Chapter 2: Hate to Say Goodbye, but Love to Watch You Leave

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Bragnae and Drake stood in the grand hall of their estate awaiting the arrival of Lord Rashad and his associate. Bragnae shifted her weight back and forth in her knee-length coral dress in anticipation of her guests. She looked to her husband who was calmly waiting next to her. Her eyes scanned his body in appreciation. Drake wore a navy blue suit with a white button-up underneath. He opted out for wearing a tie – a style he had developed lately as he fell more and more into his role as a duke. He left the top few buttons of his shirt undone, which made him appear relaxed, yet confident, not to mention it drove Bragnae crazy. She loved his evolving style because she wanted him to make this position his own, and to be comfortable doing it. Over the past year, they decided not to stress about trying to act like rich nobility all the time, but as themselves. To their pleasant surprise, the citizens of Valtoria seemed to enjoy their candidness and style.

Unlike other nobility who typically have their servants greet their guests, the Duke and Duchess of Valtoria also preferred to personally welcome those they invited to their home. Bragnae sighed impatiently, slightly annoyed that her time with Drake was being interrupted by the very person he would be spending the next three weeks with.

"Why does Rashad need to come here if you're going to be seeing him in a few days anyway?" Bragnae asked, trying not to let her voice sound too whiney.

"He told me last night there were some contracts that had a deadline of today in order to get the rest of the materials needed for the Recreational Complex. He was just made aware of the contract's due date too. And I need to sign off on them as the Royal Council Member in charge," Drake explained. "Don't worry, it won't take too long." Drake offered her a smile as he reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze.

Bragnae turned to him and placed her hand on his chest. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to complain. It's just that I'm not ready for you to be gone for so long. I really wanted to have you all to myself for the rest of this week – especially since you're going to see Rashad every day while you're away."

Drake picked her hand off his chest and kissed it. "As my wife, you have a right to complain. Trust me, I don't want to share you with anyone else this week either, but unfortunately, this can't wait," Drake said, as he leaned in to kiss her sweetly on the lips. "I'll make it up to you later, I promise."

Before Bragnae could respond, the doorbell rang startling them out of their moment. Drake grabbed his wife's hand and led her to the front door where they opened it to find Rashad and a stunning woman standing beside him. As they ushered their guests inside, Bragnae took a second to admire their attire. Rashad came dressed in his signature look of a button-up dress shirt, a tie and his leather jacket. Like Drake, he was also a fan of wearing jeans occasionally, even when he had business to attend to. The woman next to him, however, was dressed in a form-fitted crimson dress that ran just above her knee with pointed black heels to follow. Her olive skin complimented her long, flowing brown hair, which she styled perfectly. She wore the right amount of eye make up to bring out her dazzling brown eyes, and completed her look with a deep red color on her lips.

Jeez. She's pretty. I wonder who she is.

"Rashad, good to see you. I hope you had a safe trip to Valtoria," Drake said, as he offered his hand in greeting.

"Hello, Drake. The trip was pleasant. Thanks again for seeing us on such short notice," Rashad replied returning his gesture. "Bragnae, always a pleasure to see you." Rashad shook Bragnae's hand and smiled.

"You'd think we weren't at a Duke and Duchess' home by the sound of those greetings. Not once did I hear a noble title mentioned. And you're answering the door yourselves? That's interesting," the woman pondered with a smirk on her face.

Rashad turned to the woman. "You will come to realize just how down-to-earth Drake and Bragnae are. They come from a commoner background. To be honest, it's exactly how I prefer things. Who needs to be constantly reminded of titles when your work and talent can speak greater volumes?"

"We couldn't agree more," Drake chimed in turning his attention to the woman. "Hi, I'm Drake Walker. It's nice to meet you, Miss..."

"Wheeler. Samantha Wheeler, but you can call me Sam," she stated with a smile creeping over her face. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Drake. I've heard a lot about you," she responded, shifting her tone slightly to a more playful sound.

Bragnae watched Sam's eyes light up as she shook Drake's hand. Easy there, honey. You can look, but that's it. After what seemed like too long of a moment, Sam dropped her hand and turned to Bragnae offering her the same greeting.

"It's nice to meet you as well, Bragnae. You both have a lovely home," Sam said with a little less sincerity in her voice than when she spoke to Drake.

