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"Annika, wake up, come on" Shivaay tried to wake her up but she was too deep in her sleep that she wasn't moving an inch. Shivaay sighed, this woman and her love for sleep. He had been trying to wake her up for ten minutes and all his methods were in vain. They were landing in an hour and there she was, sleeping like she hadn't gotten any since the last twenty four hours.

Shivaay grabbed her by the waist, taking her into his arms. Moving into the washroom with a mischievous idea in his head. He went ahead, standing under the shower head with Annika still in his arms, she was snuggling into him.

"Last warning, babe. Get up" Shivaay whispered but she just hummed, not moving an inch. Shivaay waited for the next thirty seconds before turning the tap to the shower.

The next moment all Annika knew was waking up as she found something wet touching her skin. Annika shrieked realizing that she was under the shower and in Shivaay's arms. She jumped from his arms to realize the floor was already slippery. Shivaay chuckled looking at her this way, confused and looking cute at the same time. Annika slapped his arm lightly and fake whined.

"You know I hate you don't you?" Annika was out of the washroom while saying that to him loudly. Shivaay turned off the tap and followed suit.

"Sorry but you weren't waking up" Annika rolled her eyes, walking past him towards the bag to take out new clothes.

"So? You will make me stand under the shower and make me wet?"

"Wet? I am sure about that" Annika's eyes widened at that. He and his nonsensical words.

"You gross me out Shivaay Singh Oberoi" Shivaay laughed at that, keeping his eyes on her as she scrunched her nose.

"Get ready, we are landing in an hour," Shivaay announced as he left the room, leaving Annika behind who was lost in her thoughts. They were going back to India which meant that she would have to face her family and she was still unsure of how the world would react to this. But all along, she knew she had Shivaay by her side and there was nothing more she had wished for. He was enough for her.


"So can I start calling you Bhabhi?" Annika choked on her coke, waiting for the car to arrive. They landed ten minutes ago and throughout the time Annika had felt sleepy. Rudra's question had startled her but she shouldn't have sounded so surprised, they were bound to get married one day, right?

"I don't think that's a good idea for now because people still are unaware of the fact that Shivaay Singh Oberoi ran away from his own wedding for a girl who is completely unknown to the people"

"But Didi, I know at that rate, you two will get married soon and I might become a chahu next year" Annika's eyes widened, what was up with him now? Annika's gaze shifted from Rudra to Shivaay who was busy talking to someone on phone. When he looked at her, he gave her a wide grin.

"See, he is so in love with you that he has started to grin like a thirteen year old, don't you see the difference between that Shivaay and this one. Personally I like this Bhaiya more" Annika couldn't help but notice the small things that Rudra was pointing towards, it was true, he was a completely different man around her.

He would no longer give her unwanted glares rather he would pamper her with soft kisses. Shivaay would whisper things that would make her blush rather than those harsh words which would bring tears in her eyes. He was a different person but to only her. To others, he was the same rock hard Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Omkara came from a restaurant with a cup of coffee in his hand, giving it to Shivaay and standing beside Rudra.

"Bhabhi - I meant Annika, are you hungry? Because it looks like the car will take some time to arrive '' Annika shook her head, she wasn't hungry.

Annika and Rudra talked for the next fifteen minutes, Rudra explaining how he met a girl at the club, flaunting his love life while Annika rolled her eyes, he was giving out gross details when Annika gave him a death stare. Omkara hit the back of Rudra's head lightly for muttering inappropriate stuff.

Shivaay came back to see the three of them laughing out loudly, his eyes fixed on her, particularly, she looked gorgeous while smiling, no, scratch that, she always looked gorgeous. "Care to share what you all are laughing at?" Shivaay interrupted and suddenly all of them were dead silent.

"We were talking about the time when you were just six years old and yet managed to poop in your pants" Shivaay looked at Rudra in horror, face palming himself. They were laughing at this? Shivaay groaned out in annoyance.

"Don't worry Shivaay, I still like you"

"Of course you do, who wouldn't like me? I am the best'' Shivaay grinned from ear to ear. Grabbing hold of her arm and entwining his arm with her's. Annika rolled her away, swatting his arm away from him and he pouted.

"What? Don't give me that look" Annika narrowed her eyes at him. He was a complete idiot and she liked this idiot.

"Why? Does that turn you on? " He shamelessly muttered not caring about his brothers standing there, looking at him in disbelief. Rudra looked away, grabbing Omkara's hand and making him walk away from the two of them alone.

"No, that does not?"

"Now?" Shivaay grabbed her by the waist, what was he even doing in the middle of the road, what if someone saw them? Annika worriedly looked from one side to another, making sure no one was around them or else she was pushing him.

"No, Shivaay" He nodded, a smirk on his face. Gently caressing her cheeks, he tugged a hair strand behind her ear. Annika stared deep down into his eyes, his eyes were a peaceful ocean where she wanted to drown.

"Why are you so gorgeous?" Annika chuckled at that, seeing her, Shivaay's face lit up. Making her happy was his number one priority and she was happy with him. "You can let me go, now" Annika pushed him slightly, taking him off guard.

Shivaay smirked, before he had a chance to speak, he was interrupted by Rudra. "You can do your romance later, but now, the car is here" Omkara chuckled, his eyes fixed on the two of them who seemed to be embarrassed.


Annika had been snoozing the whole way back to her home, her head resting on his shoulder and he seemed to be caressing her head every now and then, letting her sleep peacefully. She seemed to snuggle closer to him, her head falling down at his lap in seconds. "Ugh" She muttered, rubbing her forehead with her fingers.

"Careful there" Shivaay kept his phone aside, shifting her bit in his lap before hearing her little snore, she was back deep in sleep.

Shivaay kept admiring her, maybe he wouldn't be able to see her till tomorrow morning and the thought itself seemed to make him sad, he would not wake up seeing her face nor he would be able to touch her whenever she would be away from him. He sighed, he was going to miss her cheerful smile and her touch, her addicting touch. Tugging a hair strand behind her ear, he kept his gaze on her.

Annika muttered something in her sleep along the lines 'Don't leave me' but she soon drifted back to sleep. Shivaay looked outside, they were first dropping her off and then he would be headed back home. Rudra and Omkara had took different car, so they were back at Oberoi Mansion already.

After several more minutes when the car stopped, Shivaay gently tapped on her cheek. Annika rubbed her eyes lazily, looking around herself to realize that the car had stopped and it was dark outside. Shooting a smile towards him, she got up from his lap. His legs were aching but he never complained, letting her sleep right there, he didn't want to disturb her.

Annika then noticed that they were outside her house, the same chaul where she had spent all her life. She did not want to leave him nor did he but he had no other option right now, he couldn't just leave her at some hotel. Once he would be done introducing her to the world, he made sure that she was in front of her eyes every time.

"Let's get down"


And they are back to their normal life and I am gonna miss writing the two of them living together :'(

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