What happened yesterday? (Garroth's side)

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I was walking to the plaza, I noticed Dale and Brian. I tried to walk away after I saw them but Dale and Brian walked up to me. "Hey Garroth, can I ask you something, it's about yesterday. I saw you were talking to ___(your name), did you ask her out on a date?" Dale asked.

"Wait, w-what? I w-wouldn't do that." I stuttered. "Great, now I sound like an idiot."

"Garroth, I'm just kidding." Dale chuckled.

"But what did you do with ___(your name), yesterday?" Brian asked. I sighed and told them what happened.

Garroth tells Dale and Brian what happened yesterday, but is will be his POV of when he kissed you.

I saw ___(your name) talking with Zoey and Aphmau. I heard her yell, "ITS NOT LIKE THAT!!" Then they all started laughing. Her ___(eye color) eyes were sparkling. I decided to go up to her and ask her if she wanted to do a casual walk. You heard Zoey and Aphmau squealing in the background. I decided to ignore them. "Sure! I'll walk along with you." She said.

We are walking around in silence. I decide to break the silence by saying, "beautiful weather we're having." "That was dumb"

"Yeah, it is beautiful." She says back.

"I saw you talking with Zoey and Aphmau, what was it about?" I ask out of curiosity. She suddenly starts to blush.

"I-it's nothing! R-really!" She answers.

We sit down. I continue by deciding to tease her a bit to make her blush a bit more, "if it's nothing, then why are you blushing?" I tease. I take off my helmet. She sees me smirk. I hear her mumble something and sigh. The wind blows through her ___(colour of hair) hair. It makes her look more beautiful than she already is.

"Well to be honest, they were teasing me and saying we should...get together..." She say quietly and blushing more then she already was.

"That explains why she was yelling at them." "Well Aphmau and Zoey aren't the only ones that try to get us together. Dale and Brian try too." I say then blush. "But it is true, you are beautiful, your hair, you smile, your personality, everything about you is beautiful." I confess then blush. I see her blushing as well.

"I feel the same." She says back.

"d-do, do you mind if we?" I ask.

"I don't mind." She says. We lean in and our lips touch. We are kissing.

Back to reality

"And that's what happened." I say while I blush under my helmet.

"You actually kissed her?" Brian asked in total surprise.

"Yes. That is true." I say.

A/N: that was Garroth's POV from the kiss. Hope you enjoyed!

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