Oh, so you did notice me. "Thank you. We're happy to have you here," Bragnae replied.

"Drake, Sam here is the reason for this sudden visit. She represents the company I employed to supply the rest of the materials and equipment needed for the RecPlex. We need to sign the contract for those things today in order to have them in time for next week," Rashad explained. "She's in town from Venice, and will be overseeing her side of the production with us in Domvallier over the next few weeks."

"Oh, you're Italian?" Bragnae asked. "I'm surprised you don't have an accent."

"Well, I'm actually Cordonian, but I live in Italy for the time being. I simply couldn't turn down the opportunity to work for such a highly successful company as Sportivo. Plus, I adore Italy," Sam stated with a slightly snobbish tone that reminded Bragnae of Madeleine. "You've been to Italy before, right Drake? Did you enjoy it?"

Why are you addressing just him? I'm standing right here. Rude bitch. Bragnae narrowed her eyes a bit at Sam who was oblivious to anything else accept Drake.

"Oh... yeah. Bragnae and I were there a little over a year ago. It was nice – at least the parts we saw," Drake said, putting an arm around Bragnae's waist pulling her close to him.

I wonder if he notices how she's flirting with him.

Rashad clapped his hands together once changing the subject. "Well, let's do what we came here for so we can get back to Domvallier."

"I'll leave you all to your business as I have my own to attend to as well," Bragnae announced as she patted Drake on the back and walked away.

Bragnae heard Drake recommend they go to the study to sign the contracts as she made her way to the kitchen. She didn't really have business to attend to except that she needed to look over a few proposals for the Royal Council that she would have to address next week. The Royal Council met once a month, plus whenever something came up that needed to be addressed sooner than the next regular meeting.

Bragnae served as the head council member who presided over all meetings, and who would relay all decisions, questions and concerns to King Gabriel himself when he wasn't already in attendance. She enjoyed this position, although it took some getting used to when the council was first formed right after she and Drake were married. She was a waitress from New York City, and now she was the Champion of the Realm and the head of the Royal Council that served Cordonia and its King. Life still felt surreal at times. Things escalated quickly after she made the decision to jump on the plane to enter the Social Season, and now she lived in a beautiful mansion with the love of her life, and had incredible, almost overwhelming responsibility.

Sometimes Bragnae craved the modest life, and she was grateful for Drake who was more than happy to keep things simple. Sometimes, she desperately wanted to cast away this prestigious life that she felt she didn't truly deserve, and move to a small cottage on a secluded countryside with Drake somewhere. She was elated when Drake presented her with the beautiful cabin on their estate for their anniversary. It meant so much to her to know her husband really understood her, and for that she loved him more than she thought she ever could. Some days, however, Bragnae felt that her position in Cordonia gave her opportunities to help others, and really make an impact on this small, but mighty country. She recalled how her life was in the United States, and how she wouldn't have had a chance like this there to make such a difference in people's lives. Bragnae took her position seriously, and knew that in the past year since the council had formed, Bragnae had already made leaps and bounds with the orchard farmers at Applewood to overcome the tragedy of losing their crop and the country's national fruit, and even helped set up a warm and comforting orphanage for the children of Cordonia that offered them proper education, plenty of nourishment and workers who had the children's best interest at heart.

Had Bragnae not been here, who's to say these things would have been completed? Perhaps they would have, but maybe at a later date, or perhaps not at all. She was particularly proud of her accomplishments in setting up the orphanage having lost both of her parents when she was younger. This would be an ongoing project that she would personally attend to as she continued to serve Cordonia as a Royal Council Member, and even beyond that. She would make sure that any child in this country without a proper guardian would have the chance for a beautiful life while waiting for their forever family to adopt them. The orphanage itself was up and running in the province where the palace was located, and provided many children shelter, comfort and love every day. In fact, it was becoming so successful with its mission that Bragnae was going to recommend building another orphanage of the same caliber in a different part of the country. This was what kept Bragnae going on the days that made her want to forget everything and run away with Drake and Loki. This was part of her purpose here, and she wasn't going to waste this chance.

Bragnae remained deep in thought staring at the random proposals in her hands until the sound of Loki's nails hitting the floor broke her concentration. Loki gave a small bark to let her know he had graced her with his presence, which prompted her to bend down to pet him.

"Hey there, mister. Are you looking for a treat?" Bragnae asked him.

