The Return

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You are outside watching Levin play outside. You hear someone on a horse and see what's going on. You see who it is and you are quite surprised. "Colin?" You say a bit shocked.

"Princess, I have some news from the kingdom. Your father has gone ill and its very severe." He tells you. You eyes widen.

"I will go immediately." You tell him. Aphmau comes out and sees Colin. "Aphmau, my father is very ill, I have to go to help my father."

"I see, I'll go get kiki and Garroth to come with you." Aphmau tells you. You nod.

Before the departure

"Do we have everything ready?" Kiki asks.

"Yes, but we have to hurry." They nod and we are off. (A/N: you all are on a horse)

At the kingdom

"Wow, the kingdom is larger that what I heard." Kiki says in awe.

"Yes, that's what most people say, I'll lead you to the castle. I'll ask the maid to get a room prepared for you both." You tell them.

"Thank you." Garroth and Kiki say. You smile.

"Don't mention it." You say.

"Princess, right this way." Colin says as we get off our horses.

You lead Kiki and Garroth into the castle and you are greeted by many people. "Princess ___(your name), you had me worried sick!" One of your maids say.

"Sorry I got you all worried, but I must head to my father. Where is he Matilda?" You ask.

"He is in his room, you highness." Matilda answered. You thank her.

"Lilith, can you prepare a room for my friends Kiki and Garroth?" I ask.

"Umm, sure princess ___(your name)." She says a bit timidly

"Thank you, and Kiki I'll need your help with my father." I tell her, she nods.

You head into your father's room. "Father?" You say as you head inside the room.

"___(your name),  is that you?."  Your dad calls out.

"Yes, it's me." You answer.

A/N: hello people! New chapter! Anyways Sorry if it's a bit of a cliffhanger. I have a bit of a tendency to do cliff hangers. Heh, well anywho, I'm on a small hiatus for Life on Campus. That's all and i'll cya later! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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