Side chapter: Morning sickness

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You are in your new house living with your husband Garroth. You wake up feeling nauseous and run to the bathroom and throw up. You walk back to the room. You see Garroth is a wake and he has concern in his eyes. "Are you ok my dear?" He asks.

"I'm not sure. Might of been something I ate but it could be something else." You explain. You suddenly get a craving for key lime pie. "I'm suddenly starting to crave key lime pie." You say out loud. After hearing that out loud you can't help but be a bit wide-eye. "Garroth, I think I might be pregnant." He seems speechless but he then smiles.

"I can't believe we are going to have a baby. Do you think we should have a doctor to check?" He asks. You nod and then hug him. You decide to stay up since the sun will rise soon.

"Garroth, do you think we should surprise everyone with our baby?" You asked. He thinks about it for a second.

"That's a good idea." Garroth answered. You suddenly feel nauseous again and head to the bathroom once again.

Garroth's POV
(Italics = thoughts)
I can't believe we are going to have a baby!!  I should get raven and sent a letter to Dr. Doctor immediately! he'll be a bit help in getting ___(your name) what she needs. I'm so nervous

As on cue raven arrives. "Raven, I need you to send a letter to Dr. Doctor." I tell him. Raven nods and I write,

Dear Dr. Doctor,
I need you to verify if ___(your name) is pregnant. She has been getting cravings and is throwing up. Can you come as soon as possible to check? Thank you for your time to read this.

Garroth from Phoenix Drop

I finish writing and ___(your name) comes out of the bathroom.

Your POV
You come back out and finished writing a letter and gives it to Raven. Raven flys out. "Who's the letter for?" You ask out of curiosity.

"Dr. Doctor." He replies. You can't help but laugh slightly at that name. You know he has helped you in the past but that name just makes you laugh.

A/N: thank you all for 6.5K+ but anywho, here's a side Chapter. I might do a sequel sooner or later. I also might start another story, I dunno. I'm getting addicted to writing again xD. But yeah, I hope you all enjoyed this and I'll see you all again!

Edit: March 25 2022: This chapter as well as a few past chapters have gone through some minor revisions. hope you enjoy the nostalgia from this fic for whatever reason lol sorry for unpublishing it for a couple years, things have been a little rough oof

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