PART - 3

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The Ranawat's palace is decked up like a new bride, and the guests who belong to the most powerful families across the world poured in, Why not ?? It's the most powerful man's wedding and no one has the audacity to decline his invitation. The representatives of several governments, autocratic, bureaucratic, and democratic made their presence, getting into the bad books of Abhyansh Singh Ranawat is the last thing they want for their countries...

Rajputs reached the Ranawat's palace and seeing the driveway, Isha is surprised, the way, the security, everything surprised her... Rajputs' palaces and wealth are a lot, they are one of the 500 affluent families in the country, but it's nothing in front of what Ranawats have and it is clearly visible to Isha in the arrangements, when the palace decked up like a new bride came into her view, a huge gasp escaped her...

"This is just the front palace, the main palace is behind this, no one from outside is allowed there except for family, so your wedding is arranged here", her uncle answered with a smirk, looking at Isha's gasp and shock-filled eyes... "You must be thinking, why would a man so rich, a real king be ready to marry a like trash like you right ??", he asked and she looked at him with teary eyes... "He hates you, you see the riches around you ?? Expect torture matching their riches", he said laughing at her miserable state... "You would thank me for treating you so well after you have a proper encounter with your would-be husband... The Royal BEAST", Kailash said and laughed while tears fell from Isha's eyes...

They were welcomed by Rajmata Devyani Devi, Prince Pratap Singh Ranawat and his wife Amruta Pratap Singh Ranawat, and Prince Avyan Singh Ranawat...

Isha's face is covered with a veil, after the welcome, Amruta takes Isha to a room, to get her ready for the wedding...

"Get ready fast, you have just an hour for the Muhurat(the auspicious time), let me know if you need anything beta, the make-up artist will be here in a few minutes", Amruta said softly, and Isha looked at the woman getting shocked by the soft tone, no one ever spoke to her in such a soft tone except for her brother... Isha got teary-eyed remembering her brother and Amruta noticed this...

She sent the servants out immediately, and as soon as they went out, she locked the door and hugged Isha to her heart...

"I don't know what's your helplessness to marry my son, but I assure you, he isn't bad, Don't get afraid, I'm here for you... Okay ??", Amruta said and Isha burst out into tears hugging Amruta tightly, In 15 years, this is the first time she felt that motherly affection, someone spoke to her so softly, offering her that comfort...

"Thank you Ma...", Isha spoke softly...

Hearing the soft and beautiful tone of Isha, Amruta wanted to see her face, which is covered in the veil... She broke the hug and lifted the veil... Amruta gasped seeing her daughter-in-law...

"OH MY GOD!, you are so beautiful...", Amruta cupped her mouth and kept staring at Isha... She is drop-dead gorgeous, like an angel, there is no makeup on her face yet she looked extremely beautiful like a goddess, her big hazel eyes shining with innocence and kindness, she is so perfect that Amruta has to touch her face to make sure she is not hallucinating...

"You will bring back my son, I know it", Amruta said cupping her daughter-in-law's face and kissing her forehead... The positivity she felt when she first saw Isha is unmatched, Amruta felt an instant connection to her son's bride just by a glimpse, and her strong instincts say that she is right for her son...

Someone knocked on the door, and Amruta covered her daughter-in-law's face quickly and asked them to come inside...

"Help her get ready...", Amruta ordered and the maids nodded...

"Ma...", Isha called softly and Amruta quickly turned and looked at Isha lovingly...

"Can I wear my mother's bridal lehenga ?? Please", Isha asked almost begging and Amruta felt instantly bad... She knew Isha lost her parents when she was a kid but she thought her uncle and aunt looked after her well until she saw how her aunt left her alone in the room and enjoyed the royalties of Ranawats...

"Yes, you can, but don't let Abhyansh know about it, he didn't see the lehenga the Ranawat's designer bought, if he gets to know, you would be in big trouble", Amruta said and Isha nodded...

She left leaving Isha to get ready, but they forgot one important thing, Abhyansh has very loyal staff... They fear him more than they respect him...

They helped Isha in getting ready in her mother's wedding lehenga which she made alterations to, and brought with her hiding from her Uncle and Aunt...

"What is this ??", Isha asked innocently looking at the eyebrow plucker that the beautician is about to put on her face...

She has all the basic knowledge about academics, she did her masters in arts, with design as a major. But she never went to a parlor or met a beautician or a stylist for that matter... She did everything by herself and she never knew how to use any makeup products... She was not allowed to use any beauty products or wear good clothes. Her aunt Sheela is jealous of her beauty and banned everything for her. She used to slap her a lot when her son wasn't home, as even without trying, Isha looked like a princess and Sheela saw Isha's mother in her beauty. Kailash Rajput always has eyes for his brother's wife i.e Isha's mother. But he can't do anything as he is afraid of his brother, and finally, when he made the plan to kill his brother and then make a move on his sister-in-law, she decided to join her husband on his business trip and both of them met with a car accident which killed them...

"Um... I want to shape your brows, your highness, they are perfect, but just a little pull here and there would be better...", The beautician said...