Loki's ears perked up at the word as his tail began to wag profusely. Bragnae walked over to his cookie jar and pulled out a homemade treat.

"What do you do for this? Sit, Loki," Bragnae commanded.

Loki sat down keeping his eyes on Bragnae and the delicious snack in her hand. "Good boy!" Bragnae praised handing him the treat. Loki accepted it and quickly devoured the whole thing. The sound of the study's door opened, which alerted Loki. He immediately bolted out of the kitchen towards the noise shouting little barks here and there. In an attempt to corral her dog from her guests, Bragnae followed his path out of the kitchen and toward the front of the mansion. She rounded the corner into the great hall and saw the front door ajar. With no Loki in sight, she feared he might have run outside, so she hurried to the door as she heard Drake and Sam talking.

"Drake, it's going to be really fun getting to work with you over the next few weeks. I feel like there's so much you can teach me," Sam said.

Hearing this, Bragnae suddenly forgot her mission to find Loki, and halted herself just before the door to eavesdrop. This is probably wrong, but I don't trust that woman.

"Yes, I'm looking forward to getting this RecPlex completed so the citizens of Domvallier have a nice place to convene and enjoy themselves," Drake replied.

"You're all work, all the time, huh, Drake?" Sam asked, obviously flirting by the tone of her voice. "Maybe I could teach you a little something about leaving work behind and enjoying yourself."

What the fuck? Did she really just say that?

Bragnae heard Drake clear his throat before he began speaking. "I don't think so, Sam. I don't think the Duchess of Valtoria would like that very much."

No, I wouldn't.

"Ah, but what about the Duke of Valtoria? I bet you would enjoy being with me," Sam assumed, speaking now in seductive hushed tones.

That's it. This bitch is getting her ass kicked.

Fuming from anger, Bragnae quickly walked around to the opening of the door, and slipped outside before Drake could respond. Her eyes burned into Sam with each step causing Sam to take a step back on their front porch. Bragnae noticed Drake jump slightly out of the corner of her eye as if he was startled by her immediate presence. Okay, how should I play this? Should I just start beating the shit out of her, or should I embarrass her? Deciding at the last minute to play it cool, Bragnae plastered on her best fake smile.

"Leaving so soon, Sam? I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye," she said, as her blood boiled inside.

"Um... yes. I must be going... now," Sam managed to say, as she was obviously intimidated by Bragnae's stance.

Drake took a step forward towards Bragnae. "But before you do, why don't you tell Bragnae what you just told me?"

Bragnae watched Sam's face fade quickly into shock at Drake's suggestion. Wow, Drake. I'm impressed. Okay, we're going with embarrassment.

"I... uh... well, I...," Sam stuttered.

Bragnae crossed her arms in front of her chest never looking away from Sam. "That's okay, Drake. I happened to hear the part where Sam decided to proposition my husband in the home that we share."

Drake's eyebrows shot up as a playful smirk crossed his face. Bragnae took a step forward, but Sam didn't move. Sam was in such shock at the turn of events that she didn't seem to remember how to function. Bragnae reveled in this.

"I don't know what you think you understand about marriage or my marriage in particular, but this one is sealed. Drake is mine, and mine alone. If you ever proposition him again or speak to him in any way other than a professional manner, you will regret that decision," Bragnae said confidently as she inched her way closer to Sam's face.

Sam managed to find the gall to reply. "Are you threatening me?"

Bragnae smiled. "Oh, no. Threats can made idly without conviction. This, Sam, is fucking promise. Don't believe me? Go ahead and call my bluff. See what happens," Bragnae said leaning in to whisper in Sam's ear. "You won't like it."

Sam pulled back staring at Bragnae as her breathing increased. She glanced at Drake who offered her no sympathy. Frustrated and thoroughly humiliated, Sam turned away and hastened toward the limo with Rashad waiting inside. Drake and Bragnae watched as the limo left their property. Bragnae turned to face Drake for the first time since she stepped outside to see a big grin on his face.

"Whew! Man, I thought you were scary when you threatened to push Kiara into the petit fours at that tea party, and she wasn't even intentionally trying to take your man," Drake said chuckling. "Did I ever tell you how sexy you are when you stake your claim on me?"

A playful smile crossed Bragnae's lips as she moved slowly toward her husband. "That was pretty cruel of you to call her out like that. I was impressed." Bragnae stroked Drake's arm with her finger as she bit her lip.

