Chapter 1: Happy Anniversary

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A bolt of pleasure ran through Bragnae as Drake thrusted into her over and over. Her left leg was high in the air as Drake held himself against her on his knees. With her hips slightly tilted upward, he gripped her thigh with one hand and gently squeezed her breast with the other. Their luxurious king-sized bed was the perfect level of firmness to allow for any kind of position their love desired, yet it had just the right amount of softness to whisk them off into a comfortable, peaceful sleep each night. Bragnae braced herself on the purple, velvet headboard as Drake continued to drive into her. She let out an unrestrained moan, which made Drake smile never slowing his pace. He loved it when she was loud, and so did she. After everything they've been through to be together before they were married – sneaking kisses here and there, not being able to publicly declare their love for one another until months after they both realized it, and going on dates in secret during Gabriel's engagement tour – Bragnae could care less who heard her screaming as Drake pushed deeper inside her.

She reached out her hand to grab his as they laced their fingers together. "Yes... Right there, Drake," she moaned. "Keep it right there."

Bragnae closed her eyes. She couldn't help but let her mind wonder briefly away from the pleasure as she thought about all of the wonderful days she had spent as Mrs. Drake Walker over the past year. It was an incredible year full of nothing but absolute bliss. Every day was like their honeymoon. There were no scandalous plots against her, no assassins trying to kill her or her husband, and there was no one that she needed to prove herself to. They were the Duke and Duchess of Valtoria – two commoners turned noble – and they oversaw their duchy with grace, kindness, and compassion for those living in it. Over the past year, learning how to govern a small duchy together was as exciting as it was challenging, but Drake and Bragnae made it look easy. They lived in this grand mansion together day in and day out with their adorable dog, Loki, a stable full of horses, a beautiful menagerie, and the staff that helped maintain it.

After they got married, Drake and Bragnae decided to ask the staff to work only Monday through Thursdays allowing the newlyweds to have three full days all to themselves. Being raised as regular people, they both wanted to continue cooking, cleaning and fending for themselves as much as they could to stay humble. Plus, they found it to be fun. They were a strong team, uniting and inspiring the citizens of Valtoria as 'nobles of the people', and the couple wanted to ensure they stayed grounded always putting the people and their needs first. Their citizens' approval rating was through the roof, which said a lot considering neither one of them had any experience in ruling over land and populace before. Of course, as duty called during the week, it was nice to have Gladys and the rest of the staff around the estate to support them when things got busy.

Drake leaned over Bragnae gently grabbing the sides of her face as he kept a steady rhythm of pleasure between them. They stared into each other's eyes anticipating the inevitable ecstasy that was about to consume them.

"I love you, Bragnae."

" you too, Drake," she said breathlessly.

Bragnae felt that incapacitating feeling build rapidly inside her as she screamed. "Yes! Drake! Oh, my God!"

Drake let out a long, satisfied moan as he sank into her kissing her neck in between breaths. After a few moments of catching his breath, he found her lips and kissed her gently.

"Happy Anniversary, Mrs. Walker," Drake said, smiling.

"A very Happy Anniversary to you too, Mr. Walker." She raised up to meet his lips again.

Drake collapsed on the bed next to her in complete satisfaction. Bragnae immediately curled up next to him resting her head on his chest.

"So, what are we going to do today to celebrate our 'Cliffside' anniversary?" She asked.

"Cliffside? Is that what we're calling it?"

"Well, it was the best I could come up with aside from the other poor contenders that filtered through my mind: 'Eloped' Anniversary, 'First Wedding' Anniversary, 'We Got Hitched and Only Maxwell Was There' Anniversary. If you think you can do better, be my guest."

Drake thought for a moment. "Cliffside works for me. What does that make tomorrow then, oh Bragnae, the Great Wedding Namer?"

"I suppose that would make tomorrow our 'Cathedral' anniversary if we're sticking with the same theme." She looked up at him giving him a playful smirk.