"I have never got this done before, will it hurt ??", Isha asked innocently shocking the lady.

"Yes, Your Highness, if you haven't got it done before, then I won't do it now, as if it causes redness, it won't look good", she said putting it away... "Your Highness, Can I say something ???", the lady asked and Isha nodded, she was surprised to see everyone respecting her so much, she never got that respect despite being a princess as her uncle always punished the staff who gave respect to her.

"You are the prettiest woman I have ever seen... I don't even know how to describe your beauty, it's angelic, now I understand why the king is marrying you, you are born to be a queen...", she said, her eyes filled with admiration... Isha is a sight for sour eyes... a very very attractive woman...

"Thank you", Isha said with a soft and kind smile that can soften anyone, Well the Royal BEAST is an exception for now...

The maids helped her get ready... Just then, someone ran inside and said something that literally made everyone in the room shiver in fear, well except for Isha who didn't know about his anger yet...

"Maharaj is coming here, he is furious", the girl said and ran away, others didn't know what to do... they prayed to god to save them from him...

Abhyansh made his way inside the room and Isha stood up but kept looking down...

"Out", he said in his usual cold tone, which made everyone scurry away, after which he closed the doors with a 'thud' which made Isha jump in her place...

"What are you wearing ??", he asked in the same tone... She shivered with fear but didn't know what to answer... He marched towards her in three long strides holding her hair and making her look at him... The moment his eyes landed on her face, he left her hair and took a small step back... Her angelic beauty made him surprised... He felt something unexplainable looking at her...

Isha's bridal dress, which is her mother's

He didn't like the effect, he again stepped in front and held her neck from the backside this time tighter...

"When I ask something, you answer, When I say something, you do it, and when I order something, you obey, if not, you will face Abhyansh Singh Ranawat's wrath... You hear me ??", he said in his icy tone which brought tears to her eyes... "Now tell me, what are you wearing ??", he asked again...

"My mother's.... lehenga, pl..please let me wear this, Pl...please", Isha asked joining her hands but his eyes held no emotions...

"You will get ready in the bridal wear that is made for you, you have 20 minutes", he said and jerked her away leaving the place...

She sat on the floor and tears made their way, more than pain, it's the fear that the man's presence caused her... Even her vile uncle and aunt's painful tortures didn't make her fear so much, but just his presence and icy tone managed to do it...

The staff came inside and made Isha change her clothes and attire... She is the most beautiful bride, looking like a queen in the attire but the smile that was there earlier is missing...

Isha's wedding attire

After a while, she is called to the hall, and Amruta came and took her to the mandap, with the help of servants...

As soon as Isha entered the hall, there were gasps heard, and the whisperings increased, people even took out their phones and shot videos and images of the most beautiful bride... The Queen, Mrs. Abhyansh Singh Ranawat...

Sheela felt the jealousy hitting her badly seeing Isha in the expensive Royal attire which she couldn't even imagine getting her hands on...

Amruta made Isha stand beside Abhyansh and soon the marriage rituals started...

Abhyansh's attire

Soon the wedding rituals are done and the priest pronounced them husband - wife. Isha prayed to god to help her handle all the difficulties life throws at her and make her husband love her and treat her with dignity when Abhyansh filled her hairline and tied the nuptial chain around her neck.

After the marriage rituals, the reception is held, and only selected people are allowed on the stage, the rest all blessed the couple from far away. The people who got access to the stage made sure to click a picture, as they knew the value of having that one picture with Abhyansh Singh Ranawat, that too on the most important day of his life, if they were allowed to stand beside him on this day, then their importance in his life must be significant which automatically increased their value in the society.

The internet is flooded with the Royal wedding and the couple, everyone is talking about them but Does the marriage hold the same significance in the lives of the ones who are bound in it as much as it held to the people who were talking about it ??

After the functions, the couple moved to the main palace where Amruta carried out the rituals as fast as possible as her son ordered her to...

Isha looked around the interiors in awe... She thought she hated Royal palaces after being caged in one for more than 15 years, but she is proven wrong... This palace which is her new home from now has made her fall in love with it.

The main hall Entrance (just the outlook, not the exact one, the one in my imagination is much grandeur but didn't find any image matching it)


Path to the King's Chamber (Abhyansh's Chamber)

Abhyansh left for his office and after him, everyone followed to do their work except for Amruta, Isha is confused as no one in the family said a thing to her... They didn't even greet her, they stayed as if they are obligated, and it's true in a way, they stayed as their king is there and as soon as Abhyansh left, they disbursed.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, stay positive", Amruta said softly and Isha nodded.

She took her to Abhyansh's chamber through the path to King's chamber which is huge...

"Ma, where are your chambers ??", Isha asked while walking through the grand staircase

"Our staircase is the one on the back side... I will show you tomorrow", Amruta softly said

"Oh, then why is this path divided into two ways ?? Where does that staircase lead to ??", Isha asked pointing to the left staircase, as they walked towards the right staircase to reach Abhyansh's chamber...

"Oh, that leads to Abhyansh's study and library, and he spends most of his time there when he is home...", Amruta said and Isha nodded...

