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"Sleepy head, wake up" Annika mumbled something inaudible and shifted closer to shivaay with her head resting on his shoulders yet again.

"Annika, wake up" Annika smiled against his shoulders, deciding not to listen to him. Shivaay groaned mentally, his shoulders felt numb with her head on his shoulders for all the night. Not that he was going to complain, he loved how she let herself rely on him while she slept.

"Wake up Annika" Annika stiffened a bit at his tone but soon recovered with a smirk. "Hey, wake up before I leave you here alone" Annika still didn't bothered to get herself up.

"Right, how could I forget that you are a stubborn head?" She smiled and shivaay brought his finger near her waist from both sides.

As his fingertips started their actions Annika was jolted awoke by now as shivaay continued his torture on her. Feelings her breath hitch, she stopped herself for moment in between her laugh and so did he. Shivaay tickled her again hard and her head fell back in laughter.

"Stop...stop.. I am wide and awake now" Shivaay giggled and gave her victory smile before withdrawing his hands off her.

"I thought I had to kiss you to wake you up" Annika gasped and turned to see a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Cheapde" Annika threw a scowled face at him.

"More twenty minutes" Annika nodded. Her mind went back to last night, where the both spent their time talking and nothing more. Her mind rasped back when he teased her for whole two minutes of how crazy she made him with her endless talk or fights they had while all the time she shook her head at him. She couldn't remember when her eyes felt heavy and she dozed off on shivaay's shoulder.

Annika smiled as she remembered him mumbling sweet things in her ears with her sleeping off, though her body was slept off her subconscious mind was still listening to whatever he had spoke out.

"So I am your peanut butter to your bread?" Shivaay blinked his eyes, trying to get what she was saying. When it came hitting that he was the one to say all the things he never imagined he would.

A blush crept on his face and he quickly tried hiding it away. "No use shivaay Singh Oberoi, I have already seen you blushing now. I guess I should click a picture, it will last longer" Annika threw a wink at him making him gasp again.

He scratched his head at the playful Annika who sat beside him, holding hands, teasing him and saying things which could not have been told by her before. "I am seeing my effect on you in is heavier than I thought"

"Uhuh...yes I guess" Annika bit her lower lip in reflex. Shivaay shook his head at her almost smiling. "Don't do that Annika, how many times shall I need to make myself clear?"

"Why not?" Shivaay sighed audibly earning a frown frown from her. "Because it makes me want to kiss you" Shivaay blurt out before he knew making Annika's eyes widen at that.

"Look, I never wanted to say that out but I couldn't get a control on my damn tongue" instead Annika let out a chuckle, shivaay watched her face skin glowing as she continued to give him a hard time.

"Look at yourself, bathe in pink colour" Annika covered her mouth with palms trying not to laugh at him more. "Yeah whatever" embarrassed, he looked away with a pink hue still lingering on his cheeks.

"Sir, we are landing in ten minutes, please fasten your seatbelts" Shivaay nodded and caught Annika looking at him. Confused, she looked at the hanging two sides of belt.

Holding them together, she checked them out as if they were aliens. Trying for a third time she couldn't get them together. Sighing, she turned to face shivaay who seemed to hold a giggle as he watched her struggling with the straps.

Annika gave a puppy face which made Shivaay shook his head. "Idiot, help me" shivaay raised his eyebrows at her. "That's not how you ask, you forget to add the magical words here Annika" this time Annika frowned at his non- meaning sentence.

"What is that?"

"It's called please" Shivaay spoke coming closer to her face with his breath lingering on her skin. "Shivaay please help me" Annika gazed down at his lips which curved into a smile soon.

"Sure darling" Shivaay winked at her. He held the straps and soon buckled her seatbelt into its place. With one hand he let his fingers remain at her waist for some seconds before withdrawing them away knowing they weren't in a good state.

Annika closed her eyes as she felt her body being thrown downwards but not at all falling ahead. A warm hand crept beneath her and she knew he was watching her each action each second. Shivaay held her hand tight, not letting her feel scared of falling.

"I will make sure I take you hundred times in a plane so that you would never be afraid when a plane is landing" shivaay gave her peaceful smile. Annika let her eyes open and watch his serene face.

"You won't let me go, right?" Annika bit her tongue for letting that out. "Never, ever" shivaay threw his hand on her shoulder, scooting her closer to his chest.

Letting his lips kiss her forehead for a moment, shivaay held onto her waist tighter. "What if we don't end up together?" Annika asked doubtfully. Shivaay frowned for a second but shook his head off at her.

"Even if we don't end up together, nothing will change the way I feel about you" Annika let the words of his sink in. Her face fell down in guilt, he was always there, trying to explain that he didn't wanted to marry Tia but she pushed him away more instead.

"Hey, nothing is your fault, alright?" Annika looked up, she couldn't understand how he had read her mind. She wasn't sure that she even felt the half of what he did towards her. But a constant reminder from her heat that he was ruling her heart made her believe that whatever she was doing was for good.

"And I don't want you to say back words just for the sake of saying me back those words, remember that always" Annika nodded, sighing. Her eyes landed on their intertwined fingers, holding each other tightly.

What was he? What was he doing to her? She had not a bit clue. Annika never knew the person sitting next to her. Sure enough she knew that he existed all this while hiding somewhere, running from world. He wasn't hard or harsh with his words, but his words were assuring,soft and calming.

"We landed sir" the pilot held out his cap and gave him a smile before opening the door to the outside. Shivaay nodded and unbuckled his seatbelt. He noticed Annika, sitting still and not moving a nerve of her.

Shivaay unbuckled her seatbelt and she didn't flinch for a moment. "I guess I have to carry a statue and not a human being out in New York" Shivaay frowned when she still remained quiet.

"Annika" he let his voice come out louder making her gasp soon. "Are you crazy" she rubbed both her ears in an attempt to calm the both which still vibrated.

"No, but I guess I am crazy for you" Annika looked at his mouth widening grin. "You are too chessy shivaay Singh Oberoi" Annika got up and walked past him. A smile made up to shivaay's face and followed her from back.

Annika rubbed her bare arms as the cold wind hit her warm body. She almost shrieked with the cold atmosphere in the New York. Standing at the entrance she looked at the her surroundings. Tall buildings reaching the sky with some reaching their mid ways and some having a tall, small Eiffel tower which was on the top of the building's.

"Well, looks like my plan is spoilt. I wanted to show you this all by myself. To get a kiss" mumbling the last words Annika turned to face him.

Leaning into him, she gave a chaste kiss on his right cheek. Turning around immediately, she avoided her flushed face from him. Shivaay nibbled his upper lips and chuckling at her cuteness.

"You are such a mood spoiler, I wished for a lip kiss Annika" without giving him a look, she hopped down the plane and reached the hard ground.

Shivaay held her in his arms before she could walk away further away from him.

"Go away how much far you want, I know you will come back to me, always"

My kids are grown up ;-) wish to know that you are still loving this story and not bored.

I will surely update next one soon.


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