Chapter 13 - I'll Come Back

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Esme looked around. Everything was white. Where was she?

"Hello?!" She called out. "Someone?! Day?!"

"Have you heard the story of the angel that detached her own wings?" A female voice had said.

Upon hearing this voice Esme quickly turned around and covered her eyes as she was greeted by a bright light. Once she uncovered them she stared at the person who had spoken, she had long brown hair and sapphire blue eyes. "You are...!"

"The woman was a fallen angel." She starts. "She was a prostitute, since she had no other choice on how to make money... the woman had made sure to have never gotten pregnant." The woman smiled at Esme. "Until a mafia boss with golden eyes came to see her. To much surprise she became pregnant. Once she told her boss that, she had been fired, and with all the money she saved up she made sure to do her best to survive."

"Why are you telling me this? I know this story! Once the woman gave birth she just gave her child to some rundown orphanage because she would never be loved!" Esme yelled.

The woman laughed at that. "I see you truly don't know the whole story. Once the woman gave birth to the child she realized she looked a lot like her... and the woman also noticed that she wasn't a fallen angel... but a pure one."

"A pure angel...? What...?" Esme muttered.

"Esme. Do you know why that woman gave that child to an orphanage?"

"Because she didn't love her child." Esme answered.

"Wrong. She loved the child... she truly did... it was because she didn't want the child to turn out like her. She wanted the child to live a happy life, and not be unhappy with a whore of a mother or a damaged in the head mafia boss... an orphanage was the next best thing... and then the woman went insane a year after giving away her child... she ended up committing suicide..." She says with a sad smile.

"Esme. Do you know why I named you that?" She asked.

"No..." she says, her eyes were glassy with tears.

"Esme means to be loved... and it seems you are... not only by me... but by that devil too..." The woman said, her eyes turning glassy as well. "I understand you may hate me right now... and I understand if you hate me for the rest of your life and the next... but I will always love you Esme..."

"Mom!" Esme yelled, reaching her arm out to try and grab her hand.

Yet she opened her eyes, she was now conscious. She sat up and looked around. She felt something on her face. "I'm crying...?" She muttered, wiping her eyes.

She looked at the wall, well what was left of it. "That's right... the monster! And Day...! Wait." She looked around. "Day!" She says, standing up. "Day...? Where are you?!"

She then noticed something, a piece of paper on the counter. She got nervous, yet picked it up anyways.

And at that moment she wished Day hadn't taught her to read these small words. She dropped the paper.

More tears had left her eyes. As she fell to her knees and sobbed more than she ever had before. Three small words had made her scream and cry. Then she ended up passing out on the floor with a hard thud.

Neighbors had came to see what the ruckus was about and realized the wall was in shambles. They noticed the girl on the floor and called the police, an ambulance and the owner of the building.

One of the neighbors picked up the piece of paper and read it to themselves, confused on what it meant:

I'll Come Back

It seems Esme would be the only one who understood it.


Esme had a concussion which cleared up after a while and thankfully the owner of the building had paid for her hospital bills, as long as Esme paid for the wall damages, which she did with the money she saved up.

However, she was kind of disappointed that she had to work even harder to recollect all of that money she saved up, she planned to ask for a better apartment with an actual bed and better appliances and would actually pay rent.

Yet, she was more upset with that piece of paper Day wrote...

Her personality had gone from indifferent to depressed. But, she knows she should have hope...

He'll come back. After all, he keeps his promises.


Meanwhile in the demon dimension Dazod had closed the portal. Sekhaz and the monsters were locked up, and even Anaxor was, which made Lothren the new commander of the demon guard.

And after a year Day had become the true new Lord and made a new rule not to harm human's who have done nothing wrong.

He also made sure the punishments of a demon vow were not as harsh as they originally were and surprisingly everyone was on board with it.

During his time away from Esme he missed her... and he seemed to be in a state of depression as well. Yet, he knew one day he'd go back. No matter what.