They entered Abhyansh's chamber, and there is a huge hall, a dining room, a gym, and a staircase in the middle, which is not as grand as the previous ones but grand enough for a personal chamber, Isha didn't understand why a staircase in a private chamber too...

"This one leads to the 3 bedrooms upstairs, your belongings are kept in the main bedroom, the extreme left one... Get changed and take some rest", Amruta said and walked away...

Isha wanted to ask her mother-in-law to accompany her, but she couldn't get the heart, she could see Amruta is very tired and didn't want to strain her so she didn't ask...

Isha made her way into the extreme left bedroom as directed by her mother-in-law...

The grand interiors made her surprised, she loved every inch of it and after exploring the whole room, she is curious to explore the other bedrooms as well... So she walked to the two other bedrooms...

Isha is confused to see the dark interiors of the other two rooms, One is extremely dark while the other is semi-dark... She mentally noted to ask her mother-in-law, about the three bedrooms, why would someone want three bedrooms in a single personal chamber ?? Is he planning to have 3 wives ?? No, No, What are you thinking Isha ?? She chided herself for even thinking like that...

She further went to explore more, and she saw a small hallway, which is not so small, but small enough compared to the all other grand things in the palace... And the place looked more casual compared to the rest of the palace where every inch is filled with Royal touch...

She walked to the end corner and saw a door, she tried opening it but couldn't...

"Trying to get into trouble on the first day itself ??", she heard her husband's icy tone which sent shivers to her spine...

She quickly moved back from the door and slowly turned to face him, but didn't have the courage to look at his face, so she looked down... she remembered what he told her about answering him so she decided to answer him before he did something to her...

"No...No... Mr. Ranawat, I was just exploring, Sorry...", She said and he marched to her, held her hand in his tight grip, and dragged her to their main bedroom which is at the extreme left...

As soon as they entered the room, he threw her on the floor roughly...

"You will address me as Maharaj just like all the maids do, You are my wife for namesake but will do all the maid's job, from tomorrow, there will not be a single maid entering this chamber, if I see a single dust particle, you will get punished... Understood ??", he asked in his menacing tone... Her eyes are filled but she managed to nod...

"Words", he said holding her face in his hands, his nails digging into her cheeks...

"Y...Yes Maharaj", she said wincing in pain, he roughly jerked her away walked into the mini-bar he had in his room, and started drinking while Isha collected herself slowly, and got up to change...

She changed into her night clothes and decided to sleep as the day was very hectic... With the way Abhyansh behaved with her, she should be crying but she didn't feel anything, all she felt was relief, yes when he said she is just a maid to him, it hurt but she expected something worse, like him forcing on her, snatching her dignity, but that didn't happen and she is relieved, all he asked was to clean the royal chamber, nothing huge, she used to do all these chores in Rajput palace too, not a big deal huh... But she has to get up a little early if she wants to complete all the chores before reaching her office...

And just then she realized, she didn't talk to her husband about letting her work... She looked at him drinking alcohol at the farther corner of the room, she took small careful steps, but came back fearing his reaction, what if he slaps her hard hearing her ?? Looking at the well-built body, she could die if he slapped her too hard, she thought, but her dream, her work is important... She again prep talked and walked to the bar but again went back... When she walked to him the third time, he turned towards her...

"What ??", he asked taking a sip of his whiskey...

"Mah...Maharaj, I... Work.... Woh...", she fumbled...

"I hate people who fumble, speak up", He ordered and she shivered, looking down, holding her tears...

"Maharaj... I want to work, I got a job in...", She started but he cut her off...

"You are nothing to me but a maid, a royal one, Do whatever you want to, but if there is any disruption in performing your duties here, you are as good as dead, I'll make sure of that", he told her coldly without looking at her face...

"Y..Yes Maharaj, th...thankyou", she said and scurried away...

She quickly laid down on the bed and closed her eyes, but within seconds she is harshly pulled away from the bed, and she fell on the floor hurting her elbow and arm...

"What did I tell you ??", He roared

She jerked back in fear hearing his loud tone...

"You are a maid and your place is on the floor...", Saying this, he poured his alcohol on the bed and threw his lighter on it setting the whole bed on fire scaring the hell out of her...

"If I see your disgusting self on the bed again, I would set you on fire, not the bed", he said and walked out...

She quickly walked to the bathroom to bring water but luckily found a fire extinguisher, she set off the fire and dropped on the floor sobbing hard... Her life couldn't get any better... It keeps getting worse... She sobbed for some time, before gathering herself, cleaning the whole room, and then freshening up, She laid down on the floor, and a small smile made its way onto her face thinking about her first day at the office the next day...

A new journey of the kind princess who is now a queen to not only Ajmer, but many royal families who surrendered to her husband and are ruling under him, but when will she ever become a queen in actuality to both the people and their king is the real question...

Precap - Isha's first day both as a wife and an employee...


Note - Hey guys, my other book FOR HIM...?? is published on Kindle, below is the link, there are bonus chapters added in the kindle version, do visit it and support me like you always did...

Thank you so much for all your support guys...

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