PART - 2

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"Your Highness, we have got your jet ready according to your orders", informed Abhyansh's secretary looking down...

"Rajputs...", Abhyansh said before settling inside his car... With that one word, his secretary understood, that his boss is going to clear the mess Kailash Rajput created before going on his business trip...

He soon reached the Rajput's palace, he is welcomed grandly, and looking at the grandeur arrangements, Abhyansh understood that Kailash Rajput had laid a bigger trap but he decided not to get trapped in it but fate is against his wishes this time...

Kailash and his wife welcomed Abhyansh and after that, they took him to the grand dining table where a feast was arranged...

"Kailash... Come to the point... ", Abhyansh said in his menacing tone... Kailash Rajput tried his level best not to show his fear and walked him to his office room...

"Mr. Ranawat, you want me not to be involved in your businesses, I accept all your conditions, in return, I need a small favor", Kailash said in his extra-sweet tone...

Abhyansh gave him a questioning glance, he thought the greedy old fox would ask for money or property but what he asked shocked him to the core...

"Marry our princess, Isha Rajput", he said and as soon as those words left his mouth, Abhyansh lifted the man in the air holding his neck, there is no control over his anger...

" Yo... You g..gave your word", Kailash whispered getting choked, Abhyansh closed his eyes, calmed himself, and threw him on the floor before getting up to walk away...

"She is my elder brother's daughter", Kailash said and those words halted Abhyansh's steps...

Kailash knew Abhyansh hated his elder brother to the core, he was the cause for all this, why wouldn't he know ??  He knew after knowing this, Abhyansh would torture Isha every second...

"Marry her, you will get the authority over her share of properties, which you would allow me to use... That's all I want in return", Kailash said...

Isha has the largest share in the properties, and he wants to control all of those at the same time wants to give her a fate that is worse than hell... And the only way to fulfill both his dreams at a time is to get her married to none other than The Royal BEAST...

Abhyansh Singh Ranawat is tempted by the offer, not one but his many issues would get solved... His family and his people want him to get married and bring a queen for a long time but no one has the audacity to say it to him directly... He is in his early thirties and he wants to get married and get it done with, most importantly, he would be free from the nuisance called Kailash Rajput, And the most important thing, he gets a chance to torture the woman who is the only daughter of the man whom he hates with a passion...

But, Will she agree ?? He is known as The Royal BEAST and people fear him the most, despite his extremely godly features, his beastly aura manages to keep the girls away...

Kailash Rajput understood what he is thinking... He smirked at the opportunity...

"I know what you are thinking, Isha will agree to marry you, after all, she is my brother's daughter, the same as him, hungry for power and money, She knows by being your wife, she would get access to both of it. So she agreed already... ", he said and this increased his hatred for that girl tenfold... But Abhyansh knew better than to trust this Kailash...

"I want to hear it from her... ", he said in his cold tone...

"Sure, why not...", Kailash said asking his men to call Isha here...

She walked there looking down... 

"Isha, this is the man you are going to marry, just like I told you, do you agree ??", Kailash asked and Isha nodded without looking up, her eyes teary... Abhyansh fisted his palms at her nod, though she was looking down...

"Don't play games Rajput, tell her who I am and then ask", Abhyansh asked, Isha shivered at his tone and he noticed it. He wanted to make sure that she knew whom she is marrying...

"Isha, he is Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, are you ready to marry him ??", Kailash asked carefully... She again nodded looking down...

"Answer with your mouth, your would-be husband wants to hear it from you", Kailash said almost smirking at his plan working accordingly...

"Y... Yes Kaku sa", she muttered softly... Abhyansh banged the table hearing her reply and she literally shivered hearing it...

"I will marry her in a week after I return from my business trip", Abhyansh declared before storming out of there...

Isha sobbed at her fate... She knew he is known as the Royal Beast, known as the cruelest man...

"Kaku sa, you said you would let me work for a few months before marriage", she asked trying to keep her tears at bay...

"Oh, Princess Isha is feeling betrayed huh ?? What should I do ?? I would have told him to marry you after a few months if he had asked me, but he decided everything by himself, so what can I do ??", he smirked and walked away leaving her a sobbing mess with her crumbling dreams...

The only hope now left is her brother... She can't even contact him without her uncle knowing it, and if he gets to know, he will do the worse to her, before her brother even reaches the country...

That evening Isha was serving dinner to her uncle and aunt when her uncle's phone buzzed... And looking at the caller ID, Isha's hope rose...

"Don't get so happy, if you say anything to Ranveer, I will make your life hell... Your brother will take at least 10 hours even if he starts immediately, you can't even imagine what could happen in those 10 hours...", Kailash threatened her... Isha looked at him scared...

"What ?? Don't believe me ?? Madan... Come here my boy... ", he called for his man and Isha sobbed just by looking at the disgusting man who is throwing dirty glances at her...

"Would you like to enjoy our princess ??", her uncle asked scaring the living hell out of her...

"I would love to ravish the princess your highness", he said throwing lustful glances at her...