"Yeah, well, she deserved it. She disrespected me and my wife by saying those things. You know me. I wasn't going to let her get away with that." Drake pulled Bragnae in so that she was flush with his body.

"That's good because as you saw just now I wasn't either," Bragnae said, winking at him.

Drake grabbed the back of Bragnae's head and kissed her intensely. Bragnae wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as Drake lifted her up and carried her back inside where they could privately indulge in their passions.

The next few days went by too quickly. The staff was sent away, so Drake and Bragnae could be alone together until he had to leave. They had amazing sex, watched movies, rode horses down to the cabin, had more incredible sex, packed for Drake's trip, and held each other. It was the night before Drake had to leave, and the two rested in their luxurious bed exhausted after thoroughly pleasing one another. They laid on their sides facing each other with Bragnae draping one leg over his hip as Drake ran his hand back and forth over it.

"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow," Bragnae said with pouty lips.

Drake sighed. "I know. I wish you could come with me, but I know you have some important things to take care of with the council."

"Yeah, I do. But what am I going to do without you here?"

"There's tons of stuff you can do. Take some time for yourself. Watch movies I don't like to watch, take a relaxing bubble bath without me interrupting you to have sex, read your books in silence... hell, invite Hana over to stay with you if you think that will help."

Bragnae smiled. "You make excellent points, Mr. Walker. And you know what? I may give Hana a call after all. A slumber party with her could be really fun – that is, if she's available."

"There you go – you have a plan. And it's not like we're not going to talk every day. Do you really think I can go all day without seeing my beautiful wife, even if that means I have to see her on a phone screen? No. This is going to be just as much torture for me as it will be for you."

"I hope these next few weeks fly by. I'm going to miss you so much, Drake."

"I'm going to miss you too, Brenna," Drake said as he leaned in to give her a sweet and soft kiss on the lips. "Now, let's get some sleep."

"Ugh. If we have to," Bragnae said reluctantly.

Drake rolled over to shut the lamp off next to his side of the bed. "Alright, you. Roll over so I can be the big spoon."

Bragnae smiled giddily and turned to her other side facing away from Drake as he wrapped his muscular arm around her tucking her hand and his close to her chest. Bragnae nestled her body against his comfortably feeling utterly safe and content.

"I love when you're the big spoon," Bragnae said happily.

"I know you do. Goodnight, Brenna," Drake said, placing a kiss on her shoulder.

"I love you, Drake."

"I love you more."

"Goodnight," Bragnae replied before she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning after Drake woke Bragnae the best way a husband can wake his wife, Bragnae made her way downstairs to make Drake breakfast, so he could continue getting ready for his trip. After they finished eating, a car arrived for Drake to take him to the airport. The flight from Valtoria to Domvallier was two hours, which didn't seem too bad, but to Bragnae it might as well been half way around the world. Bragnae helped Drake with his bags and they made their way outside where the driver greeted them and collected Drake's luggage. They stood on the front porch to their mansion and embraced each other. Bragnae felt tears begin to pool in her eyes as Drake rubbed her back gently. She pulled back to look at him, which only made the tears fall.

"Hey, it's going to go by fast, I promise," he said, wiping her tears away.

"This hurts so much, Drake! I don't want you to go." Bragnae could barely manage to hold it together as more tears continued to fall. She was a bit surprised at how weak she felt with the thought of not being with Drake. Before they met, Bragnae was tough, sassy, and could handle just about anything that threatened her peaceful existence. Her parents taught her to be strong growing up, and losing them only helped reinforce that objective. But now things were different. Being able to see Drake every day, and openly care for him after everything they went through to be together made the time they shared very special, and Bragnae didn't take it for granted. She buried her face in his chest, and gripped him tightly.

"Bragnae, look at me," Drake prompted as she lifted her face to look up at his. "You and I are going to get through this. Just look at it as a chance to really appreciate each other while we're apart."

"You're right. God, I'm such a mess!" Bragnae wiped her tears and composed herself as best as she could. "How are you so strong right now?"

"Because I have perfected the 'Drake Walker Emotional Wall' façade," Drake replied making Bragnae giggle. "Trust me, if you keep crying, I'm not going to hold up much longer, which is why I should really get going."