" that case, why don't we set a precedence for every anniversary hereafter?" He suggested. "On our 'Cliffside' anniversary date, we can do homey, down-to-earth things to celebrate since that wedding was outdoors and simple. Maybe we take the horses out for a ride, go camping..."

"Make s'mores?" Bragnae asked excitedly.


"And what about on our 'Cathedral' anniversary date?"

"I'm thinking we live it up! We can do fancy things, dress up, go out, and hit the town... really go big."

"Wow, Drake, you'd really do all of that for our 'Cathedral' anniversary? I'm a bit shocked, I must admit."

"All in the name of love, sweetheart," he said kissing her on the forehead. "Plus, it's only one day out of the year that I'd have to do all that."

"Hey!" Bragnae lovingly punched his side.

"I'm kidding. You know I'd be happy to dress up, and take you out any time you wanted." Drake sighed. "You've got me wrapped around your little finger, woman. And you damn well know it."

Bragnae giggled. "I do... but I promise I never exploit it on purpose."

"Is that right?" Drake asked skeptically.

She looked back up at him biting her lip. "Well... maybe sometimes. But all in the name of love. I promise!"

"Uh-huh," Drake smiled, shaking his head.

Bragnae moved to crawl on top of Drake. "So, you never answered my question. What do you want to do today?"

"Well, I was thinking we could start with some breakfast and get ready for the day. I have a present for you, but we'll need to take a ride on the horses before I can give it to you."

"Ooh, that sounds intriguing. I have a present for you as well, so I'll make sure to take it with me on our little excursion," Bragnae said as she bent down to kiss Drake once more. "Now, let's go! I want my present!"

She hopped off Drake, but not before tossing a pillow in his face. She ran with excitement into their walk-in closet to pick out her outfit for the day. She pulled on a purple satin robe while she searched. Drake chuckled watching her jump back and forth between the closet and the bathroom.

"How do you have this much energy this early in the morning?" Drake asked, still laughing.

Bragnae dipped her head out of the bathroom holding a straightener to her hair. "Well, I'd say my incredibly sexy husband pounded the sleepiness right out of me. That was a great way to wake up, by the way," she said winking as she stepped back into the bathroom to finish her hair. "Plus it's our anniversary! This is a great day!"

Drake walked into the bathroom to start the shower. "It is a great day, and we're going to make it fun." He kissed her on the cheek and stepped into the shower.

"Anything else I need to pack in a bag for our little adventure today?" She asked as she started to apply her make-up.

"Um... maybe a change of clothes, a toothbrush... things like that."

"A toothbrush on a horse ride? Are we camping or something?"

"I'm not telling you a damn thing, so don't even ask. You're lucky I told you what to pack."

Bragnae silently stuck her tongue out, and made a mocking face in the mirror at Drake's comment.

"I saw that!"

Surprised, Bragnae whipped around seeing Drake had pulled the shower curtain over just enough for his face to stick out. He looked at her with narrowed eyes and a playful smile.

She giggled. "Good. I meant you to." She walked over to him, and gave him a kiss.

Bragnae finished her make-up, and grabbed a cosmetic bag throwing her toothbrush and other essential items into it, and walked back to the closet. She retrieved her backpack and threw the cosmetic bag into it, and walked over to a drawer where she hid Drake's present. Already wrapped and ready to go, she took it from the drawer and placed it into her bag, along with a special sexy outfit and heels for later. Bragnae rifled through her clothes until she found the perfect pair of jeans – ones that made her butt look 'spectacular' according to Drake – and a comfy, but fitted blue t-shirt that had the New York Rangers logo on it. She completed her look with a pair of black knee high boots with a thick heel – perfect for riding a horse. She shoved another outfit, similar to what she had on, into her backpack, and zipped it up.

"I'm ready!" She called out. "I'll go get breakfast started."