Isha fell down to her knees and held her uncle's feet...

"Please kaku sa, don't do this to me... Please... I beg you", she cried

"He won't do anything to you if you make your brother believe that this marriage is happening according to your wish...", Kailash said and she nodded, and a sob escaped her throat...

Kailash knew that his son wouldn't agree to get his sister married to Abhyansh, after all, he knew how cruel the Royal BEAST is, and he would never allow his sister to marry him, that's why he made sure that these things don't reach him, but some people who are still loyal to his brother might have intimated Ranveer, he guessed. To handle his son, Kailash decided to make Isha tell that herself. He would believe it only if he hears it from his sister's mouth...

Kailash took his son's call when it rang for the 5th time...

"What the hell papa, why are you not taking my call, and what am I hearing, how dare you think of getting Isha married to That Ranawat, you know how cruel he is, I won't let this happen", Ranveer shouted getting hell worried for his sister...

Isha cupped her mouth and sobbed, hearing her brother's caring voice... She does talk to him but she is monitored by her uncle so she can't tell him anything about their torture, she doesn't even want to tell him about the torture her aunt and uncle put her through as she didn't want her brother to hate his parents, but now she wanted to tell him about this marriage and beg him to save her, but she is blackmailed not to... Can her fate get better ever ??

"Isha wants to get married to him, I didn't force her son", Kailash said with his fake sweet tone...

"Like the hell, I would believe your words... Stop the wedding, I am coming there immediately", Ranveer said

"Okay come, if you don't believe me, then ask Isha", he said handing over the phone to Isha... " Lo beta, baat krlo apne bhai se(take it beta, talk to your brother)", Kailash said and Isha took the phone with shivering hands...

"Ishu... I know you don't want to get married, don't worry, I am coming there, I won't let you marry that BEAST", Ranveer said lovingly...

"Bhai... I... ", Isha wanted to say something when two dirty hands started wandering on her shoulder... Her eyes widened and dread filled her...

"Yes bacha, tell me...", he said lovingly, Kailash gave her a look that said 'convince Ranveer, and only then the hands will stop', Isha pleaded folding her hands but Madan didn't stop wandering his hands on her shoulder, she kept jerking them but Kailash held her hands tightly...

Madan's hands dangerously moved downwards, and Isha's eyes widened in disgust before they reached to her breasts, she started speaking...

"Bhai, I am okay with this marriage... I... I like him", Isha spoke... And the hands moved up to her shoulders and she sighed in relief, she pleaded with her uncle to make Madan stop the torture but in return, he signed towards the phone indicating to make Ranveer believe...

All this while, Her aunt is having food very peacefully as if her husband is not torturing a poor soul... She hates Isha to the core as she feels she got something that rightfully belonged to her son, well that's only one of the reasons.

"What ?? Ishu, I know you are lying... ", he started but she interrupted him before Madan started wandering his dirty hands on her...

"Bhai... No... What's there to not like about him, he is a man, a rich man who can give me everything, I am tired of living this life like a caged princess, I want my freedom, and he is ready to give me that... I need nothing else", she said

"Are you my Ishu  ?? What are you even saying  ?? I agree you are desperate for freedom but that doesn't mean you marry any man, that too Abhyansh Singh Ranawat  ?? That man is bad news Ishu, you won't be happy with him, please don't do this bacha... Listen to me, I will come there tomorrow, we can talk about everything", Ranveer said

Kailash threw a challenging look at her and mouthed her to stop him from coming to India...

"No bhai... You don't have to come here, I know what I am doing, I am old enough to make my own decisions, I am not backing off from this marriage", she said rudely shocking Ranveer...

Hearing his sister talking like that shocked him to the core, it angered him like hell and he did the most unexpected thing snatching all the hope his sister had...

"Fine, do whatever you want, I am not coming there, I don't even want to attend the wedding when that man tortures you daily, then don't come to me", saying this he hung up, Madan's hands left her body and she collapsed on the ground... All her hopes are crashed now... Now no one could save her from this...

She secretly hoped that her brother understood her helplessness, but she knew she is hoping against hope...

How can her brother trust her words  ?? Didn't he know her  ??

Days passed and her brother called her two more times but she couldn't say anything as per her uncle's instructions... And he gave up...

He didn't understand why his sister is behaving like that, at first he thought she is under some pressure, so he made sure to communicate with her when she is alone, he called her mobile that too at midnight when he is sure his parents are asleep but even then his sister said only one thing, that is she is happy with this marriage, and he thought his sister made up her mind regarding this, it got easy for him to believe her lies as he knew how desperately she wanted freedom from that place... But what he doesn't know is Isha's every call is being monitored and listened by her uncle...

She cried and cried the day her brother, the only person she thought loved her gave up on her...

She didn't sleep the whole night and when she saw sunrise the next morning, she didn't see the shining sun, instead, she saw herself getting burnt in that fire...

Precap - Marriage and Isha's first introduction with her beast of a husband...

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