Bragnae sighed heavily. "I love you so much, Drake," she said gently holding onto both sides of his face.

"You know I love you too, Bragnae. I'll be back before you know it."

Drake leaned in to kiss her as Bragnae stood on her toes to meet his lips. The two held onto the kiss allowing themselves to enjoy every second until Drake pulled away reluctantly. Not quite ready to let him go, Bragnae pulled him in for another quick but passionate kiss.

"Be safe, and let me know when you get there," she said.

"I'll let you know when I land. A car is picking me up, and taking me to the site right away, but I'll call you later tonight when I get to my hotel."

"Okay. I'll look forward to that."

Drake hesitated to leave from her side looking deep into her watery eyes. He traced her mouth with his thumb, and lifted her chin towards him again for another kiss.

"You better go. The sooner you go, the sooner you'll get back to me."

Drake nodded. "I'll talk to you soon, Brenna."

As Drake walked away, Bragnae held onto his hand for as long as his increasing distance allowed. She watched him make it to the door of the limo as he looked back at her. They exchanged smiles as he got in the car. Bragnae painfully looked on as the limo pulled out of their property until it was no longer in sight. She took a deep breath, and walked back inside shutting the door behind her. With an attempt to busy her mind, she headed back into the kitchen to clean up their breakfast plates. The utter silence in the house, however, was destroying her already fragile will to stay strong. Bragnae pulled out her phone to play some music as Loki strolled in the kitchen. Thankful she wasn't completely alone, Bragnae sat down on the floor as Loki crawled into her lap.

"It's going to be you and me for the next three weeks, Loki. You have to help me and keep me cheered up as much as possible. Do you think you can do that?" Bragnae clutched her lovable Corgi to her chest as tears began to form again. Loki licked the tears that streamed down her cheeks as Bragnae continued to cry.

Drake had texted Bragnae that he landed after a few hours with the promise of a call later that evening. Bragnae decided to throw in a movie to help pass the time until she could talk with him again. She went over to their movie collection and started to scan her options. She passed a few movies that stood out to her: Pretty Woman, P.S. I love you, and Sex and the City. As she went to grab them, she reconsidered. Maybe I should wait to watch these until later in the week when I'm not such a hot mess. Bragnae resumed her search. I should pick out a longer movie. She ran past a few more titles and happened upon The Shawshank Redemption. Hmmm, this should do. No real romance happening, and it's a classic. Satisfied with her find, Bragnae popped it in and let the movie play. Loki hopped up on the reclining chair in their theater room, and curled up next to her. Grabbing a blanket, Bragnae settled in to watch the movie.

About the time when Ellis Boyd Redding was getting paroled out of Shawshank Prison, Bragnae's phone lit up requesting a FaceTime with Drake. She quickly paused the movie to answer the phone.

"Hi babe!" She exclaimed.

Drake smiled. "Hey, Brenna! How're you doing?"

"Much better now. How'd everything go at the site?"

"As good as can be expected. It was mostly a walk through to gauge where all the equipment is going to go and what level of progress it's at right now," Drake explained. "There's still a lot that needs to be done before the grand opening in a few months, but it looks like the crew is on schedule."

"That's good to hear! So... how awkward is it with Sam there?" Bragnae asked not really wanting to waste their precious time on the thought of her, but her curiosity beckoned.

"She's been avoiding me at all cost, except when she absolutely has to speak to me. It's kind of funny, actually," Drake said with a smirk.

Good. She'll continue to stay away from my man if she knows what's good for her.

"Enough about that. What are you up to?" Drake asked.

"Oh, I'm just finishing a movie with Loki."

"That's good. Sounds relaxing. I left a little surprise for you in our bedroom. You should go check it out," Drake suggested.

"What? You left me a surprise?" Hmmm. What could it be? "Where in our bedroom did you leave it?"

"In my nightstand drawer. Make haste, woman. Go upstairs now," Drake demanded with a smile and one eyebrow cocked.

"Yes, sir!" Bragnae replied jumping out of her chair, and making her way upstairs to their bedroom. She walked into her room and over to the nightstand on Drake's side of the bed. She propped her phone up against the lamp, so she easily pick up whatever surprise Drake left her while still allowing him to see her reaction.

"I think you're going to like this," Drake said with confidence.

I can't wait to see what he got me!