She took her bag with her as she descended the stairs making her way to the kitchen. Bragnae toasted four pieces of Italian bread, buttered them and set them aside. Next, she fried up 4 eggs leaving them just a little runny stacking two on top of each other with a single slice of cheddar cheese in the middle. Bacon sizzled in a pan filling the air with its mouthwatering aroma as she slid the eggs onto the bread. She layered it with sliced avocado and a few slices of bacon, and added a few fresh strawberries to their plates as the finishing touch. Egg Sandwiches were one of Bragnae's specialties in the kitchen. It wasn't anything too remarkable, but Drake sure liked it, and it usually hit the spot. She brought the plates over to the breakfast bar, and grabbed two glasses from the cabinet. She poured each of them some orange juice just as Drake strolled into the kitchen.

"That smells really good, Brenna," he said as he hopped up on the counter stool.

Bragnae smiled hearing Drake's nickname for her recalling the first time he said it, rather when it slipped out unintentionally. Soon after they first met, Drake most often referred to her as Bennett, Bragnae's former last name. Once they were married, however, she had requested that Drake leave behind the nickname that originally was meant to mask his feelings for her, and use her actual first name. She remembered Drake catching himself every time he went to call her Bennett as they started their new life together until one day his brain had mashed the two together instead. "Hey, Bren-na..." he had said. "Wow, that came out wrong. Hmmph." They both laughed at his cute mistake. Ever since that moment, Drake used Brenna as a quicker way to get her attention. She didn't mind – as long as it was him saying it to her as her husband.

"Thanks!" Bragnae replied as she sat next to him. "Dig in!"

As soon as they finished their breakfast, and the dishes were cleaned up, the couple grabbed their bags and headed for the stable. Bragnae was grateful that Hana offered to watch Loki for them this weekend, so they could enjoy their anniversary without worrying about tending to his needs. Although she missed her adorable Corgi, she was glad to have time alone with her husband. Hana was staying in Ramsford at the Beaumont Estate now. She hadn't wanted to intrude on their life as newlyweds, so she moved in with the Beaumont's as soon as Drake and Bragnae got back from their honeymoon.

"Hey, Cleopatra! How are you doing, girl?" Bragnae said stroking her black beauty's face. "I just love you! Do you want to go for a ride? I have no idea where we're going yet, but it's supposed to be 'fun'."

"Are you ready to stretch your legs, Lonestar?" Drake asked, looking at his brown and white stallion brought over from Texas. "I'll get you ready, pal."

The two of them prepared their horses for the journey, and led them out of the stable. Bragnae slung her backpack over her shoulders, and mounted her horse. Before Drake did the same, he walked over to Bragnae.

"Before we go, put this on," he said, handing her a blindfold with an elastic strap.

Bragnae looked perplexed. "Really, Drake? Don't you think I need to see where I'm going?"

"Do you even know where you're going?" He cocked his head at her with a smirk landing on his face.

"Fair point," Bragnae conceded.

"Don't worry Mrs. Walker, I'll be your eyes. And Cleopatra won't lead you astray. She is the tamest retired racehorse I've ever met." Drake patted Cleopatra on her side.

Bragnae accepted the blindfold and put it on as instructed.

"Okay, I'm completely helpless now. It's all up to you, Cowboy."

Drake and Bragnae started off on their journey through their property. Bragnae took this time to concentrate on her other senses, and reveled in the peaceful sounds of nature that surrounded her. She felt Cleopatra's steady breathing beneath her, as well as every step she took. She heard the crunching of leaves and sticks on the ground, and a slight breeze ruffling past her ears.

"Bragnae, duck down a bit. We're coming up to some low branches," Drake instructed.

She leaned forward a bit hugging Cleopatra's neck until Drake gave her the 'all clear'. They rode a few minutes more as Bragnae heard a babbling brook to her left.

Oh, I know this route. We must be going near the Lake.

"Okay, we're here. But don't take off your blindfold yet."

