Chapter 12 - Until Death Do We Part

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"Let go of me!" The brunette girl yelled as she was being tied to a cross.

"No can do. You've harmed our lord, so you must pay the price." Anaxor says.

"That's not true!" She yelled, thrashing, trying to break free.

"Silence you wench, or your death will come a lot quicker." The male said, glaring at her. This made the young female gulp and she didn't say anything more, she just glanced at the ground, not sure how to respond.

'Day... where are you?'


Meanwhile in another part of the kingdom Dazod had his hands locked up in some type of shackle and chains to make sure he wouldn't use his fire to escape.

He was also put in some type of cage to make sure he had no chance of getting to her.

Lothren was held in the same cage, yet also chained up so he couldn't help Day and his power was nothing like Dazod's, his mainly dealt with smarts and solving. He had more brain power than any other devil in this dimension and could solve anything, whether it was a simple math problem or a real life situation.

'I have to think... Esme will die in no time if I don't get out of here.' Day thought. He then noticed that the cage started to move. "Eh?"

'"And you'll get the front row seat!"' "'Oh you'll see her again soon.''' Day then realized what he meant. He was going to watch Esme die, and he can't do anything to help her.

'Damn it! Damn it! Damn it all! I might as well die at this point!' Day thought. 'I can't even use my powers to melt this cage! Wait... powers...' He then looked at Ren, who was staring at the ground, ashamed that he couldn't do anything to help.

"Lothren!" Day said. "Your powers! They can solve everything right?!"

"Almost everything... mainly problems." Ren explained, raising an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Well this is a problem!" Day says. "What can I do to stop this?!" Ren glanced around at the guards and sternly glanced at Day, telling him to keep his voice down.

Day immediately nodded. Ren then sighed. "I've already figured out a way... but I don't like it... and I don't want to tell you..."


Lothren pursed his lips. "Sh."

"I'll do anything. Please just tell me." Dazod said. "I don't care about the risks."

"I don't want to say it because..." he gulped. "It could kill you in the process."

Dazod was more than shocked, however, he gave Lothren a stern glare. "Alright. Tell me. I don't give a damn at this point. As long as she is safe, I am willing to go as far as killing myself."

Now it was Lothren's turn to be surprised. However, he chuckled a bit, before giving Day a stern look back. "You're an idiot... yet, you have more than enough guts, my lord. Alright, here is the plan."


"Time to get what you deserve..." A male with dark hair whispered, from up in the air. "You took away something from me, and now it's my turn to take away something from you..." His dark gray eyes burned with hatred as he remembered what happened in his childhood days.

"Mama! Mama! Let's play!"

"Not right now... I'm busy..." A feminine devil with dark hair and dark gray eyes, filled with no love for her son had told him. She was busy washing clothes for the royal family "Why don't you ask your friends?"

"Because I want to play with mom!" The young boy says happily.

The woman sighed and looked down at her son. "Just go play with them. I'm working." She says, hanging up one of the shirts for it to dry.

"But mom-"

"Hey! Sekhaz!" A young male devil voice said, it was a boy with red horns and dirty blonde hair.

The mother's eyes lit up. Her hand ruffled the red eyed boy's hair. "Hello Sir Day!" She said with a smile.

The boy with dark gray eyes stood there, dumbfounded by how his mother treated the other boy, a grin on her face, which was never given to him.

"Have you come to play with Sekhaz?" The woman asked. Her eyes had light, unlike when she looked at her own son the first time.

The boy felt anger, but only stood and watched.


On the woman's death bed she looked at her son who was now a teenager, and her final words to him hurt the most.

"Why couldn't you have had those markings... maybe then... I would've loved you..."


The thing Day took from Sekhaz was a Mother's love to her son... Sekhaz just wanted one glimpse of love from his mother... but that day never came, not even in her final moments. So now Sekhaz wanted to take something that loved Day away from him.


Once the cage was in the place of Esme's death Anaxor spoke.

"Everyone! This girl had seduced and brainwashed the heir to the thrown!" He yelled.

"That's not true!" Esme yelled, but her voice was drowned out by the townsdemons screams of wanting her gone, which scared her.

"Please wait! Let me explain!" Esme says to Anaxor.

"No can do bitch. Human's have no rights here. Especially one's like you." There was a red glint in his brown eyes, showing he was serious. He then grabbed a red sword, he took the end of it and jammed it into Esme's gut.

"Gah!" She yelped out, a bit of blood spilled from her mouth because of the hard blow. Her golden eyes glaring at the older male.