Bragnae opened the drawer slowly as her mouth gaped open at what she saw before her. She quickly looked up at Drake who had a big smile on his face.

"So, what do you think?" He asked.

Bragnae blushed and let out a playful sigh looking back down inside the drawer. Drake had pushed aside any random items he stored in there to showcase a single pair of black panties sitting next to a rather large dildo that still did not come close to matching Drake. Bragnae pursed her lips together as her eyes widened.

"You are very thoughtful husband. Thank you for leaving this for me," Bragnae said finally.

"I had to make sure you were... taken care of while I was gone," he said with a playful smirk that would not leave his face.

"I appreciate that. This will help, but it will not be as good as you. But what's with the panties? Do you want me to try them on for you?" She asked biting her lip.

"That's exactly what I want you to do. Right now." Drake leaned forward on the couch in his hotel room.

Bragnae stood up straight giving him a flirtatious look. She hooked her thumbs around the waistband of her yoga pants and slid them down slowly with her underwear to follow never taking her eyes off of him. Drake smiled, and brought a hand to his mouth appreciating the site before him then moving it to his chin where it rested as he continued to watch her. Bragnae reached for the panties inside the drawer and slipped them on rolling her hips as she did it. She looked at him expectantly.

"So, what do you think?" She asked as she turned around for him to see all sides of her.

"I think they look great. Now, take off your top."

"You're so bossy," she said playfully as she followed his instructions revealing her bare chest.

"Ooh, no bra, huh? Nice. One less step," Drake admired as he licked his lips. "You look very sexy."

Bragnae loved the way he looked at her with such hungry eyes. "What do you want me to do next?"

"Go lay on the bed, and hold the phone above you so I can see you," he instructed. Bragnae made herself comfortable on his side of the bed and hoisted the phone above her with her face and chest filling his screen. She looked up at Drake waiting for his next move. "Ah, one of my favorite views. I wish I could be on top of you right now, but I have something else in mind. Close your eyes."

Bragnae took a deep breath and smiled. As she closed her eyes awaiting Drake's plan, she heard his voice drop low to a beautiful, seductive tone. She loved the sound of his voice – a truly manly voice, yet not too deep and with a hint of a Texan accent. She could listen to him talk all day.

"Now, imagine that I'm with you right now kissing your lips... softly at first and then a little harder," Drake began. "My hands are massaging your breasts as I stick my tongue in your mouth swirling it around just right."

Bragnae's breathing increased as she imagined Drake doing these things to her. She instinctively raised her free hand to her chest gripping herself gently as she waited for him to continue.

"I'm biting your lower lip before I move down to kiss your neck, nibbling as I go. I make my way down your chest covering it with kisses as I catch one of your nipples in my mouth tugging gently on it making you gasp," he continued.

Oh my God. I wish he was really here.

"...I move my hands down your body slowly until I slip my hand inside those panties and find that you're incredibly wet. I work my fingers in tantalizing circles making you tense up as the pleasure builds inside you."

Bragnae arched her back and let out a low moan. She dropped her hand down slowly, but before she could touch herself, she felt a sudden jolt of vibration. She gasped as her eye lids flew open in surprise.

"Whoa! Drake," she said, panting.

"Close your eyes, Bragnae," Drake reminded her.

She did as she was told and imagined herself being touched by him once more.

"I increase the speed of my fingers against you, and it feels amazing. You can barely stand it," he said.

She fell deeper into her imagination as another shockwave of vibration surged her lower half, but this time it was stronger. Bragnae moaned Drake's name as the vibration only grew in intensity. With her eyes still closed, she called out to him in between breaths.

"How... are you doing this, Drake?" Bragnae writhed in pleasure as the panties continued to pulsate around her.

"Does that feel good, Bragnae?" Drake asked despite knowing the answer already.

"...Yes, yes!" Bragnae gasped as the panties vibrated at what felt like full speed, which brought her close to the edge. She held in her breath in concentration as the intense vibrating made her come. She exhaled a loud moan that quickly turned into a satisfied scream. Bragnae continued to breathe in ragged breaths as the pleasure from her orgasm filled her body. Finally, she opened her eyes to look up at Drake who had a look of accomplishment on his face.

"That was... incredible, Drake," she said smiling. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm glad I could make you come from 400 miles away."

"Yeah, about that. How did you manage that?" She asked, confused.