Bragnae pulled back on Cleopatra's reins as she waited for Drake's next direction.

"Alright, I'm going to help you off the horse, and you're going to just stand in place where I put you until I get the horses settled. Okay?"

"Sir, yes sir!" Bragnae added a salute to her reply.

Drake reached up and put his left hand on her side.

"Just lean into me, find my shoulder with your hand, and get off the horse like you normally would. Don't worry, I'll catch you."

"Do you think I forgot how to get off of a horse, Drake?"

"You'd be surprised how disoriented you can be when one or more of your senses is taken away. Now, come on."

Bragnae found Drake's shoulder and braced herself as she felt his strong hands grip her torso. He successfully lowered her to the ground, and reminded her to stay put. She wanted so badly to remove the blindfold, but didn't want to ruin Drake's surprise.

He's so sweet. Whatever he has planned, I'm sure it's going to be amazing.

Bragnae heard Drake approaching her after a few minutes excited to finally see again. She felt his arm sling around her waist as he inched her forward and turned her slightly.

"Alright... I'm going to take off the blindfold now."

As soon as he did, Bragnae squinted to adjust to the light again. Her jaw dropped instantly. Standing before her was a beautifully built log cabin sitting by the lake.

"Wow! Drake! This is amazing!" She shouted. She looked at him in astonishment. "Did you build this?"

"Yeah... well, me and couple other guys. Rashad actually hooked me up with the guy who gave me the wood to make it."

Bragnae was stunned at the sight before her. She couldn't believe that her husband surprised her with a log cabin by the lake. She smiled and shook her head almost in disbelief.

"Drake, this is what we talked about when we first took a stroll through our property. I'm so happy that you did this. It's the perfect setting. It's absolutely gorgeous."

She turned back toward the cabin taking in the view. The lake was calm, and the mountains just beyond the water stood tall and proud. It truly looked like a postcard.

"Well, now we have a quiet retreat when we want to escape the noble life for a while," Drake said with a smile.

"You're incredible Drake! I can't believe I had no idea you were building this! How did you keep this from me?"

"First of all, every time you said you wanted to take a walk down by the lake, I either diverted us in another direction or made up an excuse to not go. That worked, surprisingly – as stubborn as you usually are. And when I said I was out working on some projects with Rashad, I was here. Technically, I was being truthful with that one," he said with a wink.

"I have seriously underestimated your skills, Drake. I'm just blown away."

"You haven't even seen the inside yet. Come on."

Drake grabbed her hand and led her to the front door of the cabin. He pushed open the door and walked inside. Bragnae's eyes lit up as she saw a cozy living area with couches surrounding a coffee table facing a stone fireplace. The dark wooden floors really added to the ambience as they stretched throughout the cabin. To her right was a modest kitchen with all the essentials, and a precious table for two in the corner.

There's even a vase with wild flowers in it. I have the best husband in the world.

"...I'm speechless, Drake. It's so cute and cozy! I love it, I really do," Bragnae said, hugging Drake's arm and kissing him on the cheek.

"Come on, I want to show you the rest. There's a master bedroom with a full bathroom, two other bedrooms and another full bathroom."

"Oooh, take me to the Master Suite first!"

Drake opened the door and allowed her to walk in before him. Bragnae stepped in as tears welled in her eyes. She looked around the room at the gray walls and saw posters and pictures of everything New York. From the Statue of Liberty, to the Empire State Building, even a New York Rangers poster – her favorite hockey team – was displayed. There were framed pictures of her and Drake when they were in New York during Gabriel's engagement tour. She insisted on a selfie much to his dismay, but it turned out to be one of their favorite pictures of all time. Partly due to the memories associated with it. It was taken right after Bragnae convinced Drake to buy a sexy, maroon Henley shirt before they went back to her old bar.

A king-sized bed with a wooden frame sat facing a glass wall overlooking the lake. Seemingly hidden within the glass wall were two French doors leading to a deck. Bragnae stood there in awe staring out at the beautiful landscape unable to move.

