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It was finally the day of the wedding and things have changed. Your father and Garroth's father has agreed to let you two marry. Not only that but their hearts were opening up like how they used to. Anywho I'm getting off topic. Where was I? Oh right. Cadenza made you a pale ___(favourite color) gown for your wedding. Your maid of honour was no other than Lilith. Zoey was close but you made her a bridesmaid instead. Garroth's best man though, it was Laurence. The flower girl was Alexis and the ring barrier (I think I spelled that right) was no other then Levin. "you look beautiful." Lilith said to you.

"Same goes for here." I answered. Lilith was wearing an aqua dress. It was designed with a few floral prints. It had a bit of lace around the edges also. You smile. "Brian should be waiting for you. You should walk with him." Lilith smiles back knowing that I smiled.

"Thank you." You thanked. "Lilith is growing out of her shell *squee*"

Then it was time

You walked down the isle. You saw Garroth down at the alter. You also saw Zane. "Zane really has changed, for the better of course." Before you know it you are at the alter holding hands with your one true love. You smiled at you handsome soon-to-be-husband. He smiled back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Garroth and ___(your name)." He started off. "These two have been one with their undying love. May I have the rings?" Levin handed Zane the rings. "Garroth, do you promise to love her, through sickness and in health, and through the good and the bad?"

"I do." Garroth answers and then slides the ring on my finger.

"And do you ___(your name), promise to love him, through sickness and in health, and through the good and the bad?" Zane asks me.

"I do." You blush. You then Slide the ring on his finger.

"Now I pronounce you, husband and wife." Zane concluded. "You may now kiss the bride."

Garroth holds your waist and kisses you passionately. You feel yourself melting into the kiss, wishing this moment will never end. After everything you've both been through, it finally feels like everything you've gone through was worth it.  You both end the kiss and stare into each other's eyes a while longer. suddenly you find yourself getting picked up, a bit surprised at Garroth carrying you down the aisle. You hear people cheering you both.

Near the end of the wedding
"Now finally before the couple goes off to their the honeymoon, ___(your name) will do the honours of throwing the bouquet of lavender." Aphmau the hostess explained with much excitement. You smiled at Garroth. You then turned you back and throw the flowers. Your turn around and see Lilith had caught the flowers.

"Oh my." She said timidly.

"Umm Lilith, can I ask you something?" Brian asked Lilith. She immediately blushes. "OMG! My little Lilith isn't little anymore! *squee* She's getting married to Brian, she's getting married to Brian." (You say dat cause she's like a little sister to you) Brian kneels on the floor. You can't help but squeal out loud. "Will you marry me?" Lilith's pale sky blue eye sparked with life.

"Yes, Yes I will!" Lilith cried. The audience awed even Zane.

You and Garroth said your goodbyes to everyone and left for your honeymoon. *sigh* just you and Garroth.

A/N: well folks, that's how love was made. I will do a few side stories like I said. I am SO happy that all you guys actually read my stuff, I mean it's crazy! I should make a writing schedule so I don't just do random chapters. But hey! This ain't the last of me! As ya'll know I'm working some things. Yup you heard me right. So yeah, they are both COMPLETELY different from this story. I'll name all the things I'm working on, The vampire's desire, Life on campus, and Garrmau: Genderswapped. Well as always, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll cya around folks!

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