Drake held a small remote in front of his face. "Remote control, vibrating panties. How else?"

Bragnae let out a quick laugh. "You clever man." She took a deep breath, but was interrupted by another quick burst of vibration. She gasped. "Drake! I'm still sensitive. Don't do that."

He laughed with a sly look on his face. "I won't do it anymore, you can relax now."

She smiled up at him. "This was a very nice surprise, Drake. The only way it could have been better was if you were here. However, it was pretty hot."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Don't forget to use that other thing in the drawer when you need to," he said with a wink.

"Oh, I plan to. But now it's your turn. I should help you...," Bragnae said biting her lip.

"Why don't you just relax and enjoy the satisfaction. Don't worry about me tonight. Watching you come just now coupled with those pictures you took for me will do just fine."

She blushed at his words. "Alright, well get some rest. I love you, Drake."

"I love you, too. Sleep tight."

Bragnae blew him a kiss, and ended the call. She laid in bed feeling completely satisfied as she marveled at how thoughtful and sexy her husband was. For him to come up with this for them to share together while he was gone was so considerate. I have the best husband ever. I need to do something nice for him for when he comes back. As Bragnae allowed her thoughts unravel about him, she was interrupted by another intense vibration from the panties. She screamed in frustration as she pulled them off, and tossed them aside. She sighed and shook her head with a smile. Reaching for her phone, she pulled up the Message app and began typing a text to Drake.

[Bragnae: Drake! *surprised emoji face* I've taken them off now, so you can't do that anymore. *tongue sticking out emoji face*]

[Drake: So... that means you're naked *winky emoji face*]

[Drake: *kissing emoji face*]

[Bragnae: That's right... *kissing emoji face* Sweet dreams, my love. *sleeping emoji face*]

Bragnae put her phone down and walked downstairs to let Loki outside for the last time that night before getting ready for bed. She slipped on a satin nighty and got into the bed inviting Loki to join her. Normally, he would sleep in a doggie bed on the floor next to her side of the bed, but while Drake was away, she needed him closer.

The next morning, Bragnae called Hana to extend an invitation to come stay with her for a few days while Drake was on his trip. Hana accepted immediately and suggested Maxwell to come as well. This was a no-brainer for Bragnae as she imagined what sort of fun shenanigans the three of them could get in to, and as luck would have it, Maxwell was free and happy to oblige. Later that day, Hana and Maxwell arrived in Valtoria greeting Bragnae with hugs.

"I'm so happy you invited us to come stay with you!" Hana squealed.

"Do you realize how much fun we are going to have over the next few days, ladies?" Maxwell asked as he dragged yet another piece of luggage inside the mansion.

"Maxwell, just how long do you expect to be staying here? You look like you've packed for a month!" Bragnae observed.

"It's not all clothes, well – I did bring a lot just in case. We don't know what we'll be doing, so I had to be prepared. But in the other suitcases, I have games, a karaoke machine, a few snacks, a couple bottles of alcohol, some feather boas, some confetti bombs and a few other things," Maxwell rattled off.

Bragnae was stunned by the array of items he brought with him. "Confetti bombs?" She asked him hesitantly?

Maxwell shrugged. "You never know, Bragnae! Just roll with it!"

The three of them settled into the kitchen making sandwiches for lunch. Bragnae caught them up on what happened over the last week from the harlot, Sam to Drake's surprise the night prior – leaving out the really good parts, of course.

"So, I really want to do something nice for Drake as a surprise when he comes home. Do you guys have any ideas? I mean we can really think outside the box for this one," Bragnae encouraged.

Hana pondered for a moment. "Is there a sexy outfit he really wants to see you in? Like a French maid or a Police Officer?"

Bragnae considered her suggestions. "Well, that's not a bad idea, but I feel like I need to elevate it a bit more than that. What have you got, Maxwell? I'm sure you've got some crazy ideas floating around up there."

The ever creative Maxwell hesitated looking at Bragnae with a mischievous smile. "Are you ready for this? Because this is going to be perfect. Drake will lose his mind," he said confidently.

"You've got my full attention, now spill!" Bragnae said with excitement.

"Have you ever tried Pole Dancing?" He asked with a tentative smile awaiting her response.

Bragnae'smouth gaped open, almost too surprised to speak. She mulled over his suggestionin her head briefly when her eyes lit up. "Maxwell, you're a genius!"

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