"Here. Let me show you the master bathroom before we head out there," Drake offered.

Bragnae stepped into the spacious bathroom with sea green walls, and saw the most beautiful white marble vanity and stylish mirror she'd ever seen, and a large shower and a corner tub, overlooking the lake, of course. There was a consistent beach theme throughout the bathroom, which she loved. It was utterly peaceful. Pictures of them on their honeymoon adorned the walls and counter space, along with some sea shells and sand dollars they picked up as well. The purple and pink conch shell that Bragnae procured from the ocean the day after they were married was displayed proudly on its own shelf.

She couldn't believe all the hard work and effort that he put into not only building this wonderful place, but decorating and setting it up as well. He had her in mind for all of it, and it showed. His love for her was overwhelming, and she could no longer fight back the tears as they streamed down her face. She turned back to Drake who was looking at her with a soft smile.

"I... I love this... so much, Drake," she said wiping the tears away. "You are so thoughtful."

Drake walked over and embraced her. "I wanted to make it special for you," he said, kissing the top of her head.

"Well, you definitely succeeded," she stated looking up at him. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. Even though you're afraid to admit it, I know you miss New York and the simpler life a lot, so I wanted to give you a little haven to run off to when you need it."

Oh my god! He knows me so well! This man is the best. How did I get so lucky? Oh shit, here come more tears.

"Hey, Brenna... come on, dry those eyes. The lake is already full enough without your help."

Bragnae giggled through her tears. He took her hand, and led her out to the deck just outside their room. The beautifully crafted deck stretched across the length of the cabin and had two green Adirondack chairs with a table in between set up in the perfect viewing spot. She walked over to the edge of the balcony, and looked down to see an outdoor grilling area and a custom built fire pit.

"Ooooh, just think how many s'mores we're going to make over there," Bragnae said.

"That goes without saying." Drake leaned against the railing of the deck pulling Bragnae into his arms.

"This is the best present you could have given me, Drake. Seriously. Words can't describe how incredible all of this is."

"I'm really glad you like it. I hope we can visit this place often. It's so peaceful here."

"Are you kidding? I'm half-tempted to move all of our things out of the mansion, and just live here. We'll come here a lot. I can already picture it."

Bragnae reached up and kissed Drake who returned the kiss eagerly.

"Oh! We forgot to look at the other two rooms," Bragnae remembered.

"Eh, that's okay. They're not furnished yet. We'll fill those eventually when we have kids."

"Aww, you really think of everything don't you, Cowboy?" Bragnae said, hooking her hands around Drake's neck.

"Well, it'd be pretty silly if I didn't at least have the available space for whenever we do have the little tikes."

"I love you so much, Drake."

"I love you too, Brenna."

Drake pulled Bragnae tightly to him as he dipped his head to kiss her again. Bragnae sank into him and let the kiss linger until he pulled back gently.

"Hey Brenna, I'm going to have to visit the Recreational Complex that Rashad and I have been working on in Domvallier next week."

"Really? For how long?"

Drake looks down at her with a sad expression. "For three weeks."

"Three weeks?!" Domvallier is on the other side of Cordonia! Ugh!

"I know, I wish it didn't have to be that long either, but the construction is almost complete, and as the lead Royal Council Member on this project, I have to be there to oversee it," he explained.

Bragnae sighed. "Oh Drake, that's going to be so hard. We've never been apart like that before."

"We'll make it through. Let's not worry about that right now," Drake comforted her rubbing his hand across her back.

Bragnae frowned and hugged Drake tighter.

"Well, it's probably not going to be as good as the cabin, but can I give you your present now?"

"Bragnae, I'll love anything you give me. So, bring it on."

"Okay," she smiled. "Where did my backpack run off to?"

"It's in the living room."

Drake followed Bragnae back inside to the living room to retrieve her bag.