It's been three years since Esme had last met Day. She was now 18-19 years old, still unsure of her actual age, but she knew it was one of the two. She was standing on the roof of the apartment complex, looking at the sky.

She now had a real apartment with a bed and more clothes to put in her new drawers. She's had it for about a year. She still works there, but doesn't mind it as much as she did before hand.

She stood there with something other than her old hoodie, in fact she finally threw it out. She was wearing a long black skirt and a white blouse with a black bow at the top. Her hair was also long, like her mother's, it was near the top of her thighs and she had it tied with a black ribbon.

"You sure do like hair accessories, don't you?" A voice said from behind her. The voice sounded familiar...

"Huh?" She turned around.

"Hey. It's been a while." The male says with a grin. His hair was about the same, maybe a bit longer, and his muscles were much more built than before and he seemed a bit taller. "I almost didn't recognize you, you had a big growth spurt, you're up to the top of my chest now..." He laughed a little.

"It's you... it's really you." She says, her gold eyes, staring right at him, her tears started to fall, but she wiped them away.

"Yep! It's me." Day says with a laugh.

She walked closer to him and stared into his red eyes. "I'm not dreaming right?" She asked, her tears still falling.

"Nope." He said with a small laugh, trying not to cry himself.

"W-Wait aren't you some lord now or something?" She asked.

"I changed the rules, because some weird girl told me I could. It doesn't matter if you're marked or not anymore."

"T-Then who is..."

"I gave that position to someone who is much more suited. Lothren is the new lord... since I selfishly wanted to live out my days with someone I swore to protect." He smirked.

"Y-You mean..."

"When I said I'd come back, you think I meant for a small visit? Nah, I meant forever. When I said I'd protect you, I never said how long, right?"

Esme laughed a little. "I don't know whether to say I think you're stupid or to say I want to hug you..." She whispered.

"I guess I'll take both." He says with a grin before hugging her.

She smiled a bit, still in tears.

"You know... each time I look at you you look more and more like a demon." She says looking up at him

"I could say the same except it's about how you look feminine." He says, looking down at her with a smirk.

She pouted at that comment, but then realized something. "Eh? Wait! What about the monsters and Sekhaz!"

"Locked up. No need to worry. I know Ren and he won't let them out, if anyone did he'd get pissed. And you don't wanna see him mad." He chuckled. She smiled a little at that.

"Then we can live in peace...?" She asked, her head tilted a bit.

"Yup." He says, laying his forehead on hers. "In peace..." He says with a smile. She closed her eyes, letting out a small sigh of relief.

She then wanted to mention something. "Oh yeah! I got a new apartment and it's much bigger than my old one!" She says, happily. "We just have to climb down the ladder and-"

"Why climb when we can fly." He smirked, picking her up bridal style.

"D-Day!" She yelled. "D-Don't just suddenly do that!"

He laughed. "Y'know I'm surprised to see you in an actual skirt. You just wore shorts the last time I saw you." She blushed a bright red at the comment.

"Oh just shut up and I'll tell you which apartment is mine, you perv." She says, embarrassed.

"Yeah, yeah." He says, with a jokingly roll of his eyes. "Oh, wait." He grabbed something out of his pocket and placed it on one of her fingers.

"Huh? A ring? What's this for?" She asked, looking at him, confused.

He simply smirked. "You'll find out soon." He said before jumping off the roof.

That's when they started their new life together.

It was a bit different from when they first met. In fact it was probably better. Day could finally find a way to get rid of his horns when going out in public, so that made Esme glad. Esme also learned how to read and write some more which made Day proud of her. A lot of stuff changed within those three years of separation, but their bond was just as strong and kept them connected and it's even growing.

Yeah, their new life was strange, to say the least, but it was fun and it was great... and they wouldn't change it for anything else...

Thank You For Reading
"The Royal Demon & The Lonely Girl"
I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it ^^

(No this isn't supposed to be me, you'll have to guess ;) )

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