers...

Amruta knew her son didn't have his food properly so she made lassi, but is afraid to take it to him...

"Avyaan, will you accompany me to your brother's chamber please, he didn't have his dinner properly, I want to give him this Lassi but am afraid", Amruta said to her younger son softly, who is the only one in the house that cares for her and loves her... She knew he is not capable enough to save her if her son punished her for disturbing him in his private time but she wanted him to accompany her as she is frightened to go alone...

"Ma, you know bhai sa doesn't like to get disturbed at this time, and why are you so eager to get punished by him ??", Avyaan asked with slight irritation, he doesn't like it when his brother treats their mother ill, but he couldn't say a thing, for one, he is an evident follower of his brother, two he is hell afraid of his anger...

"He is my son Avyaan, I can't stop loving him despite his hatred, How can I fill my stomach when I know my child is hungry... I can't be able to calm his pain but let me at least calm his hunger... Please...", Amruta said

"Ma... No, I won't accompany you and I won't let you go there", Avyaan said

"Okay then, I won't eat until I give this to him", she is adamant and at last Avyaan sighed and agreed to accompany his mother...

Both mother-son walked to the lion's den, their hearts thudding at double speed at the thought of the devil's reaction...

The servants who stood outside the king's chamber widened their eyes looking at Amruta and the Lassi glass, oh no! They had to witness their king's wrath again...

They begged her with their eyes to go back but the mother in her didn't allow her... The servant helplessly walked inside with shivering hands...

"Maha... Maharaj... Queen mother Amruta Ranawat and Prince Avyaan are here to see you", the guard fumbled... He patted internally for finishing up the sentence without gulping the words in fear...

Abhyansh nodded his head, but his eyes are blazing like fire hearing the Royal guard, the man doesn't need any words, he quickly went outside and asked them to go inside...

Amruta and Avyaan sighed deeply, sent a small prayer to keep them safe from Abhyansh's anger, and walked inside with stumbling steps...

"Ma, God won't forgive you for getting your child killed, if something happens to me, you will go to hell", Avyaan whispered to his mother...

"Stop scaring me beta, I am already shivering", Amruta almost cried...

"What ??", Abhyansh growled looking at his mother and brother making their way to his study...

"Abh... Abhyansh... I... You... Lassi... Hungry...", Amruta fumbled and Abhyansh's eyes narrowed in irritation...

Avyaan took matters into his own hands as he knew his brother hates someone who fumbles, he hardly had the patience to listen to them... He used to fumble a lot at the start but working with the BEAST in the office trained him well... He also knew how to boost his brother's ego to calm his anger...

"Maharaj... This is Lassi, can I put it here with your permission ??", Avyaan pleaded bowing his head in respect... Avyaan asked for his permission which calmed him to some extent...

Abhyansh mentally appreciated his brother but didn't let any emotion show on his face... He simply nodded and Avyaan sighed in relief, took the glass from his mother, and put it on the table...

Avyaan sighed and mentally danced about escaping his brother's anger but his mother had to open her mouth...

"Have it before continuing with your work beta", she pleaded and Avyaan slapped his head...

Abhyansh looked at her furiously... He threw his file which hit the stack of books which are neatly kept on the table, due to the extreme force, the whole stack of books collapsed and made their way to the floor, Amruta and Avyaan jerked due to the sudden reaction, and shivered in fear...

"Next time you come here, leave your fake motherly affection outside, address me by my name Or by my position, that is what I am to you, Don't try to become my mother", Abhyansh said hatred dripping in his tone, a few tears slipped from her eyes...

"Apologies bhai sa... Permit us to leave", Avyaan said holding his mother by her shoulders... Abhyansh nodded and the mother-son left the chamber, leaving Abhyansh blank... He took the glass, he wanted to thrash it to the floor but remembered his mother's words and drank it... He sat idly for a few moments before gathering himself and started working...

Amruta cried running to the kitchen cupping her mouth...

"Ma... Ma... Sit here, stop crying", Avyaan said making her walk to the dining hall and sit on one of the chairs...

"You know him, don't you ?? Stop crying, you have your good son, Leave your Raavan and concentrate on Vibhishan...", Avyaan said with a chuckle earning a slap...

"He is a Raavan, that is why the people in this place are happy just like the people in Lanka, Ravan is a great king, he is extremely knowledgeable, the only bad thing he possesses is he is a womanizer which destroyed him, my son isn't, and listen to me carefully young man, he is a Raavan and I am proud of it, but if you become Vibhishan and try to backstab your brother, I would never forgive you, I want you to always stay by your brother come what may, I know he can never do something wrong", Amruta told her younger son...

"Huh... But he hurt you, isn't it wrong ma ??", Avyaan asked...