"Why don't you have a seat on this comfy couch, and I'll be right back," Bragnae suggested with a seductive smile.

"You know, we do have to break in that bed too," Drake announced as he sat down.

"Oh, we will," she said, trailing a finger along his back as she walked away.

Bragnae ducked into the bathroom in the hall with her bag in tow. She stripped off her clothes, and found the royal blue lace Teddy that she packed. It was completely see-through, and hugged all of her curves. The front was very low cut, and squeezed her breasts toward the middle showing off ample cleavage. The lace pattern laid just right as to keep her nipples covered, however. This outfit left little to the imagination. He was going to love it. Bragnae slipped on a pair of black thigh high sheers, and her sexy black heels, and grabbed Drake's present out of her bag. After placing it on the counter, she found her perfume bottle and spritzed her neck and wrists. Admiring herself in the mirror, she knew she was ready to go. Bragnae walked out towards the living room with Drake's present in hand. Drake sat with his back to her, as he patiently waited for her to return.

Bragnae trailed her hand along his back guiding it in the direction she was walking. Her touch caught his attention as his eyes grew wide. His mouth gaped open as she stood in front of him with a sexy smirk, and a hand on her waist. She jutted one side of her hips out to help accentuate her curves, and pouted her lips just a bit.

"Holy shit, Bragnae," he finally managed to say. His eyes swept up and down her body as he adjusted himself in his jeans. "I really like this present, and it's my favorite color."

"I'm glad you like it, baby. But this...," she said gesturing to her outfit, " not your actual present. I just thought you might like some eye candy as you open it."

"You're too good to me, Bragnae," Drake said, biting his lip. "Now, get over here."

Bragnae complied, straddling Drake on the couch. "Better?"

Drake trailed a finger down the edge of the lace following the curves of her breasts down just below her belly button. "Much."

Bragnae lifted Drake's chin with her fingers to bring his attention back to her face. His eyes filled with an intense desire that momentarily distracted her as she lunged forward kissing him fiercely. She ran her fingers through his hair, as he squeezed her hips pulling her closer. He lavished her chest with kisses carefully sliding the lace over to expose her breasts completely. He caught her nipple in his mouth and tugged on it gently with his teeth making Bragnae gasp. She threw her head back holding onto the sides of his face keeping him where he was. Realizing she had a different plan in mind, she yanked Drake's hair to pull back his head. His eyes were now on hers, and he was at her mercy. She dragged her finger down his lips being deliberately slow as she got to his lower lip.

"Now, you're going to open your present," Bragnae commanded.

"I'll do anything you want me to," Drake submitted.

Bragnae bit her lip holding his gaze for a moment longer watching him unravel before her. She picked up a slender box that lay beside them on the couch and handed it to Drake.

"Happy Anniversary," she said in her most sexy voice.

Drake took the box from her and began to unwrap it. He removed the lid, and pulled out a black presentation folder with a solid cover. He peered up at her before opening to the first page. Bragnae watched, eager to see his reaction. To her enjoyment, Drake's jaw dropped as he stared hard at the seductive picture of her in his hands.

"That's... that's you in this outfit! Ohhhh, Bragnae, that's a great picture of you."

"Keep going. There's more."

Drake flipped to the next page to see a black and white photo of Bragnae on her knees in bed wearing a black Teddy with a long strand of pearls draped over her – some of which she was biting. Drake's breath hitched in his throat as he turned to the next page. Bragnae was in the same black Teddy on her hands and knees 'crawling' toward the camera with gravity exposing her cleavage in the most teasing of ways.

Drake blew out the breath he'd been holding and looked up at Bragnae. "Oh my God." He looked back down at the folder in his hands and turned the page.