"Now then, time for you to be expelled from here and every other world!" The male says, picking the weapon up and having the blade at her neck. "Hah!-" right before she was killed fire was shot at the older male, sending him to the ground, a giant burn mark on him.

"Hah!" A voice screeched, the cage breaking almost immediately right after.

'Day...!' Esme thought, looking at where the noise came from.

The red horned male stood there, his body engulfed in flames, and his eyes as black as coal. 'He's completely on fire!'

As she was staring at the male who was no longer on fire, yet setting fire around him yards upon yards, everyone backing away, not wanting to be near him she never noticed her being untied.

"Esme!" A voice had said, which caught her attention.

"Ah!- Ren!" She looked up, and noticing she was on the ground, stood up. "What's going on?!" She asked.

"I don't want to explain. But you need to go now! There's a portal to the human world down the road within an alley, go to it!" He yelled.

"But what about Day?!" She asked.

"...I'm sorry..." He says. She immediately knew what was going to happen to him. She looked down the road, but she knew she wasn't going there and Ren knew too. "You can't go to him! He'll kill you along with himself!"

"Well..." She says. "I'm done playing the damsel. I want to save him and I know how!" She grabbed the sword Anaxor was going to use, she had a feeling that this was Day's sword, she didn't question it. However she just knew.

"Not so fast." A voice says, standing in front of her. "You're 'done playing the damsel'? Yet I can tell you're scared."

"Move." Esme said, a look in her eyes that made Sekhaz more than surprised and to much surprise Sekhaz did move, yet Ren made sure he didn't move much more as he held his sword at the dark gray horned devil's throat.

"Go. Esme. He trusts you more than anyone. Just don't harm yourself too badly." Lothren says.

She nodded and walked up to where the fire started. She then ran through it. Her dark purple sweatshirt was a little burnt, but to much surprise...

'It didn't burn me...?' She thought, looking at her free hand, which she then clenched. 'It's because our bond is strong... right...? I wonder do you feel my presence right now... Day?'

"Day... your eyes are dark... they're not the red once's I saw before..." She says, stepping closer to him, as he continued to yell.

He was on his knees and his hands were free from the restraints.

"Day... can you hear me right now...?" She asked, stepping even closer. "I'm sorry I was so rude to you... please forgive me..." she knew he could feel her presence as the fire was going everywhere else but at her.

"Dazod... you're very unique you know... I really do like you..." She smiled. "In fact I..." She picked the sword up, blade pointing at him and instead of stabbing him. She stabbed it into the floor beside him and she fell to the floor wrapping her arms around him, giving him a tight hug.

'Do you feel me I wonder... its quite warm and doesn't burn...' She thought, closing her eyes as she was slowly losing consciousness, but she did her best to make sure he would come back to his senses.

'Huh? It's warm...? But not like fire... someone is here...? I've felt this presence before... it's someone I'm very close too... someone I care about... someone who's name means to be loved... and is loved by me...'

He pictured the person in his mind. It was a girl who irritated him, who was rude and called him hopeless... yet also was very kind and helped him. She had mismatched clothes and always had a pink hair clip.

Her name...

Her name was...


'Esme... her arms are wrapped around me... she's hugging me? But there's something else... there's wings...? I see... so she's more than just a human.'

Fire had went away and his eyes went back to normal. He wrapped his arms around her. "Thank god...!" He whispered. "Esme...! You saved... me... Esme...?"

Her head lolled back, her eyes closed and her breathing was barely there.

"Esme...? What's wrong...? Esme?! Open your eyes! This isn't funny! Esme...?!" He shouts, his eyes watering a little.

"It seems... she sacrificed her life to save yours..." Ren said, looking at him with a look of guilt.

"She's not gone yet." A voice whispered to Day.

"Eh?" He whispered, looking around, but no one was there.

"She will be okay. I will save her. But you must take her back home." The voice was the same, and it's not one he's heard before. It was also female.

"Ugh..." Anaxor sat up, rubbing his head. When he looked at Day, he noticed he was standing up and holding the unconscious human girl. "Lord Dazod! Where do you think you're going?!"

Instead of answering Dazod walked to the portal and back into the human world.


Once he got to her 'apartment' he laid her down in her usual spot. He looked at her and grabbed her and he laid his forehead on hers.

He then stood up, grabbing a piece of paper and writing something. 'I didn't teach her much... but I know she can read these words.'

"I must go back now... see you... Esme..." He had a sad smile.

Once he left the girl's eye had a tear stream from it. "Day..." She muttered in her unconscious state.

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