"He is just angry, I am his mother, if he doesn't show it on me, then whom will he show it to?? He has that right", Amruta said

"Hai na??(right!) Then why are you crying like a drama queen ?? This is what I wanted to hear, sorry Bhai sa, I had to call you Ravan to get the truth out of our mother", Avyaan teased his mother and she slapped his arm smiling at him...

"Now eat...", Avyaan said feeding his mother and she gladly ate it from her son's hand... She loves it when her son pampers her... This is how her elder son used to do too, but she destroyed it all... She cursed the moment she decided to hide the truth from him and his father which led to the differences today...

After that, Avyaan went to his chamber after dropping his mother to her chamber... Amruta entered inside expecting to face the wrath of her husband and she wasn't wrong...

"Did you see how that ba**ard talked to me, his father, huh... I hate you... Is he even mine ??", Pratap Singh Ranawat screamed at his wife...

"Please don't say such things, he is your son, our son... He loves you, you know he does", Amruta said and the very next minute, there is a slap on her face...

Amruta walked away crying on her fate without saying anything further...

Rajput palace

"Call that stupid bi**h here, ask her to reach in 10 minutes, otherwise, she is going to starve", ordered Kailash Rajput asking for his elder brother's daughter whom he hated to the core...

After his elder brother and sister-in-law died in an accident, she became his responsibility, he hated his brother to the core for getting all the powers as the heir of Rajput wealth, and after his death, his daughter became the heiress which he loathed...

His man purposely walked slowly and informed Isha just 3 minutes prior to the said time so that she would get late and the master punishes her...

Kailash Rajput's men are as cruel as him if not more...

Isha ran towards her uncle's office but she was late by a minute...

"When did I ask you to come ??", he asked in his vile tone...

"Kaku sa... Apologies, I just got to know 4 minutes back and I ran to here", She defended herself though she knew no one would believe her...

"No your Highness, she is lying, I told her immediately after you dispersed me", Kailash Rajput's man spoke and Isha's eyes flashed with fear...

Kailash Rajput made his way to Isha and slapped her hard...

"How dare you lie to me ?? You will starve for two days, that is your punishment", he declared and Isha nodded with tears in her eyes, this is a part of her life and she accepted it long back...

When her brother was there with her, he always fought with his parents and never let them manhandle her, they used to torture her in his absence, he couldn't stay at home all the time to protect her but he always warned his parents not to lay their dirty hands on his sister and to some extent she was protected then, but he has to go to London for his further studies, he didn't want to go leaving her, but his parents told him that they would stop torturing her, and even let Isha do her masters though through an online degree and for his sister's sake, he agreed to go to London and that was his biggest mistake...

They did allow Isha to do her masters, but their tortures went too far...

"You wanted to work right ??", Kailash asked smirking at her... The innocent one she is, nodded vigorously without understanding her uncle's trap...

"I will allow you to work on one condition... You will get married to the guy of my choice", Kailash said and her eyes widened...

No, she can't do that, marriage is the only way she could escape this hell, and if her uncle chooses the groom, she is sure, he will choose someone crueler than him so that she is tortured every second of her life, she knows her uncle hates her...

"No... Kaku sa, please, I beg you... Please", she sobbed...

"Listen you piece of dirt, either agree to it calmly, or I have other ways to make you say 'yes' and when I do that, you won't have this offer to work for a few months, this is your only chance to gain the freedom you wanted, enjoy your freedom for a few months before I threw you from this cage to another one... Trust me you will enjoy it more there", Kailash said holding her jaw roughly...

She didn't have a choice, her brother is not there to help her... She knew if she refused, her uncle would opt for other ways which she is not going to like... So she took the bait, she didn't have any option other than crying about her fate, and getting angry with her parents and her brother for leaving her in this hell...

She nodded sobbing at her uncle and he laughed wickedly...

"Swear on your dead parents that you will marry the guy I chose", her vile uncle said and she looked at him with wide eyes... That's like a death trap, she can't go back on her words whoever the groom is if she swears on her parents, they matter to her a lot more than anyone could ever imagine... Exactly how cruel is her would-be groom that her uncle is doing everything in his power to make her agree ??

"Madan... Come here and make the princess agree", Her uncle called his man... She knew what he meant, before the lusty hands of that man touched her body, she nodded her head agreeing with her uncle...

Whatever may be the situation she had to protect her dignity at any cost, she thought, but what would she do when she gets married, how would she stop her husband ?? She cried dropping to her knees and Kailash laughed along with his men looking at her devastated state...

"I am waiting for your approval in words Princess Isha Rajput, or Madan is here to get it", Kailash said

"No, No... I will say, I promise on mama and papa, I will marry whoever you say Kaku sa", she sobbed

"Good, now leave, You can apply for companies and start working if they offer a job to your filthy face, Now get lost, and yes you won't get food for two days as a punishment", Kailash said, and she left from there giving a slight nod...

Precap - Kailash Rajput's deal and Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's decision

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