The next picture was of her laying her head at the foot of the bed looking up at the camera with nothing but a thin sheet covering her. Bragnae's upper thigh stuck out of the sheet as her breasts barely stayed hidden. Drake brought his hand to his mouth covering it. He flipped to the next picture, which had Bragnae leaning up against the headboard with her knees spread on either side of her letting that same thin sheet barely cover her body as it cascaded down. Even through his thick jeans, Bragnae could feel Drake respond beneath her. She smiled knowing her mission was accomplished.

Drake kept flipping through the rest of the folder continuing to be stunned by each picture he saw as his breathing increased slightly. He swallowed hard, and then looked up at Bragnae with heat in his eyes.

"You are so fucking hot, Bragnae."

"So, you like them?" She teased.

"Uh, hell yeah I do! I'm about ready to bust out of my pants."

"I see that." Bragnae watched him as he flipped back through the booklet. He stopped on a picture of her covering her naked body with just her hands, and his facial expression changed.

"Don't worry," she began. "Hana took the pictures."

Drake snapped his eyes up at her. "How did you know what I was going to ask?!"

Bragnae giggled. "Because I just watched your face change from pure lust to 'who the hell took these pictures of my wife'.

Both shocked and relieved, Drake sat back on the couch. He looked up at her thoughtfully. "So, Hana took these?"

"Yes, there were no strange men or women involved," she said, smiling.

A playful smile crept on his face. "So, you were naked in front of Hana, huh? Interesting."

"It is not interesting. She is my best friend, and that's what friends do for one another."

"Best friends often pose seductively in sexy lingerie while the other friend snaps photos? Hmmm. I'm going to have to call Gabriel, and let him know we're doing it wrong."

They both laugh. "Well, anyway, this little photoshoot was just for you, my handsome husband. What makes these pictures even more special is that I was thinking about you in every shot."

Drake smiled. "Is that right? Well, you look awfully irresistible in these."

"What can I say? You bring it out in me," she said playfully.

Drake pulled Bragnae in for a gentle kiss. "Thank you. These are amazing. I appreciate you taking the time to do this for me."

"You're welcome."

Drake's face lit up. "Oh! I can bring these with me during the work trip coming up. Oh God, Bragnae. This will be a lifesaver! However, hmmm..." Drake paused as a thoughtful look covered his face.

"What is it?"

"Well... is there any way I can put these on my phone? I would hate to bring this booklet, and have it get into the wrong hands while I'm traveling. Last time that happened, we had to travel the world just to find clues and clear your name."

Bragnae smiled proudly at him. "I'm way ahead of you, baby. Hana and I went to great lengths to not only take the pictures ourselves privately, but to also print them out here, and store them on an external hard drive away from grubby hackers. And they just so happen to be on your phone already."

"What? When did you do that?"

"Last night while you were sleeping. Go on and see for yourself."

Drake pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped on the picture icon. "You are sneaky, Brenna. Where are they?"

"They're in a password protected file. Scroll down and you'll see it has its own folder."

Drake found the folder and tapped to open it prompting a password screen to appear. "So, what's the password?"

"Bragnae – is – sexy, all lowercase and no spaces. Think you can remember that?"

Drake looked at her with a playful smirk. "How could I forget that?" He typed it in, and successfully opened the folder scanning all the erotic boudoir pictures Bragnae starred in at his fingertips.

"This is great. This will help me get through those three weeks without you."

"Then this was even more perfect than I originally imagined."

"Yeah, great timing I'd say. But what about you?" He asked.

"What about me?"

"How are we going to make sure you can get through those three weeks without me?"

"I don't know. I'm still having a hard time processing that I won't get to see you for twenty-one days in a row."

Drake bit his lip looking at her, plotting. "Do you have any male-shaped toys at your disposal?"

"Oh... I did at one time when I was still living in New York. Regrettably, it didn't make it into my luggage when I dashed off to Cordonia with an hour's notice. It's a shame because I could have used that thing plenty of times waiting to be with you."

"Aww, you poor thing," Drake said sincerely while rubbing her back.

"Don't feel too bad for me. I still found ways to take care of myself when needed. And let me tell you, it was needed quite often."

"You could have gotten one here or somewhere along our travels," Drake suggested.

"Nah, you're much better than any toy could ever be," Bragnae reassured him running a finger down his chest.

"I'm glad you feel that way, but in times like this, it may be nice to have one on hand."

"Maybe...speaking of your impressive cock, I believe we have a bed to break in," Bragnae said while dismounting Drake and walking toward their bedroom. "You coming, Cowboy?" She asked over her shoulder.

"You don't have to ask me twice!" Drake exclaimed, jumping up from the sofa.

Bragnae hastened her catwalk to the bedroom, and heard Drake hustling after her. She turned around just in time for him to scoop her up and toss her on the bed. She was instantly aroused as she loved when Drake manhandled her. She watched him peel off his clothes with lightning speed before crawling on top of her. He pulled her arms above her head, and held her wrists down with one hand as the other explored her body. Bragnae writhed beneath him eager for his touch. He bent down to give her a searing kiss before capturing her bottom lip between his teeth. She moaned into him as his hand traveled south pushing the laced fabric aside, and delighting her with his fingers. She moved her hips in rhythm with his touch encouraging him.

"I want you, Bragnae," he said breathlessly.

"Then take me."

"We have to get you out of this thing first," he said, a little unsure of where to even begin.

Noticing his dilemma, she reached behind her neck to unhook the halter straps holding the Teddy in place.

"Thanks, I'll take it from here," he directed as he slowly pulled the lace fabric down her body delightfully revealing every curve. She lifted her hips slightly to allow him to pull it off completely, while knocking her heels off in the process.

Drake ran his hand up her leg from her ankle to her thigh pausing to look at Bragnae who was lightly biting her finger waiting for his next move.

"I think I'll leave these on," he said with a smirk referring to her thigh high sheers.

She smiled back at him, and in an instant he managed to turn her over so her stomach lay flat on the bed. Her breathing increased in anticipation of his touch.

I love when he gets aggressive like this.

Bragnae felt Drake crawl on top of her moving her hair aside as he kissed her neck sliding his hand beneath her cupping her breast. His kisses dropped to her back, and his hand slipped gently down her stomach as he lifted her hips pulling her closer to him. On his knees behind Bragnae, he slowly pushed his way inside her allowing her to get used to him before he thrusted into her again, harder this time. This made her gasp as she gripped the bed sheets wanting more. He continued to pound into her in just the right spot making her forget her own name.

"Ohhh... God... Yes..." she moaned.

Just then Drake slid his hand under her once again, but this time pulled her up against him as he sat back on his ankles. Bragnae gasped aloud as the new position felt even better than the one prior. Drake reached in front of Bragnae stimulating her from the outside as he continued to move inside of her. He held her up with his arm across her breasts, while he kissed the back of her neck. She reached her arm behind her holding onto Drake's neck as they moved together. The pleasure was overwhelming her all at once until she could no longer take it. She felt herself burst with ecstasy as the world fell away around her feeling limp in his arms. She turned her head to the side guiding Drake's mouth to hers kissing him as they both breathed heavily. Drake gripped her waist with both hands increasing his speed sending him over the edge as well. They both fell forward onto the bed breathing hard and completely satisfied.

Asthe day moved on Drake and Bragnae moved outdoors, and grilled fish they caughtfrom the lake for dinner. And later, as the stars came out, Drake built a firein the pit as Bragnae brought out the supplies to make s'mores. He grabbed ablanket for both of them to cuddle under as they toasted their marshmallows.Despite the amazing day they spent together, Bragnae couldn't help but feel atwinge of sadness at the thought of Drake leaving soon. After a year of easinginto their new roles, she wondered if their life as nobles and members of theRoyal Council would continue to bring them the happiness they deserved and wentto great lengths to achieve, or offer them hidden obstacles that would keepthem apart.

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